Welcome to 色情直播. In this section you will find general information for students and families, including news stories and newsletters, key dates and our calendar, policies, parent handbook, uniforms and buses, and much more. School HoursAll students start the day at 9am and finish at 3pm, and have recess... ...
Read MoreWelcome to 色情直播. We are a co-educational, Kindergarten to Year 10 College, conducted by the Salesians of Don Bosco. In Hobart, Tasmania, the College is located on a spacious site in Tolosa Street, Glenorchy, nestled in the foothills of Mount Wellington. As a comprehensive, independent, Catholic school, we are... ...
Read MoreWelcome to 色情直播. We are a co-educational Kindergarten to Year 10 College, conducted by the Salesians of Don Bosco. In Hobart, Tasmania, the College is located on a spacious site in Tolosa Street, Glenorchy, nestled in the foothills of Mount Wellington. A comprehensive, independent, Catholic school, we are... ...
Read More色情直播 has a great community heritage and many past and present students, families, staff and volunteers participate in the life and story of the school. The 色情直播 community includes our Salesian priests and brothers, and our Dominican Sisters who have lived in Glenorchy and taught students at... ...
Read MoreAt 色情直播 we have developed programs that meet the requirements of the Australian Curriculum using the most up-to-date contemporary research.Learning at 色情直播 centres on 'expressive' methods that support student engagement through:Collaborative teamwork Problem-solving Communicating Making connectionsCreating andExpressing themselves in a variety of ways.The College's Teaching and Learning... ...
Read More色情直播 is a vibrant community of students, staff, families, Old Scholars and volunteers. We produce a fortnightly Newsletter during term, featuring a variety of reports and stories from staff and student leaders in areas of administration, learning and curriculum, wellbeing, community and mission. You'll find a selection of... ...
Read MoreTelephone: (03) 6274 6000 (please listen to the available options)Address: 204 Tolosa St Glenorchy Tasmania 7010Postal address: PO Box 256 Glenorchy Tasmania 7010All offices close to the public at 4.00pm daily Enrolment enquiries: (03) 6274 6010 For individual staff details please see staff profiles or our complete teaching staff listing.... ...
Read MoreMr Stephen Casni is the second lay Principal of 色情直播 since the school was established by the Salesians of Don Bosco in 1946. In 2002, Steve began his teaching career at St John Bosco College, Engadine, NSW, a Salesian school, as a teacher of History, English, Geography, Pastoral Care,... ...
Read MoreThe origins and history of 色情直播 In 1946 the Salesians of Don Bosco were invited by Tasmania's then Archbishop Tweedy to come to Glenorchy to take over "Boys Town" an orphanage established by the Archdiocese, on a property purchased in May 1945. From November 1946, under the care of... ...
Read More色情直播 educates students from Kindergarten to Year 10 on the one site at 204 Tolosa Street in Glenorchy. The picturesque property, surrounded by the foothills of Mount Wellington, spans over 28 hectares backing onto the Tolosa Park Reserve. The College features extensive modern learning facilities, with many recent... ...
Read MoreWhen you choose a Catholic, co-educational, Kindergarten to Year 10 education at 色情直播, you will benefit from the strengths of our faith, our experience and our resources. Kindergarten to Year 10 College all together on one site Dominic students have a consistent learning environment and community right through... ...
Read MoreEnrolment applications can be submitted all year round for any year level and year of entry. It is never too early to apply for enrolment. ...
Read MoreThe College provides a series of key orientation and transition events to assist in the smooth transfer into the 色情直播 community for new students. Information on these events below Important Transition Events for Enrolments 2025 K-10 Morning Tea Tours 27 August 2024 K-10 Morning Tea Tours 5 November 2024... ...
Read MoreBPointYou can make secure payments using Mastercard or Visa to pay for: School Fees Canberra Trip Japan Trip Northern Territory Trip Br Peter Dezani Scholarship Fund Laptop Repairs Leavers Dinner Leavers TopsLeavers Laptop Purchase Enrolment Application Fee Enrolment Acceptance Fee EventsSponsorshipBefore and After School Care Make a Secure Payment For... ...
Read MoreThe 2025 Parent Handbook may help answer questions as they arise during the school year and is a handy reference point for questions that are most commonly asked. Parent Handbook 2025 ...
Read MoreFaithful to the tradition of St John Bosco, the Salesian school community is constantly challenged to re-interpret and re-enliven his educational vision in every generation and circumstance, according to the requirements of the contemporary situation and the needs of young people. We are proud of the up-to-date policies we put... ...
Read MoreThe following documents are important reading when enrolling at 色情直播: 2025 General Terms and Conditions 2025 Fee Schedule 2025 Payment Arrangement What your College fees provide In comparison to the fee structure of most schools, 色情直播 tuition fees are as inclusive as possible. We do not charge... ...
Read MorePlease see the College event calendar for term time event details. Term Dates 2025 ...
Read MoreInformation is sent home in a variety of ways, in a student's diary, a parental mail-out, via a student's class or pastoral teacher, or from the office, or through the new Parent Paperwork program. Please notify the Business Office if you are a Dominic parent/carer who has for some... ...
Read MoreThe 色情直播 Uniform Since 1973, 色情直播 has valued its school uniform, serving as a means of common ground for students that unites them into a single entity. Despite some changes, the purpose of the 色情直播 uniform has always been to enable students to develop a sense... ...
Read MoreThe College partners with Custom Catering for the provision of our canteen services. Custom Catering is an experienced Tasmanian owned business based in Hobart and they currently operate a number of school canteens. Custom Catering offer an extensive menu with many healthy options including sushi, fresh fruit salad, salad rolls,... ...
Read MoreTransport at the College is continually revised to maintain efficiency and safety. The College is served by both Metro Services and some private services. Metro Services run to and from the City via Lenah Valley, Main Road, and Argyle Street to Springfield via Augusta Road and to and from the... ...
Read MoreDominic Early Learning CentreIn 2009 色情直播 and Discovery Early Learning Centres joined together in partnership to offer a Long Day Care and Outside School Hours Care to children aged between 0 and 12 years old.Located on the 色情直播 school grounds on Tolosa Street, Dominic Early Learning Centre is... ...
Read MoreOur Kindergarten cares for each student and their family. Your child will experience a safe, stimulating environment with the opportunity to discover new friends, develop an understanding of 'school life' and experience real life learning. Learning environmentOur Kindergarten classrooms offer a variety of settings and experiences with learning centres, free... ...
Read MoreThe Prep 鈥 Year 6 curriculum develops a solid foundation in the Key Learning Areas of Religious Education, English, Maths, History, Science, Geography, The Arts, Health and Physical Education, Japanese, Technologies and Food Studies. We believe that through combining core curricular subjects with broader specialist education opportunities, balance is... ...
Read MoreOur Year 7鈥10 curriculum is structured to engage students in authentic learning to develop logical and creative thinking and to prepare learners for an ever-changing world. Our students are encouraged to be inquiring and reflective thinkers, effective communicators, responsible citizens and self-directed and ethical people. Year 7-10 students have... ...
Read More色情直播, as an inclusive College, provides an individual learning program which is committed to supporting the needs of our students. Our students have diverse and differing abilities that impel us as educators to seek the best ways to achieve equity and excellence.Students who require differentiated education in order to... ...
Read MoreLearning and Wellbeing is at the heart of daily life at 色情直播. Our aim is to create and maintain a happy and harmonious atmosphere in which there is sensitivity to the needs of young people and encouragement to study and strive for the highest standard of academic achievement.... ...
Read More色情直播 has a strong focus on leadership formation and development. Peer leadership Our founder Don Bosco placed a great emphasis on the leadership of his older students to the younger students. He believed that young people especially, had huge capacity to positively influence those younger than them. We believe... ...
Read More色情直播 believes that information technology is a key area of learning in the 21st century. Students from Year 5 鈥 10 are each provided with their own laptop for learning. Students from Kindergarten 鈥 Year 4 utilise banks of laptops, iPads, touch screens and interactive white boards. Access to... ...
Read MoreThe Co-Curricular Program at 色情直播 provides students with enriching opportunities to be involved in the life of the School outside the formal academic teaching program. All students are encouraged to join in with co-curricular activities, to help discover and develop their gifts and talents beyond the classroom. Students who... ...
Read MoreThe Dominic Old Scholars Association represents past pupils of Boys' Town (1945-1956), Savio College (1956-1972), Savio Primary, St John's Primary, Holy Name Secondary School (1962-1972) and 色情直播 (1973-Present). The Dominic Old Scholars Association (DOSA) Committee actively encourages the continued involvement of all Old Scholars in the wider community... ...
Read MoreIn 2009 色情直播 and Discovery Early Learning Centres joined together in partnership to offer a Long Day Care and Outside School Hours Care to children aged between 0 and 12 years old.Located on the 色情直播 school grounds on Tolosa Street, Dominic Early Learning Centre is a state of... ...
Read MoreGuilford Young College is the only senior secondary Catholic College in Hobart, and the partner senior secondary campus for 色情直播 students since 1995. Each year GYC provides no obligation course advice to all Year 10 students enrolled at 色情直播. Senior Secondary Specialists The College has impressive facilities... ...
Read MoreThe Chapel has a prominent position within the College environment and in the life of the 色情直播 community. It was built in 2006, designed by Dominic Old Scholar Elvio Brianese and has won at least eight awards for its unique design and architectural innovations. All Dominic students attend regular... ...
Read MoreBr Peter Angelo Dezani SDB was born 2 April 1925 in Camerano, Italy, made his first profession 16 August 1944 and his final profession 16 August 1948. He landed in Australia in 1949 and worked at Sunbury, Brooklyn Park and Brunswick before arriving at Glenorchy in 1966. Br Peter... ...
Read MoreThank you to our sponsorsOur local business community often provides our students with sources of role modelling of how to contribute positively to society both commercially and through good citizenship. ...
Read MoreWe have an active Parents & Friends Community at 色情直播, providing an important avenue for interaction and communication through social events and regular meetings. The P&F provides significant assistance to the College through fundraising, working bees and forums on issues of interest to parents. The major fundraiser which the... ...
Read MoreThe 色情直播 Hall of Achievement was established in 2003, with induction ceremonies held in 2003, 2005, 2009, and since 2017, annually. The Hall of Achievement ceremony is now aligned with the College's Year 6-10 Annual Awards Ceremony which takes place in November each year.The Hall of Achievement aims... ...
Read More色情直播 welcomes and encourages our families to support the College by volunteering their time helping with the many curricular and co-curricular activities and programs within the 色情直播 community and we are very grateful to those currently support the college in this way.There are plenty of opportunities for parents... ...
Read MoreThe 色情直播 community comes together for a variety of important events throughout the year. We'll include notable events for 2023 soon, once the calendar is finalised.EventsOpening College MassIn the Savio Centre at 色情直播Music & Dance ShowcaseOur annual music and dance extravaganza gives our larger groups the space... ...
Read MoreIn Term 3 2014 the Principal and the Creative Arts Faculty conducted the Creative Arts scholarships auditions for Year 7 2015. Successful students were informed in Term 4 and we look forward to welcoming new students soon.'There are some wonderfully talented students coming into Year 7 in 2015鈥 said College... ...
Read MoreThe College offers: An outstanding student body: happy, focused on learning, excellent behaviour; An extensive staff induction program; Diverse professional learning opportunities (state and interstate); A wonderful highly collegial and supportive staff community; Personalised technology; On-site child care services available at Dominic Early Learning Centre operated by Discovery Early... ...
Read MoreArchbishop's Charter In 2021 Archbishop Julian Porteous, after wide consultation within Catholic Education, promulgated a new 鈥楢rchbishop鈥檚 Charter for Catholic Schools鈥. This follows the original Charter prepared under the direction of Archbishop Adrian Doyle in 2008. The Charter gives guidance to all involved in Catholic Education in the Archdiocese of... ...
Read MoreAll schools must make publicly available an annual report that includes information on a set of indicators about the school, aimed at parents and the community. The latest Annual Report can be accessed here: Annual Report 2023 Annual Reports from previous years can be accessed also: Annual Report 2022 Annual... ...
Read MoreVeritas is a yearly magazine published by the College which focuses on the news and achievements of Dominic Old Scholars, the history of the school and celebrations involving the Old Scholar community. Download the latest issue here: VERITAS 2024 From 2023 the magazine is delivered electronically, in line with the... ...
Read MoreSchool reunions are a fantastic way to catch up with your old classmates and teachers to find out what your school colleagues have been doing since graduation. 色情直播 actively supports the organisation of school reunions and encourages anyone planning a reunion to contact our Old Scholar Coordinator. The... ...
Read MoreTo update your details with the College please fill out the form below. ...
Read MoreWe're getting ready for a bright 2015 during the holidays. The website calendar has been updated with most of the key dates for this year - see Web Calendar. And the printed calendars will be ready for families on the first day back. ...
Read MoreLast week new staff enjoyed a three-day induction to the College, learning about the history and culture of the College, the Salesian educational methods and the way 色情直播 has changed and grown into a modern, Catholic co-educational Kindergarten to Year 10 school.All staff returned to school today, Monday 2... ...
Read MoreYear 7-10 had their first assembly for 2015 on Thursday, in the Savio Centre. Principal, Ms Gilligan, welcomed everyone, especially new students and staff, who were asked to stand and were warmly applauded. College leaders and new 7-10 Pastoral Care Coordinator, Mr Davey, told everyone how much they were... ...
Read MoreThe first newsletter of the year, for this initial week is available for viewing or downloading.Go to Newsletters and select the latest issue.You'll see welcomes from staff, notes on current events, some explanations from key Coordinators and many photos of students on their return to school.Each week there are a... ...
Read MoreApplications for Enrolment Applicants for all year levels must complete the 色情直播 Enrolment Application Form and submit it along with the relevant supporting documentation (listed on the Enrolment Application Form) and a $50.00 enrolment application fee to the Business Office. Enrol Online Enrolment Application Form (Printable PDF) ->... ...
Read MoreThis week we hosted three parent info evenings related to a variety of aspects of the school.Firstly on Tuesday evening, in the Savio wing was the Year 7 Laptop Information and Collection evening for Year 7 students and parents. Here's the letter sent home: Year 7 laptop letter and there... ...
Read MoreInternational Women's Day breakfast at 色情直播 with special guest speaker, Katrina Gregg International Women's Day is celebrated 8 March all around the world and is an opportunity to commemorate the achievements of girls and women locally and globally. At 色情直播, we mark this day on Friday 6... ...
Read MorePOLICE CHECKS / WORKING WITH CHILDREN CHECKS 鈥 2015This year there will be a re-structure of the processing of Police Checks for Volunteers at 色情直播, and at all schools.More information will be on the College website and in future newsletters to assist families / volunteers to prepare for the... ...
Read MoreTuesday was Shrove Tuesday, and that means pancakes!Shrove Tuesday is a feast with ancient roots. The term shrove comes from the English word shrive 鈥 to confess one's sins.Pancakes are traditionally eaten on this day as something delicious before the season of Lent. On Tuesday, pancakes were sold, with jam... ...
Read MoreAsh Wednesday is the first of 40 days of Lent, mirroring the 40 days Jesus spent in the desert. It is a time of prayer, sacrifice and good works. This year our Opening College Mass and Ash Wednesday coincided.K-6 teachers and all 7-10 pastoral teachers received an 'ashing' and an... ...
Read More色情直播 is owned and administered by the Salesians of Don Bosco, an Order of priests and brothers dedicated to the education of young people.The Salesians are a Catholic Religious Order (the third largest in the world) who operate in over 126 countries. The Salesians are involved in education, welfare,... ...
Read MoreThe Dominicans were founded by St Dominic Guzman in 1206. His Order of Preachers fought error with truth and founded and inspired many of the great European universities.The first Dominican nuns, although leading a contemplative life, accepted converts and the daughters of noble families into their monasteries and educated them.... ...
Read MoreSee below for links to a number of Yearbooks we have for viewing or downloading. We hope to gradually have all our Yearbooks available here, as well as a range of other publications. Please note: these files may be very large and may take some time to view or... ...
Read MoreWhat a great day at the swimming carnival on Monday 23 February. All students competed in a determined and fun fashion, and great sportsmanship was exhibited by all.Thank you especially to the parents and the helpers who came to the pool, and to the students who contributed in and out... ...
Read MoreYou can now buy tickets to the public performances of In their own words.In their own words is a multimedia, interdisciplinary student-created performance project for the ANZAC centenary which will be performed at 色情直播 in The Oratory Space on 23, 24 and 25 April 2015.The ticket booking website has... ...
Read MoreYear 9 students completed the first part of their Empower program for the year with The Calling, an overnight camp at 色情直播 and a pre-dawn rite of passage ritual at Cornelian Bay (for the girls) and on the summit of Mt Wellington (for the boys).Students (and staff) then walked... ...
Read MoreThis morning a record crowd of over 180 celebrated International Women's Day at the 色情直播 Savio Centre, including current mothers, carers and daughters, old scholars, special community guests and College supporters. A splendid and healthy breakfast was enjoyed, and we listened to a variety of contributors, including College Captain... ...
Read MoreEight international Antarctic scientists, including biologists, ecologists, vulcanologists and glaciologists entranced 色情直播 Year 4 students during the first of five Young Antarctic Scientist program visits.Students saw and touched extracted core sample ice formed in Antarctica 200 years ago. The scientists spoke about Antarctica and their work there and conducted... ...
Read MoreOn Wednesday 45 students from Years 7-10 joined students and schools from all over southern Tasmania at the Hobart Aquatic Centre to compete and assist with the organisation and running of the Southern SATIS swimming carnival.色情直播 7-10 Sports Coordinator, Nicole Millikan said the studnets had some impressive results from... ...
Read More色情直播 entertained 60 old scholars and leaders from ten independent schools at a colourful evening in its new student hub on Friday 13 March.Each year the Combined Southern Tasmanian Independent Schools Old scholars Associations Committee organises one of its member schools to host a "College Colours" cocktail evening. These... ...
Read MoreLast Friday the College celebrated both the National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence as well as Harmony Day in a variety of ways, in the classrooms and in the assemblies, but a colourful and vibrant celebration occurred at lunchtime on the 7-10 middle lawn.Not only did Ms Cazaly's... ...
Read MoreHave you asked them how it was yet?There are plenty of photos on our website gallery: Year 5 Camp. Have a look ...
Read MoreKindergarten and Year 3 classes produced some beautiful lanterns last week, especially for the Rotary Clubs Lantern Festival, held at Montrose Bay Foreshore Park on the evening of Saturday 28 March.The lanterns were stunning, especially as night fell - and both entries were awarded the major prizes of the night.Thank... ...
Read MoreOver 100 students and staff participated in the cancer Council's 'Relay for Life' at the Domain on Saturday and overnight to Sunday morning.This impressive level of support underlined the way the 色情直播 community pulls together to support each other and the wider community.You can see photos on our Gallery... ...
Read MoreOver 350 young people, some parents and teachers from Samoa, New Zealand and different parts of Australia gathered at Salesian College in Sunbury Victoria last weekend to celebrate the annual gathering of the Salesian youth, the OzBosco.This year being the bicentenary of the birth of St John Bosco, the focus... ...
Read MoreNot the Grammy the Grammar... See the winning Year 6 entry here: The Grammar Song And you can read about it in our newsletter dated 2 April ...
Read MoreStudents are in their last few days of rehearsals, costumes are being prepared, music and video is being polished, and the stage is set! In Their own Words opens Thursday!So many people have helped make this show a unique and original project.Students from all over the College have contributed with... ...
Read MoreWell done, students, staff and families! On Saturday for ANZAC Day we have students and staff participating in multiple parades and events to mark the centenary.All our Year 10 Leaders are involved along with 118 of our students will be participating in seven regional parades and services. All students will... ...
Read MoreStudents have been in their last few days of rehearsals, costumes prepared, music and video polished, and the stage is set! What a week! And we opened last night!So many people have helped make this show a unique and original project.Students from all over the College have contributed with historical... ...
Read MoreOur ANZAC Day assembly had it all!Historian Mr Reg Watson and Principal Ms Gilligan reflected on the history and importance of the rituals which recognise and recall the suffering and the service of military forces and their families.Young students and 'In Their Own Words' cast entertained with excellent and enthusiastic... ...
Read MoreSchool reunions are a fantastic way to catch up with your old classmates and teachers to find out what your school colleagues have been doing since graduation. 色情直播 actively supports the organisation of school reunions and encourages anyone planning a reunion to contact our Old Scholar Coordinator.The College helps... ...
Read More色情直播's ANZAC Project, In Their Own Words, concluded last night with its sixth sold-out show.Many people have helped make this show a unique and original project. Students from all over the College have contributed with historical research; families have shared objects, diaries, letters and their own words; The Army... ...
Read MoreThe MJR program in Year 6 is about Christian values and is related to the Gospels.Making Jesus Real is about looking at our attitudes and taking stock of how we behave, treat each other and care for each other. It's about appreciating how fortunate we are compared to others, about... ...
Read MoreStudents led much of the 7-10 assembly held in the Savio Centre on Monday 4 May.Students updated the assembly on the highlights of the past month including the College's support for Relay for Life, the fantastic 7-10 Athletics Carnival, the unique experiences of students at OzBosco and the recent successful... ...
Read MoreOur Equestrian Team for the 2015 Schools One Day Event gathered at Seven Mile Beach early on Sunday 3 May for the dressage phase of the competition.Shari Smith (riding Archie), Jasmine Rayner (riding Will), Jasmine Taylor (riding Pumpkin) and Emily McSherry (riding Remy) all completed the dressage test with wonderful... ...
Read MoreFr Frank Bertagnolli SDB, 色情直播 Rector, has often written of Mamma Margaret. He recently wrote:Students at Dominic are reminded every day of a great example of a mother 鈥 the mother of Don Bosco, known as "MAMMA MARGARET". The kitchen in the Savio Centre bears her name. I hope... ...
Read MoreYear 6 Say It LoudIt's an exciting time for Year 5 and 6 Drama in Term 2.A sequential programme is being implemented to develop skills and experience in one of the most challenging and rewarding areas of the course: process drama.The main focus is upon establishing techniques and skills in... ...
Read MoreWorking with children registration for volunteers 色情直播 is very grateful to those who generously support the College by volunteering their time with the many activities and programs within the 色情直播 community. Under Tasmanian State Government legislation, all parents and volunteers currently working or wanting to work in a... ...
Read MoreThis term we have started The 色情直播 Friends Club.This is a wonderful initiative introduced by Ms Jane Kilpatrick, our educational psychologist, where 12 lucky students are selected by their teachers to attend the lunchtime activity each week.Run by Year 6 volunteers, our Friends' Club is an opportunity for... ...
Read MoreThe 色情直播 Parents & Friends have organised a disco for K-6 students to be held Friday 22 May 2015. A letter was sent home to parents on Wednesday via the students.There will be two time slots:Kinder to Year 2, start at 5pm till 6pmYears 3鈥6, start at 6.15pm till... ...
Read MoreOver 300 students, families and staff participated in the Don Bosco Bicentenary Family Feast Day on Sunday 17 May.Mass in the Savio Centre commemorated the life of St John Bosco, founder of the Salesians of Don Bosco and one of the patron saints of 色情直播.The community enjoyed sausages and... ...
Read MoreThis term, Year 4 is studying chemical science, with a particular focus on natural and processed materials and the nature of their physical properties.Recently both Year 4 classes had a great time with Dr John O'Reilly, a class parent and professional scientist. Dr John designed an experiment based on the... ...
Read MoreLast weekend Soma Kondo and Dylan Eady joined 46 other Year 10 Tasmanian students to participate in the annual Model United Nations Assembly (MUNA) at Deloraine. Soma and Dylan represented Russia and looked every bit of the role.MUNA is organised and sponsored by Rotary clubs and pits teams of students... ...
Read MoreMrs Anna Cazaly and I are currently taking part in the Asia Education Foundation Bridge program which brings together teachers from a number of schools globally to connect.Anna and I are part of the Indonesian鈥揂ustralia Partnership which is the largest component of the program. Along with 38 others we met... ...
Read MoreThe K-6 Disco was held last Friday 22 May. The venue was the Anzac Buffet Room and it was perfect. The disco lights lit up the dance floor and the professional DJ played some awesome music that even had the teachers and staff up dancing. (One particular teacher was seen... ...
Read MoreEarly Years Maths Workshop Over 50 families attended the Early Years Maths Workshop on Wednesday night.What a great response! The workshop was divided into two parts with the focus of each being Maths in our everyday lives, addition and subtraction and multiplication and division. Each part of the workshop focused... ...
Read MoreOur Year 7-10 House cross-country was a great afternoon of fun and athleticism on Friday 29 May 2015. The challenging diversity of the course confirmed 色情直播's excellent environment for all sports and play. Congratulations to Bosco House for another great win, and to all students, staff and volunteers for... ...
Read MoreThis week students in Prep-Year 10 attended our College assembly in the Savio Centre. Our Kinders are still learning about gatherings and will be ready for a taste of the larger community assemblies later in the year.The assembly was a wonderful opportunity for us to be together in community and... ...
Read MoreWhere is Carmen Miranda when you need her?色情直播 Kinder to Year 6 resembled a fruit market on Wednesday morning. Students arrived laden with various types of fruit. All students, teachers, parents and grandparent helpers were busy slicing, eating and sharing fruit salad as part of the Eat Well, Move... ...
Read MoreEveryone had an enjoyable day on our oval in the Years 3-6 cross country races on Wednesday.Congratulations to Siena who claimed the Years 3-6 trophy in the Cross Country carnival on Wednesday. Siena captains Zac Holdsworth and Matilda McGovern shown here with Ms Gilligan and Mr Golding, were delighted to... ...
Read MoreOn Thursday and Friday last week, Mr Pritchard and I attended the Positive Schools Conference in Melbourne. Positive Schools is a Mental Health and Wellbeing Conference attended by educators from around Australia and overseas. Many highly-regarded presenters took sessions and lectures on a number of key issues effecting students.... ...
Read MoreAs part of Year 4 Science Studies the classes have been working with the Young Antarctic Scientist Program. This program consists of five scientists from around the world, who have just returned from Antarctica. The team will visit the College five times this year. On Wednesday the team came to... ...
Read MoreOn Wednesday night last week, students in our Magone Program did a great job in presenting an interesting showcase of their learning to a very appreciative audience of family, friends and members of the College staff at the Magone Centre.The Magone Program is a goal oriented program designed to re-engage... ...
Read MoreAs part of the lead in activities to competing in MyState each year, the Media class worked on a number of short film projects. Our first this year was our very successful 5-second film pieces. Yes, that's right, a whole film in 5 seconds, complete with character, action and... ...
Read MoreDear Friends "Remember that education is a matter of the heart" 鈥 is an often-quoted statement by Don Bosco. As all parents and educators know, this is the greatest challenge of all. To think, feel and act from the heart (out of love and genuine interest of the child),... ...
Read MoreIn recent years there has been research reported about the advantages of learning to play music for cognitive development in the young.This week in The Age, Anita Collins, a researcher in neuroscience and music education at the University of Canberra made a number of points about the contribution music education... ...
Read MoreThe first day of Term 3, Monday 20 July, will be devoted to individual goal-setting appointments for all students in Year 3 to Year 10.Because we believe this process is important, the day will be a student-free day for K-10 students. K-2 teachers will also work with Year 3-10 students,... ...
Read MoreThe Tasmanian Debating Union's Southern Schools' competition came to a close last week with the final Year 8 debate at The Hutchins School. It has been a fantastic experience for all fifteen students involved this year and we are all excited to return in even greater numbers next year.... ...
Read MoreYesterday at the Year 7-10 assembly, we recognised a number of achievements by our students. In particular, four students who are the recipients of our highly regarded Diamond Award were recognised.Students who receive the Diamond Award have achieved a perfect score of a grade point average of 5/5 on each... ...
Read More2012 marked the 60th anniversary of the arrival at Boys' Town of 39 British Child Migrants.On Friday 12 and Saturday 13 October, the College commemorated the occasion of this very important anniversary. Boys' Town was just an orphanage at the time and with the arrival of these Child Migrants, we... ...
Read MoreOld Scholar Jason Rice reported on his recent 25 year reunion:The 色情直播 Class of 1987 recently celebrated 25 years since leaving Grade 10. The reunion was held at the Polish Club in Lenah Valley and 50 Old Scholars attended, many of whom had not seen each other since school... ...
Read MoreA lively group of Old Scholars gathered at the College on Saturday 20 October for their 10-year reunion 鈥 the first time the Class of 2002 had reconnected.The College has certainly undergone a lot of changes since these students departed in 2002, with the refurbishment of many classrooms, the establishment... ...
Read MoreOld Scholar Tony Webb, reported on the recent reunion:Well, it was going to be great 鈥 some time together with ex-students from way back! Yes, around 50 years ago! That is so long ago!I took on the role of chasing names down from a completely blank 1962 list 鈥 no... ...
Read MoreOn Saturday 25 August, a reunion for the Savio College and Holy Name classes of 1972 was held at 色情直播 in Grantleigh.This was the 40 year reunion for the Year 10 students and everyone who attended the event had a fantastic time catching up with old school friends and... ...
Read MoreA small but enthusiastic group from the Year 10 Class of 1982 celebrated their 30th anniversary reunion Saturday 19 May 2012.Matt Curtain, who recently gained his pilot's license, flew in from Melbourne, and Damian Rutledge escaped Canberra's political intrigue for the weekend.Maria Gerathy wagged it, not for the first time,... ...
Read MoreOn July 16, the Savio College boys and Holy Name girls from the Class of 1971 gathered at 色情直播 for their first combined reunion. It was quite a milestone considering during their schooling years, the students never combined for classes let alone social events.There was a lot of news... ...
Read MoreA number of Old Scholars from the Class of 1985 held a reunion at the Queens Head, North Hobart in February 2011. Two Old Scholars flew to Hobart for the event, Tarasa Power (Midgely) from Victoria and Peta Guy from South Australia, with Marguerite Smith (Laughlin) travelling from Launceston to... ...
Read MoreThe following Book List contains stationery requirements each student should have in order to participate in their specific year level and specific subjects. The College offers families a convenient Online Ordering System through Office National. It has a safe and secure online payment system which is open 24/7 and... ...
Read MoreThis week our Year 6 students premiered their production of Say it Loud!, featuring two one-act plays, devised, written and performed by themselves. On Monday they performed two shows to full houses and their work was well-received by the Dominic community.Over the course of 16 weeks Year 6 Moulton and... ...
Read MoreThe Wonder of Mud!Wednesday was our celebration of International Mud Day.We may well ask why celebrate such a day? The philosophy behind the day is that the development of a child has always been correlated with Mother Nature and as an individual we have to make them acquainted with nature.... ...
Read MoreThis week we have observed the celebration of NAIDOC Week which begins on Sunday 5 July.At Dominic we have acknowledged this with a Year 3-10 gathering ceremony to celebrate the history, spirituality, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Our K-2 students have undertaken curriculum based work... ...
Read MoreThe 7-10 House TheatreSports afternoon was an organised riot on the last day of Term 2. 7/8 students competed in the Little Theatre under the management of Ms Brownrigg, and 9/10 students in The Oratory Space under the chairmanship of Mr O'Brien. House teams competed in creative tasks of varied... ...
Read MoreYear 10 2004 met on Saturday 2 August for their first reunion. Plenty of the group have stayed in touch, and Laura Curtain did a champion job organising them all, and planning for a big Saturday night on the town.Most participants were surprised at the developments at the school, commenting... ...
Read MoreThe Year 10 Class of 1994 returned for their 20-year reunion on Saturday 16 August.Nicole McKay (nee Glover) helped organise both the afternoon gathering and tour of the College as well as the after-party at Soho, where the group were much less well-behaved than at chool in the afternoon.Thanks Nicole... ...
Read MoreJarrod Gibson rustled up some of his mates from the Class of 1984 for a Christmas holiday visit on 22 December 2014 to celebrate their 30th anniversary.The group enjoyed a tour of the school led by Principal Beth Gilligan, and were interested in the many updates to the classrooms they... ...
Read MoreThe Year 10 Class of 1978 reunion was held Saturday 11 October, upstairs in Grantleigh, and 20 old scholars had an enjoyable catch-up, nibbles, photo and old newsletter sharing, and a tour of the school to see how it has been transformed. The group plus others then descended upon Cooley's... ...
Read MoreThank you to everyone who participated in the celebration of Christmas on Christmas Eve at 色情直播.Old scholars, supporters and families enjoyed a spirited session of carols led by the St John's Parish choir, and a "midnight" Christmas Eve Mass followed by supper in Grantleigh (The White House). Special thanks... ...
Read MoreNineteen ex-students from the Year 10 Class of 1993 returned to Dominic on Saturday 24 August for a reunion. Many of the old scholars had not been back to Tolosa Street for 20 years, as they had their time till Year 9 here, then were at Bowden Street for their... ...
Read MoreThe boys and girls of Year 10 1973 linked up again on Saturday 27 July upstairs at The White House at 色情直播. Joined by current Principal Beth Gilligan, current Rector Fr Frank Bertagnolli and former Deputy Principal Fr Lawrie Moate, along with Old Scholars Chairman Tony Webb, the group... ...
Read MoreDaniella Marino and Kirra-Lee Webb gathered some of their classmates together for ten year anniversary Class of 2013 reunion was held on a bright Saturday 6 April 2013.The group enjoyed discussions with the Principal and Rector in the White House and shared some stories and photos over refreshments. Then it... ...
Read MoreLast Saturday, 22 June, the Year 10 Class of 1983 returned to the College for their 30-year reunion.Some friends had kept in touch - others hadn't met face-to-face for years, and some interesting catch-ups occurred amongst these middle-agers.Kaye was dropped off by her daughter, who, in a turn-up, was on... ...
Read MoreIf it was possible to start from the beginning and totally redesign the current roadways and paths infrastructure at 色情直播 it would look considerably different to the current arrangements. Traffic would be kept to the perimeter of the College to ensure the current mixing of cars, buses and... ...
Read More(IMAGES STILL TO BE ADDED)In October 2012, 色情直播 commemorated 60 years since the arrival at Boys' Town of 39 child migrants. A large school assembly in the new Savio Centre on Friday 12 October witnessed the honouring of nine former child migrant guests with speeches, gifts and formal recognition.... ...
Read MoreFr Denis Allen celebrated his 50 years of priesthood this week.Fr Denis has been closely involved with 色情直播 students and community over many years, and was an old scholar of Boys' Town, attending from 1947 till 1950. The early part of his story was published in Veritas 2014. He... ...
Read MoreThe College received the sad news of the death of David Despard, old scholar (Boys' Town, 1952-1957) one of the former British child migrants.David was born in 1942 and left as a baby by his mother at a convent orphanage, Nazareth House, Swansea, in Wales, where he grew up and... ...
Read MoreThis Saturday 25 July DOSA play Hutchins at the TCA ground in an important game.The match is an important one as three teams, DOSA, Hutchins and Richmond, are all tied in first place in the seniors old scholars competition with 10 wins and 3 losses and only the top two... ...
Read More色情直播 is a rich sporting community offering extensive sports amenities, elective subjects and many co-curricular opportunities. The College enters teams in a variety of rosters catering from Prep 鈥 Year 10. Teams can participate in SATIS, JSSATIS independent or non-school based club rosters. Participation is not compulsory at Dominic... ...
Read MoreOn Saturday 25 July DOSA played Hutchins at the TCA ground in an important game. DOSA, Hutchins and Richmond, were are all tied in first place in the seniors old scholars competition with 10 wins and 3 losses and only the top two sides get a second chance in the... ...
Read MoreAssessing reading to inform teachers and students and to develop reading successThe need for a Year 3-9 Reading ProgramWe know reading is an important lifelong skill required for all of our students. We need to have a standard measure of reading levels for our students across Year 3-9. While reading... ...
Read MoreYear 3 teacher Laura Nelson recently returned from Cambodia where she participated in the Cagliero Immersion Program. Laura reports:On Sunday 28 June 12 young Salesians embarked on the journey of a life time. This amazing group of people ranging from 17 to 52 years old came together from different Salesian... ...
Read MoreBoys鈥 soccer rosters start now. Dominic has three teams entered, including one combined Year 7/8 team, one Year 9 team and one Year 10 team. We urgently need coaches and umpires for both the 7/8 and 9 teams. If anyone is able to assist, please email me ASAP at nmillikan@dominic.tas.edu.au.... ...
Read MoreEntertainment Book sales close soon! Thank you to the families who have already supported the College by purchasing an Entertainment Book. We appreciate your support and we hope you continue to enjoy the discounts and benefits. Digital and Book memberships are still available to purchase at $65.00 each. But sales... ...
Read MoreYear 9/10 Drama are well into preparations for Talking Heads, 2015. First presented in 2012, this performance project aims to give our students practical experience in one of the most demanding forms of dramatic and theatrical performance; the monologue. The choice of material is broad and not restricted to any... ...
Read MoreDeveloped in partnership with Digistorm Education, the 色情直播 app is designed to allow 色情直播 parents, teachers and students to access important information about events and daily activities at the college. The 色情直播 app is updated regularly to ensure that the school community is able to keep their... ...
Read MoreMETRO is planning to make changes to their fare structure from 1 October 2015 including 鈥 making standard daily caps lower鈥 discontinuing Day Tripper and Day Rover all-day tickets鈥 ceasing 90-minute transfers on cash tickets. METRO want as many people as possible to have Green cards. From 2 August and... ...
Read MoreToday (Friday 31 July) was 7-10 Stress Down Day, run by the students partly to raise funds for the Year 10 College gift, and partly to remind everyone to destress sometimes!Research reports 90% of Australians need to stress less - with 74% of people reported being stressed from work. That鈥檚... ...
Read MoreStudents responded positively to the Tasmanian Debating Union鈥檚 Southern Schools鈥 competition and performed with credit. We will now hold a Year 7 and 8 House-based competition this term. Team鈥檚 of four students will debate topics relating to College life, social issues, and popular culture. The competition is open to all... ...
Read MoreThis week will see some of our netball teams progress to finals. Both Mr Hill鈥檚 Year 9 division 1 and Ms Millikan鈥檚 Year 9 division 2 teams will be playing on Tuesday afternoon. Times and venues are yet to be announced. Players should check the SATIS website. The Year 7... ...
Read MoreAlthough snow falls caused some disruptions to transport in Hobart, suburbs and higher elevations, many students and staff managed to get to school, and enjoyed snow, some combined classes and some spontaneous and varied learning!This week's Family Care Program for Years 2, 4 and 6 had to be postponed, and... ...
Read MoreThis week we celebrated the Feast of our Patrons Saints, Dominic Guzman and Catherine of Siena. 色情直播 is proud of its tradition of Christian education based on the values of the Gospel of Jesus, as embodied and lived by its Patrons. On this occasion we highlighted the centuries old... ...
Read MoreBoth our Year 9 netball teams reached their competition grand finals. Congratulations to both teams on an excellent season. Our Year 9 division 1 netball team took on MacKillop College. The Dominic girls put their excellent skills and team work on display right from the first whistle and had a... ...
Read More色情直播 Year 6 students Zachary Holdsworth, Lachlan Rowlands and Tyler Carr recently represented Tasmania at the National Football Carnival held in Geelong.Tasmania played five games in the carnival and achieved some excellent results including a good win over the Northern Territory by 65 points, an excellent win over the... ...
Read MoreSeven Year 10 girls attended the Womensport and Recreation Tasmania Schoolgirls Breakfast at Blundstone Arena to celebrate the contributions of women in sport, while discussing issues and challenges faced in everyday life and sharing stories, experiences and achievements. Eloise Southby, netball commentator, former Diamond and Melbourne Phoenix player, was MC.... ...
Read MoreOn Tuesday 28 July, a new lunchtime music program was launched for students in Years 3 and 4, where they have the opportunity to try something new and learn to play an instrument, all while having fun with music.The Dominic Ukulele Cool Kids (DUCK) Club is led by a team... ...
Read MoreThank you to the players, families, coaches and supporters. More cheering and supporters are always welcome on the sidelines.Monday7 maroon v 7 gold netball 4:15 @DC8 div 1 netball - 5pm @ DC8 div 2 black netball- 4:15 @ Friends8 div 2 gold netball - 4:15 @ Fahan1sts netball -... ...
Read MoreMr Swan has garnered a very enthusiastic group of chess players during lunchtimes. The Savio classrooms have been the site of much energetic strategising and passionate attempts by students to outwit each other, and dedicated observers and supporters have enjoyed the games.With lunchtime chess a popular fixture, the players decided... ...
Read MoreOur 9/10 boys Maroon team qualified for the grand final against St Virgil鈥檚 College. The match was played in the Savio Centre last Tuesday and the DC boys were excited to wear our new representative uniforms for the first time.The first half was extremely close, but the Dominic boys surged... ...
Read MoreAt St John's Church, Glenorchy, on Sunday 16 August we celebrated with twice the conviction: Catholic Education Week and the 200th anniversary of the birth of St John Bosco.Students from 色情直播 participated in Mass leading the procession of schools, featuring in prayers and with wonderful singing from a special... ...
Read MoreThis annual feature of contemporary and classic monologues is presented in the Oratory Space Tuesday 18 August, Wednesday 19 August and 20 Thursday at 7pm. Tickets are free, but you must book here: http://www.trybooking.com/IOPD, as seating is strictly limited. Our new performance space is the perfect venue for this production... ...
Read MoreYear 2 students are completing a History unit called The Past in the Present. After looking at our school history last term, Year 2 have focussed on technology and how things have changed over time. Students have brought in items from home belonging to parents, grandparents and even great grandparents.... ...
Read MoreStudents in Years 7, 8 and 9, together with their parents/guardians were able to attend the Academic Pathway evening on Tuesday 25 August, to find out more about the importance of choosing their electives for next year.The evening began with a brief introduction and an information session about choosing electives... ...
Read MoreCongratulations to the senior drama performers who enthralled and excited with contemporary monologues in Talking Heads 2015 in The Oratory Space.Book your complimentary tickets here for Wednesday and Thursday evenings. ...
Read MoreOn Friday, Year 10 students enjoyed a special learning experience focussed on Social Justice. Students explored the reasons why all Christians are called to work for justice in the world. The Year 10s examined a particular issue, Child Labour, as a way of gaining a deeper understanding of Universal Human... ...
Read MoreThe 5/6 Maths Relay teams did a great job on Sunday at Rosny College. One of our teams finished in 2nd place - congratulations! They passed on one question and finished with 8 minutes to go. The team was Max Brideson, Harry Breslin, Oscar Breslin and Kelsea Cano-Calderon, all from... ...
Read MoreCongratulations to Dominic students and their families who have made the wonderful, life-giving commitment in their lives: Ashley Cruse, Taylor Cruse, Ella Freeman, Joseph Gillie, Oliver Nicolle, Hamish Wareing, Kate Young, Kirrawyn McNamara, and Benjamin Matthew.These students have been attending classes and learning many aspects of the Catholic faith at... ...
Read MoreStudents from Kindergarten to Year 6, plus some very enthusiastic staff, dressed up as their favourite characters in an outstanding Book Week Parade for 2015.You can see more photos on our website gallery here: Book Week Parade.Congratulations to Siena House, who were awarded the Cup for their costumes. In many... ...
Read MoreOur Prep-Year 10 assembly today was full of interest and entertainment. There was poetry, history and geography, as well as singing, badge-blessing, gift-giving and a few laughs, too.Two very special guests were highlighted. Fr Denis Allen, old scholar of Boys' Town (1947-1950), one of our tangible links with the pioneer... ...
Read MoreBadges are great symbols of identity and values. In 2013, on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the foundation of 色情直播 by the Dominican Sisters of Eastern Australia and the Salesians of Don Bosco, we designed and developed a special badge to mark this occasion. Our students continue... ...
Read MoreFootball stars, Rani Cavarretta (shown above) and Ben Hamlett recently undertook a series of visits to 色情直播 to promote AIA Vitality MiniRoos football, a smaller version of the game that is designed for students aged between 5 and 12 who are learning the game.鈥楾he students had a blast!鈥 said... ...
Read MoreThe effect of exercise on the body is well documented, but something often forgotten is the social, mental and even spiritual enrichment that can be found through organised sport.色情直播 is renowned for its strong sports teams. This year, 色情直播 continues to be a dominant force within Southern Tasmanian... ...
Read More色情直播's leadership in producing badges to commemorate the bicentenary of the birth of Don Bosco for Salesian schools was much appreciated, especially by those in Samoa. Fr Chris Ford SDB writes to us:The Don Bosco Technical Centre had its celebration for the 200th anniversary of the Birth of St... ...
Read MoreOn Tuesday 8 September, 色情直播 Year 9 students were pleased to host our own Year 5s for a fun filled educational experience, providing the students with a taste of what high school will be like. Students were involved in a variety of activities on the day including fitness work... ...
Read MoreThis week our Year 7 students visited the John Elliott Classics Museum at the University of Tasmania as part of their Ancient Societies studies in Humanities. I took Year 7 Siena yesterday and it was a terrific experience for all of us. Whilst the museum is relatively small 鈥 it... ...
Read MoreAt the beginning of this week I was looking over the various events that will involve many students during the few weeks left in this school term.I noticed that during the last week of term, three groups of students will be travelling to various destinations: Japan, Northern Territory and Canberra.... ...
Read MoreOne of the domains of the National School Improvement Tool is School and Community Partnerships. These partnerships are vital for enriching learning and providing authentic learning experiences for our students. The Year 10 VET Certificate I AgriFood Operations students went out week to do a one week work placement at... ...
Read MoreIn the second last week of Term 3, we held a Year 7-10 assembly which focused on academic improvement and success.Mr Fulton thanked students for their participation in Year 7/8 House Debating and announced the winning Houses: Savio House in the Year 7 competition, and Siena House in the Year... ...
Read MoreOver 500 students enjoyed the annual 色情直播 Year 3/4 Sports Day on Friday 11 September 2015, playing netball, football, soccer and tee ball. Students in Years 3 and 4 from Catholic primary schools participated, including Holy Rosary School, St Therese's, St Brigid's, St Paul's, and St John's as well... ...
Read More色情直播 celebrated our very first Grandparents Day with hundreds of grandparents and special carers on Wednesday 16 September. Grandparents shared in classroom activities with students, and were quickly put to work by their young family, colouring in, finding words, answering quizzes and calculating. Students enjoyed sharing their grandparents with... ...
Read MoreThe Southern SATIS athletics carnival will be held Tuesday 22 September at the Domain Athletics Centre. SSATIS has issued a draft timetable for the events. Families, staff and competitors may like to download or view it here: SSATIS Athletics timetable.Students will need to arrive at school by 8.35am ready to... ...
Read MoreBoth grand finals of the Old Scholars Football Association ended in anguish, as DOSA reserves and seniors fell well short in their double premierships campaign. Despite an undefeated season, the DOSA reserves were beaten by University. DOSA was strong in the first half but in the third and final quarters... ...
Read MoreEven more new building development begins very soon as College facilities progressive upgrading accelerates. In 2014, 色情直播 was awarded a Federal Government Grant by the Capital Projects Committee to help fund the redevelopment of the Year 7-10 Siena and Bosco toilets, the four Bosco classrooms located in the Boys... ...
Read MoreLast week's 7-10 assembly included a presentation on Fresh Face Friday, a pastoral care initiative launched to help get rid of things which might be holding you back. On Friday, the wall outside S5 (under the Don Bosco mural) held a large poster, on which students and staff were invited... ...
Read MoreOur Japan travellers left Sunday, our NT sojourners leave Monday and our very excited Year 6 depart on Tuesday. When our students and teachers are away from us they keep a blog. You can sign up for these and keep in touch with them, plus send messages to them as... ...
Read MoreAs part of my role as Ambassador to the World Education Games 2015, I went to Sydney for a 2-day briefing with my teacher, Mrs Barbara Moulton, and my Mum. This briefing included Media Training with Media Gurus, a presentation from the Microsoft Education Team, an overview of the UNICEF... ...
Read MoreOn Tuesday 22 September, the 色情直播 Athletics Team participated in the SSATIS Athletics Carnival at the Domain. The day tested even the most durable athletes with sunshine, rain, hail and wind but that did not deter the determination of our athletes. 色情直播 students represented their school with pride... ...
Read MoreOn Thursday last week, during lunch, The 7/8 and 9/10 AFL Teams came together to go through the 2015 Best and Fairest Count. This year was a successful year on the football field. In particular, our Year 9/10 Boys won a majority of their games. The Best and Fairest counts... ...
Read MoreYear 6 enjoyed a great educational experience on their trip to Canberra, where their thirst for knowledge was quenched and their appetites for learning whetted, each day. Highlights included a moving Last Post at the Australian War Memorial with wreath-laying by our K-6 Captains and a wonderful day of hands-on... ...
Read MoreThe Year 10 Class of 1985 enjoyed a reunion at the Glenorchy Rugby Club on Saturday 26 September and, as some of the old scholars were coming from interstate for the party, a small group wanted an intimate tour of the College.Although much has changed, especially the level of comfort... ...
Read MoreThe 色情直播 P&F Community Fair raffle 1st prize is a whopping $1000! Raffle tickets have been distributed to students and the Business Office for sale. Each booklet has 10 tickets at $2 each. Additional booklets are available from school offices. To assist with people requiring more tickets, please return... ...
Read More色情直播 Year 5 twins Harry and Oscar Breslin have topped the State in the recent International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) testing. ICAS testing are independent skills-based assessments and are the most comprehensive generally available suite of academic assessments and school tests for primary and secondary school students.... ...
Read MoreOur Japanese travellers returned safe and well from their cultural immersion. Japan is a beautiful country and students enjoyed experiences in Japanese education, culture, history and food.Highlights included some important and impressive ancient temples and the moving and complex sites remembering the dropping of the atom bomb on Hiroshima. One... ...
Read MoreDuring the term break I received a letter from our Provincial Fr Greg Chambers SDB regarding Fr Frank鈥檚 term as Rector of 色情直播 coming to conclusion. It is with sadness that we will farewell one of the Province鈥檚 most outstanding Salesians. We have indeed been blessed with Fr Frank鈥檚... ...
Read MoreOur Year 9 Northern Territory students returned from their adventures during the Term break, having had a successful and memorable immersion trip. While they travelled the group maintained a blog, so their families and friends could follow them. You can see their blog here: Year 9 trip blog. Photos on... ...
Read MoreA brilliant day shone on our Years 3-6 athletics carnival this morning and staff and students were out on the oval setting up in perfect conditions. Events included long jump, high jump, vortex, 100m, 200m, 400m, 800m and 1500m, as well as hurdles, relays and novelty events, too. Not only... ...
Read MoreThe SATIS Carnival is on at Launceston Saturday 17 October. Good luck to all students competing. Don't forget the bus will be leaving DC at 6am sharp and also collecting students at Bridgewater McDonald's at 6:15am.Here is the events timetable. Here is the list of students and events.We certainly have... ...
Read MoreStudents were reminded by Mr Davey at the 7-10 assembly today (Friday 16 October) that this was the last 7-10 assembly for the year! There would be a 7-9 assembly (after the Year 10s had left) and there would be our College's Awards assembly, attended by K-10 students, where our... ...
Read More色情直播 students have been preparing for our biennial Asian Festival to run over three days this week. Class research projects on aspects of our neighbouring countries, including Japan, Sri Lanka, the Philippines, China, India, South Korea, Thailand, Indonesia and Pakistan, have been varied and surprising. Students have studied Cinderella-type... ...
Read MoreThis week's biennial 色情直播 Asian Festival was off to a fantastic start today with students visiting the static and digital displays in the K-6 library, undertaking research and collecting material for their passports. Students have enjoyed learning of our neighbours, and the many aspects of life we share, as... ...
Read MoreYear 5 & 6 students who have shown an interest in being part of a Robotics Club to compete in a Lego Robotics competition met in the library last Friday 16 October, to begin work on their project. 色情直播 received a grant of $1000 from First Australia, in partnership... ...
Read MoreThe finale of 色情直播's biennial Asian Festival was a fantastic blend of entertainment and participation. Following weeks of class projects, and three days of displays, sharing, cooking, music and practising their moves, the whole K-6 assembled for a final spectacle. Everyone joined in but the assembly was led by... ...
Read MoreA large number of 色情直播 students enjoyed success at the Royal Hobart Show Youth Art and Photographic competition, including first prizes in categories in Art, Sculpture and Photography. Five students were able to attend the ceremony on Thursday morning and collect their awards from the Royal Hobart Show committee... ...
Read MoreThis Sunday, 1 November, a photo fundraiser is being held which may interest families. The Parents & Friends Committee together with the support of old scholar, Michael Webb, from Pied Piper Portraits, is pleased to offer a 25cm x 38cm family portrait for only $20.00. Other photo packages are available,... ...
Read MoreThe 色情直播 International Men鈥檚 Day Breakfast 2015 will again be held in the Savio Centre from 7.15am on Thursday 19 November. Boys in Year 5 through to Year 10, their fathers and carers, along with old scholars and the community are invited to join us for a hearty breakfast,... ...
Read MoreDOSA Football Club held its Best & Fairest Dinner on Friday 30 October at the Carlyle Hotel, to conclude the season. There were speeches, cheers and standing ovations for some special club favourites. Club President, Ben McKay, controlled the countdown of 3s, 2s and 1s for the B&F and reserves... ...
Read MoreStudents donated a gold coin to wear crazy socks on Friday 30 October for the Children鈥檚 Mission Soctober appeal. Last week students represented 色情直播 at St Mary鈥檚 Cathedral with many other Catholic schools to celebrate Children鈥檚 Mission Mass, presided by Archbishop Porteous.Catholic Mission Children鈥檚 Mission started in 1843 in... ...
Read MoreThe Bellerive Boardwalk was a special place on Thursday morning with 1500 school children, singing, playing and dancing for the Music Count Us In! event for 2015, and performing the song Gold.John X hosted the event and led the song, which was performed along with half a million other children... ...
Read MoreOn Tuesday 27 October all students in Years 7-9 gathered in the Savio Centre to begin the process of discernment of our 2016 College leaders. Year 9 students who nominated for the roles of College Captains, gave their speeches to the assembly and this was followed by voting by students... ...
Read MoreThe Annual General Meeting of the Parents and Friends Community will be held on Wednesday 18 November 2015, upstairs in Grantleigh at 7pm for a prompt 7.30pm start. We welcome new people to attend and to join. There will be two new executive positions available at the AGM, Executive Assistant... ...
Read MoreCongratulations to all who swam in the 7-10 House swimming carvival at the Hobart Aquatic Centre on Wednesday 28 October. It was great to see student participation rates even higher than last year and there was certainly a tremendous level of House spirit on display. Congratulations to Siena for taking... ...
Read MoreOver the past two weeks we have hosted two Music soirees, providing an opportunity for our instrumental students to perform, in some cases for the first time, in an encouraging and relaxed environment. Students from Prep to Year 10 have performed at a variety of levels on all instruments for... ...
Read MoreGod of Freedom, on this day of remembrance we give thanks and honour for the lives of those who have helped make our beautiful country a place of freedom and peace. Your son Jesus showed usthat the greatest love is in giving one鈥檚 life for the sake of others.May we... ...
Read MoreCheck out the program for the 2015 色情直播 Community Fair. There will be plenty to see and do. 7HOFM will be broadcasting live at the Fair from 3.30pm with special performance by X Factor Finalists Brothers3 between 4.30pm-5.30pm. Don't forget to get your raffle tickets with $1,000 up for... ...
Read MoreYear 9/10 Drama are finishing the year's performances with Children鈥檚 Theatre. First up will be Badjelly the Witch, by Spike Milligan, the anarchic English comedian who is credited with being one of the influences that resulted in the Monty Python phenomena.Badjelly The Witch can turn children into sausages or chop... ...
Read More色情直播 huge annual Community Fair drew thousands of families, students, old scholars and people from all over the northern suburbs to the school on Friday 13 November. Principal, Beth Gilligan, said she was delighted with the record numbers, and the wonderful mood of support and fun. 'It was especially... ...
Read MoreAfter student and staff elections and an interview process, the College Captains are Meg Parkinson and Jacob Davidson and the Vice Captains are Eloise Kerstan and Jack Harry. These four students are clearly identified and supported by their peers and younger students as leaders in whom they place their trust... ...
Read MoreThe new Year 5 and 6 Robotics Club students at 色情直播 are on their way to Macquarie University for national finals after winning the Champion Award at the regional First Lego League (FLL) titles on Saturday 14 November. 色情直播 hosted the event for five qualifying schools in our... ...
Read MoreFamilies in the 色情直播 community are invited to join in the Christmas Pageant fun on Saturday 21 November. You can see and download maps and instructions here: Pageant details. Students are requested to be at the Meeting Point by 9.30am, as our group must be in position by 9.45am... ...
Read More色情直播 held its annual International men's Day breakfast bright and early on Thursday 19 November. Boys from Year 5 to 10, their fathers, grandfathers and carers; men from the staff, the community and old scholars, too, enjoyed egg and bacon burgers, muffins, fruit and refreshments in elegant style in... ...
Read MoreReports of the tragedy that has taken place in Paris (France) in the last few days are still dominating the media; and the aftermath will probably continue to be in the news for many more days. These senseless acts of barbaric violence against completely innocent people just leave us all... ...
Read More色情直播 Year 10 student, and Vinnies president, Samarah Burke, presented Vinnies Youth Coordinator, Jayne Direen, with a cheque for $1200 from fundraising activities through the year. Samarah said the students had worked tirelessly during the year to raise much needed funds for St. Vincent de Paul. "We have sold... ...
Read MoreMeli Melo singers present a concert of folk songs and traditional carols from France, Switzerland and beyond, with French and Alpine horn ensembles piano and organ accompaniment. Entry is by donation in support of Salesian Missions in Nepal (includes light refreshments).The Tasmanian premiere of Petite Messe pour Noel by Pierre... ...
Read MoreStudent leaders from K-6 visited Glenview Nursing Home on Tuesday 24 November to help them 鈥渄eck their halls鈥. When the 18 students arrived after lunch, they were greeted with buckets, bags and boxes of stars, tinsel and baubles. Our students enthusiastically jumped in, decorating Christmas trees, creating patterns with stars,... ...
Read MoreYear 10's Class of 2015 graduated in an important and touching ceremony at St John's Parish, Glenorchy, on Thursday 26 November. Students had completed their week of exams that morning, and had spent the afternoon unwinding with a barbecue, plenty of reminiscing and friendship. Then to St John's church where... ...
Read MoreThe annual end-of-year Awards assembly saw record numbers of achievements celebrated, including the awarding of the prestigious Student of the Year awards in a variety of categories. The assembly was held in the Savio Centre on Friday 28 November, for students in Years 6-10, their families and staff, though this... ...
Read MoreThe College hosted two groups of former students on Saturday 28 November. The Year 10 Class of 1995 were having a big dance party at SoHo in the evening, but some of the group asked for a tour of the College in the afternoon, and we are always happy to... ...
Read MoreThe Year 10 Class of 2015 are reminded to collect their reports and references on Monday 14 December from 9.00am until 11.00am from the College Library. The Graduation Photos will also be available at this time. Each student will require a USB in order to download photos. The cost for... ...
Read More2016 Fees A reminder that the 2016 Fee Schedule, detailing the fees that will apply next year, is available from the College website or from the Business Office. 2016 TCEC Discount Families with three or more children in any Tasmanian Catholic School are eligible for a fee discount. Families who... ...
Read MoreOn Wednesday 2 December, our 2016 Year 7 Students attended their orientation day at 色情直播. Students were greeted in the morning by Ms Gilligan and challenged to get out of their comfort zone, meet new people and explore new experiences. Mr Pritchard and Ms Gilligan conducted a role play... ...
Read MoreEarly this week we had the privilege to attend the Salesian Schools Captains Conference in Melbourne hosted by St Joseph鈥檚 College. We departed early Sunday morning with Mr Swan and met all of the other captains from the other Salesian schools. We then travelled to St Kilda where we had... ...
Read MoreOn Friday 4 December a very excited group of 7 students and 8 adults travelled to Sydney for the First Lego League National Tournament. Our Lego EV3 robot was carefully packed along with extra lego parts, posters, brochures, USB and laptops. On Saturday morning we headed to Macquarie University with... ...
Read MoreLast night, Thursday 10 December, students participating in our Magone Program shared an outstanding showcase of learning with their parents, family and teachers. Students presented with confidence and maturity on a range of topics from the challenge of skill mastery to child studies. These hard working students are to be... ...
Read MoreYear 8 students have enjoyed picturesque Fortescue Bay camping in a 3-day and 2-night adventure of challenge and excitement. The camp concludes the work students have been undertaking with their Rock and Water EMPOWER Class in Year 8 and gives studnets a taste of the challenges and ideas they are... ...
Read MoreMax Brideson from Year 5, competed at the Primary Schools National Championships held in Canberra last week. We are pleased to announce Max won a gold medal for the U11 boys long jump with an excellent leap of 5.14m. Congratulations to the new Australian champion, Max on your dedication and... ...
Read MoreLast Friday 4 December, six students attended Glenorchy City Council鈥檚 Junior Neighbourhood Award presentstion to receive their awards from old scholar, Ms Jan Dunsby. These students had been nominated by their teachers because of their outstanding effort and commitment and should feel extremely proud of their efforts. Well done to... ...
Read MoreWednesday afternoon, 9 December, the Chapel was bursting at the seams with birds, angels, sheep, camels, wise men and many very proud families. It was the highly anticipated Junior Carols performance to celebrate the birth of Jesus and great fun was had by all in attendance. This year鈥檚 story followed... ...
Read MoreYear 6 students were fareweled in a beautiful ceremony in the 色情直播 Chapel this morning, Monday 14 December. They lined the entrances to welcome and be congratulated by every other student entering, then starred at the assembly as the College celebrated their achievements and their spirit.The Principal, Ms Beth... ...
Read MoreWhat are the most popular names at 色情直播? Can you guess? There are 927 students listed in the 2015 Yearbook, and amongst these there are 505 different first names. There are an amazing 357 students who have first names shared with no other student.The most popular boys and girls... ...
Read MoreAt our assembly on the penultimate day of Term 4, our recently elected House Leaders were officially introduced to the Year 5-9 students and staff. They are all committed working very hard for the community next year. The Leaders for 7-10 2016 are7-10 CaptainsJacob Davidson, Meg Parkinson7-10 Vice CaptainsJohn Harry,... ...
Read MoreChristmas Eve services on Thursday6pm St John's Parish Church, Glenorchy - Carols, Mass inc Children's Nativity Play9.30pm 色情直播 Chapel - Carols, Mass and Old Scholars Supper.Christmas Day services on Friday10am St John's Parish Church, Glenorchy - Mass ...
Read MoreOld scholars, St John鈥檚 parishioners and friends of the College began arriving early in time for carols at 9.30pm in our chapel, lead by Tony Gregs, Vin Howe and Ann Loring with the great choir, as we have come to expect. Again, a number of old scholars and their families... ...
Read MoreIan Stewart and his brother Malcolm were at Boys' Town in 1958, after their mother disappeared from their Mt Nelson home, a mystery they are hoping to solve while visiting Tasmania. Last year Ian's sister, Angela Armstrong, contacted 色情直播 to ask about our records, as her brothers had boarded... ...
Read MoreThe Mercury's education feature for 12 January, highlighted 色情直播's The Abyss camp and the experience of Cameron Goodsell.The Abyss is the biggest challenge of the year for 色情直播 Year 9 classes. Students leave their comfort zone behind on a solo camping experience designed to provide them with a... ...
Read MoreThe progressive upgrading of 色情直播 facilities has accelerated, and the impressive redevelopment of the oldest classrooms, the Bosco rooms, in the Boys鈥 Town building is on track to be ready for students when they return for Term 1 2016. In 2014, 色情直播 was awarded a Federal Government Grant... ...
Read MoreYou can get enrolment packs from the College Business Office or we can post one to you if you submit this enquiry form online. Please note that due to Australia Post policy it may now take up to six business days for delivery. ...
Read MoreMembers of the 色情直播 community will be marching in Hobart in support of the Tasmanian indigenous community on this Tuesday 26 January. The Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre (TAC) invited the College to participate in the peaceful protest march and rally, to mark the day as one of survival of aboriginal... ...
Read MoreOur 2016 Calendar is available now. Our website calendar has been available for some time, but now you can view or download a digital pdf of the printed calendar here: 2016 Calendar.Printed calendars are being mailed out to each family also. We hope you find them useful, and enjoy the... ...
Read MoreWelcome to another fantastic year of Sports in K-6 at 色情直播. Our students are so lucky with the opportunities they have to participate in sports and carnivals and a lot of thanks needs to go to everyone involved for your help and support. Here is information about the sports... ...
Read MoreWelcome to the 2016 academic year at 色情直播. Our 1:1 Laptop Program is a very important framework used to facilitate and enhance student learning. Students will receive their laptops at a Year 7 student and parent 鈥楲aptop Collection Evening鈥 designed to ensure responsible use of laptops by student. This... ...
Read MoreDear Friends Beginnings. Beginnings. A new school year is underway. Hopefully we all feel refreshed for the year ahead. I am delighted to be here at 色情直播 and part of the College team. Over the holidays I moved here from Sydney where I was a priest working in a... ...
Read MoreDear FriendsWelcome to the 2016 academic year at 色情直播. A particularly warm welcome to our students, families and our staff who are new to the College. May your association with the College community be a life-long and happy one. We are all delighted to welcome our new College Rector,... ...
Read MoreWe welcomed a number of new staff in the first week, and everyone who had joined us since the beginning of last year received a special candle as they pledged to do their best for the students in our staff Mass on Monday 1 February.Best wishes to them, and may... ...
Read MoreThis year we are proudly launching our EMPOWER program across Kindergarten to Year 10. The EMPOWER program has been extended from 7-10 to incorporate our school wide adoption of Positive Psychology and now will be taught in K-6 for the first time. Positive Psychology provides the underlying framework for the... ...
Read MoreThe annual letter to parents in Term 1, giving a detailed update to parents on a range of matters concerning the progress of the College was posted to families this week. You can read or download a copy here: Principal's update. ...
Read MoreOur special guest speaker at our 2016 International Women鈥檚 Day Breakfast will be Kate Talbot Smith who has been well-recognised for her significant outreach to others, locally and globally.An Old Scholar of 色情直播, Class of 1995, Kate is an inspiring woman of service who has had to face her... ...
Read MoreA very successful informal evening was held on Wednesday in The Little Theatre for Kinder to Year 6 parents to meet and chat with their child鈥檚 class teacher. Our Principal Ms Beth Gilligan welcomed the parents and introduced all K-6 class teachers and specialist teachers. Father Peter Rankin SDB our... ...
Read MoreTeachers set homework that will enhance and support the learning in the class - to practise skills, consolidate understanding, extend knowledge, think deeply about a topic or create something unique. Here are some great tips about homework from our students:Set up a homework-friendly area鈥楬aving a clean, quiet, space to work... ...
Read MoreEvery new school year is exciting but it is particularly exciting in Year 6 where there are special roles and challenges that make it a little different. The smiles and positive attitudes demonstrated by everyone in Room 14 and 15 on Day 1 were a fantastic start to the year!... ...
Read More7-10 students participated in their first 7-10 assembly of 2016 on Wednesday 17 February in the Savio Centre. Our assemblies are timetabled for Wednesdays, and will alternate between ones involving 7-10 students, Prep-6 students and the whole K-10 student body.Ms Millikan congratulated the new Year 7s who had qualified for... ...
Read MoreEach week I undertake classroom walkthroughs in different parts of the school 鈥 K-6 one week and 7-10 the next week. I have been doing this since I returned from my course in School Improvement at Harvard University in 2014. In the walkthroughs I am observing student engagement, the types... ...
Read MoreMore than a week has passed since a good number of us received ashes on our foreheads with the challenge to 鈥榮trive to be more like Jesus鈥 or something similar. Sometimes Lent conjures up a giving up, going without chocolates or sweets or alcohol. Sometimes we miss the point. In... ...
Read MoreIn the week before students returned, staff were back at Dominic preparing their classrooms, collaborating with their colleagues and participating in Professional Development. Teachers on the K-10 Writing team were fortunate to spend a whole day working with Educational Consultant, Ivana Jones, beginning the design of our K-10 Writing Plan.... ...
Read MoreThe passing of 色情直播鈥檚 foundation Principal.We received the sad news on Tuesday night from the Salesian Provincial House in Melbourne, that Fr Elio Proietto SDB, our first Principal of 色情直播 had passed away.Fr Elio had been frail and unwell for a number of years and was in care.Dominic... ...
Read MoreWe had an enjoyable Prep-Year 6 assembly in the Savio Centre today, Wednesday 24 February. Year 2 students welcomed us and got us joining in with a great song, with plenty of actions. Year 5 students presented their video on "Gratitude" - what a nice movie! - there were messages... ...
Read MoreLast weekend, the Salesian Youth of 色情直播 welcomed new members at a formation retreat. Youth Mentor Lisa McConnon led the students in fun games and creative activities and Fr Peter led the group in the evening prayer. New members signed a 鈥榲alues agreement鈥 that includes such virtues as honesty,... ...
Read MoreReading is a lifelong skill that can take a person to any place in the world, for any length of time. In most of our classrooms, a teacher sharing novels and picture books with their classes is normal and occurs several times each day. The class novel is an excellent... ...
Read MoreYear 9 and 10 Physical Science and Biology classes joined together to prepare the Agriculture Science Shed into a new learning space. Our vision in Science this year is to have students to be conducting projects of their own choice and to be guided by the teacher to work independently... ...
Read MoreMany past and current members of the 色情直播 and St John's Parish community gathered on Tuesday evening 2 March for a memorial Mass for Fr Elio Proietto SDB, who passed away last week in Melbourne. Fr Elio had a long and valued relationship with Boys' Town, Savio College, Dominic... ...
Read More2016 Southern SATIS Swimming Carnival - 3/03/2016 Best wishes to everyone for tomorrow's SSATIS swimming. For the beenfit of family supporters and contestants, session times for events can be found here: Times for events SSATIS SwimmingNicole Millikan - 7-10 Sports Coordinator ...
Read MoreOur scheduled 7-10 assembly on Wednesday 2 March was an engaging blend organised by Mrs Fraser and Mr Davey. Ms Gilligan said how pleased she was with each year level - the spirit and effort of students during this important start to the year, and the way they have helped... ...
Read MoreOn Monday and Tuesday this week, 色情直播 was privileged to welcome and learn from children鈥檚 author Sarah Brennan.A Tasmanian who lives, writes and publishes in Hong Kong, Sarah currently has 12 children鈥檚 picture books available. Her books are written in verse and illustrated by Harry Harrison, who is principal... ...
Read MoreOn Thursday over 220 students engaged in lots of fun, cheering, socialising, laughter and of course, swimming at the 2016 Year 3-6 Dominic Swimming Carnival. It was a fantastic day and Siena House finished with a comfortable lead on top from Bosco in 2nd, Savio in 3rd and Guzman in... ...
Read MoreOn Monday 29 February, 20 Year 10 Student Leaders attended the GRIP Leadership Conference at the Hotel Grand Chancellor. The Dominic Leaders were amongst leaders from 15 other schools to attend this conference undertaking workshops on:Teamwork Leadership Teams Dynamic Events Removing BullyingContributionDynamic SpeechesHow to Motivate OthersHighlights of the event included... ...
Read MoreNearly 200 girls, their mothers and grandparents, teachers, old scholars and community leaders, joined hands at 色情直播, to help the women of the world on International Women's Day, Tuesday 8 March. The 色情直播 International Women's Day breakfast has become an annual highlight for the community, and the numbers... ...
Read MoreThis week at the K-2 Parent Literacy workshop teaching staff focused on the development of reading in the Early Years and how parents play an integral part in this development. Presentations by Early Years Teachers explored the following areas: identifying key Pre-Reading and Early Reading skills, and ways to support... ...
Read MoreOn Thursday 25 February Year 9 students attended 鈥淭he Calling鈥, as part of their EMPOWER course, The Rite Journey. The Rite Journey is a unique educational program designed to support the development and transition of our students from children into self-aware, vital, responsible, respectful and resilient adults.Both girl and boy... ...
Read MoreWHEN: Wednesday 6 April at 7pm WHERE The Oratory Space Outstanding Drama students from Year 7 and 8 have taken up the challenge to engage with one of the most demanding, but rewarding forms of theatre, the monologue. The project focuses upon the basic theatrical equation: an actor and an... ...
Read MoreThanks Year 5 students and all the staff for a great Year 5 camp. And special thanks to Fr Peter, who went all that way for our lovely liturgy, and managed to get lost on the way! Year 5 superstar teachers wrote in this week's newsletter about the camp. On... ...
Read MoreOur regular Year 7-10 assembly was conducted by Mr Davey and Year 10 leaders, although captains and many leaders were away representing the College at the SSATIS swimming carnival. Sona Sojan presented to the assembly on Harmony Day, and our Mission Captains on Project Compassion. Chloe Wells talked about the... ...
Read MoreDear Friends As we approach Palm Sunday this week and Good Friday next week we can鈥檛 really evade the notion of suffering. It is real, it is evident, it has been a part of the human story for such a long time. Let us be perfectly clear about the suffering... ...
Read MoreI had the wonderful pleasure on Wednesday night of attending the Guilford Young College Ceremony of Commendation. Awards were presented to students in celebration of their Academic Achievements and their outstanding contributions to all aspects of the College during 2015. Year 12 students from 2015 are invited to return to... ...
Read MoreYear 7 attended camp last week in House groups. Siena and Guzman went Monday-Wednesday, Savio and Bosco went Wednesday-Friday. While one group went on a 6 km hike to Bivouac Bay, the other went kayaking and did beach activities. During the hike many people got attacked by leeches! Two Houses... ...
Read MoreThe P&F Easter Raffle has received amazing support from all parents, students and the school community with nearly $3000 being raised in just 3 short weeks. From the donations we received, we managed to put together over 30 large hampers that were drawn on Wednesday afternoon. A huge thanks to... ...
Read MoreFollowing a highly successful launch in 2015, the Dominic Ukulele Cool Kids (DUCK) Club has recommenced in K-6 for another exciting year. Last year the DUCK Club was offered to students from Years 3 and 4, where students were given the opportunity to try something new and learn how to... ...
Read MoreThis week, students across the College have taken the time to recall and mark the journey of Christ鈥檚 passion. Students have entered these liturgies and ceremonies with reverence and sincerity, demonstrating respect and understanding of the meaning of the Lenten Season for our faith community.Our Year 5 and 6 students... ...
Read MoreTwenty students received their SRC Leader badges today in the K-10 whole school assembly. Four students from Years 4, and 5 are elected to represent their peers on the Student Representative Council, joining the Year 6 captains and Vice-captains. In Years 7 鈥 9 four students from each year level... ...
Read MoreThe NEW 2016 | 2017 Entertainment鈩 Book are here, as well as the Entertainment Digital Memberships that put all of the value of the Book on your phone. Please purchase your Entertainment鈩 Membership from 色情直播 again to support the Br Peter Dezani Scholarship Fund. For every Entertainment Membership sold,... ...
Read MorePlay is a rich dimension of being human, human development and learning. Children and young people worldwide love to play and it is essential to their growth as positive, cooperative and collaborative people. Being with friends is often quoted by students as the thing they most enjoy in their lives.... ...
Read MoreOn the evening of Wednesday 31 March 色情直播 hosted Round 2 of the Tasmanian Debating Union鈥檚 Southern Schools鈥 Competition. Students, teachers and parents from schools all over Hobart were present for 18 separate debates involving over 100 students.色情直播鈥檚 involvement in this competition has grown this year, with five... ...
Read MoreLast week, Year 4 students visited the Bonorong Wildlife Sanctuary to complement their studies in History, Geography and Science. Wildlife experts presented some fascinating information about the characteristics of Tasmanian native animals, including their habitat, behaviour and breeding cycles. The students and our generous adult helpers loved meeting cuddly wombats,... ...
Read MoreWednesday was an intense but exciting day for cast members of our inaugural performance project, Junior Talking Heads. At 10am, over 80 students and their teachers from Austins Ferry Primary School were the first audience. The visitors were very appreciative of the opportunity to experience live performance and were also... ...
Read More色情直播 students had a unique basketball training session, when 16 of the best underage girls from the Sandringham Sabres Basketball Club visited the College for an elite level clinic.The Sandringham Sabres are a hugely successful basketball club from Victoria, comprising over 60 teams, from Juniors to SEABL men鈥檚 and... ...
Read MoreFifteen 色情直播 students ran the robots for visitors to our 色情直播 Robotics tent at the Derwent Valley festival on Sunday 10 April. Director of Teaching and Learning, Mrs Selina Kinne, said the display was an extension of the activities undertaken by the Robotics Club at 色情直播, who... ...
Read MoreANZAC Day last year was the 100th Anniversary of the ANZAC Landings at Gallipoli. To commemorate and honour this significant historical occasion we asked all students to get involved in their community as way of recognising and honouring the sacrifices of our forebears. Over 150 色情直播 students participated in... ...
Read More色情直播 students, staff, families and old scholars particpated in community services across Tasmania on ANZAC Day morning. Students marched behind 色情直播 banners and laid wreaths in services at Pontville, Lenah Valley, Hobart, Glenorchy and New Norfolk. 色情直播 Principal, Ms Gilligan, who attended the New Norfolk ceremonies with... ...
Read MoreOur ANZAC Day service followed after ANZAC Day this year as the public holiday fell in the school holidays. We made our assembly a whole school assembly on Wednesday and both kindergarten classes were then able to join the rest of the school for the commemoration.Our Catafalque Party, made up... ...
Read MoreWe have had a successful start to Term 2 this week. As we progress through the first half of the academic year it is important to connect with and gain feedback from our parents. Building strong relationships and communicating effectively with our parents is vital in ensuring that your child... ...
Read MoreLast term saw both Kinder groups blossom as young learners, developing in confidence as they began their journey at 色情直播. It has been wonderful to see our Kinder students back to school ready for their second term with so much excitement and energy!Our Kinder Classroom has transformed once again... ...
Read MoreTonight we have waterpolo rosters kicking off with our combined 7-10 boys team (in the 9/10 roster) playing at 6.30pm, coached once again by College parent and old scholar, Mr Nathan Golding. Thank you, Nathan, for the excellent work you do.Due to insufficient numbers, our girls have combined with Mackillop... ...
Read MoreThere are some exciting events happening in the Creative Arts Department in Term 2. Senior Drama students have begun working on a production of AFTERSHOCKS, a verbatim theatre piece about the Newcastle earthquake which occurred on 28 December, 1989. The play focuses upon the people who were at the Newcastle... ...
Read MoreThe Old Scholars Football roster got underway on Saturday 9 April at the TCA, and the Dominic Old Scholars had a mixed bag in their Round 1 games against University. The reserves fell behind earlier, but managed to catch and pass their opponents for a gritty win. Our seniors, however,... ...
Read MoreOn Wednesday 4 May the whole College celebrated the Feast Day for our Salesian Saints, St John Bosco and St Dominic Savio. Later in the year we again celebrate a different Feast Day, for our Dominican Saints, St Catherine of Siena and St Dominic Guzman. On this week's Feast Day,... ...
Read MoreMilitary Mumma and her team of Personal Trainers will be at Dominic to test our strength, fitness and ability to have some fun! Following the 7-10 assembly on Wednesday, the Savio Centre will be alive to the pounding rhythm of fett, music and commands.All 7-10 students are to get involved,... ...
Read MoreFollowing the all school assembly to commemorate ANZAC Day, and the all school Mass to celebrate our Feast Day, today, Wednesday 11 May, was the first opportunity in Term 2 for 7-10 students to have their regular gathering.Knowing Mr Davey was keen to finish the assembly early to get Mr... ...
Read MoreOver 500 students from Year 7 to 10, plus staff from all parts of the College and a group of Military Mumma personal trainers, combined in the Savio Centre for what must be Tasmania's biggest school indoor Boot Camp session ever today. Music, action, a series of tough exercise routines... ...
Read MoreOn Tuesday, Year 9 students and their parents/guardians gathered in the Savio Centre to take part in 鈥楾he Departure鈥, one of the ceremonies that occurs as part of The Rite Journey 鈥 Year 9 EMPOWER Program.We asked parents/guardians to bring in up to five things that represent their son/daughter鈥檚 childhood... ...
Read MoreMs Gilligan writes: This week it was a pleasure to observe our Director of Science K-10, Ms Jane Mallay teach her Year 9/10 Science Extended students a hand-on Forensic Science lesson, and see our teaching and learning beliefs enacted in a highly engaging lesson on DNA.Students entered a cordoned off... ...
Read MoreAt our 7-10 Assembly this week, 15 students were commended on receiving Diamond Awards for their Term 1 Expectations Reports. These students received the full 5/5 from all of their teachers for each aspect of their: Attitude towards Learning, Organisation in the Learning Environment, Contribution to the Learning Environment and... ...
Read MoreEducator, Ms Kate Beard, came in to talk to our Year 2 students on Monday 16 May, as part of Taswater's corporate community education goals. Kate explained Taswater was responsible for managing the collection, treatment and distribution of water used in our homes. Students were able to recall many important... ...
Read MoreYou can see photos on our website gallery: Year 10 Work Experience. We will add some more photos as they come in next week. ...
Read MoreI love the great feasts of the Ascension, Pentecost and Trinity our Church celebrates at the end of Easter. They are all rich in meaning and so relevant to our Christian life. The Ascension celebrates Jesus return to his Father and the commissioning of the disciples to continue his work... ...
Read MoreOur Spooky Disco was held on Friday 13 May, for the fi rst time in The Oratory Space and was a very successful and enjoyable night. We had double the numbers of students for both discos compared to last year so that was fantastic - over 150 for K-2... ...
Read MoreSix years in a row and OzBosco continues to amaze me. Every year over 200 young people gather together to celebrate the life of Saint John Bosco and the legacy he left for us. In an atmosphere alive with music, dancing, games, passion, love and joy it is easy to... ...
Read MoreMany of you will have noticed the strikingly beautiful painting in Grantleigh's entry, of Esther Shohet's view of the world of 色情直播.Esther, a College parent, and celebrated international artist, agreed to create this piece especially for the College. Esther generously offered to also produce a range of branded household... ...
Read MoreMr Cameron Golding coached the 9/10 boys Waterpolo team last Friday evening, 20 May filling in for their normal super-coach, Mr Nathan Golding. The temporary coach was seriously excited by the performance of the team, as can be seen by his report: On Friday night the Dominic boys Waterpolo team... ...
Read MoreSenior Drama students are working on a production of AFTERSHOCKS, a verbatim theatre piece about the Newcastle earthquake which occurred on 28 December, 1989. The play focuses upon the people who were at the Newcastle Workers Club when it was hit. It is a complex and demanding undertaking. Performances will... ...
Read More色情直播 7-10 House cross Country Carnival on Friday 27 May was a great day of endeavour and fun.There were eight races (boys and girls, u/13, u/14, u/15 & open) in three course lengths, each of covered many aspects of our beautiful grounds. All races commenced on the oval,where students... ...
Read MoreNational Simultaneous Storytime (NSS) is an annual campaign that encourages more young Australians to read and enjoy books. Every year a picture book, written and illustrated by an Australian, is read simultaneously in libraries, schools, child care centres and many other places around the country. On Wednesday 25 May our... ...
Read MoreMs Gilligan received a heartfelt letter of thanks to the 色情直播 community from Samoa recently. Fr Mosese writes: This letter is to say 鈥淭hank You鈥 to you and the Dominic Community for the wonderful donation towards providing scholarships for disadvantaged young women. The $2183 you raised at the breakfast... ...
Read MoreDavid Chung is a Researcher with the School of Engineering and ICT at the University of Tasmania and has been working with Year 8 Digital Technologies classes on embedded programs..UTAS offers a program called the Embedded Systems Learning Program for Digital Technologies, as part of their outreach programs to schools.... ...
Read MoreOur two cross country days this week for our younger students were wonderful days of sportsmanship, grit, commitment and fun. They complemented last week's 7-10 carnival very well.On Wednesday we had a brilliant morning of running in the K-2 Cross Country. The 鈥渏oyfulness鈥 was something to behold as well over... ...
Read MoreThis term, Year 5 are investigating the nature of convict presence in Australia in the past. We have been using a variety of sources to gather information about the convicts鈥 experiences, including video re-enactments, copies of original documents and a range of websites. In history studies, primary sources (direct or... ...
Read MoreLast Thursday and Friday, Years 7 and 8 enjoyed a retreat day at Montrose Bay. The focus was on resilience, self-knowledge and authenticity, making good choices, and being a 鈥榤aybe, just maybe鈥 person 鈥 someone who is brave enough to step out of their comfort zone and rise to new... ...
Read MoreA few weeks ago, Year 10 student Bridget Snell, came to see the staff regarding an inspiring young woman who is trying to bring some happiness and compassion to people鈥檚 lives.Sarah De Jonge aims to make 1,000 small hearts that can be kept in people鈥檚 pockets as a symbol of... ...
Read MoreBoth Year 6 classes have been working on their play project, SAY IT LOUD. In this Drama extension opportunity, students devise, script, refine and perform an original piece of process drama. Year 6 Moulton have created a play entitled The Mountain. Year 6 Cunningham鈥檚 piece is entitled, The River. Both... ...
Read MoreMolly Woolley, actress and Siena Creative Arts Captain, said the 2016 senior drama performance 鈥楢ftershocks鈥 was a huge success for all involved. 'The students who took part in the performance have received some impressive feedback regarding the performance after each show,' Molly said. 'Both casts did an amazing job in... ...
Read MoreCongratulations to our K-6 students!We enjoyed an entertaining and reflective assembly on Wednesday 15 June, efficiently managed and hosted by our Year 6 captains.4B presented a lovely 'Pay it forward' prayer, and, after the national Anthem, 1B led the whole assembly in a rousing Japanese language 'Elephant Song' - which... ...
Read MoreDuring a week of wild and wet weather, Year 4 students were fortunate to experience a fantastic fair weather voyage on the Lady Nelson last Wednesday, 8 June. As part of the Year 4 HASS studies (Humanities and Social Sciences), students have been examining the journey of an 18th Century... ...
Read MoreNothing is more pristine than Tasmanian wilderness in the winter time. AE2A Adventure Recreation Class have spent this term learning how to navigate, read the weather, cook on camp stoves as well as how to survive in a wilderness setting. This all culminated in a wilderness experience of exploring Tasmania鈥檚... ...
Read MoreOn Wednesday this week, we held our Kindergarten鈥揧ear 10 Assembly for the term. The assembly saw us change our configuration of seating and we were all pleased to see our patron saint banners, gifts of the Class of 2015, hanging for the first time.Highlights of the assembly included our College... ...
Read MoreThis weekend our Prep teacher, Miss Christina Venettacci, will be travelling to Samoa to be with our Salesian family there. Christina will be part of a Salesian immersion and formation/animation experience called the Cagliero Program, that our Province runs. This is a wonderful professional learning and service opportunity the College... ...
Read MoreJust doing it!Rather than winding down towards the end of a typically busy term, our Music and Drama students are proving the adage by using every available second to push themselves in an array of Creative Arts events happening over the final two weeks. At our K-10 Assembly on Wednesday,... ...
Read MoreGoal Setting Day for Year 3-10 is 18 July 2016By now you will have received our letter detailing the Year 3-10 Goal Setting Day we are having on Monday 18 July 2016. If you have not received this letter, please contact the Business Office immediately. K-2 teachers will work with... ...
Read MoreYear 9 Students鈥 Super Sushi Skills: Savour the sushiYear 9 Japanese elective students welcomed a guest chef to their class to teach them to make authentic sushi. Guest chef, Toshi-san, entertained us with his demonstration and accompanying music before giving everyone a chance to roll their own maki-zushi. With much... ...
Read MoreOn Tuesday 28 June all Year 6 students performed their self-devised drama as part of Say It Loud 2016. During Term 2 Year 6 worked on two separate documentary dramas, based on the stimulatory ideas of the mountain and the river. Over 16 30-minute lessons students wrote and produced these... ...
Read MoreWednesday 29 June was our celebration of International Mud Day. You may well ask why celebrate such a day? The philosophy behind the day is that the development of a child has always been correlated with the natural world. Children all over the world celebrate in one form or another.... ...
Read MoreToday we gathered as a school community, at the footsteps of kunayi, to commemorate the First Peoples of our nation with our annual NAIDOC Week assembly.Students have also been learning and discovering more about our First People鈥檚 culture, history and achievements in class.What does NAIDOC stand for? NAIDOC stands for... ...
Read MoreThe Southern Tasmanian Dance Eisteddfod is over for another year. In the last newsletter of term 2, Jess Duggan, Year 10 Bosco House Creative Arts Captain, said students were excited to have the opportunity to perform and showcase their hard work at the Derwent Entertainment Centre before a public audience.... ...
Read MoreThe purpose of my immersion was to join to Cagliero team and travel around Samoa to work with the youth throughout many Salesian communities. We met with three different youth groups during our stay and introduced them to a range of activities and games which we commonly play in Australia.... ...
Read MoreThe Youth Settlement Team of the Migrant Resource Centre Southern Tas (MRC) organises activities for new Tasmanians, who come from a variety of countries, refugee backgrounds, religions and cultures. On 8-9 July 2016, a Multicultural Youth Health and Fitness Event was organised in collaboration with the Phoenix Centre and Dominic... ...
Read MoreThe College is in a constant cycle of review of our work, systems and processes. Under review has been both our Canteen Service and our Uniform Service to students and families. We appreciate the need to be able to support families in the provision of good healthy lunch options for... ...
Read MoreAt our 7-10 Assembly last week, 15 students were commended on receiving Diamond Awards for their Mid-Year Expectations Reports. These students received the full 5/5 from all of their teachers for each aspect of their: Attitude towards Learning, Organisation in the Learning Environment, Contribution to the Learning Environment and Respect... ...
Read MoreThe Scriptless Cup for 2016 was held on the final day of Term 2. Over the four years we have been running this event, the traditions and rituals that form part of the fun have been evolving - the coveted plastic Chicken Trophy, the Magic Moment Award as well as... ...
Read MoreAll parents who have provided email addresses would have recently received a letter from the Principal about accessing our new parent portal, SEQTA Engage. SEQTA Engage provides parents and guardians with a range of information on their child鈥檚 academic progress, including:homework and timetable; pastoral care overview; unexplained absences and attendance... ...
Read MoreCongratulations to all teams who have competed in SSATIS netball rosters and thank you to all parents, coaches and supervisors who have assisted this year.We have a number of teams who have been successful in qualifying for grand finals which are to be played next week:Monday 1 August: 7 Division... ...
Read MoreThis month we are gearing up to host a group of special visitors to 色情直播 from the Don Bosco Technical Centre in Alafua, Samoa. The Don Bosco Technical Centre offers a 鈥榮econd chance鈥 to around 180 young Samoans. Many of these young men have struggled to successfully complete or... ...
Read MoreOur Robotics students across the school have growing opportunities to learn, make friends and compete in a variety of competitions. Last Saturday 30 July the following students competed in the Robocup Junior Finals at UTAS, Sandy Bay: The JAGYM鈥檚 Dance Theatre Team (Peter Pan): Sarah Wright, Anit Saju, Jack Cassidy,... ...
Read MoreThis week we have enjoyed the festivities of our Feast Day honouring our Dominican Patron Saints 鈥 St Dominic Guzman and St Catherine of Siena. It was a great day of prayer, fun and friendship for the whole community. We were grateful to warmly welcome back our former College Rector,... ...
Read MoreNEWSFLASH 鈥 World First Olympic Games Opening Ceremony! The ancients of Olympia were seen in 6A last week! On Friday 5 August the age0old tradition of the Rock, Paper, Scissors competition began the ceremony for the prestigious honour of Torchbearer. The Olympians processed around the K-4 area passing on the... ...
Read MoreThe 色情直播 Creative Arts Festival runs from 7-10 September, and is full of inspirational student art, music, drama, photography, media, dance and displays.Everything is free to enter and view, but the drama performances of our moving adaption of T. A.G. Hungerford's "Stories from Suburban Road" must be booked through... ...
Read MoreDOSA Football had two close and well-fought wins over OHA in the Old Scholars Football on Saturday 13 August. In the seniors game Patrick Carroll, Class of 1999, and current parent celebrated his 150th game for DOSA, and Scott Beattie, Class of 2001, celebrated his 200th game.The seniors game was... ...
Read MoreForty players, 10 consoles, 2 hours, 20 pizzas, plus watermelon... and raising money for Salesian schools in Samoan.Thank you to Mr Brad Parkin and students and staff who joined in for our first game-a-thon. A big thank you to Mr Rob Sullivan and the 色情直播 e-learning team for the... ...
Read More色情直播 has a strong connection to The Kettering Incident, the popular and critically acclaimed eight-part TV drama, now reaching its conclusion on Foxtel鈥檚 Showcase channel. Haylee Fry with sister Libby, and Liam Harris are all involved in the dancing in the Kettering Community Hall. But the show really features... ...
Read MoreDuring Catholic Education Week, the Tasmanian Catholic Education Commission (TCEC) recognises people who have given significant and dedicated service to Catholic Education in Tasmania.We would like to congratulate the Chair of our College Council and former Dominic Principal, Fr Bernie Graham SDB who last night received the highest and most... ...
Read MoreAwards and achievements were on our cultural agenda this week with the Olympics looming large. At our 7-10 assembly we recognised and celebrated the academic achievements of our outstanding students. Students who received three or more awards were acknowledged with certificates to mark their academic success. These students have shown... ...
Read MoreParticipation is the Key. Each year the 7-10 Houses battle to win the Aggregate Shield. This shield accumulates the points from four key areas 鈥 Sport, Academia, Mission and Creative Arts. Students can earn points for talent, particularly in terms of Academic Awards and Achievement and results within Sporting Carnivals... ...
Read MoreThis year as part of Science Week we decided our senior students would create hands-on wow-but-fun Science activities that would engage students from Kindergarten to Year 6. Our Year 9/10 students from the two Physical Science classes researched, adapted and created 10-minute activities that would have the K-6 students involved... ...
Read MoreYear 6 student, Ella Freeman, has enjoyed watching the Olympics, and was proud to share the news that her grandfather, Gerald Freeman, was a competitor at the Rome Olympics in 1960. Gerald Freeman was a boxing star as a young man who went on to win six Tasmanian Open... ...
Read More色情直播鈥檚 biennial Creative Arts festival is two weeks away, and when it came time to choose a student鈥檚 art to feature in the publicity for the Festival, the Creative Arts teachers agreed: the artwork of Year 10 student, Kate Lovell, was the first choice! You might have noticed her... ...
Read MoreThe Subject Handbook is available on the web site for viewing and downloading now. Please read the introductory pages to assist with understanding the process for choosing electives.You can go to the link here: 2017 Subject handbook. Web Preferences Manager will be open at 7.30pm Thursday and will be closed... ...
Read MoreCentralisation of the Canteen and relocation of the Uniform Shop updateBuilding works for the new uniform shop are planned to start on Monday 12 September 2016. The College has been working very hard to ensure these works can start as soon as possible as the start date of the Creative... ...
Read MoreIt has taken a while but this week we opened up the Rua Hub, a social and recreational space for students to chill out, be with friends, have their lunch, or enjoy a game of table tennis.It is open for all Year 7鈥10 students before school (8.15-8.35am) and during lunchtime... ...
Read More色情直播's drama production, T.A.G. Hungerford's 'Stories From Suburban Road' will be the centrepiece of the Creative Arts Festival - and the entire Elective Dance group will feature in a stunning dance performance during the play.The play is performed at 7.30pm Thursday 8 September, 7.30pm Friday 9 September and the... ...
Read MoreYear 1 students and teachers have been busily preparing for the upcoming 色情直播 Creative Arts Festival. This year we have themed our collaborative piece of artwork 鈥楩ashioned in God鈥檚 Eyes鈥. Throughout Term 3 students have been learning to weave small craft pieces called 鈥楪od鈥檚 Eyes鈥. The God鈥檚 Eye is... ...
Read MoreWith one week to go till our Creative Arts Festival, 色情直播's K-2 students are ahead of the game!They are having a daily dance immersion experience with old scholar and dance master, Andrew Palmer, and his son, Henry Cornish.Andrew and Henry are both reknowned award-winning dancers, and bring some high-energy... ...
Read MoreThe Year 7-10 assembly was held today (31 August) but in period 7, rather than the usual period 5, to allow Andrew Palmer's Dance Baby Dance program to continue in the Savio Centre for the Early Years students.There were some interesting reviews, including a sample question replay of the Maths... ...
Read MoreOld scholars and current medical students, Aleisha Herington (2013) and Eliza Nolan (2009) talked with a group of Year 10 students who are interested in studying medicine in a few years.Eight keen Year 10 students were given an insight into how to maximise their chances of achieving their goals, in... ...
Read MoreA key goal of our Teaching and Learning Philosophy at 色情直播 is for all students to achieve their best. We want to see 鈥榟igh expectations embedded in teaching and learning鈥.The following principles characterise the approach teachers take when working to close the achievement gap by establishing and maintaining high... ...
Read MoreOn Monday morning 29 August at 6.15am a group of ten Dominic creative writers left Hobart for the annual Melbourne Writers Festival and reported on their return to our community in the newsletter below.We had sessions with famous authors: our favourite was the session with Rainbow Rowell, author of bestselling... ...
Read MoreWith less than a week to go until our Creative Arts Festival, 色情直播's K-2 students had a enjoyable week of dancing with the stars!Students in Kindergarten, Prep, Year 1 and Year 2 had a dance intensive each day with old scholar and dance master, Andrew Palmer, and his son,... ...
Read MoreThe K-6 canteen will be closed from 12 September 2016. K-6 students will no longer be able to make recess and lunchtime purchases after this date but will still be able to order lunch from the centralised canteen located in the 7-10. With this change, all lunch orders will now... ...
Read MoreOnce more family and friends can follow our student trips in September, as Year 6 visit Canberra, Year 9 visit the Northern Territory and Year 10 students visit Japan. It's the next best thing to being there!Northern Territory: https://ntdominic2016.wordpress.com/Canberra: https://canberra2016year6.wordpress.com/Japan: https://dominiccollegeinjapan2016.wordpress.com/NORTHERN TERRITORYOur Northern Territory Trip is fast approaching! Students who... ...
Read MoreNearly there.We are hanging and sticking, moving and tacking, arranging and admiring, all our student art, Kindergarten to Year 10, which will be on display in the Long Gallery in the Salamanca Arts Centre from 10am Thursday to Saturday.First there's the launch night, Wednesday 6pm, where we'll have some speeches,... ...
Read MoreRocking the Peacock 'No Strings Attached' is our Year 8 色情直播 contemporary rock and pop band. Newly formed in Term 3, 2016, the group consists of students who are new to performing and show a great interest and passion for music. Led by Guitar Tutor, Mark Schmalfuss, 'No Strings... ...
Read MoreOn Wednesday night, 7 September, we launched our 2016 Creative Arts Festival with a terrific community gathering in The Long Gallery in the Salamanca Arts Centre. The individual and collective student art works K-10 are so interesting and we all thoroughly enjoyed the launch.The Tasmanian Minister for the Arts, Dr... ...
Read MoreOur Creative Arts Festival at Salamanca is over until 2018. We had a great time, thanks to the wonderful student art, media, dance, drama and music. And thanks to the dedication and flair of our teachers, visiting experts, support staff, expert curators, generous families and everyone in our community.There are... ...
Read MoreOn Tuesday 13 September 色情直播鈥檚 Year 5/6 Girls AFL team played their inaugural match at 色情直播 against the Holy Rosary girls AFL team. The girls have trained in the lead up to the match this week and have worked hard on their kicking, handballing, positioning on the field... ...
Read MoreOn Wednesday 色情直播 hosted the annual 5/6 Catholic Denison v Franklin Football and Netball representative matches at the College. The weather started well for the football game and the football teams were in amazing spirits as they competed in a highly-skilled match with the best players in Hobart. As... ...
Read MoreOn Tuesday our firsts of the school netball team travelled to the Launceston Silverdome to compete with five other schools in the Tassie Hawks Cup. The girls played two matches, the first against St Patrick鈥檚 College where St Pat鈥檚 managed to come away with a narrow 27-23 win, and in... ...
Read MoreWhat a wonderful day we had for our Grandparents Day on Wednesday 14 Spetember! Our students were delighted and overwhelmed by having their Grandparents join them in the classrooms. In particular it was delightful to see Lucy in Year 1A; she was speechless when her Grandparents arrived from Launceston when... ...
Read MoreThis year the Adventure Recreation elective class has had a strong focus on developing students' leadership and interpersonal skills through challenging activities. For the first time ever, 色情直播 students were able to put themselves to the test and participate in the Raw Challenge at Baskerville Raceway. The course had... ...
Read MoreThe annual guest chef 鈥榩erformance鈥 has become an eagerly anticipated event on the Year 10 Advanced Food Studies calendar. This year we were privileged to have chef de cuisine from Wrest Point, Mr Kent Sullivan, visit us Monday 12 September, to demonstrate the production of a 3-course meal, using a... ...
Read MoreIt has been a very busy month for the P&F with lots of events happening and even more coming up next term.We had a great turnout of volunteers for our Fathers Day Stall and we had a great range and variety of gifts. The stall was well supported by all... ...
Read MoreOn Tuesday 20 September, Year 9 students exercised leadership in their participation in the College Year 5 Taster Day. Four schools were invited to participate in activities to showcase Dominic鈥檚 broad range of subjects. These schools were St Paul鈥檚, St Therese鈥檚, St Brigid鈥檚, and our 色情直播 Year 5 classes.... ...
Read MoreThe 色情直播 Empower Program would love to invite our girls, mothers, grandmothers, aunts and female friends to a very special viewing of Taryn Brumfitt鈥檚 documentary 鈥 Embrace.When body image activist Taryn Brumfitt posted an unconventional before-and-after photograph in 2013, it was seen by more than 100 million worldwide and... ...
Read MoreSchools across Australia celebrate World Teachers鈥 Day on 5 October each year. This event was inaugurated in 1994 by the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) to acknowledge the outstanding efforts and complex work of teachers in our society. We, too, at 色情直播 salute our teachers and... ...
Read MoreSix 色情直播 teachers and staff were among participants in the first EdTechTeam Summit held in Tasmania, featuring Google for Education. Over the two days during the term break, Monday 26 and Tuesday 27 September our staff members attended a range of sessions aimed at empowering them with new tools... ...
Read MoreThe Class of 2006 had their first, ten years, reunion on Saturday 8 October - with a meet and tour of the College in the afternoon, and a reunion in the evening at Hotel Soho.The afternoon tour was very interesting for the 13 ex-students. Meeting upstairs in Grantleigh, they enjoyed... ...
Read MoreFurther to my news item below, we have now rescheduled K-2 and Year 3-6 Athletics as follows: 3-6 Athletics Carnival Tuesday 18 October from 11.00am - 3.00pmK-2 Athletics Carnival Wednesday 2 November from 10.00am - 12.55pmThis is how we assessed the conditions before postponing the carnival earlier this week:Unfortunately the... ...
Read MoreOur 7-10 assembly was a rewarding occasion, as a range of students were congratulated on their determination, spirit, contributions and successes from Term 3.Director of Creative Arts, Mr Mike O'Brien, reflected on the hundreds of students and families who were involved in the successful Creative Arts Festival in Hobart's creative... ...
Read More色情直播 music students are looking forward to presenting their work in upcoming soirees.On Monday 31 October and Tuesday 1 November, we will be presenting two Music Soirees. The purpose of these events is to allow all students who are having instrumental lessons the opportunity to perform and showcase their... ...
Read More色情直播 students made a Seniors Week visit to Glenview Nursing Home last week.色情直播 has developed a strong relationship with Glenview Nursing Home in recent years. Students have participated in their lantern festival, performed concerts for the residents and helped hang Christmas decorations, and in return, residents have come... ...
Read MoreYear 6 student, Ariarne Roberts, had a professional start to her potential dance career recently, performing in Tchaikovsky鈥檚 Nutcracker Suite, with the visiting Russian Ballet. The performances were on 12-13 October at the Theatre Royal. Ariarne had been practising for about two months every Sunday. Ariarne joined a 3-hour master... ...
Read MoreOur special guest for International Mens Day breakfast this year is old scholar and dancemaster, Andrew Palmer, Class of 1995. Many will know of Andrew's recent work with our K-2 students in the successful Dance, Baby, Dance week, culminating in an entertaining concert in our Savio Centre.Now, in November, Andrew... ...
Read MoreArt and photography from a large number of 色情直播 students was on display at the Hobart Show this week in the YouthArt exhibition.Students work was awarded prizes and certificates in a number of categories, including Year 7/8 art where Alyssa Haremza won second place, and Libby Fry third. Chloe... ...
Read MoreOn Sunday 16 October we held a very successful Family Photo Day. The day was fully booked and all families looked very happy with their photos. A massive thank you to Michael Webb, for donating his time to capture beautiful family images and to Nanette Dowling for organising and helping... ...
Read MoreOn Monday 24 October Senator the Hon. Eric Abetz officially opened the Founders Link at 色情直播. Fr John Papworth SDB, a former Principal and Rector of the College blessed the redeveloped classrooms of the Bosco Wing and the newly constructed Founders Link. This program was partly funded by the... ...
Read MoreOn Wednesday 26 October the College held a very special assembly to mark a significant anniversary in the life of 色情直播. Next month, in November it will be 70 years since our first Salesian brothers and priests came here to Glenorchy and established a home and school to educate... ...
Read MoreFurther to the information emailed to all current and future families recently, we would like to remind parents and guardians of the fee arrangements for next year. 2017 FeesThe 2017 Fee Schedule, detailing the fees that will apply next year, is available from the College Website or from the Business... ...
Read MoreDOSA Football concluded its season functions with the annual Best & Fairest Dinner last Wednesday evening at the Hobart Yacht Club. A large number of players, their WAGs, families and supporters listened to the end of season news, reflected on an excellent season, tempered by defeat in the finals, and... ...
Read MoreOn Wednesday this week the College Chapel was open all day. Teachers and students were encouraged to pay a visit, to light a candle in honour of a loved one who has died and pray in silence and thanksgiving for them. The Catholic Church stands apart from some other Christian... ...
Read MoreThis week was a hive of activity for our music students and their teachers. On Monday and Tuesday evening just over 50 students from Prep to Year 9 showcased their talents in our annual Soiree. Many younger students were performing in public for the first time. Instruments featured were guitar,... ...
Read MoreNearly 2000 students from eight schools became a massed choir at this annual Hobart event held on the Bellerive Boardwalk on Thursday. Our 7-10 Concert Band, the combined DUCK Clubs and the Years 3/4 and 5/6 choirs all performed. John X compered the event. At 12.30 all students joined together... ...
Read MoreOn Wednesday 2 November, students from Years 7-9 were privileged to hear the speeches given for the election of the 2017 School Captains. Students were required to write a letter of application, stating why they would like to be Captain of our College. Following this application, students were invited to... ...
Read MoreThe 色情直播 Community Fair held on Friday 4 November was yet another special success for the hard-working Parents & Friends.Despite threatening gales, our intrepid band of staff and volunteers worked hard to have everything ready for the 3.30pm start, and were a bit 'close to the wind' with the... ...
Read MoreHow much fun was that!On Wednesday we held the rescheduled K-2 Athletics Carnival at Dominic in what was fantastic atmosphere. The parents and friends of the Dominic Community were out in full force on the day with what, at times, looked like the 鈥減aparazzi鈥 on the finish line with so... ...
Read MoreOn Thursday 10 November, the College celebrated International Men鈥檚 Day with a breakfast in the Savio Centre for over 100 of our boys and men.International Men鈥檚 Day is celebrated in over 60 countries across the world. It is an occasion for men to celebrate their achievements and, in particular their... ...
Read MoreThe first of four Kindergarten Orientation sessions was held on Tuesday 8 November. Throughout the day 60 students, some excited and some apprehensive, explored their new surroundings and participated in many activities. This is an invaluable time for them to meet our teachers, become familiar with their new environment and... ...
Read MoreIt is an important time for our Year 10 students as they focus on their upcoming exams, which begin with English on Friday 18 November. In preparation, students are encouraged to create a study timetable, to print out their exam timetable and place it in a prominent place. You can... ...
Read MoreOn Wednesday 9 November students from Years 3-10 gathered together in the Savio Centre to recognise Remembrance Day. This year is the 100th anniversary of many of the significant and horrific battles that occurred on the Western Front. Our keynote speaker Ms Gilligan spoke eloquently on the significance of this... ...
Read MoreHuge congratulations to all who participated in the 7-10 swimming carnival, held on Tuesday 8 November at the Hobart Aquatic Centre, either through competing in the events, or helping out with time-keeping and judging roles on the day. The carnival ran smoothly thanks to the combined efforts of the staff... ...
Read MoreMedia Arts students finalised their short film entries to the MyState Film Festival. This was a natural progression from their One Minute Film assignment completed in Term 2 and provided the opportunity to expand and extend their filmmaking skills and understanding. Being a competition in the public arena it carried... ...
Read MoreSaturday 19 November was really a Super Saturday for 色情直播.Brilliant sunshine welcomed our festive staff and students as they rendezvoused for the 2016 Hobart Christmas Pageant. Great costumed angels, shepherds and elves held up fantastic stars and banners held high on bamboo poles.Students and staff had worked hard on... ...
Read MoreLast week we received news that our K-2 Teaching & Learning Coordinator and Literacy Support teacher, Mrs Jane Doyle has been awarded a National Excellence in Teaching Award.Jane is one of three Tasmanian educators who has been awarded this national recognition this year, involving a selection process within a field... ...
Read MoreThe Uniform Shop redevelopment is progressing well and is expected to be finished on time. To enable the setup and transfer of stock to the new site, the uniform shop will be closed from Monday 21 November 2016 to Friday 25 November 2016.Once the new shop is opened on Monday... ...
Read MoreMr Oliver Morgan, 色情直播 old scholar, Class of 2008, has completed his practical at 色情直播, this term. There was a nice little item in the most recent edition of Veritas, suggested by Fr Frank Bertagnolli, about the cumulative 60 years of my family鈥檚 association with Dominic.In 2017 I... ...
Read MoreYear 10 student, Daniel Warwarek missed his graduation ceremony, but he has an excuse.Daniel was in Cairns competing in the Australian National Amateur Boxing Championships, representing Tasmania, under the auspices of the Claremont Boxing Club.His family said he has been boxing for four years and this was the first time... ...
Read MoreWith their final Year 10 exam in the morning on Thursday 24 November, Year 10 students had an afternoon sharing lunch, and reflecting with their peers and staff on their memories, their friendships and their time at 色情直播.Students readied themselves for their formal graduation Mass at St John's Church,... ...
Read MoreThere was so much talent and good will on display at the annual end-of-year 色情直播 Year 6-10 Awards ceremony in the Savio Centre on Friday 25 November.Students and staff, family and friends, plus local community and special guests, witnessed a remarkable group of students congratulated for their academic results,... ...
Read MoreA number of students from Dominic have chosen to enrol in VET studies at GYC in 2017. Below, they share why they have chosen to study VET:Sam Peters (Hospitality) I have chosen Hospitality as my VET course next year because, I love cooking and it鈥檚 my passion, I plan to... ...
Read MoreOn Wednesday 30 November, Kalia and I joined girls from a number of schools in Parliament House to learn about females in politics: how things worked, what went on and how women make an impact in our government. We started our day with a warm welcome from old scholar and... ...
Read MoreThe old scholars Christmas Eve Mass is not just for old scholars. DOSA Chairman, Tony Webb, and stalwart and Diane Cerritelli, invite all old scholars, and all members of the 色情直播 community, to worship and celebrate Christmas at the traditional Christmas Eve Mass in the College Chapel.We will start... ...
Read MoreWe so often hear rather glibly that Advent is a time of preparation for Christmas but what does that mean? Work out the invitation lists as to who is coming for Christmas dinner, getting the kids to put up the Christmas tree, or running through a checklist of ensuring all... ...
Read MoreOn Wednesday 30 November, 120 fresh new 2017 色情直播 Year 7s embarked on Orientation Day. The morning started with an introduction by Ms Gilligan, detailing how this group will spend the next four years together and eventually be the Class of 2020. Although scary to think, some of the... ...
Read MoreOn Friday 16 December, the final day of Term 4 2016, students will have assemblies, clean-up and an Advent Mass in the morning. Our Year 7-9 Student Representative Council, have designed an afternoon event and all students from Years 5-9 will be involved in a large game of House v... ...
Read MoreWhat are the most popular names at 色情直播? Can you guess? There are 929 students listed in the 2016 Yearbook, and there are 490 different first names. There are an amazing 341 students who have first names shared with no other student. The most popular boys and girls names... ...
Read MoreToby has been lost and found, on the College grounds this morning, and is enjoying a little holiday in our new stables.Spotted on the oval by curious staff early this morning, he was expertly wrangled by Mr Reinbach and Nr Nolan, and safely tucked in with some feed and water... ...
Read MoreCamp was a great experience for all of us, leading us to the beginning of our Year 9 Rite Journey. For some students it was about overcoming fears, learning new things and having new experiences and for others it refreshed our minds, made us think differently and have time to... ...
Read MoreLast weekend, 36 students from Years 8-10 attended a retreat in the Savio Hub. This was an opportunity for Year 8s (soon to be Year 9s) to join the group and for some outgoing Year 10s to pass on their experiences and wisdom from their time with Salesian Youth of... ...
Read MoreA large and supportive audience of parents and families enjoyed an entertaining performance of carols and the Christmas story from our Kindergarten to Year 2 students, on Wednesday 7 December. Costumes were very impressive, whether angels, shepherds, wise men and wise women, or animals.Year 1 presented Silent Night, Kinders gave... ...
Read MoreYear 10 students returned for their last official job this morning, Monday 12 December, when students came back to the College to collect their documents and materials.They began to gather early and had the chance to talk to Mr Williams managing the buses.References, reports, USBs with graduation dinner photos, their... ...
Read MoreYear 6 students had a big day today, Monday 12 December, to start their final week of Term 4.All our Year 6 students lined up outside a crowded Savio Centre to receive the congratulations of the younger students as they entered the assembly.There were welcomes and singing, prayers and speeches.... ...
Read MoreThe final day of Term 4, Friday 16 December, was an excellent day of celebration and fun. Students were involved with administration in the morning, cleaning up classrooms, cleaning out lockers, readying to take home their Christmas craft and gifts, talking to teachers about their plans for the summer break,... ...
Read MoreOver 100 years of research confirms the phenomenon referred to as 鈥榮ummer slide鈥 (White, 1906). This body of research has shown that during the summer children can lose the equivalent of two months of Maths and English achievement. (Cooper, Nye, Charlton, & Greathouse, 1996).How can you prevent this 鈥榮ummer slide鈥... ...
Read MoreOn Thursday we officially inducted our 2017 College student leaders, in a beautiful ceremony in the Savio Centre. Students received blessed badges and ties, were presented to the College community and recited their act of dedication together. We are very proud of all of them and are sure they will... ...
Read MoreFor the last issue of the newsletter for 2016, magic moments chosen by the Creative Arts staff.Music Count Us In was an exciting day of celebration, which saw all K-6 students participating in the national simultaneous singing event. K-1 students filled the playground with their beautiful voices, while Year 2-6... ...
Read MoreIt is with sadness that I write to inform you that Mrs Jenny Edwards, one of our K-6 Teacher Assistants, passed away very suddenly Thursday morning. Jenny collapsed at a bus stop in Claremont and despite efforts by bystanders, the police and ambulance officers, could not be revived. This... ...
Read MoreOnce again, Old Scholars and their families gathered in the Dominic Chapel for the traditional Mass on Christmas Eve, beginning with carols at 9.30pm lead by the beautiful choir with thanks to Ann Loring at the helm, ably assisted by Tony Gregs on keyboard. 色情直播 Rector, Fr. Peter Rankin... ...
Read More色情直播 has been advised that Metro, Redline, O鈥橠riscoll & Creswell School Buses will be running as normal from Thursday 2 February. Please note that as Metro will be running their service for Dominic Students, the buses will be signed Charter with route number on the first few days. As... ...
Read MoreAs parents and students prepare to return for the 2017 academic year we would like to remind users of the College App to ensure they have updated the 鈥榯ags鈥 for which they wish to receive news. For example, if you had the Year 6 news tagged and your child is... ...
Read MoreOur 色情直播 2017 Calendar is being printed in January and will be posted home to our families before school commences. You can access our electronic calendar here: Website calendar.Or you can view and download a pdf of the printed calendar (not interactive and without links) here: 2017 printed calendar.We... ...
Read MoreHappy New Year! Akemashite omedetou gozaimasu! Wishing you and your families a happy and healthy year for 2017, the Year of the Rooster. Susie Allan (Aran sensei) and I are very excited about the year ahead and sharing our passion and knowledge about Japan and Japanese with students from Kindergarten... ...
Read MoreOver 100 children from Early Learning Centres had great fun on our ovals today. Our Dominic Vacation Care hosted children and staff from four Discovery Early Learning Centers, with games, barbecues and activities on a perfect day.The children gave our swings in the new playground a thorough work-out and pronounced... ...
Read MoreK-6 Meet and Greet is on Tuesday 31 January from 4pm-6pm.The K-6 Meet and Greet is for all K-6 students and their parents - you are welcome to visit your child's classroom and talk to their teacher for 2017. Parents and students should go straight to their child's classroom on... ...
Read MoreInternational Women's Day is celebrated 8 March all around the world and is an opportunity to commemorate the achievements of girls and women, locally and globally.At 色情直播, we will mark this day with a wonderful gathering of girls and women from our community. Girls in Years 5-10 and their... ...
Read MoreAfter a 3-day induction last week, new staff were welcomed and made their commitment to the students of the College at ou staff Mass on Monday 30 January.All staff returned to work on Monday for three days of preparation, organisation and friendship, as the College gets ready to welcome back... ...
Read MoreThere will be significant changes to the College鈥檚 traffic management for the start of the school term to accommodate the work site of the Creative Arts Building Project. The main changes to be aware of are: The gravel carpark will be a car-free zone from the start of Term 1.... ...
Read MoreFour of our excellent science students attended the UTAS Summer school in January. Indy Brideson reports:From 23 to 25 January, 色情直播 students, Megan Brennan, Breanna Brennan, Shiona Kondo, and I participated in the UTAS Science Experience. The annual UTAS Science Experience is aimed at Year 10 students, especially those... ...
Read MoreWe sadly recommenced our school year without our warm and generous Teacher Assistant, Mrs Jenny Edwards. Jenny was taken swiftly and unexpectedly from her family and from our community in December 2016. May Jenny rest in eternal peace. Now with our God Creator, we want to give thanks for Jenny鈥檚... ...
Read MoreSome of our Year 9 and 10 students attended a summer camp - the Don Bosco Camp - in Safety Beach, Victoria. Summer camp was an amazing experience - it was a fun and social event. We all made a bunch of new life-long friends, some of whom are either... ...
Read More色情直播 commenced its Launch into Learning Program for pre-kinder children and their parents in 2017. This program recognises and reinforces our philosophy that parents are the primary educators and that the nature and quality of children鈥檚 experiences in the first phase of their life, before they commence school, are... ...
Read MoreThis year World Read Aloud Day grew even bigger at 色情直播. Older students joined their younger schoolmates to enjoy short stories, picture books and other engaging texts. Not only was it a wonderful opportunity to interact with fellow students from different year levels, but it also allowed the younger... ...
Read More色情直播 is proud and excited to introduce a new Immersion Learning Opportunity for 2017.World Challenge is the 鈥楾rip of a Lifetime鈥 and in 2017 the opportunity to travel to Cambodia for three weeks is available to all Year 9 and 10 students at the conclusion of this year (December).World... ...
Read MoreEvery two years 色情直播 staff and students are involved in the Relay for Life. The Relay for Life is a fundraiser to raise money and remember those people who are affected by cancer. It is an overnight walk held at the Domain Athletics Centre. Many people in our community... ...
Read MoreCongratulations to Fr Denis Allen, Dr Ian McShane, Dr Karen Westwood and Dr Olivia Rundle, on their induction into 色情直播's Hall of Achievement.The Hall of Achievement aims to celebrate the history of the school and the lives of the people who have been shaped by their education at Dominic... ...
Read MoreWith six weeks left to the start of the Old Scholars Football season, the team is looking good. We have had over 55 participants at training and the team has been working hard on their fitness and game style. DOSA have picked up new Assistant Coaches Jake Briggs and Gareth... ...
Read MoreOn Thursday 23 February Year 9 students attended 鈥淭he Calling鈥, as part of their EMPOWER program, The Rite Journey. The Rite Journey is a unique educational program designed to support the development and transition of our students from children into self-aware, vital, responsible, respectful and resilient adults. In Year 9... ...
Read MoreThe Creative Arts Project is off to a great start in Term 1, on the journey to transform the ground floor of the old Middle School Art and Craft Electives Block. This level once housed the metalwork rooms, and most recently The Anzac Buffet space and Uniform Shop. The project... ...
Read MoreThe word shrove is a form of the English word shrive, which means to obtain absolution for one鈥檚 sins. Shrove Tuesday gets its name from the custom for Christians to be 鈥渟hriven鈥 before the start of Lent. On this day the tradition is to eat pancakes 鈥 to feast on... ...
Read MoreMusic is now underway and the symphony of offerings will have students humming along.Private instrumental lessons have started for the year, and 89 students have taken up this valuable opportunity. Excellent work!Six professional tutors are employed by the College to teach students privately in Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone, Guitar, Ukulele, Trumpet,... ...
Read MoreThe Savio sharks took out the Year 3-6 House Swimming Carnival trophy but with such spirit and competition everyone's a winner.On Thursday, Year 3-6 were in fantastic spirits as they participated in the 2017 Swimming Carnival at the Clarence Pool. The day was very enjoyable and our students should be... ...
Read MoreOn Wednesday 1 March, the College celebrated our Opening Mass and Ash Wednesday liturgy. Fr Bernie Graham SDB, Vice Provincial of the Salesians of Don Bosco, presided over the Mass with the assistance of Fr Nick Castelyns SDB.色情直播 student leaders led the service with prayers as we gave thanks... ...
Read MoreOnce again the College will be selling Entertainment Books for 2017/18 with 20% from every Membership going towards the Br Dezani Scholarship Fund.Purchase online or via the Business Office and Student Services Offices with both physical Books and Digital memberships available at $65.00Pre-purchase before 3 May to receive Early Bird... ...
Read MoreThe 2017 NAIDOC poster competition is on and entries are open to all talented artists over the age of 13 across Australia, including our own Aimee Hogan, with this beautiful entry. NAIDOC Week celebrations are held across Australia each July to celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and... ...
Read MoreIn our new Animal Husbandry and Marine Science 9/10 elective, nearly all the students have their animals on site. Animals include rabbits, ferrets, guinea pigs, week-old calves, Alpacas, a miniature goat, Toggenburg goats, a pony, donkeys, sheep, homing pigeons and chickens. We also have frogs and soon will include dragon... ...
Read MoreInternational Women鈥檚 Day highlights the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women, past and present, and focuses on today's women supporting and encouraging each other for the next generation to progress even further.On Wednesday morning, 165 Year 5-10 girls and their mothers, guardians, grandmothers, staff members and special guests... ...
Read MoreFriday 17 is the National Day of Action Against Bullying and Harassment. We would like all our students, staff and everyone in our community to think about how they can help do the right thing, in their daily lives.Dear Lord,Please guide us to be better friends, classmates, role models and... ...
Read MoreOn Friday 10 March 2017, 26 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students from 色情直播 participated in a Cultural Program held at the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery.Named tunapri rrala (meaning strong knowledge), this program celebrated the creativity and resilience of the Tasmanian Aboriginal women who have passed the tradition... ...
Read MoreKitean Aitken (Year 6 Vice Captain) plays for the Lindisfarne Junior Cricket Club (Under 13) and they made their competition鈥檚 Grand Final, played on Sunday 5 March at Lindisfarne. The Sunday prior, Kitean explained he wanted to have a Pink Stumps game to fundraise some money for Cancer support. His... ...
Read MoreYear 9 student, Samuel Walker, has been successful in qualifying in the T38 classification for the upcoming Junior Athletics Championships in Sydney in two weeks. Samuel is currently registered with the University Athletics Club and his recent 100m and 200m times place him as fastest in his age group and... ...
Read MoreOn camp we undertook a really big hike - a 5km walk to and from Bivouac Bay to stay the night. When we got to camp we prepared our sleeping gear. After we had all our things ready we had about 5 to 10 minutes to relax, before we had... ...
Read MoreThere have been many wonderful Pastoral Care events over the last week; Year 5 had an important whole-year at Far South Wilderness Camp; we looked at the idea of inclusion on the National Day Against Bullying and we recognised the importance of 鈥楨veryone Belongs鈥 on Harmony Day. On Friday 17... ...
Read MoreThe Old Scholars Football Association has released the 2017 roster, and DOSA hosts University in a huge Round 1 fixture at the TCA.Snowy - old scholar Brendan Loveless - plays his 363rd game for DOSA, breaking the record previously held by the great Tom Jarvis.The team has been prepared well... ...
Read MoreCongratulations to Mr Warwick Cardamatis, Mrs Jane Doyle, Mr Rocco Mangione and Mr David Reinbach, who received awards for 25 years of service to Catholic Education in Tasmania from the TCEO at St Mary's Cathedral on Thursday 23 March.These four 色情直播 teachers were among 25 teachers recognised and honoured,... ...
Read MoreTerm 1 is flying by and we have three major events on in the next few weeks.Our Easter Raffle is up and running and donations and raffle tickets are starting to come into the school offices, so thank you to everyone who has donated so far. Please remember you can... ...
Read MoreThis week saw the second in the series of planned Literacy Presentations for parents with children in K-6. On Wednesday evening a large number of parents joined the Year 3鈥6 teachers to find out more about spelling strategies they can use to support their child鈥檚 learning at home. The evening... ...
Read MoreOn Thursday 16 March, Guilford Young College held their Commendation Ceremony for students who were outstanding achievers in 2016. Many of the recipients were 色情直播 Old Scholars.Ms Michelle Harris was Master of Ceremonies, and awards were presented by The Most Reverend Julian Porteous DD assisted by Mr Craig Deayton,... ...
Read MoreYear 5 experienced their first Dominic camp last week when they spent three days at Far South Wilderness Lodge. The theme of the camp was 鈥淟et your Light Shine鈥 and the children explored how they could let their inner selves shine in order to be more like Christ. The many... ...
Read MoreThis week, students, and families of students, who have signed up for our Year 9 Northern Territory and Year 10 Japan experiences, came along to an information night. giving details about the trips and allowing all to ask questions and discuss their expectations of these experiences with the staff who... ...
Read MoreAn annual event that is beginning to be a rite of passage for Dance students at Dominic is the much anticipated visit to Miss Jenina鈥檚 JDW Dance Workshop Studios situated near the school in Bosco Drive. This week, both the Year 8 Dance class and the Senior Dance class visited... ...
Read MoreOn 25 and 26 March, 色情直播 participated in the Relay for Life, for the second time.2017 was an extra special year following the shock news our loved College Principal, Ms Beth Gilligan, was diagnosed with cancer. Together, the students and staff wanted to make the 2017 Relay extra special.... ...
Read MoreOur Mini-Vinnies Sausage Sizzle is the first of a number of fun events we have planned!This year, Mrs Rootes, our K-6 Religious Education Coordinator has developed a Mini Vinnies Group. It鈥檚 based on the work of St Vincent de Paul and helps students put the gospel values into action. All... ...
Read MoreTo commemorate and honour the 100th Anniversary two years ago, of the ANZAC Landings at Gallipoli, we asked all 色情直播 students to get involved in their community as a way of recognising and honouring the sacrifices of our forebears. Over 150 色情直播 students participated in numerous parades and... ...
Read MoreDear Parents and CarersYou are invited to share in your child鈥檚 learning at 色情直播 through our K鈥6 Open Classroom Afternoon. The Open Classroom Afternoon will give you the opportunity to spend time in your child鈥檚 classroom and participate in learning activities.The afternoon will begin at 1.45pm. All K- 6... ...
Read MoreThank you all for your amazing contribution to yesterday鈥檚 carnival. The carnival went off without a hitch and we were blessed with some amazing weather. Attendance was the best we鈥檝e had in years and student participation and spirit was exceptional. Congratulations to Savio for their popular victory, in a close... ...
Read MoreFour old schoalrs played their first game, and one played his 363rd game on Saturday!The Old Scholars Football Association commenced with DOSA hosting University and the TCA and four recent old scholars made a fine debut. Damon Curtain (2015), Lucas Henderson (2015), Owen Arrowsmith (2015) & Trent Henderson (2014) represented... ...
Read MoreOn Wednesday 5 April, K-6 parents and guardians were invited to join their children at school. The afternoon had two purposes. The first was to give K-6 parents another look inside their child鈥檚 classroom and have the opportunity to experience the learning activities that take place every day. We had... ...
Read MoreIt was wonderful for K-6 students to gather under the Sail on Thursday morning for the presentation of 鈥淲e are Learners鈥 and 鈥淏ucket Filler鈥 certificates. It was yet another difficult job for classroom teachers to select one student in each area who has been consistently displaying learner behaviours and consistently... ...
Read MoreOn Friday 31 March, a team of eight students from Years 9/10 competed in the Da Vinci Decathlon at Launceston, for the first time for Dominic! The Decathlon is an academic challenge in 10 different subjects across academic fields of Maths, English, Engineering, Creative Producers, Cartography, Science, Art & Poetry,... ...
Read MoreLast week Year 9/10 elective Athletic Development and Adventure Recreation students undertook the Raw Challenge.We headed to Baskerville Raceway, changed into some old clothes and were introduced to the Raw Challenge instructors who talked us through the course, the safety procedures and elements of tecnique. After some warm ups we... ...
Read MoreOrienteering had a great start in Term 1 at 色情直播.HPE students and teachers were excited to have worked with excellent specialist coaches in Term 1, in learning the basics of Orienteering.色情直播 received $2700 in special funding from the Federal Government through Sporting Schools Funding Grants in Term 1.... ...
Read MoreThe 7-10 and 4-6 Student Councils are an important part of life at 色情直播, and follow the teachings of Don Bosco, who recognised the positive influence of peer leadership. It is a great honor to be recognised by your peers, and we know these students will be excellent role... ...
Read MoreDOSA Football's first month has been frenetic. Each week has seen different celebrations, and some great early season form displayed.Four old scholars played their first game, and one played his 363rd game on Saturday 7 April! The Old Scholars Football Association commenced with DOSA hosting University at the TCA and... ...
Read More色情直播 students participated as a College in a number of ANZAC Day services around Hobart including Hobart, Glenorchy, New Norfolk, Lenah Valley and Pontville.Large numbers of students were particularly prominent at Glenorchy, Pontville and New Norfolk. In all cases leaders layed wreaths in a solemn and careful ceremony, and... ...
Read MoreOur students enjoyed an excellent OzBosco weekend in Melbourne for the last weekend of term break, accompanied by Mr Swan, Ms McConnnon and Br Michael.The Don Bosco Now magazine reports:A large group of young people from Adelaide, Hobart, Melbourne and Sydney gathered together for OzBosco 2017 at St. Joseph鈥檚 College... ...
Read MoreBrother and sister, Max and Indy Brideson, dominated the field events at the recent 色情直播 House Athletics Carnival, breaking four records. Year 10 student, Indy Brideson, won the under 16 discus, shotput and javelin. She broke the previous College record in the discus by two metres. Her brother, Year... ...
Read MoreOn Sunday 30 April the 2017 色情直播 Equestrian Team, Bella Lee and Neave Schofield, proudly represented 色情直播 at the 2017 Inter-Schools Horse Trials. Held at Huntingfield Pony & Riding Club grounds at Howden, with an 8.00 a.m. start, team members and their trusty steeds were on the road... ...
Read MoreIt was very pleasing to see such a large number of parents attend 7-10 parent teacher interviews last night. Our parent community is very engaged with their children鈥檚 education and our parents are committed to achieving the best educational outcomes for them. Parent teacher sessions provide opportunities for our school... ...
Read MoreFeast Day was a wonderful day of celebrating our Salesian heritage. On Wednesday 3 May, our College community celebrated our Feast Day honoring two Salesian saints, Don Bosco & Dominic Savio. This day always creates an air of reflection, excitement and joyous participation. Thank you to our volunteer staff and... ...
Read MoreOn 7-9 April, we attended the RYPEN camp weekend at the Lea Scout Centre near Kingston. We had a weekend of team building exercises and special guest speakers, with a focus on communication in a team. Julie Preston, a career advisor from the University of Tasmania, spoke about resumes and... ...
Read MoreLast weekend 36 Dominic students and 3 Dominic Old Scholars visited St Joseph鈥檚 College in Melbourne to gather with students from Salesian schools from all over the country. Director of Mission, Mr Tim Swan, said that the Dominic contingent comprised one third of the whole gathering. 'This was the ninth... ...
Read MoreDear Parents, Students and Staff, I am writing to firstly thank all of you for your wonderful messages of loving support and kindness during my management of breast cancer. The surgery and chemotherapy treatment have proceeded well and I have been especially so grateful for your ongoing prayers. It is... ...
Read MoreYear 7 student, Laura Ackerley auditioned successfully to join Jenina鈥檚 Dance Workshop (JDW) on their USA tour in April 2017. She was the youngest member of the team. Not only did Laura attend classes with the world鈥檚 best teachers, she also took part in one of America鈥檚 top 3 Dance... ...
Read MoreYear 9 student, Bianca Davidson has competed in the Artistic Gymnastics for the past nine years. Last year, she also commenced Trampoline and Tumbling. Bianca competed in her first Trampoline State Championships in April this year, placing second in U17 women鈥檚 Double Mini Trampoline and in first place in U17... ...
Read MoreOn Thursday 18 May, Year 9 students and their parents/guardians gathered in the Savio Centre to take part in 鈥楾he Departure鈥, one of the ceremonies that occur as a part of The Rite Journey - our Year 9 EMPOWER Program.Using the Empower program and performing this ceremony helps us stop... ...
Read MoreVale 鈥 Fr Mark McGuinness MSC色情直播 received news this week of the death of Fr Mark McGuinness MSC. Fr Mark attended Savio and then Dominic from 1969-1976. He had been diagnosed early this year with inoperable cancer. Mark attended primary school at St Therese鈥檚 Moonah and then completed his... ...
Read MoreLaunch into Learning continues to be a great success. We have two sessions running each Tuesday. Misty Morning session from 9.30am-11.00am and Apple Afternoons from 1.30pm-3.00pm. Each week our very talented and creative Kinder teacher, Mrs Linda Douglas, leads the group in activities that are fun and engaging but also... ...
Read MoreOn Wednesday 17 May, K-6 held their first assembly for Term 2. Our focus for this term is on 鈥楤eing Respectful and Kindness.鈥 The certificates this term reflect those areas and were presented along with the 鈥榃e are Learners鈥 Certificates. The following students received, respectively, Loving Kindness Awards, We are... ...
Read MoreOn Wednesday 17 May at 7pm St Mary鈥檚 Cathedral, St Vincent de Paul Society held the Youth Induction Mass. Father Shammi Perere and the Cathedral Administrator honoured the hard work and appreciation of the St Vincent de Paul team and celebrated the Vinnie鈥檚 Mass of Induction for the year. Congratulations... ...
Read MoreOn Wednesday evening 24 May 色情直播 hosted the Tasmanian Debating competition roster, facilitated by the Tasmanian Debating Union. Students from across 15 High Schools and Colleges participated. The sheer number of participants created a very studious atmosphere in the preparation sessions and then a great contest in the actual... ...
Read MoreWhat a great night on Thursday night, 25 May with our music students! Two choirs, a rock band, ten individual solos and a duet. The Oratory Space has never hosted a finer set of Disney songs!For a significant number of students this was their first public performance. They were warmly... ...
Read MoreMUNA stands for Model United Nations Assembly. Last weekend six 色情直播 Year 10 students, Annalise Ball, Kalia Combs, Nicki Stanton, Jacob Percy, Julia Narracott and Eric Glover joined 44 other Year 10 students from across the state to compete in the annual Model United Nations Assembly (MUNA). MUNA is... ...
Read MoreStrength was on show at the 7-10 House Cross Country Carnival on Friday 26 May.Students across all ages and capacity pushed through strongly on the beautiful, but challenging, course around the 色情直播 property and the edges of Tolosa Park, including the ovals, the football fields, the roads and paths,... ...
Read MoreArts Profile: Ellie NewlandWhich Creative Arts subjects have you taken at 色情直播?Three, including Drama, Music and Visual Art. Although I thoroughly enjoyed Music and Drama, I continued Visual Art due to my stronger passion for sculpting, painting and drawing.What are you currently working on in visual art? This term... ...
Read MoreLast week, Mr Andrew Pritchard and I participated in a Professional Development on Mental Health. One session we attended was focused on the importance of Relationships and Consequence for young people as teachers and parents.In particular, we know that at times that teenagers can be difficult to manage. How hard... ...
Read MoreLast week on Wednesday 24 May, our Church celebrated the feast of Mary Help of Christians. All students and teachers K-6 joined Father Nick in the Chapel to honour Mary. Australia was the first country in the world to name Mary Help of Christians as their patron saint. This was... ...
Read MoreMorning tea with Her ExcellencyThe bus came to a gentle stop early Wednesday morning as we waited for the large double gates to swing open admitting Year 6 to the grounds of Government House. As we drove up the long tree lined drive there were gasps of astonishment as the... ...
Read MoreThis week the K-2 and 3-6 Cross Country events were held at 色情直播. Both events were in good weather, on our beautiful oval and grounds, and were well-supported by our wonderful community.The K-2 event was held on Wednesday in crisp conditions and all of the students did a fantastic... ...
Read MoreOverall, the changes to the College鈥檚 traffic management for the start of the school year to accommodate the work site of the Creative Arts Building Project have worked well and on most days has improved the efficiency of the after-school pick up rush. Please be aware that for the rest... ...
Read MoreOn Wednesday students from K-2 attended the incursion, 鈥淒itto鈥檚 Keep Safe Adventure鈥 at 色情直播's Oratory Space.Children are the most vulnerable members of society so it is never too early to begin talking about personal safety.Providing age appropriate information around body ownership and a right to be safe from an... ...
Read MoreWhat a great assembly on Wednesday 7 June! It was made even better by the lovely performance of the 7-10 choir performing their section-winning award piece during the mid-assembly 'intermission.'At this week鈥檚 7-10 Assembly several students were acknowledged for service and achievements. Congratulations to Daniel Hunniford (V5), Connor Riza (S4)... ...
Read MoreWhat a great start to the assembly we had with Ms Attuoni's Year 2 class beautifully conducted the opening prayer.After the National Anthem, Mrs Kinne reminded everyone to work hard and keep trying to do better with their education. She was very proud of how much improvement was shown by... ...
Read MoreTransition to GYC begins at entry into Dominic. We start talking about it from Kindergarten. It is emphasised for enrolments and during parent information sessions that GYC is our recommended pathway into Years 11 and 12. 色情直播 is K-10, on one site, and Year 11 and 12 is just... ...
Read MoreOn Sunday 11 June, 色情直播 students Alec Wilde, Ben McRoss, Marahn Aitken and Hannah Smith represented the Southern Tasmanian Junior Football Association (STIJFL) in their annual clash with the Northern Tasmanian Junior Football Association. Alec and Ben represented the STJFL under 16 Boys Team and Marahn and Hannah represented... ...
Read MoreStudents, families and the broader Glenorchy community like to keep an eye on the meteorological forecasts, as well as the mountain and clouds on the horizon. Now they have just the right technology and resources to do so, thanks to the financial support of the Speaker of the House of... ...
Read MoreThe 色情直播 EMPOWER and Pastoral Care Team is excited to announce that Jonny Shannon will be presenting to our students on Tuesday 27 June.Jonny is one of the most sought after presenters in the Southern Hemisphere. He has completed 2200 presentations to over 370 schools, across Australia, New Zealand... ...
Read MoreGavin Abraham, Communications Manager, National Catholic Education Commission, produced two Youtube videos to explain the Catholic Education's opposition to the Federal Government's proposed legislative changes to funding education, and has requested his colleagues to publicise these videos. You can view them through these links:Say No to Catholic Education CutsKeep the... ...
Read MoreLast week, the College received news that two of our College leaders, Mrs Janine O鈥橦ea and Mr Mike O鈥橞rien will be honoured by the Australian Council for Educational Leadership (ACEL TAS) for their work and achievements. ACEL awards recognise those leaders in our state and across the country who have... ...
Read MoreOn Tuesday Year 5 visited Port Arthur as part of their Term 2 History unit. The students enjoyed amazing weather, allowing them to experience the site at its best. Year 5 experienced a cruise on the harbour, a 50-minute educational tour and an afternoon spent searching for historical clues in... ...
Read MoreOne of the major assessment tasks undertaken by Year 8 Home Economics students is a design practical activity whereby students have to design, prepare and present an original savoury muffin recipe which incorporates a vegetable of some kind.Students are given a set amount of 鈥榖ase鈥 ingredients 鈥 SR flour, butter... ...
Read MoreOn Wednesday 21 June, Mr Mitch McPherson, founder of Speak Up, Stay ChatTY presented to the Year 7-10 assembly. Now four years old, Speak Up, Stay ChatTY is a non-profit, meaning that all donations made to Mitch and the organisation, are given to suicide prevention programs. The program started out... ...
Read MoreGuilford Young College announced last week four students were finalists in the Tasmanian Training Awards. Three of these students are old scholars of 色情直播, from the Class of 2015.Georgia Perry and Rebekah Smith are both studying Certificate III in Early Childhood Care and are finalists in the VET in... ...
Read MoreThe good news is the building schedule is on track for completion during Term 4. With the site in such a prominent position in the school, the build has been highly visible, and although outward signs of progress appear to have been slow, there has been constant activity, drilling into... ...
Read MoreOld scholar, Lily Newell, Class of 2016, is one of six young writers who have participated in the inaugural Young Writers in the City of Glenorchy program. This writers-in-residence program is sponsored by the Tasmanian Writers Centre in partnership with the Glenorchy City Council and the Moonah Arts Centre. According... ...
Read MoreAll schools must make publicly available an annual report that includes information on a set of indicators about the school, aimed at parents and the community. The latest Annual Report for 色情直播 is now available and can be accessed at this link: Annual Report 2016 ...
Read MoreThe Kookaburra Club was the form of school banking run by the Catholic Development Fund some years ago before the current Commonwealth Bank initiative began. There may be a few older students who still have Kookaburra Club Accounts. Please see this notice from the CDF regarding Kookaburra Club banking: Notice... ...
Read MoreAll three Year 6 classes have been busily preparing for the annual 鈥楽ay it Loud鈥 performances on Tuesday 4 July. 鈥楽ay it Loud鈥 is a playbuilding program unique to 色情直播. Over the course of 15 weeks Year 6 students create self-devised documentary drama. Documentary drama is theatre that wholly... ...
Read MoreDear Parents/GuardiansThe first day of Term 3, Monday 24 July, will be devoted to individual goal-setting appointments for all students in Year 3 to Year 10. We believe this process is important so this day will be a student-free day for K-10 students to allow for the goal setting sessions.... ...
Read MoreLast week the Rector Major of the Salesians appointed Fr William Matthews SDB as the 11th Provincial of Australia-Pacific Region for a period of six years commencing on 1 January 2018. The current Provincial, Fr Greg Chambers SDB, completes his six year term on 30 December this year.Fr William was... ...
Read MoreLast week on Tuesday 27 June, students in Years 5鈥10 were treated to presentations by Jonny Shannon, a school motivational speaker who addressed students on cyberbullying, their online footprint, bullying and how to be a good friend. Year 5-6 students thoroughly enjoyed Jonny鈥檚 sense of humour, animation and the clear... ...
Read MoreThe sense of achievement on all student鈥檚 faces when they reached their destinations is the reason why we do what we do. Over the two Adventure Recreation camps these destinations included Cape Hauy, Cape Raoul, Cape Pillar, Shipsterns Bluff and Fortescue Bay. The students spent most of Term 2 experiencing... ...
Read MoreOn Monday 3 July, 21 students represented 色情直播 at the Flag Raising Ceremony held at Risdon Cove to begin NAIDOC week celebrations. On a beautiful but frosty morning, students walked to the top of the hill at Risdon Cove and gathered with many others who listened to a Welcome... ...
Read MoreYear 6 students at 色情直播 recently premiered their production of 鈥楽ay It Loud!鈥 The annual show featured three original one act plays devised, scripted and presented by the students. Now in its fourth year at 色情直播, 鈥楽ay It Loud!鈥 is the culmination of the College鈥檚 primary drama curriculum... ...
Read MoreTheatresports is a form of improvisational theatre, which uses the format of a competition for dramatic effect. Opposing teams can perform scenes based on audience suggestions, with ratings by the audience or by a panel of judges. The teams are placed in a scenario where they would need to improvise... ...
Read MoreElective Dance students enjoyed great success at the Southern Tasmania Dance Eisteddfod on the first day of competition, in the secondary schools group section.Dominic had two classes entered, the Year 8 Dance Elective and the Years 9/10 Dance Elective class. Both performed very well in a very competitive section, which... ...
Read MoreTHE GOOD DOCTOR Senior Drama Production Tuesday August 15 and Wednesday August 16 7pm The Oratory Space Bookings Tickets are free but must be booked through Trybooking here: The Good Doctor A combination of Neil Simon and Chekhov, The Good Doctor, is a comedy that is by turns, charming, hilarious,... ...
Read More色情直播 old scholar, Ryan Enniss, Class of 2013, is studying at UTAS Launceston, and is the Artistic Director of Fawkes Theatre Company there.Ryan says they have just had a very exciting season of Sophocles鈥 鈥楢ntigone鈥, in which he played the lead role of Creon.鈥榃e will be touring the show... ...
Read MoreDuring the recent holidays, two 色情直播 Students, Ben Dowling and Tori Stringer, along with old scholars Jessica Macfarlane and Lisa McConnon, flew to Melbourne for Don Bosco Senior Winter Camp 2017, 9 July to 13 July. The week was packed full of fun, laughter, games and amazing food! There... ...
Read MoreDear FriendsMany thanks to all parents, students and staff for your wonderful support, acts of kindness and consistent prayers during my recent illness. I was particularly grateful for the sincere messages, gifts and flowers sent by parents and families during my recuperation. I felt very blessed by such generosity.I would... ...
Read MoreIndividual choice cooking lessons are always popular in both Food Studies and Advanced Food classes. It is amazing to see what people create when given the freedom to choose. Students select or adapt recipes to meet certain requirements. In Food Studies, students have completed a tried and tested recipe and... ...
Read MoreThis week the Dominic Year 3-6 Basketball players enjoyed a special training session run by Hobart Chargers and Lady Chargers imports Chris Whitehead and Makaela Ruef. The students loved the session and played many training-based games surrounding dribbling, layups, teamwork and communication. The Dominic students have all been invited to... ...
Read MoreOn 30 June, laden with 40kg worth of much-appreciated donations from the Dominic Community and RHS Sports, I departed Hobart for Cambodia, one of 15 individuals chosen to participate in the Cagliero immersion program.The Cagliero Immersion Project, which started in 2009, offers students and young people from Australian Salesian organisations... ...
Read MoreIn my Animal Husbandry elective, we have been able to work and help two new rescue Miniature Ponies. Melody has a white coat and her foal Sparky has a very fluffy black coat. Ms Myers found them in a paddock on their own which didn鈥檛 have much grass for them... ...
Read MoreAt 2.30am on Friday 14 July, our Australian Miniature goat Gretel gave birth to two little boys - we have named them Alfie and Archie. Part of owning a pet goat is the big question of whether to de-bud your goat or not. Although many people have mixed opinions on... ...
Read MoreThe DOSA (Dominic Old Scholars Association) Football Club is having its annual 鈥淲ine Drive鈥 to raise some much needed funds for this wonderful volunteer organisation. Mr Davey and myself as players of this great club and as staff members of the school have loved the support from 色情直播 and... ...
Read MoreLast Friday it was great to join Year 9 English students for a presentation by the Bell Shakespeare called 鈥楽hakespeare is Dead.鈥 The three-member company visiting Hobart explored with us why Shakespeare鈥檚 plays are still being performed 400 years after his death. It was a fabulous and interactive journey staged... ...
Read MoreOn Wednesday, we celebrated our Dominican Feast Day with great gusto. Our Feast Day aims to affirm the meaning the lives of our Patrons, St Dominic Guzman and St Catherine of Siena continue to hold for us today. Both these saints were exemplary servants of the Church and people of... ...
Read More色情直播 has two stalls at the Festival of Bright Ideas, thanks to the hard work of Ms Jane Myers and Mr Brad Parkin. The first day was Friday 11 August, a schools only day. Students were busy entertaining and educating visiting groups of students from all over Hobart, public,... ...
Read MoreThe Dominic Old Scholars Association (DOSA) committee normally meets in the Basil Fox Room at Grantleigh once or twice a term. However, the August meeting was held at Guilford Young College, the former 色情直播 Senior Campus, in the GYC Boardroom, the former chapel at Holy Name Convent. Many thanks... ...
Read MoreStudents in Years 7, 8 and 9, together with their parents/guardians are invited to attend the Academic Pathways evening session from 6.30pm-8pm this Wednesday 23 August to be held in the Savio Centre. Teachers will be available to provide assistance and advice with elective subject choices for 2018. The evening... ...
Read MoreIn the recent term break, I was privileged to participate in the Cagliero project, a two week immersion program to explore the work of the Salesians in Cambodia and experience Cambodian life.The majority of our time we spent in Phnom Penh, at the highly-regarded Don Bosco Technical School, where students... ...
Read MoreOn last Friday and Saturday, our Year 9 and 10 students, together with our Director of Science K-10 Ms Jane Myers, and Physical Science teacher, Mr Brad Parkin participated in the state鈥檚 Festival of Bright Ideas at Princes鈥 Wharf. This was a wonderful initiative and great experience for our students... ...
Read MoreThe Senior Drama production of The Good Doctor was an outstanding set of ensemble performances. On Tuesday and Wednesday evening, last week, our hard working cast performed to full houses. The Oratory was in intimate thrust mode, with the audience and actors in close proximity on an atmospheric set, with... ...
Read MoreOn this last Tuesday, 色情直播 welcomed Year 5 students from our local Catholic primary schools to enjoy a 鈥楾aster Day鈥 of secondary school as they prepare to complete their primary education and transition over the next 18 months into high school.Students and their teachers from St Therese鈥檚 Moonah, St... ...
Read MoreOn Monday 28 August, ten Year 7 and 8 students will catch an early flight to Melbourne to attend two exciting days at the 2017 Writers Festival. The Melbourne Writers Festival is an annual two week literary festival and during the Schools Program, aspiring writers can meet numerous authors and... ...
Read MoreOn Tuesday evening 12 September, 色情直播鈥檚 Music and Dance Showcase Evening will be held at the Don Bosco Creative Arts Centre, Guilford Young College. This is a new event on the Dominic calendar and will provide an opportunity to present some of the larger scale Music and Dance works... ...
Read MoreBook Week is one of the most exciting events on the calendar for K-6 students at Dominic! The annual parade allows students to come to school dressed as a character from their favourite book, an Australian author or dress to the Book Week theme, this year being 鈥楨scape to Everywhere.鈥橞ook... ...
Read MoreWe had our first meeting in two months last week and we were thrilled to welcome back Beth Gilligan after six months away. We have missed her guidance, support and her lively Principal reports and we are so glad that she is back on board for the rest of the... ...
Read MoreOli and Polly are the two sheep for whom I am responsible, with the help of Ms Myers. They are fun and lively sheep, always looking for food. If they ever escape their paddock they run straight into the green shed because they know there is food. Oli鈥檚 personality is... ...
Read MoreAnimal husbandry has helped me throughout the year with my confidence, ability to work under pressure and has given me a unique experience no other elective has offered me! At the start I decided to take on the challenge of working with two anti-social, bad-tempered Huacaya alpacas, Jerry and Izzy.... ...
Read MoreVisionOur vision is to be a community of compassionate and reflective learners who strive to flourish and grow to achieve their fullest potential. MissionWe are a diverse and contemporary Catholic College in the Salesian tradition who works in partnership with students, staff, families and the broader community to enable students... ...
Read MoreA message from the Parents and Friends: Congratulations to Sharon Caplice who has won 1st prize of the Fathers Day Raffle. Sharon has won a Pellet Grill Portable BBQ and bag of Pellets, a Makita MT series Drill and accessory pack, a Coleman 56L Extreme Wheeled cooler, a Carton of... ...
Read MoreCollege assemblies are always a highlight in our week. Whether they are for Kindergarten to Year 6, Year 7-10 or our wonderful Kindergarten-Year 10 whole school assemblies, they are always full of inspiring student achievement and wonderful appreciation by students for each other鈥檚 efforts.This week鈥檚 assembly was for Year 7-10... ...
Read MoreOn Monday 28 August, ten students (five Year 7s and five Year 8s) plus Mr Kress and Ms Agius took an early flight out of Hobart and arrived in Melbourne for the Melbourne Writers Festival (MWF). MWF is a festival of various workshops and sessions with different authors teaching those... ...
Read MoreAt the Dominic鈥檚 Got Talent celebration on our Feast Day, the students were dazzled by a gob-smacking drum solo performance from Year 7 student, Campbell Whelan. Although Campbell鈥檚 prowess as a drummer is well known to Miss Hewitt and Mr Smith, students from Year 7 to 10 weren鈥檛 aware of... ...
Read MoreNAPLAN Online - trial of the new online assessment platformYou may have heard that NAPLAN online is being introduced across Australia over three years from 2017. Tasmanian Government schools will be administering NAPLAN online from 2019. NAPLAN online hopes to provide better assessment, more precise results and faster turnaround of... ...
Read MoreThis week we held a K-4 Assembly on Wednesday and a 5-6 Gathering on Thursday. During the K-4 Assembly the audience was wowed with some of the wonderful work happening in classrooms, including storytelling, singing and poetry! The entertainment included a beautiful prayer from 4A, a story from Prep B,... ...
Read MoreThe City of Clarence Eisteddfod was held last week and 色情直播 was well represented with over 70 students performing at City-Wide in Mornington. On Monday, the Senior Choir competed and were awarded a merit certificate in a tightly contested section. In the evening, the Concert Band presented two pieces,... ...
Read MoreOn Wednesday 8 September, Kinder to 6 students had the opportunity to watch a play produced by The Terrapin Puppet Theatre. The play was about a boy and his mother moving to a town due to work and was titled The Riddle of Washpool Gully. The boy was not happy... ...
Read MoreVET classes at 色情直播 are very busy finalising work units by the end of the year ready for assessment. The aim is to obtain competency in specific units in Certificate I in Construction & Certificate II in Engineering Pathways.Units offered at 色情直播 are:CPC10111 Certificate I in Construction CPCCVE1011A... ...
Read MoreCongratulations to the Year 10 Class of 1977 for hosting a very warm and success reunion on Saturday 9 September.Upstairs at Grantleigh was the scene for about 40 ex-students, with lots of hugs and a fair bit of double checking of people's identities, as it was up to 40 years... ...
Read MoreEli鈥檚 SleepoutEli Morrison is in the newsletter today for the wonderful Salesian spirit he has shown through his Scouting activities. Eli has been involved in the Scouting movement since his days as a Cub Scout and is a member of the Mt Stuart Scouts.At a meeting of his Troop Council... ...
Read MoreOn Tuesday evening 12 September, the College held our inaugural Showcase of Music and Dance at the Don Bosco Creative Arts Centre at Guilford Young College, a wonderful showcase of performing arts talent from Years 3-10!One of the outstanding features of the evening was the high student participation with over... ...
Read MoreAfter weeks of planning and preparation our annual Grandparents Day celebration began with a lovely morning tea in the Savio Centre on Wednesday. It was a wonderful sight to see so many generations enjoying our beautiful Grandparents Song. Students had practised for several weeks to be able to sing with... ...
Read MoreOn Monday 10 September, all Year 6 students worked on the creek as part of our ongoing rehabilitation/conservation Science project. Everyone worked very hard weeding, mulching, clearing, cage making and re-caging most of the plants we had planted two years ago. The current protective guards had become too small for... ...
Read MoreLast weekend, two 色情直播 teams participated in the State Final of the Tournament of Minds, a problem solving programme for teams of students from primary and secondary years who solve demanding, open-ended challenges from many disciplines.Teams work on a Challenge for six weeks without assistance from teachers, parents or... ...
Read MoreOnce more family and friends can follow our student trips in September, as Year 6 visit Canberra, Year 9 visit the Northern Territory and Year 10 students visit Japan. It鈥檚 the next best thing to being there!Northern Territory: https://dominiccollegeinnt2017.wordpress.com Canberra: https://year6canberra2017dc.wordpress.com Japan: https://dominiccollegeinjapan2017.wordpress.com Northern TerritoryStudents who are travelling on this... ...
Read MoreOn Wednesday 20 September students from the Year 3/4 an 5/6 choirs, Dominic Ukulele Cool Kids (DUCK) club, and Sarah, Ella and Sarah from Year 7, visited Strathhaven Aged Care to perform some musical pieces to the residents. The 3/4 Choir performed 鈥楳eow鈥 and 鈥業 see the Light.鈥 The 5/6... ...
Read MoreThere is a wealth of talented young artists within our school and five of our Year 10 students have been selected as finalists in the inaugural Tasmanian Young Artist Awards 2017. This award is a new initiative of the annual Tasmanian Craft Fair and provides an opportunity and a platform... ...
Read MoreThe P&F will be conducting a raffle that coincides with our Community Fair. The proceeds from this raffle allows the Parents & Friends Community to fund educational resources and play equipment which help enrich the curriculum for our children. There are nine brilliant prizes up for grabs with the total... ...
Read MoreDear Friends色情直播鈥檚 Parents & Friends Committee under the wonderful leadership of parent and old scholar, Mrs Nicola Rayner continues to be a great presence and a proactive force for good in the 色情直播 community.This week, P&F members generously prepared and served the BBQ for visitors on site for... ...
Read MoreSenior Drama students have begun working on what is now is an established tradition in the College, TALKING HEADS. This performance project allows our students to attack one of the most demanding, but rewarding forms of theatre, the monologue. Students are challenged to explore that basic theatrical equation: an actor... ...
Read MoreThe last week of Term 3 the College commenced our transition process for Mrs Janine O鈥橦ea鈥檚 retirement. We welcomed back into our community, Mr Steve Casni who will commence as our Deputy Principal in 2018.Mr Casni had the opportunity to orient himself to the physical changes in the College鈥檚 facilities,... ...
Read MoreOn Wednesday 20 September, Kinder Mice and Bears participated in Pirate and Fairy Day, a combination of two events: International Talk Like A Pirate Day (19 September) and International Fairy Tea Party Day (22 September).Students and teachers alike arrived to school dressed in their very best pirate and fairy costumes... ...
Read MoreOn Friday 22 September, Prep-Year 10 held their Footy and Sports Colours Day! It was fantastic to see such a high participation level from students, with a large spread of team colours and sporting codes. Footy Colours Day is held in the time leading up to the AFL Grand Final... ...
Read MoreDominic Old Scholars Association (DOSA) Football Club reserves team had been minor premiers this year, and met Richmond in the Grand Final on Saturday 23 September.But just three points was the margin that put DOSA Reserves season to a disappointing end. A hard fought battle from both sides was the... ...
Read MoreWe highly commend every student who represented 色情直播 at both the Southern Sports association for Tasmanian Independent Schools (SSATIS) on Wednesday 20 September and the Sports Association for Tasmanian Independent Schools 鈥 State wide (SATIS) on Saturday 23 September. The participation and school spirit on both days were fantastic.Congratulations... ...
Read MoreThank you to everyone who helped after school in the last week of term to get the job done.There was plenty of stirring and purring, and just enough tasting to pronounce the jam "berry good."Raspberry Jam ...
Read MoreThe facilities here at Dominic, although in the middle of much building endeavour and some disruption, were impressive, as many students had not been back at 色情直播 for ten years. The new Savio Centre - their old one was the old gym which was replaced by the Br Peter... ...
Read MoreProject Rockit is a group of young people who address the issues young people have with Technology and Social Media.For over ten years Project Rockit has been empowering school students to stand up to hate instead of standing by watching. Through the lens of (cyber) bullying, their workshops explore themes... ...
Read MoreThis term in Prep鈥6 we are focusing on 鈥楤eing a Good Sport', and this was talked about in our K-6 assembly on Wednesday afternoon.Part of this is recognising students who display the qualities of being a good sport whilst out in the playground. We want to recognise and congratulate students... ...
Read MoreLast term, Year 6 students, Bianca Russell and Kitean Aitken were nominated by 色情直播 for a Fred Hollows Humanity Award. The Fred Hollows Humanity Award celebrates Year 6 students who show compassion, integrity and kindness in their lives, just as Fred Hollows did.Bianca and Kitean, with other Year 6... ...
Read MoreThe Year 4 children from the Dominic U/11 Soccer team ended up their holidays on a high, but very tired, note! The team did themselves very proud by participating in the 鈥2017 Manos Cup鈥 in Launceston on Saturday 14 October. This U9 and U10 competition is open to all boys... ...
Read MoreOn Thursday 19 October the 3-6 Athletics Carnival was held at Dominic in testing conditions of wind, rain and sunshine which can be described as a typical Tasmanian day. The normal running of the day was impossible due to early heavy falling of rain so events were postponed and then... ...
Read MoreWhilst the end of the academic year is fast approaching, the College is also forward planning for 2018 and 2019. Dates for Orientation sessions for students commencing 2018 in Kindergarten and Year 7 are listed below. A College Open Day is being held on Wednesday 25 October for parents wishing... ...
Read MoreYear 5 to Year 10 boys, their fathers, grandfathers, uncles, caregivers and all staff and friends of the Dominic community are invited to join Professor Vickers and staff for breakfast. on Wednesday 15 November at 7.15am-8.30am to celebrate International Men鈥檚 Day. ...
Read MoreThere are extended trading times for NOVEMBER 2017 Monday 8am 鈥 12.30pmTuesday 10am 鈥 2pmWednesday 12.30pm 鈥 4.30pm Regular Opening times will resume from Monday 5 February 2018 Mondays 8.00am 鈥 12.30pmWednesdays 12.30pm 鈥 4.30pm ...
Read MoreWe have had an excellent start to our Asian Festival festivities at the College on Monday and Tuesday and an exciting culmination at our assembly on Wednesday 25 October.There was study of the various cultures, dancing, cooking, demonstrations and games, in and out of the classrooms.Students in Prep to Year... ...
Read MoreOn Thursday 2 November, 650 000 students around Australia celebrated music together, through Music Count Us In. Our Kinder to Year 1 students sang their hearts out at school, whilst our Year 2-6 students travelled to Bellerive Boardwalk with 1000 other students, from 7 other schools, to take part in... ...
Read MoreIt takes, courage and conviction for any student to step into the spotlight and extend themselves with a monologue. Students are to be congratulated on the very believable characters they created and their expert management of the actor-audience relationship. We were entertained, amused and were disturbed by the characters who... ...
Read MoreOn Tuesday, 31 October, Year 9 students wishing to be considered by their 7-9 peers and staff for College Captains presented speeches to their fellow students.It was with tremendous pride the staff and I listened to the reflections of these fine young men and women who spoke of their love... ...
Read MoreThese were formally known as the Junior Neighbourhood Awards. These awards are presented to Primary School students who demonstrate pride, safety and community spirit both at school and in the wider community. This year 色情直播 had six students who were awarded for their incredible efforts. They were:Josie Stefankowski -... ...
Read MoreShowing my Dorper Ram, OliLast Wednesday morning I went to the Royal Hobart Show to compete with my ram, Oli. Oli is a Dorper ram; he was entered in the section for rams not exceeding 1.5 years. When we got to the show grounds, we put Oli in a pen... ...
Read MoreLes is probably the oldest old scholar we know - he was first admitted in 1946, before even Fr John Brennan and the Salesians arrived to take over from the Archdiocese in running the orphanage. Les, now 77 years old visited from Queensland with his wife, Helen, who has family... ...
Read MoreThis week, our 2018 College Captains and Vice Captains have been announced. 色情直播 Captains are Will Parkinson and Maggie Baker. Our Vice-Captains are James Stansbie and Ashley Cano-Calderon. They emerged out of an amazing field of outstanding Year 9 leaders all of whom we commend and recognise as wonderful... ...
Read MoreI want to alert parents to the community farewell we are planning for the retirement of Mrs Janine O鈥橦ea and Mr Paul Williams. This will take place on Friday 8 December at 4.00pm in the Savio Centre. All families will receive an invitation to this occasion. Members of the community,... ...
Read More色情直播 Year 8-10 students of Japanese attended 11 taiko workshops with the awesome team from Taiko Drum. The group performed the songs they learnt at these workshops at our recent Asian Festival Assembly as part of our grand finale. Please enjoy their performances of 鈥淚sami Goma鈥 and part of... ...
Read MoreThe End of Year exams for Year 9 and 10 students are getting close and students are starting to get into exam mode. Exams can seem daunting initially however our aim is to alleviate some of this stress by ensuring students are prepared and focused, which is why we鈥檝e introduced... ...
Read MoreOur annual Community Fair was held last Friday and even though the weather forecast predicted thunderstorms, constant rain and hail, the whole school community still turned out in droves to support the event and the day was a great success.We had a great mix of old favourites like lucky jars,... ...
Read MoreIt is with pleasure that we announce this week, the 2018 K-6 Captains and Vice Captains. 2018 K-6 Captains are Harry Johnston and Zoe Swan and our Vice Captains are Oscar McGann and Alarna Waller.These four students were clearly identified and supported by their peers and younger students as leaders... ...
Read MoreOn Wednesday 15 November, we held our traditional International Men鈥檚 Day Breakfast. This is a day where we encourage the boys and men in our community to focus on what kind of men they want to be and promote the concept that they support each other to become good men... ...
Read MoreOn Friday 17 November we officially inducted our 2018 College student leaders, in a beautiful ceremony in the Savio Centre. Students received blessed badges and ties, were presented to the College community and recited their act of dedication together. We are very proud of all of them and are sure... ...
Read MoreSTEAM 鈥 Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics STEAM is an educational approach to learning that uses Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics as access points for guiding student inquiry, dialogue, and critical thinking. The end results are students who take thoughtful risks, engage in experiential learning, persist... ...
Read MoreCongratulations to all our wonderful Subject and Special Award winners.The improved visual access thanks to projection of live action on the big screen was a successful innovation. ...
Read MoreLuke was in Hobart for some public commitments and managed to juggle his schedule to return to 色情直播 to talk to students about his days at school and his pathway to performing arts.Luke was very generous with his time and students enjoyed not only a brush with fame, but... ...
Read MoreEarlier that day, the students had completed their final exam, and spent lunchtime and afterwards watching a show about their time at school, remembering the highlights of their years, and the special moments of friendship and spirit that characterised their journey.Felicia and Noah, College Captains, lit the 色情直播 candle;... ...
Read MoreA group of ten Year 9 and 10 色情直播 students along with Mr Davey and Mrs Marcenko are about to depart on a trip of a lifetime to Cambodia. This is Dominic鈥檚 first trip with the World Challenge organisation which involves a trekking phase, a community project phase and... ...
Read MoreThe Gameathon was a charity gaming evening where students brought in their gaming consoles and played them together with other students in a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere. The students paid a small entry fee and we were able to raise over $200 for our St. Vincent de Paul鈥檚 charity. Sarah... ...
Read MoreIn 2017, the senior secondary pathways offered were in the fields of agrifood, automotive, business, community service, construction, early childhood education and care, engineering, health services, horticulture, hospitality kitchen operations, sport coaching and tourism. One of the features of the system is that VET is fully integrated into the timetables... ...
Read MoreThank you for a great year of School Banking. We would like to thank all of our students who have participated in the CommBank School Banking program this year. Our final School Banking day for 2017 will be 15 December 2017. If your child is eligible to order a reward... ...
Read MoreThe most popular boy's name at Dominic in 2017 was Jack, with William coming second. The most popular girl's name was a tie between Ella and Lily.The top five for each male and female were:Top Five BoysTop Five Girls ...
Read MoreOn Wednesday afternoon, the Savio Centre was filled with our wonderful K-2 parents,and grandparents as they gathered to be inspired by the carol singing of our students in the Early Years classes.Our K-2 students sang with excellent musicality and sincere tenderness and joy. There was not a dry eye in... ...
Read MoreFollowing the student farewell on 29 November to our retiring stalwarts, Mrs Janine O鈥橦ea and Mr Paul Williams, the wider College Community joined the school to bid them farewell after classes 8 December in the Savio Centre. On this very special occasion, we acknowledge the blessings Mrs O鈥橦ea and Mr... ...
Read MoreLaunch into Learning - the Foundations of LearningThe children in 色情直播鈥檚 Launch into Learning (LIL) program for pre-kindergarten students and their families, have had a wonderful year of learning, friendship and fun.LIL started in February this year with 22 children in the morning session and five in the afternoon.The... ...
Read MoreThis week Year 8 students have been on camp at Coles Bay/Freycinet Peninsula. Mr Pritchard asked four of our Year 9 student leaders what their highlights and challenges were:My highlight of the Year 8 Camp at Freycinet National Park was the beautiful scenery. I had a chance to experience nature... ...
Read MoreCan you help us? Betty and John Stefankowski are grandparents who volunteer at 色情直播, working in the Mamma Margaret Kitchen Garden, planting, watering, weeding and looking after vegetables and herbs. They do such a great job! Betty and John have been helping now for about five years, and they... ...
Read MoreLearning never stops at 色情直播!As we finish a very busy year of learning our students from Kinder to Year 9 are focused on finishing the year, undertaking a range of enriching learning opportunities. You can see a snap shot of the activities students have been engaged in yesterday: Snapshots:... ...
Read MoreFollowing the special K-2 carols presented to parents at 色情直播 there have been several more opportunities for the community to enjoy carols from our lovely choirs.Glenorchy Carols by Candlelight 鈥 A Not So Silent NightOn Saturday evening 12 December, nearly 50 Dominic students from Years 3鈥10 sang their hearts... ...
Read MoreOver Monday鈥揥ednesday of the last week of term 4, Year 9 students participated in their final challenge as part of The Rite Journey 鈥 our Year 9 EMPOWER Program. Students were only allowed to take with them on their overnight camp a booklet filled with reflective questions and thought-provoking stories,... ...
Read MoreThe old scholars Christmas Eve Mass is not just for old scholars!DOSA Chairman, Tony Webb, and DOSA stalwart Diane Cerritelli, invite all old scholars, and all members of the 色情直播 community, to worship and celebrate Christmas at the traditional Christmas Eve Mass in the College Chapel.We will start with... ...
Read MoreChristmas MassesSaturday 23 December 9am and 6pm - Masses at St John鈥檚 as usual Sunday 24 December 9am - Mass at St John鈥檚 and Family Mass at 6pm with Carols beforehand at 5:30pmSunday 24 December 9.30pm Carols - Mass 10pm at 色情直播 Monday 25 December Christmas Day 9am Mass... ...
Read MoreThe 色情直播 2017 Yearbook was printed, and distributed to students in the alst week of term.Year 10 students had the opportunity to collect the Yearbook with their leavers' USBs and references and reports, while for the balance of families, the eldest child was given a yearbook to take home.Please... ...
Read MoreDid you know our live weather webcam has been operating now for nearly six months?Any time of the day - it doesn't update views at night - you can check on the weather over Mt Wellington, from 色情直播.But you can also replay a cool time lapse video of any... ...
Read MoreWhilst our students and hopefully their siblings and parents/guardians enjoy some well-deserved holiday time over the summer, Maveric builders are back onsite arranging the finishing touches to our new Fra Angelico Creative Arts Centre. Having been able to attend a creative arts project site visit with Liminal Architecture just before... ...
Read MoreThe renowned Bell Shakespeare Theatre Company has announced that 色情直播's Head of English, Mrs Jan Marcenko, is one of just 30 teachers nationally (just two from Tasmania) to receive a Regional Teacher Mentorship. This mentorship gives 色情直播 a fully-funded, year-long mentorship with the company.Mrs Marcenko will receive professional... ...
Read MoreOver the holidays the animals are having a rest getting ready for the new students starting or returning students continuing the Animal Husbandry in 2018. Animals need daily care especially as the alpaca Izzy is due to drop her Grow in the next few weeks. Dominic will be separated at... ...
Read MoreFor those voting in the Glenorchy Council elections, you may be interested to know that the following candidates have connections with 色情直播: Jan Dunsby 鈥 old scholar Simon Fraser 鈥 current parent Kristie Johnston 鈥 current parent Anne Lacy 鈥 current parent Gaye Richardson 鈥 current grandparent Best wishes... ...
Read MoreThe 2018 College calendar has been printed and mailed to families last week. We hope you will begin to review and mark in dates important to you and your family.The calendar will also be available from the Business Office and can be downloaded in it's printed format here: 2018 Dominic... ...
Read MoreWelcome back to 2018. You鈥檒l be pleased to know that students from Years 8-10 can now access their timetables from SEQTA. Students in Year 7 will receive their username and passwords at the Laptop Induction Evening. They will receive a hard copy of their timetable on their first day of... ...
Read MoreThe Uniform Shop at 色情直播, run by Permapleat, has re-opened for 2018.The Back to School Opening Hours are, this week, Monday 22 January - Thursday 25 January 8am-4:30pm and then next week Monday 29 January - Thursday 1 February - 8am-4:30pmThe uniform shop can be contacted directly on 6274... ...
Read MoreDear Parents and Guardians,色情直播 has been advised that Metro, Redline & Creswell School Buses will be running as normal from Thursday 1 February.Please note that as Metro will be running their service for 色情直播 Students, the buses will be signed 色情直播 with the route number on the... ...
Read MoreThe property and business office teams returned in mid-January, and new staff and leaders woked last week for the new staff inductions and leadership preparations. Now, all staff have returned ready for Term 1 to begin Thursday 1 February.We held a staff Mass on Monday during which new staff received... ...
Read MoreThe Creative Arts at 色情直播 offer many opportunities to enhance the creative skills of students. The extensive co-curricular options for Music are continually growing, with these groups performing regularly both within the school and to the wider community. Private instrumental lessons during school time are offered to students from... ...
Read MoreIn 2013, we launched a detailed pastoral education program called EMPOWER, for our Year 7 to Year 10 students. This program was specifically designed to address identified social and emotional needs within our student body. As part of this program we introduced 鈥楾he Rite Journey鈥 for our Year 9 students.The... ...
Read MoreLaunch into Learning is back in 2018, bigger and better. Last week we began promoting our Launch into Learning program for Pre-Kinders in some local shopping centres. Our Early Years Educator and LIL Coordinator Mrs Linda Douglas and Community Relations Support Ms Leesa Harrison visited both Northgate and Claremont Plaza.... ...
Read MoreDear FriendsWelcome to the 2018 academic year. I hope all in our community enjoyed opportunities for rest and renewal during the summer.I also hope all students are returning excited about the opportunities and the challenges of the year ahead.A special welcome is extended to those students and their families who... ...
Read MoreThis year we will be using a number of platforms to communicate information to students (and parents) regarding our sporting teams and events. These include:7-10 Sports Noticeboard, in the Siena Corridor, used to display team lists, rosters and other upcoming event information.Daily Bulletin: it is essential students read this each... ...
Read MoreOnce again, old scholars, family and friends gathered in numbers of around 100, in the Dominic Chapel for the annual Christmas Eve Carols and Mass remembering Br Peter Dezani SDB. Carols were beautifully led by members of the St John鈥檚 parish choir, and grateful thanks go to old scholars, Robin... ...
Read MoreEffie Pryer is a young artist who has been painting and exhibiting for a number of years in Hobart. Effie鈥檚 family moved to Hobart when she was three, and she enrolled at 色情直播 in Year 4 when her mother started work next door at GYC. She always loved painting... ...
Read MoreIn discussions with our traffic management consultant he has indicated that we have a large amount of parking compared to other similar schools. He has also indicated that a majority of the problems that we are experiencing are being caused by driver behaviour and that if drivers were willing to... ...
Read MoreBr Por, a Thai Salesian brother, is in theological training in Melbourne and has come to Dominic to have an experience of pastoral ministry immersion. He attended the first K-6 assembly this week and has been very busy visiting classes from Kindergarten to Year 10. I had the chance to... ...
Read MoreThis week we commenced our cycle of assemblies and we held our first 7-10 Assembly in the Savio Centre on Wednesday. Our student leaders did a great job in leading the gathering and outlining activities and opportunities that will be on offer for students this term and across the year.... ...
Read MoreThis generation of young people are incredibly connected and spend a lot of time using, watching and interacting with various technology platforms. This is part of the modern world and we need to embrace technology, as there are certainly many positives associated with the ability to find answers and stay... ...
Read MoreLent begins on Ash Wednesday, which we celebrated alongside our Opening College Mass. Thank you to Fr Bernie, Fr Nick and Br Abilio a Salesian Deacon visiting our College, who helped us celebrate these two significant events. Also thank you to the many staff and students who played a significant... ...
Read MoreDrama is great way to build skills in communication, problem solving, build confidence and learn how to navigate group dynamics. Here鈥檚 a chance for students to explore all these possibilities through a non-threatening, inclusive activity-based introduction to drama and performance. The course will run for one semester (Terms 1 and... ...
Read MoreA reminder that on Tuesday 20 February and Thursday 22 February at 7am at Glenorchy Pool we will be holding tryouts for the Year 7 swimming team. We will be selecting approximately 6 boys and 6 girls to represent the College in the Southern and State SATIS swimming carnivals to... ...
Read MoreThe Church 's mission provides the rationale for Catholic Education in Tasmania (CET). The Church and Catholic education cannot be portrayed and treated simply as a stakeholder or a service provider participating in current political debates out of a corporate interest. Accordingly, we support the increased investment in education... ...
Read MoreApplications for enrolment in Year 7 for 2019 and Year 7 2020 are now due 29 March.Contact Ms Leesa Harrison for enrolment information - email lharrison@dominic.tas.edu.au or call 6274 6010. ...
Read MoreThis week the Kinder-Year 6 Captains and House Captains travelled to the Derwent Entertainment Centre. There they were privileged to attend the GRIP Leadership conference - a practical and interactive training opportunity for student leaders. One of the key concepts we learnt was: 鈥淟ead like a strawberry and not like... ...
Read MoreOn Wednesday afternoon, we held our first formal Prep 鈥 Year 6 Assembly. It鈥檚 a little early for the Kinders to join us for assembly, but we look forward to them joining us later in the term.Our assemblies are a wonderful opportunity to gather together, celebrate student achievements and share... ...
Read MoreLast Thursday night and Friday morning, Year 9 students as part of the Year 9 EMPOWER Program 鈥楾he Rite Journey鈥, undertook a significant ceremony called 鈥楾he Calling.鈥 It was an overnight gender-based experience in which students started their Rite of Passage and looked into the adult they wish to be.... ...
Read MoreCreative Writing gives students an opportunity to flex their writing muscles, explore different techniques and embrace the joy of creating art with words. Students also explore and pull apart the workings of existing writers鈥 pieces, to further understand their process and style. To start the year, the Creative Writing class... ...
Read MoreWe had a quick hello this week from our Salesian Provincial Fr Will Matthews SDB down from Melbourne. It was fantastic to have Fr Will visit the College briefly. A teacher himself, Fr Will was impressed by our student focus and the way they spoke about their learning. We called... ...
Read MoreIt is my great privilege to be the new Teacher Librarian at 色情直播. Mrs Alston is also in the library as Library Assistant. The library is open from 8.15am to 4.30pm daily, and anyone in the Dominic Community is welcome. The K-6 room is now open at lunchtimes for... ...
Read MoreOn Monday, a selection of Year 8 and 9 students attended the Caritas Leadership Day at MacKillop College. Year 9 student, Annalize Moase, wrote:The day consisted of various interactive activities to make new friends while discussing social justice issues and leadership. It was a great opportunity to meet like-minded students... ...
Read MoreFollowing a successful 2017 World Challenge Cambodia Immersion, 色情直播 is proud to announce we will be sending another team to Cambodia at the end of November 2019. This trip is open to current Year 8 and Year 9 students who are interested in a once in a lifetime opportunity.Have... ...
Read MoreOn Wednesday 7 March we held our International Women鈥檚 Day Breakfast for Year 5-10 girls, their mothers, carers, aunties, grandmothers and older sisters. Old scholars and friends of the College also attended in significant numbers with some 240 people gathered in the Savio Centre on Wednesday morning for a shared... ...
Read MoreThis year we are introducing JUNIOR DANCE for students from Prep-Year 2. This is very exciting and we can鈥檛 wait to start this initiative in the early years. Whilst dance is a good source of fun exercise for young children, it is also a creative outlet. We hope to promote... ...
Read MoreHistorians pose questions about the past, and then find ways to discover some possible answers. Year 4 students have been asking questions about how Aboriginal people lived before Europeans came. Instead of conducting all of our research in books or on the Internet, we decided to go for a short... ...
Read MoreThe annual Tasmanian Theatre Awards, known as the Errols after Tasmanian Hollywood star, Errol Flynn, were awarded last weekend. Congratulations to all the winners especially old scholar Andrew Casey (1989) for his Best Supporting Performance (Male) for The Effect (Loud Mouth Theatre Company); and to old scholar Ryan Ennis (2013)... ...
Read MoreYear 7 students visited Fortescue Bay for their 3-day 2-night camp last week, in two groups. Students reported on the camp in our newsletter:Camping at Fortescue Bay was amazing! We were right on the beach and the view was just fantastic. The tents were great quality and it was perfect... ...
Read MoreThis week saw the commencement of the Tasmanian Debating Union鈥檚 Southern Schools competition. As in previous years, we have a strong presence in this competition, with teams representing each of the year levels. Congratulations to all students on their efforts last night at Taroona High School, where the issues included... ...
Read More色情直播 is again offering parents and guardians the opportunity to participate in workshop sessions to hear about ways they can support their child鈥檚 learning at home. Our first Parent Workshop for 2018 will focus on Literacy and will look at practical ways you can help your child with Writing.... ...
Read MoreOn Wednesday 14 March, 11 of our students joined 86 students from Catholic primary schools at the Gifted Get Together organised by the TCEO in Hobart. Students chose two workshops to attend, from Creative Writing, Creative Thinking, Technology, Science, Drama and Mathematics. Science was a very popular choice and it... ...
Read More色情直播 in collaboration with the 色情直播 Parents & Friends is very proud to present 'An Evening with Steve Biddulph'.We have been very lucky to secure Steve Biddulph as a guest speaker at our College. He will be presenting his world famous presentation on Raising Boys at the College... ...
Read MoreWe had an amazing turnout to the P&F Annual General Meeting held on Wednesday 21 February and as a result all positions this year have been filled. The new P&F Community Executive members are President - Nicola Rayner, Vice President - Anne Lacy, Treasurer - Amanda Page, Secretary - Jo... ...
Read MoreThis week we have marked Catholic Education Week by continuing to work with our students, families and parish to help children and young people develop and learn to integrate their gifts of body, mind and spirit in a caring community, based on Gospel values.We celebrated Mass with Fr Lawrie Moate... ...
Read MoreMelodramatic scenes at 色情直播!Year 9-10 Elective Drama students have been turning their hands to full blown 19th Century Melodrama. They have looked at the English models with their preoccupation with spectacle and sensation, stock character types, the codes that audiences expected such as the bass voiced villain, dressed in... ...
Read MoreCaptains Corner: Taco TuesdayOn Tuesday 19 March, the College Captains ran a new fundraiser called 鈥淭aco Tuesday,鈥 for 7-10 students. This was a perfect event to raise money for our current mission focus Project Compassion. Project Compassion is run by Caritas and is aimed at helping those who are less... ...
Read MoreK-6 Parent Literacy Workshop鈥楾eaching how to write effectively is one of the most important life-long skills educators impart to their students.鈥 (Time4Writing) and on Wednesday evening a large number of parents joined the K-6 teachers to find out more about how they, too, can support their child鈥檚 writing. The evening... ...
Read MoreIt has been a very hectic but exciting start to the year for the P&F with guest speakers at our first two meetings, exciting projects on the go and a vibrant and energised committee.Dylan Chivers, College Chief Financial and Operations Officer, attended our February meeting and provided an overview on... ...
Read MoreWell done, Natalie Roland and team! Year 10 student, Natalie Roland did a great job with her team in the 2018 Relay for Life last weekend.The College enters a school-wide team every second year and 2017 was a huge success in terms of participation, money raised and fun. So this... ...
Read MoreCongratulations to Mrs Rosemary Street (nee Fielding) who received her 25 years of service award from Catholic Education this week. But this is only the tip of the iceberg for her involvement! Rosemary enrolled at St John鈥檚 Primary School at the age of 4, when it was run by the... ...
Read MoreDiscovery Early Learning Centre will be offering a full vacation care program for Kinder to Year 6 children during the upcoming school holidays 16-27 April from 6.30am till 6.30pm.To make a booking please contact the Centre by phone on 6273 6005 or to view the full program and further information... ...
Read MoreThis week across the College we have spent significant time in prayer and reflection in our Chapel and in our classrooms. I also commend all students for the manner in which they have energetically and selflessly committed to raising funds for Caritas鈥 Project Compassion. It has been a great effort... ...
Read MoreJapanese senior classes welcomed special guests in a particularly exciting week for Year 8 and Year 9/10 Japanese elective classes.BonsaiThe week began with a visit by Chris Xepapas, President of the Tasmanian Bonsai Society to the Year 9/10 Japanese elective class. Xepapas-san brought many bonsai trees of varying ages, styles... ...
Read MoreThis week our Student Representative Council (SRC) members for 2018 were appointed and received their badges from our College Principal Ms Beth Gilligan. Congratulations to the new SRC members.Bosco HouseYear 7 SRC Lily RaderYear 8 SRC Chanel ForsterYear 9 SRC Emmett McShane-GoldsworthyGuzman HouseYear 7 SRC Priyanka JibiYear 8 SRC Erin... ...
Read MoreThis term in Sport Science we have been learning about muscular, skeletal and articular systems. We are learning the functions of bone and muscles, different types of joints and the types of movements they allow. We have completed two mini tests naming 26 bones and 24 muscles. Following these, we... ...
Read MoreJunior dance has started! We had our first lesson this week and what a great success it was as we introduced dance to 38 young dancers from Prep to Year 2.On Tuesday, we introduced students to the role of improvisation and allowed students to use expressive movement to present a... ...
Read MoreFormer child migrants and other members of the community may have heard of recent reports of further redress to former child migrants becoming available from the British Government.Below is information from Mr Mervyn Humphreys, Assistant Director, Child Migrant Trust taken from a blog post.The UK Government Independent Inquiry into Child... ...
Read MoreAdventure Recreation Extension Program 鈥 Bruny Island Surf CampOver the Easter Break a keen group of Adventure Recreation students took the opportunity to take part in the Extension Program for the year. This Extension program was an opportunity for students to extend the surfing skills they have been developing throughout... ...
Read MoreParents and guardians may have noticed recently a change in branding from one of our forms of communication. Early this year Parent Paperwork transitioned to become EdSmart. While all functionality of our existing tools in use by the College remain unchanged the name change enables EdSmart to broaden its offerings... ...
Read MoreThis year ANZAC Day falls during the upcoming Term 1 school holidays on Wednesday 25 April. It has become a tradition at 色情直播 that all students are asked to represent the College at ceremonies at Glenorchy, Hobart, Lenah Valley, Pontville or New Norfolk. This is a day of national... ...
Read MoreThe Old Scholars Football competition kicks off this weekend and the Roosters hold high hopes of a very successful season. Tomorrow we celebrate Matt Fielding鈥檚 150th game against Hutchins at Queenborough. Off the field the club has worked hard on its recruitment and has appointed father/son recruit Jake Briggs as... ...
Read MoreThe 色情直播 Inter-House Athletics Carnival is to be held on Tuesday 10 April at the Domain Athletics Centre. This is a normal school day and an important part of your child鈥檚 school life. We encourage full participation and ask for your assistance in promoting this event as a positive... ...
Read MoreOn Wednesday 11 April, we blessed and opened our new Creative Arts facilities - Fra Angelico - and also took the opportunity to bless The Oratory Space.It was wonderful to have gathered together, with our Salesian Provincial, Fr Will Matthews SDB, our Vice Provincial and Chair of our College Council,... ...
Read More色情直播 is very proud to offer a performance-based Musical Theatre class, starting in Term 2, run by Mr Brett Budgeon, our distinguished vocal tutor. The class will combine the elements of singing, acting and movement to develop and nurture creative communication skills in young people. There will be several... ...
Read MoreOn Wednesday night, 11 April, the 色情直播 Community were blessed with a presentation from world-famous author and speaker, Mr Steve Biddulph, on Raising Boys.Steve was an amazing presenter. He talked about the evolution of boys and men and offered many ideas and suggestions on how we can best mould... ...
Read MoreWe watched our brilliant friend, Year 10 student, Samuel Walker compete at the Commonwealth games on Monday night. Then on Tuesday, 10 April, we had our 2018 Athletics Carnival! Everyone had extra motivation from watching one of our own doing so well on the world stage. Well done, Sam!We were... ...
Read MoreTheatreSports is a collection of theatre games involving quick-thinking, creativity, humour and collective embarrassment - all to the cheers of the audience and the whims of the judges!On the last day of Term 1 Year 7 and 8 compete in the morning, and Year 9-10 after lunch, all in the... ...
Read MoreAfter Easter, Year 5 went on their Far South Camp. The theme of the camp was 鈥淟et your Light Shine.鈥 We explored how we could let our inner selves shine and used the time to get to know each other in a different environment. On the first day, we celebrated... ...
Read MoreK-6 Open Classroom morningThis week we hosted our annual Open Classroom event, which saw over 300 parents, grandparents, carers and guardians working alongside their children and grandchildren during our first morning block. The feedback from our visitors was positive with many commenting on how wonderful this opportunity was to spend... ...
Read MoreOn Sunday 15 April, the 2018 色情直播 Equestrian Representative, Year 8 student, Neave Schofield, encountered harsh winter weather while representing Dominic at the 2018 Inter Schools Horse Trials. With the event held at Huntingfield Pony & Riding club grounds, Howden, with an 8.30 a.m. start Neave was preparing her... ...
Read MoreOn ANZAC Day this year over 250 students, staff and families attending community commemorations around Hobart, focusing on parades and wreath-laying at Hobart, Lenah Valley, Glenorchy, New Norfolk and Pontville/Brighton.The College was very proud of the participation and the presentation of our students. Well done to the wreath-layers and thank... ...
Read MoreArchaeologist and old scholar, Sam Dix, Class of 1999, is just one of a number of archaeoligists heading to 色情直播 this month to launch National Archaeology Week here with student workshops.Sam has been recently in England with his family, undertaking a dig in Cornwall, UK.Sam said that the Bronze... ...
Read MoreAn important event for many students, the Southern Tasmanian Dance Eisteddfod is on in July at the Derwent Entertainment Centre. The schools session is on the first day, the last day of Term 2, and 色情直播 will again have two teams competing: Year 8 Elective Dance and Year 9/10... ...
Read MoreDominic Old Scholars Association (DOSA) Football has a long history of successful competition and maintaining valuable links and friendships between 色情直播 and past students.The Football Club is renowned for the number of old scholars playing for the Roosters, and is now the only club now playing with the school... ...
Read MoreOn Monday morning many of our younger students had the great opportunity to see, touch and climb into an eight wheeled Australian Light Armoured Vehicle (ASLAV). This class of vehicle is largely used by the Army for reconnaissance, as well as a personnel carrier, command, surveillance, ambulance, fitter and recovery... ...
Read MoreAt the beginning of the term break, I had the privilege of being the guest of Mr Le Thanh B矛nh in Vietnam鈥檚 Ben Tre Province, about two hours south of Ho Ci Minh City. Last year I was introduced to Mr Binh through Tien Ho, the father of Peter and... ...
Read MoreCollege Feast Day 鈥 Honouring our Salesian SaintsThis week we held the first of our College Feast Days for 2018. It was a magnificent community day for our students and staff - commencing in class groups - having fun, being with friends, then praying together at mass. Sharing a meal... ...
Read MoreI want to thank all families who supported the 140 students who represented 色情直播 on ANZAC Day during the term break. It means a lot to us that so many students and staff took the time to break their vacation, dress in their formal uniform and gather with other... ...
Read MoreNational Archaeology Week for Tasmania will be launched at 色情直播 on Monday 21 May. Old Scholars of 色情直播, archaeologist Sam Dix (1999) and geophysicist John Stephenson (1998), approached 色情直播 to gauge the school鈥檚 interest in being involved in an exciting initiative. Their approach has now grown into... ...
Read More色情直播 will be closed today Friday 11 May due to severe flooding in the Greater Hobart Area.We have been informed that all Catholic Schools have been asked to close. We hope that none of our families are experiencing the distress of homes flooded and without power.Ms Beth Gilligan -... ...
Read MoreDear FriendsAs Mother鈥檚 Day approaches, I extend my appreciation to all the wonderful mothers, grandmothers and foster carers in the 色情直播 community. I know the work, and sacrifices that many of you undertake. I also appreciate the energy and care you devote to our students鈥 ongoing education at home.I... ...
Read MoreAt this week鈥檚 7-10 Assembly, we celebrated the wonderful contributions students have made in all facets of College life. Mrs McMahon talked about the amazing efforts in raising money for those less fortunate through fundraising for Project Compassion. We also celebrated the terrific efforts of students on the sporting field... ...
Read MoreScarves and the matching beanies, are now available from the Uniform Shop for all K-10 students. Scarves are available in two lengths 鈥 150cm and 180cm, with both sizes $37.00. The new designs will now replace black scarves and beanies, these are optional uniform items.For more information on any uniform... ...
Read MoreOn Friday 25 May we will be holding our inaugural Year 3-10 Cross Country Carnival. Students have been training hard for this in PE and Athletic Development lessons and we hope that they are looking forward to the event and competing for their house. The carnival will be held from... ...
Read MoreYear 10 students, Mathew Sojan and Ben Scott represented Tasmania in the school holidays, playing in the Under 17 Australasian Badminton Championships held in Invercargill, New Zealand in April. They were part of a six-player team, with the aim of building the experience and skills of exciting young players for... ...
Read MoreThis week Year 6 hosted and prepared a scrumptious morning tea set out in the fashion of days gone by. We thank Mrs Roslyn Hawkins for her support of this initiative, as students used their MMK session to prepare the food. Staff also helped with the loan of the crockery... ...
Read MoreThe Kinder-Year 6 Assembly was held on Wednesday 16 May. It was an exciting assembly, particularly for our Kinder students as it was the first assembly they have attended this year. As usual, the assembly was full of student work and achievement. Year 1 did an amazing job performing a... ...
Read MoreAct II: The Drama keeps on comingOn Wednesday 16 May, our 3-6 Drama Workshops started up again for 2018. It was great to see some old faces and some new ones as well! The group converges every week on Wednesdays, working to build their confidence, hone dramatic skills and to... ...
Read MoreMany people may remember the amazing taiko performance by some of our Year 8, 9 and 10 Japanese elective students at the Asian Festival assembly last year. This breathtaking performance was the catalyst for our dedicated Parents & Friends to decide to support the College to purchase our own set... ...
Read MoreNational Volunteer WeekThis week we commemorate National Volunteer Week to acknowledge and give thanks to all the wonderful people in our country to who give up their time to generously help others. We are most grateful to all our parents, guardians and friends here at Dominic who give up their... ...
Read More5-second film challengeIn Years 9 and 10, learning in Media Arts involves students making and responding to media independently and in small groups, and with their teachers and communities. Students explore Media Arts as an art form through representation, manipulation of genre and media conventions and analysis of media artworks.In... ...
Read MoreOn Thursday 19 May, Year 9 students took part in The Departure, as part of the Rite Journey through the Empower Program. The Departure was all about saying thanks and showing our gratitude towards our parents for everything they have done for us throughout our lives. During the past few... ...
Read MoreOn Friday 18 May we had eight students from Year 8 push through a demanding day of academic challenges participating in the Da Vinci Decathlon. The Da Vinci Decathlon is an academic competition designed to challenge and stimulate the minds of students who compete in teams of eight across 10... ...
Read MoreLast weekend Isabella Cooke, Daniel Hunniford, Noella Irumva and Georgia Amos joined 32 other Year 10 students from across the state to compete in the annual Model United Nations Assembly (MUNA). Isabella and Daniel were representing Syria, and Noella and Georgia were representing France.MUNA is organised and sponsored by Rotary... ...
Read MoreLeadership Recognition for 色情直播 Principal 色情直播 Principal, Beth Gilligan has been nominated by the Tasmanian Catholic Secondary Principals for the association鈥檚 national Leadership Excellence Award which will be judged in July. Catholic Secondary Principals Australia (CaSPA) is the national peak body for Australian Catholic Secondary School Principals and... ...
Read MoreThe 色情直播 Library is a central learning environment that plays key roles in promoting reading for pleasure, inspiration, information, and developing lifelong learning skills. The College Library supports learning across the College by: Offering a broad range of materials (fiction, non-fiction and reference) in print and digital formats.Addressing a... ...
Read MoreWe have had a very busy month since our last meeting with some of our most popular events being very well supported. Our Mother鈥檚 Day Stall was held on Wednesday 9 May and the students had a great time picking out beautiful and special gifts for the women in their... ...
Read MoreCooperative learning is an explicit and intentional learning framework that is very strong at 色情直播. It is rare to enter a class here without seeing students engaged in cooperative learning, particularly in various configurations of teams.Cooperative Learning Theory incorporates the idea that quality learning can be optimised when students... ...
Read MoreCongratulations to Mrs Elspeth Alston on her Volunteers Award last week and thank you for your many hours of volunteer service.Since her boys enrolled at 色情直播 in 2003, Mrs Alston has been a generous volunteer in our community, especially in the College Library, for which we are most grateful.... ...
Read MoreWe would like to congratulate our Junior Dance group on a fabulous performance on Wednesday in our K-6 assembly. What a wonderful effort from all our students who have worked incredibly hard to learn all the steps and put the routine together in such a short time.Thank you to our... ...
Read MoreUTAS Science & Engineering Challenge: Bridging Futures into the STEAM Engine RoomAt UTAS Sandy Bay Campus 32 色情直播 Year 9 and 10 students joined with over 120 other students from schools last week for a day of competitive critical-thinking STEAM (Science, Engineering, Arts, Technology and Mathematics) activities, aimed at... ...
Read MoreThe Junior Waterpolo team is having a stellar season and is so far undefeated in the Friday night Waterpolo Tasmania roster. I have been so proud of Jack Gilligan, Henry Sanford, Joel Bresnehan, Chloe Tarvydas, Jack Miller, Oscar McGann, Brodie Laycock, Lucas Pyke, Chloe Howells, Andrew Kidd and Bruni Lees... ...
Read MoreOn Friday 25 May a large part of the Dominic community came together for the inaugural 3-10 Cross Country. A day full of fun, cheering, competitiveness and sportsmanship ensued in what can only be seen as a huge success. Having a 3-10 event has been a dream for a long... ...
Read More色情直播 is proud to announce that we will be having a Year 7-10 Mental Health Week from Monday 4 to Thursday 7 June. We will focus on quite a few topics around Mental Health including:Mental illness Body Image Resilience Courage StrengthWe will bring in some very special guest speakers... ...
Read MoreIn 2017. student leaders ran a very successful Relay for Life Team that had over 120 student members and raised nearly $20,000. In 2018, the College Captains were keen to introduce something new to 色情直播. Something special that would be fun, that students would enjoy, but most importantly, help... ...
Read MoreSenior Drama students are presenting monologues in class at the moment. A selection of pieces will be presented in TALKING HEADS next week. Here are some snippets some of the cast about their preparation. How will the audience respond to your piece?My character misleads the audience. You think she is... ...
Read MoreOn Thursday 31 May, Year 5 visited Port Arthur as part of their history unit entitled "Convicts: Victims or Villains?" As the original excursion had to be cancelled due to recent floodwaters, the students had their fingers crossed for forgiving weather. Fortunately, they enjoyed wonderfully sunny conditions on the day!... ...
Read MoreThe Mamma Margaret Kitchen Garden Program has become an integral part of the Year 6 Technology syllabus. Over the last three years the program has evolved to be significantly different to that of the other year groups. Overall the focus of the semester long course is for students to work... ...
Read MoreThe past fortnight has seen the two interschool junior cross country events held at the Rokeby Police Academy. On 8 June the Catholic Primary School Cross Country was held with good numbers from 色情直播 attending on the student-free day, which was great. Numbers were even better considering that staff... ...
Read MoreYear 10 students are already thinking about their career options and which subjects they need to choose for a particular pathway. 色情直播 conducts course counselling firstly through our Year 10 Empower classes. We continue to guide, support and build the confidence and resilience of our students to ensure they... ...
Read MoreTalking Heads 2018 was performed over three nights in the Oratory Space this week, from 12-14 June. Families and staff were impressed by the honesty, maturity and vivaciousness of the performances in a captivating series of monologues.The cast of 19 students presented a selection of contemporary Australian playwriting, ranging for... ...
Read MoreLast week 4-7 June, we had our first ever Mental Health Week. During the week we had many guest speakers who we were very lucky to manage to ask to speak to each year level. They were: The Little Help Project, Mitch McPherson and the Speak Up Stay Chatty Team... ...
Read MoreI would like to extend our congratulations to Mrs Linda Douglas, one of our Kindergarten Teachers and Launch into Learning Teachers, who has been recognised with the prestigious, Kate O鈥橠riscoll Aspiring Leadership Award (KOALA) Scholarship.The scholarship, which is managed by the Catholic Principals鈥 Association Tasmania (CPAT), will fund a significant... ...
Read MoreThis week our Year 10 students have had the opportunity to participate in a Work Experience program. Students have been experiencing a variety of industries and types of work places in and around Hobart. This is an excellent way for them to gain real world experience and helps them decide... ...
Read MoreOn 19 June, Year 5 students from 色情直播, St Bridget鈥檚, St Paul鈥檚, St Theresa鈥檚 and Holy Rosary attended the annual Dominic Year 5 Taster Day. The Taster Day was held in a variety of classrooms and eduational spaces around the College, with many Year 9 Dominic students helping out,... ...
Read MoreLaunch into Learning visited the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery this month.It was a delight to accompany the LIL children and parents to the Museum for an excursion. The children loved all the hands on exhibits. We enjoyed time in the Antarctic display feeling the ice, exploring the technology, viewing... ...
Read MoreLast Sunday, Archbishop Julian Porteous presided over the sacramental ceremony of Confirmation for a group of 色情直播 students at St John鈥檚 parish. As our students received the sacrament, they opened themselves to receive God鈥檚 blessings and make a commitment to be faithful to God. In the Catholic tradition, the... ...
Read More色情直播, like many schools, has the opportunity to name its buildings, facilities and spaces to commemorate important links, events and individuals in the life of the College, its history and traditions. Recently we named our new art and music facilities after Dominican artist Fra Angelico. Our Oratory Space, for... ...
Read MoreOn Wednesday our Kinder鈥揧ear 2 students attended the annual Braveheart鈥檚 Education Program which focuses on personal safety. It is designed to empower students with the tools to keep them safe and educate them, with a focus on resilience, while building confidence and awareness as well. It teaches students what to... ...
Read MoreLast week鈥檚 newsletter portrayed some of the work experience for Year 10 students which covered such a variety of occupations. Here are some more! We are very grateful to the businesses and individuals who helped our students. You can see these and more photos on our gallery: Work Experience.VET AgriFoods... ...
Read MoreThere is much debate about the best models for inclusion across school environments. A reality faced by all students in all schools, is that there are times and occasions as we grow, when we all have diverse needs. This year Learning Support has been very fortunate to have Ms Kiera... ...
Read MoreOn Tuesday 26 June, 色情直播 was delighted to welcome 鈥淭he Players鈥 from Bell Shakespeare to help launch our upcoming Shakespeare units in Years 9 and 10. The Year 9 cohort watched 鈥淪hakespeare Is Dead鈥 which took them on a funny, enlightening and fast-paced journey through the world of William... ...
Read MoreTechnology has revolutionised the way we think, work and play. Technology, when integrated in the curriculum improves students鈥 learning processes and outcomes... Students are engaged in their learning using these powerful tools, and can become creators and critics instead of just consumers. https://www.edutopia.org/technology-integration-guide-importance; accessed 27 June, 2018As part of Year... ...
Read MoreOn Tuesday 3 July Year 6 presented the end result of their Playbuilding Project for 2018, Say it Loud, to an appreciative audience of family and friends. The starting point for this project was concept of a boat going on a journey. Both classes developed their material from this stimulus.... ...
Read MoreNAIDOC week will officially begin this Sunday 8 July. NAIDOC Week celebrations are held across Australia each July to celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. NAIDOC is celebrated not only in Indigenous communities, but by Australians from all walks of life. NAIDOC Week... ...
Read MoreOn Tuesday 26 June Year 10 students from the Animal Husbandry & Marine Science elective went on a comprehensive four-day camp program week incorporating marine and foreshore ecology, physical oceanography and climate modelling held at the Woodbridge Marine Discovery Centre, Woodbridge. Students looked at the features and adaptations of marine... ...
Read MoreSuccess and fun at the 2018 Dance Eisteddfod!Once again Dominic students and families enjoyed an eight day extravaganza of performing and watching dance at the 2018 Southern Tasmanian Dance Eisteddfod.The eisteddfod began on the last day of Term 2, Friday 6 July, with the schools section and both our dance... ...
Read MoreThe College was very saddened to hear of the passing of a young local student whose family, friends and school community we keep in our thoughts and prayers.The State Government has announced that Tasmanians aged from six weeks to 20 years will now be able to be vaccinated for free... ...
Read MoreCongratulations to our Coordinator of 7-10 English, Mrs Jan Marcenko who will receive a 2018 Australian Council for Educational Leadership Tasmania (ACEL TAS) Award for Excellence in Educational Leadership. Further congratulations to our Coordinator of 7-10 Humanities, Mr Ben Fulton who will receive an ACEL TAS Early Career Teacher Leadership... ...
Read MoreThe biennial 色情直播 Creative Arts Festival will be held at the Salamanca Arts Centre next month. During the week of the Festival, the Salamanca Arts Centre, Hobart鈥檚 creative hub, will became a focus of exhibition, performance and teaching and learning for our students. The art exhibition, comprising K-10 individual... ...
Read MoreOn Friday 29 June, I flew to Samoa to begin my immersion with a group of young Australians representing the Caligero Project and the Salesians of Don Bosco. We were warmly welcomed in Leauva鈥檃 by our homestay families and young people. Having the opportunity to stay with a Samoan family... ...
Read More色情直播 is a proud member of the Southern Tasmania Catholic Colleges Trade Training Centre (STCCTTC) consortium. VET has been a part of the Year 7-10 curriculum for over eight years and each year the results are very satisfying. Two of the courses that students at the College can currently... ...
Read MoreThis Wednesday 1 August, all students and staff will be celebrating our St Dominic Guzman and St Catherine of Siena Feast Day. We look forward to celebrating Mass together as a College and taking part in a range of fun activities throughout the course of the day. Just a reminder... ...
Read MoreA beautiful work by Year 10 student artist, Aynee Williams, Savio House Creative Arts Captain has been chosen to help promote our upcoming 色情直播 Creative Arts Festival.Director of Creative Arts, Mr Mike O'Brien, said the work challenged interpretation and triggers multiple meanings and resonances. Aynee named her series 鈥楴eon... ...
Read More色情直播 is delighted to announce that renowned playwright and artistic celebrity, Finegan Kruckemeyer, will officially open our Creative Arts Festival in a special opening event on 29 August 2018.Finegan is a prolific writer who has had 80 commissioned plays performed on five continents and translated into six languages. His... ...
Read MoreOn Wednesday our students and staff celebrated the Dominic Feast Day commemorating our Dominican patron saints St Catherine of Siena and St Dominic Guzman. The College was bustling with activities starting with buddy activities in K-6 and the Amazing Race in 7-10. We then all gathered in the Savio to... ...
Read MoreOn Thursday we welcomed students from Westerway, New Norfolk, Austins Ferry and Windermere Primary Schools to our first ever Japanese Cultural Experience Day. Students form these schools joined our own Year 4 students and staff at 色情直播 for a day devoted to Japanese language and culture.Our staff welcomed all... ...
Read MoreYear 10 students, Promise Mudzingwa and Oliver Wareing, began learning their stage swordmanship with old scholar and well-known actor, Mr Andrew Casey, last week.Mr Casey said that the swords he has allowed the players to borrow have featured in many bloody fights in a variety of theaters and plays.'Sword fights... ...
Read MoreOn Wednesday 15 August 1.45pm 鈥 6.30pm, in conjunction with National Science Week, we will be holding the inaugural 色情直播 Science Fair.College students from Kindergarten to Year 10 will be showcasing their learning through displays, demonstrations and interactive experiences. This opportunity has allowed students to present, create, make or... ...
Read MoreYear 10 students, Sarah Hawkins and Mikaela Cruz, and 色情直播 Director of Science K-10, Ms Jane Myers, attended Government House on Wednesday evening for a reception hosted by His Excellency the Honourable Justice Alan Blow, OAM, Lieutenant-Governor, and Mrs Margaret Blow. This event was to mark National Science Week... ...
Read MoreThe College has been supported by the Salesians of Don Bosco in our endeavours to initiate a restructure of our K-6. Our capacity to enrol more students to meet demand and simultaneously reduce our class sizes K-6 is linked strategically with our ability to establish three Kindergarten classes.We recently received... ...
Read MoreAlbert Einstein said, 鈥楧o not worry about your difficulties in Mathematics. I can assure you mine are still greater.鈥 Mathematics is certainly something that many students and parents worry about but if a great man like Albert Einstein worried about his skill level then we are in esteemed company! Joking... ...
Read MoreSome students at school are able to find a good balance between all the parts and areas of their life: schoolwork, sports, activities, friends, family, work, technology and all of the other aspects of life that keep us busy from when we wake to when we sleep. Many other students... ...
Read MoreAlfred Hitchcock once said to make a great film you need three things: the script, the script and the script.Earlier this year Media students completed their 5-second film and were beginning to make their 30-second commercial. Now they have moved to the pinnacle of their short film making careers thus... ...
Read MoreOn Feast Day last week, Years 3鈥6 finished the day with the exciting conclusion of our annual Theatresports competitions, with great energy and a wonderful display of House Spirit. There were signs and incredible costumes. The event began with a House cheering competition and straight away it was clear that... ...
Read MoreYes, a part of your old neglected wardrobe, could star on stage at the Peacock Theatre!For the Creative Arts Festival production of Much Ado About Nothing 鈥 we are searching for around 30 Hawaiian shirts for the cast to wear. The brighter and garish the better. If you have such... ...
Read MoreStudents in Years 7, 8 and 9, together with their parents/guardians are invited to attend the Academic Pathway evening session from 6.30-8pm on Wednesday 22 August. Teachers will be available to provide assistance and advice with elective subject choices for 2019.The evening will begin with a brief introduction and an... ...
Read MorePlay Me, I鈥檓 yours is an artwork by British artwork, Luke Jerram. Located in streets, public parks and train stations, the pianos are available for everyone to play and enjoy.We are including a specially decorated piano as part of the set for our production of MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING. Ms... ...
Read MoreYear 10 Advanced Food Studies student, Noella Irumva, shares with us her delectable recipe on individually baked chocolate souffl茅s.Baked Chocolate Souffl茅Ingredients60g butter2 Tbsp. cocoa40g flour60g brown sugar250ml milk 250g dark chocolate 10ml vanilla essence6 eggs250ml cream 20g icing sugar (to serve)MethodPreheat oven to 240C.Melt butter in medium saucepan on medium... ...
Read MoreAt a function at the University of Tasmania this week, our Coordinator of 7-10 English, Mrs Jan Marcenko and our Coordinator of 7-10 Humanities, Mr Ben Fulton, both received 2018 Australian Council for Educational Leadership Tasmania (ACEL TAS) Awards for Excellence. I congratulate them on their achievements.Both of these Dominic... ...
Read MoreStudents from Prep B had an excursion to Glenorchy Library as part of their Book Week activities last week.The library staff thoroughly enjoyed our students' rendition of "Off to the library" and you can watch it on Youtube here: Off to the library. ...
Read MoreMr Mike O鈥橞rien, Director of Creative Arts K-10 and Mrs Jane Doyle, Coordinator of Teaching & Learning K-2 were nominated and short-listed for the 2018 Australian Education Awards for Head of Faculty and Teacher of the Year, respectively. We are proud of both these leaders and they were recognised for... ...
Read MoreThe Academic Pathways planning evening for Years 7-9 students was again a successful evening as we provided our parent community an opportunity to mingle, connect and discuss elective subjects.These partnerships provide important links, opportunities and networks for our students. There were great conversations as parents and students perused the various... ...
Read MoreDuring Book Week, there has been a Scholastic Book Fair in the K-6 section of the library. Many families visited the fair and bought books. We can now use a percentage of sales to buy more books for the library. The Picture Book of the Year was also on display... ...
Read MoreThe Kinder 鈥 Year 6 Assembly was held Wednesday 22 August 2018 with a special focus on Book Week. Students and Staff looked fantastic and the assembly was full of wonderful items that students and staff had prepared. Under the guidance of our Librarian Mrs Webb, teachers and some students... ...
Read MoreWe had a fantastic finish to Term 2 with our PJ Day and have been working hard over the last few weeks to prepare for a very busy Term 3.Thank you to all families, teachers and students who supported our PJ Day on the last day of Term 2 -... ...
Read More1988 30-year reunion 18 August 2018色情直播 hosted a great reunion of the Class of 1988 last Saturday. Over 30 attended their 30th anniversary, and enjoyed a catch-up some old photos and a tour of the College as it is now, before meeting in the evening at the Italian Club... ...
Read More7HOFM are on the hunt for Southern Tasmania鈥檚 favourite Primary School Teacher. On Tuesday 21 August 色情直播 welcomed local radio talent Mick and Matt into classrooms of College teachers who have been nominated for 'Apple for the Teacher.' 色情直播 has seven of our K-6 teachers who have been... ...
Read MoreLachlan Rowlands is playing Claudio in our production of MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING to be presented at the Peacock Theatre, Salamanca Arts Centre next week. The production has eclectic costuming and this week Lachlan and the cast were exploring how to use their costumes to create and enhance their characters.... ...
Read More色情直播's taiko drums gone to the Long Gallery in preparation for Wednesday night鈥檚 Dominiku Daiko performance at the Creative Arts Festival launch. Our dedicated drummers practised yesterday instead with zabuton (floor cushions)! ...
Read MoreAfter a term of thinking, drawing, painting, creating, shooting and analysing, student work is going up at our exhibition of K-10 work in the Long Gallery and Sidespace Gallery at the Salamanca Arts Centre.Ms/rs Durbridge, Jeffery and O'Grady have been curating like mad! Hanging, sorting, arranging and collaging...The Festival officially... ...
Read MoreThank you to our arts professionals who have been running Masterclasses for selected students throughout our Creative Arts Festival. These have been held in the Salamanca Arts precinct and have now built on our initial experience of developing this program two years ago.Professional arts practitioners such as artist and Old... ...
Read MoreThank you to our students, staff, parents, friends and Old Scholars who attended the launch of our 2018 Creative Arts Festival at the Long Gallery on Wednesday evening. Student art works are looking wonderful and the collaborative class pieces are particularly striking. It was wonderful to see our youngest friends... ...
Read MoreThe Derwent Valley Concert Band would like to extend a warm invitation to all musicians to participate in its fifth annual, non-residential concert band Spring School held at 色情直播, over the middle weekend of the upcoming school holidays.Musicians of all ages and abilities with their own instrument are welcome... ...
Read MoreCongratulations to the nine dedicated students who committed to participating in a 10 week course of taiko drumming, followed up by a performance at the Opening of the Creative Arts Festival on Wednesday. Noella Irumva, Tara Davie, Doyle Browning, Daniel Nguyen, Eli Morrison, Alex Bourne, Matilda Watson, Brielle Cusick and... ...
Read MoreThis year鈥檚 Veritas magazine, the magazine of the Dominic Old Scholars Association, has been mailed to families and to old scholars who are on our mail list.If you have not received your copy by 5 September, please email oldscholars@dominic.tas.edu.au and include your correct postal address. We will investigate and send... ...
Read More色情直播 students again amazed Hobart with an entertaining version of Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing in Salamanca's Peacock Theatre. The show was the culmination of elective drama students work and included musicians and vocalists as well as the talented cast. Matinees, for our own and other school students were... ...
Read MoreThe final day of the Creative Arts Festival featured the tradtional Music Soiree, a charming entertainment in a beautiful setting: the timbered Long Gallery dressed with an exciting exhibition of student artwork.Musicians included Zoelle Lin, Mihaela Ashby, Harry Johnston, Xin Chan, Mingus, Harry and Oscar Breslin, Jarrod Good, Gemma Mustchin,... ...
Read MoreTalking Heads Retrospective, held on the final night of the 色情直播 Creative Arts Festival in the Peacock Theatre at Salamanca, was not only an exciting night of theatre, but demonstrated the talent pathway available for students who pursue rich dramatic experiences at 色情直播.The monologue is one of the... ...
Read MoreCanberra Countdown!It is that time of year again, and the countdown is on as we head to the last few weeks of Term 3! Students are getting very excited about the prospects of jetting to Canberra for an educationally rich trip, full of wonderful experiences and great times shared with... ...
Read MoreIn conjunction with Science Week and Book Week, the Dominic Library ran a BOOKMARK competition for K-10 students. There was an outstanding number of entries, and the winning Bookmarks will be made into proper laminated bookmarks for students to use. Well done to the winners, and thank you to everyone... ...
Read MoreOn Friday 31 August, the College hosted our School Re-registration visit by the Office of Education Registration (OER). The OER team comprised Dr Jill Abel, Mr Lynden Leppard and Mr Michael Moore. During their visit, the team undertook a partial tour of facilities and enjoyed seeing the developments in the... ...
Read MoreThe Governor of Tasmania, Her Excellency Professor The Honourable Kate Warner and her husband Mr Warner attended our production of Much Ado About Nothing last Friday night. The Governor was full of praise for our students and staff. She indicated that the production was outstanding and even ended up dancing... ...
Read MoreDue to the Rugby World Cup being hosted by Japan in September 2019, and then the Summer Olympics being hosted by Tokyo in August/September 2020, 色情直播 has decided to make some alterations to the way we usually schedule the Japan Study Tour in 2019 and 2020.With high costs due... ...
Read MoreEnsuring reading and writing success in the Early Years is our most important responsibility.One of the things that fascinates me most about being an Early Years educator is watching as our students acquire new skills, skills which enable them to read and write.During this week, I have seen two innovative... ...
Read MoreEarlier this year on Wednesday 11 April, we hosted renowned parent educator and psychologist Steve Biddulph for the first time. On that night, Steve gave his world famous talk on raising boys. It was an enlightening, moving and emotional night and everyone who attended walked away smiling, a little wiser... ...
Read MoreOn Monday 27 August, Rachael Glidden, Sophie Moy, Lily Bowerman, Hannah Lane-MacDonald, Henry Edwards, Tyler Wheeler, Abbey Turner, Chloe Cooper, Erin Waters and Heidi McPherson headed to Melbourne with Mr Kress and Mrs Le Rossignol for the Melbourne Writers Festival. We departed Hobart early and arrived in Melbourne at about... ...
Read MoreLast week St John鈥檚 held a funeral service to remember the life of Frank Lewis, old scholar of Boys鈥 Town and past parent and friend of 色情直播.Frank was born in 1943 in England, grew up in a Catholic orphanage and was one of the 39 child migrants sent to... ...
Read MoreStudents from 4 local catholic schools joined 色情直播 Year 3 and Year 4 students for a day of friendship, participation and good competitive fun as we hosted the Year 3/4 Sports Day.Students from St Therese's primary, St Paul's Primary, St brigid's Primary and St John's Primary enjoyed games if... ...
Read MoreOnce more family and friends can follow our student trips in September, as Year 6 visit Canberra, Year 9 visit the Northern Territory and Year 10 students visit Japan. It鈥檚 the next best thing to being there!Northern Territory: https://northernterritorydc2018.wordpress.com/Canberra: https://year6canberra2018.wordpress.com/Japan: https://dominiccollegejapantrip.wordpress.com/Northern TerritoryStudents who are travelling on this year鈥檚 Central Australia... ...
Read MoreIn Term 1, four of our Year 8 boys participated in the Australian Mathematics Trust鈥檚 Computational and Algorithmic Thinking Competition. This is a very difficult competition in which participants have to attempt 15 questions on a one hour test. This is the first time Dominic students have competed in this... ...
Read MoreCongratulations to the 86 students who proudly represented 色情直播 in the SSATIS Athletics Carnival at the Domain Athletics Centre on Wednesday. All students represented the College with pride, commitment and showed exceptional leadership skills. A big thank you to our 色情直播 staff, students and wonderful parent support. The... ...
Read MoreLast week, over 120 Dominic students performed in the City of Clarence Eisteddfod, and we saw some excellent performances. The Senior Choir took out first place in the Secondary School Choral section, with a beautiful performance of Fly Like an Eagle and Agnus Dei. The Junior Concert Band was awarded... ...
Read MoreIn last week鈥檚 Teaching & Learning article Mrs Jane Doyle talked about the importance of reading and the difference it makes to a child鈥檚 development. We all want the best for our children and most parents at Dominic agree that reading is essential but sometimes it is hard to know... ...
Read MoreOn Wednesday 12 September, we welcomed our grandparents to our school and shared a day filled with love, joy and happiness. We started off the day by greeting our guests and guiding them to the Savio Centre where they were presented with a selection of delicious scones, muffins, fruit and... ...
Read MoreBoth DOSA teams are now through to the grand final next week!The DOSA seniors qualified by defeating Richmond last week at Richmond in the qualifying final. Now this weekend the DOSA reserves had a great win over Richmond in the preliminary final at North Hobart. The grand finals are on... ...
Read MoreUPDATE: A limited number of tickets have been returned and are now able to be booked on the link below; https://www.trybooking.com/XKBJ The 2018 Music & Dance Showcase is almost sold out. The event is on Thursday 20 September with the lobby of GYC's Don Bosco Arts Centre open at 6.15pm... ...
Read MoreSix years ago, in 2012, we held our inaugural Asian Festival at 色情直播 and we had just commenced the gradual introduction of Japanese as our foundational Language other than English (LOTE) in K-6. Our biennial Asian Festival was, and still is, part of our commitment to becoming an Asia-literate... ...
Read MoreSport and Co-curricular Photo purchasesAs introduced last year the format for viewing and ordering sports and co-curricular photos will be on-line.Photographer, Michael Webb, asks all families to view and purchase photos via his website: https://mwebb.azurewebsites.net/orderphotosSelect event: Dominic Sports PhotosAccess code: DOMIF20F6113Families select the photos and pay on-line directly to Michael... ...
Read MoreOn Monday Year 8 and Year 9/10 Japanese elective classes welcomed Japanese Teacher Assistant, Lisa sensei, back to the College to provide guidance for cooking some Japanese food.Year 8 students made a popular dish called 鈥淥yakodon鈥 鈥 a delicious topping of flavoured chicken and egg on a bed of rice.... ...
Read MoreOur Denison representativesOn Wednesday Year 6 students Jessica Weeding, Caitlin Turner, Molly North, Ella Maw, Brodie Laycock, Isaac Cox, Henry Sanford and Joel Bresnehan represented 色情直播 in the annual Franklin v Denison Football and Netball matches which are hosted on our ovals and courts. All students did an amazing... ...
Read MoreWorld Cleanup Day and 鈥楶logging鈥 鈥 A new trend at 色情直播To recognise World Cleanup Day on 15 September at 色情直播, our Kinder-Year 6 Student Represented Council (SRC) wanted to combine a clean-up event with our daily fitness program. Some students had seen the trend of 鈥榩logging鈥 online (picking... ...
Read MoreFive years after their 2013 senior premiership, DOSA Football Club not only celebrated a mighty win but for the first time two premierships, as the club won both the seniors and reserves Old Scholars Football Association grand finals.North Hobart Oval was decked out in beautiful yellow, maroon and black streamers... ...
Read MoreDerwent Valley Concert Band Spring School set to attract over 80 musicians The Derwent Valley Concert band is holding their 4th annual Spring School on the weekend of the 5-7 October, at 色情直播. The Derwent Valley Concert Band is extending an invitation to all woodwind, brass and percussion musicians... ...
Read MoreThe Fra Angelico Project In this exciting school holiday project, students will be exposed to a series of music making experiences including Music Recording, Live Performance, Song Making and Industry Insights. There are three workshop days 8-10 October 9am-4pm, with a performance showcase on 10 October 6pm. Limited places available... ...
Read MoreThe House Debating competition came to a fitting conclusion last week with the final debates held in The Oratory Space, and with guest adjudicator Mr Casni presiding. Congratulations to the Year 7/8 Guzman Team (That our treatment of animals in the food industry is inhumane), and the Year 9/10 Siena... ...
Read MoreFollowing on from learning experiences of building and constructing, Kinder Bears were offered opportunities to experiment with the use of hammers and sandpaper in the classroom to help develop their coordination and motor skills. To encourage further learning and new skills, Kinder Bears were invited up to the woodwork room... ...
Read MoreOn Thursday 20 September over 180 students participated in the second 色情直播 Music & Dance Showcase. The event gives us the opportunity to present the large scale music and dance performance works in a suitable venue, the Don Bosco creative Arts Centre, GYC. The evening featured the larger Dance,... ...
Read MoreThe Importance of FriendshipChildren choose friends who enjoy the same kind of activities as they do. Friendships fluctuate and change as children grow older and they begin to understand themselves more. Friendships are an important part of school life; some students may have a couple of very close friends, whilst... ...
Read MoreIn 2018, the Year 10 Leaders have undertaken work to address Mental Health with students in our community. College Captain, Maggie Baker, drove this through our first ever Mental Health Week. To continue this great work, Maggie went through the Beyond Blue website and requested a speaker for our College.Maggie... ...
Read MoreIt has been a very busy month with P&F members involved in many school and community activities, all gearing up the Colour Run and Community Fair next term.Hardworking volunteers came out in force to support our Father鈥檚 Day Stall and we had a fantastic range and variety of gifts again... ...
Read More色情直播 is delighted to celebrate its upcoming School Fair, on Friday 2nd November from 3.30 to 7.00pm. Join us for an afternoon of delicious food, handicrafts, rides and entertainment for the whole family. Don鈥檛 miss your chance to win a Lift 2 Medium Trampoline plus Basketball Hoop Accessory, with... ...
Read More2019 FEES AND PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTSThe College emailed all parents and guardians on 1 October 2018, including parents new to the College in 2019, to inform them of the fees that will apply next year, associated payment arrangements and changes to our General Terms and Conditions. If you did not receive... ...
Read MoreThe DOSA Football Club Best & Fairest 2018 Awards dinner, held Friday 12 October at the North Hobart Bowls Club, was a very special night of celebration for the players in the premiership winning reserves and seniors sides, as well as the families, WAGS, supporters and old-timers of the club.Speeches... ...
Read MoreThe ten years reunion of the Class of 2008 was held at 色情直播 on Saturday 12 October 2018. Sam Broadby was the instigator and around 30 classmates enjoyed refreshments upstairs at Grantleigh and then a grand tour of the school. We thank Sam for her work in gathering the... ...
Read MoreOn the weekend of 12-14 October, the Dominic U10 Soccer team participated in the Mano鈥檚 Cup for Soccer in Launceston. This tournament aims to bring the best U9 and U10 soccer teams together for a day/weekend tournament. Our Dominic U10 team lead by super coach Dave Cockerill played amazing in... ...
Read MoreThis week, students and staff were involved in election and discernment processes regarding our student leaders of the College for 2019. Year 9 students spoke to Year 7-9 students and staff at an extended assembly in the Savio Centre on Wednesday and outlined their thoughts on leadership, their time at... ...
Read MoreThe Year 6 trip to Canberra in the last week of Term 3 was a tremendous learning experience for everyone, and a great success. Each place visited provided new insights and educational richness to our History units about 鈥楧emocracy鈥 and 鈥楾he Australian Government鈥. Feedback from the BLOG was positive; a... ...
Read MoreDuring the first week of holidays the Derwent Valley Concert Band held its annual Spring School for the first time at 色情直播, utilizing the new state-of-the-art facilities in Fra Angelico. This was the largest attendance thus far for the Spring School with approximately 120 students from around Tasmanian in... ...
Read MoreAt the end of last term, I visited a number of Salesian schools in Japan, meeting a range of wonderful Principals, teachers and students in Salesian schools. I was warmly welcomed and there was considerable interest in and enthusiasm for our desire to establish a variety of relationships with schools.... ...
Read MoreLast week, Year 2-5 students and staff were involved in election processes regarding our 2019 Year 6 student leaders. We commend all Year 5 students who nominated for leadership roles and prepared excellent speeches about what it means to be a leader at 色情直播. We were extremely proud of... ...
Read MoreGood luck and many thanks to Ms Jane Myers, Mr Mark Nolan, Ms Miriam Cockerill and Ms Judy Scaife who will be working at various times over the coming weekend with our Year 5-10 students and their animals who are entered into the Royal Hobart Show. We are entering sheep,... ...
Read More色情直播 was privileged to host 32 students from 10 different schools during the recent school holidays, to participate in a song writing workshop with high profile Australian Music Director Darryl Beaton. Working alongside Brett Budgeon, Mark Schmalfuss, Greg Souter and myself, Darryl took the students through three days of... ...
Read MoreOn Thursday 18 October, our Year 3-6 Athletics carnival was held at the College. The weather looked terrible during set up for the day but once the students arrived the day cleared and we were able to push through without too many issues. The day was a huge success with... ...
Read MoreCommunity Fair - Friday 2 NovemberThis year鈥檚 line-up of stalls and entertainment is looking fabulous and I know that all students/parents/guardians and old scholars who come along will have an amazing time. Entertainment includes Gee Whizzer, Tas Reptillia, Fishcare, Animal Displays, School Choirs, Taiko Drums and much more. Stalls include... ...
Read MoreOur Year 9 Central Australia Immersion journeyOn 24 September, 42 students and five staff assembled at Hobart airport. The group prepared to commence the annual Year 9 trip and began their journey from the small island of Tasmania to the outback landscapes of the Northern Territory.Over the course of 12... ...
Read MoreMy family shares my love of SpeedwaySpeedway is a sport where you race on dirt and you are in a car that has a roll cage in it. You also wear a helmet, fireproof gear and neck brace. There are different types of cars you can race. I race a... ...
Read MoreEach year at 色情直播 two Year 9 students are selected to participate in a Parliament House event intended to encourage and inspire our young women to pursue leadership roles in school and in the community, and hopefully engage fully in our representative democracy one day. Year 9 student, Annalize... ...
Read MoreDear Students, Parents, Caregivers, Teachers and Friends,I take this opportunity to inform you that the Salesian Provincial, Fr Will Matthews SDB, has announced the changes for 2019 which affect the Salesian Community here at Dominic. In January 2019 I will conclude my term as Acting Rector of the College and... ...
Read MoreLast week and this week have been marked by community events which invite all across the College to become involved and deepen further student and family sense of belonging at Dominic. Our sense of belonging comes from participation in a group, the ability and accessibility to contribute to a group... ...
Read MoreWe are pleased to announce a new level of recognition for exceptional achievement that can be worn on the College blazer in our student鈥檚 final year at the college 鈥 Year 10. Our new College Colours process is designed to recognise exceptional achievement in a designated area of the college.... ...
Read MoreOn 23 September 2018, a group of Year 10 students and two teachers, Mrs Kinne and Kumashiro Sensei, embarked on a journey to Japan for 10 days. Eager to experience a new country, the 12 tourists had different ideas about what to expect and also to what they were looking... ...
Read MoreOur 'Science in Action' program continued with exhibiting our Animals for the Royal Hobart Show. We entered the Silkie Bantams, Auracanas and the Pekin Duck into the Poultry Section. Sharni Stoward, Sopie Van Tienen and Ashley Eyles worked very hard to wash and clean their animals so they were looking... ...
Read MoreWhat a great day!On Wednesday 31 October, the Year K-2 Athletics carnival was held onsite at the College in glorious conditions. The atmosphere was electric and students had an absolute blast in the events of obstacle course, 50m/100m, relays, sack races, egg and spoon races and vortex. The 色情直播... ...
Read MoreOn Saturday 27 October both the Classes of 1978 and 1998 held a reunion each at 色情直播.Although 20 years apart both classes had much in common: they enjoyed continuing and renewing their friendships, were enthusiastic about staying connected, were impressed by the new facilities and new technologies at Dominic... ...
Read MoreEveryone is invited to join our old scholars and families in the traditional Christmas Eve Carols and Mass in the 色情直播 Chapel.DOSA legends Tony Webb and Diane Cerritelli carry on the tradition once more in 2018 with the wonderful support of many helpers.'We do this in memory of dear... ...
Read MoreLast week, the Catholic School Principals from across Tasmania held their Term 4 meeting at 色情直播. The principals meet collectively four times a year as what is known as the Catholic College of Educational Leaders (CCEL).CCEL attend to and discusses a range of educational matters concerning all of our... ...
Read MoreOn Wednesday 7 November, Year 3-10 students and staff gathered for our College Remembrance Day Ceremony. This Sunday on Remembrance Day we mark the final year of the First World War 鈥 the Great War 鈥 the war to end all wars and its Armistice at the 11th hour on... ...
Read MoreOur Fair Committee - made up of Anne Lacy, Christine Smith, Sharyn Majchrzak, Pam Cosker, Amanda Page, Jo Berry, Kirsty Schulze, Jess Quin, Hayley Stoddart, Elise Reardon & Sharon Cook - deserve high commendation for their dedication, hard work and hours of organisation that went into this year鈥檚 Community Fair.The... ...
Read MoreOn Thursday 1 November, the Hobart Music Count Us In event on Bellerive Boardwalk was taken to the next level, as it became the national broadcast event that 700,000 students tuned into across Australia. Year 3 and 4 Dominic students and our Senior Concert Band who joined 2500 other local... ...
Read MoreCongratulations to our 2019 Leaders who were inducted today.College student leadership was transferred between our current 2018 leaders and our future 2019 leaders today at a movin ceremony, where students volunteered to exercise their special role, and accepted the honour of college and House leadership.2019 STUDENT LEADERS Name Leadership Role... ...
Read MoreOn Monday afternoon the Advanced Food Studies students presented their final assessment task at an afternoon tea for their parents, grandparents and teachers. The students, under the direction of their teacher, Miss Jane Gysen, prepared a range of delectable hot and cold platters served with tea, coffee or juice. Miss... ...
Read MoreAs students continue with their exam preparations, they are reminded to keep up an established routine, maintain a positive mind frame and to remember not to panic! Creating lists and making sure notes are organised with key topics will be important preparation. Students should focus on the subjects of the... ...
Read MoreThis week the Creative Arts Faculty hosted three consecutive nights of music soirees in The Oratory Space. These performances featured all students at 色情直播 who are enrolled in private instrumental and vocal lessons as well as a number of students from our new Year 5 and 6 Instrumental Band... ...
Read MoreOn Friday 9 November a select group of keen and adventurous students set out with Mr Daniel Blake and Miss Tyler O鈥橬eill on a 3-day multi day walk along the spectacular Tasman Peninsula coastline to explore the Three Capes. The small group arrived mid-afternoon at Fortescue Bay, our base camp... ...
Read MoreOn 14 November, the whole Year 9 cohort were involved in the Year 7 orientations for next year. The day consisted of multiple activities in which our Year 9 students worked with the new Year 7 students including: a pastoral group session, a tour of the school, an amazing race... ...
Read MoreOur 7-10 assembly this week was the final assembly of the year for secondary students. Our 2019 College Captains Maddison Cockerill and Lachlan Rowlands acknowledged the leadership of our Class of 2018 and wished their Year 10 friends well in their exams and their graduation ceremonies and celebrations next week.At... ...
Read MoreLast Friday, our 2019 Leaders Induction Ceremony took place, where Year 9 students step up as the new 2019 leaders. Parents and carers of the excited leaders watched proudly in the Savio Centre, as each worthy leader was called to the stage to receive their badge and tie. It was... ...
Read MoreOn Saturday 17 November 色情直播 was part of the 2018 Myer Christmas Pageant. The weather was beautiful and we had over 50 smiling students from Years 1 and 2, enjoying the atmosphere of the day. Students were 鈥榮tars鈥 as representatives of the College and as their part in the... ...
Read MoreAt 色情直播 students have access to a range of online learning tools. K-6 students have a Mathletics account where they can develop their mathematical skills and an ABC Reading Eggs account for literacy development. Each student has a log on and a password that allows them access to a... ...
Read MoreWe have so many great students at 色情直播, but it is always fun to have a look at which names are most popular.The most popular boy's name at Dominic in 2018 was Jack, with Lachlan coming second. The most popular girl's name was Lucy and Ella came second.Again this... ...
Read MoreWork & Training, Tasmania鈥檚 largest private provider of nationally-recognised training and assessment, held their graduation and awards ceremony on Friday 23 November and 色情直播 old scholars were prominent.Shania Kava (2014, Glenorchy City Dental, Cert 111 in Dental Aassisting), Daniel Revell (2012, TasTAFE, Cert 11 in Business), Tyler O鈥橬eill (2013,... ...
Read MoreWhat is the Don Bosco Green Alliance? The Don Bosco Green Alliance is an international collective of young people from Don Bosco Institutions and Organizations, that contributes to global environmental action, thought and policy. Our mission is to create an environment that is safe and caring for all life on... ...
Read MoreYear 7 Orientation DayOn 14 November, the whole Year 9 cohort were involved in the Year 7 orientations for next year. The day consisted of multiple activities in which our Year 9 students worked with the new Year 7 students including: a pastoral group session, a tour of the school,... ...
Read MoreGood luck to film directors Jude Saavedra and Lachie Pullen from Year 9. Their short film 鈥楳ask鈥 is an original piece they created for the MyState Film Festival.Mask was chosen as one of three finalists in the high school section. Watch their movie at ...
Read MoreLast Thursday 29 November, our Year 6-10 students, staff and members of their families gathered in the Savio Centre for our 2018 Awards Ceremony. This ceremony recognizes the academic and personal achievements of our students who have achieved excellence in learning and in leadership this year. The Characteristic of Stickability... ...
Read MoreLast week our Year 10 students ended their time well at 色情直播. Thank you to all members of our community who were part of their graduation and celebrations and also part of our 2018 Awards Ceremony. It was so rewarding seeing our students in Years 6-10 being recognised for... ...
Read MoreWith the school holidays rapidly approaching, we begin to assess what we will do over the holiday break. Through the school year we socialise and see each other every day at school. But in the holidays some students can become socially isolated. Technology can be a wonderful thing, but some... ...
Read MoreIn 2015, 色情直播 had their first ever Relay for Life Team. $4000 was raised for the Cancer Council. In 2017, Dominic had over 160 students and 40 staff signed up for the Relay and we fundraised over $15,000. Now, in 2019, Dominic hopes to exceed this and our 2019... ...
Read MoreThe permanent and limited tenure staff who will be departing the College at the end of 2018 include: Mr Daniel Blake, Mr Brian Brennan, Mr James Gray, Mrs Roslyn Hawkins, Miss Tyler O鈥橬eill, Mrs Jenny McGuire, Br Michael Morrow SDB, Mrs Charmienne O鈥橞rien and Mr Michael Voss. We wish these... ...
Read More鈥楶resent鈥 of 鈥楶resence鈥 鈥淏eloved: May the Lord make you increase and abound in love for one another and for all鈥..鈥 (1 Thessalonians 3:12) Reading from 1st Sunday in AdventGod sent a 鈥榩resent鈥 into the world, the gift of a loving presence named Jesus. The Gospel stories indicate that Jesus gave... ...
Read MoreOn Wednesday last week there was an open workshop for family and friends of our Year 3-6 Co-curricular Drama participants. This group have met every Wednesday afternoon this semester and have made solid progress in developing their skills as collaborators and communicators. The group engage with the processes of drama... ...
Read MoreOn Wednesday afternoon, the Savio Centre was packed with parents, grandparents and guardians to watch the 2018 K-2 Junior Carols. The students looked absolutely adorable dressed in a variety of costumes from angels to shepherds and wise men. There was even a donkey or two. Every class sang with great... ...
Read MoreThe P&F has finished off the year strongly with our final meeting held on Wednesday 21 November and our Christmas Dinner held on Friday 23 November. It was great to look back over the year and celebrate our achievements as a group. We are excited for next year and the... ...
Read MoreLaunch into Learning concluded for 2018 last week. Thank you to all the wonderful families that have come along this year and supported the program. We have thoroughly enjoyed watching the children participate eagerly in the activities.In 2019, LIL session times and location of the program is changing. We will... ...
Read MoreDominic Early Learning Centre, run by Discovery, held their big Christmas party last Friday, and the community enjoyed our oval, facility, tents and barbecues as well as some fabulous entertainment in jumping castles, face painting and Santa.The Vacation Care Program is now available and you can see the information here:... ...
Read MoreDana Kerford is a teacher, "Friendship Expert" and the founder of internationally-recognised friendship programs, GirlPower and GoodGuys from URSTRONG. In Term 1 2019 色情直播 parents have the chance to experience one of Dana's workshops on friendships, at 色情直播 for a reduced cost of $20 for each participant, (minimum... ...
Read MoreEach year 色情直播 offers a limited number of Creative Arts Scholarships into Year 7 in the areas of Music, Drama, Dance and Visual Art and this year we received many exceptional applications. We congratulate our 2019 Scholarship recipients, Year 6 students, Brianna Gadd and Kayla Loveless, as well as... ...
Read MoreWe held our last Robotics Club meeting for 2018 after school last Friday afternoon 7 December. We always finish off with a party where everyone brings some party food to share and Mrs Kinne supplies the drinks. We really enjoyed trying all the different types of food that people brought.... ...
Read MoreIn Kinder Mice鈥檚 Japanese lesson on Friday, a little boy asks me if he can go to the toilet. Thomas Golding pipes up, and using perfect Japanese, says 鈥渘o, you have to say, 鈥榯oire ni itte mo ii desu ka鈥欌. Astounded, I ask him how he knows how to ask... ...
Read MoreIn the final week of Term 4 all of the Year 9 cohort went on a journey called The Abyss. The Abyss is a part of a course called 鈥淭he Right Journey鈥 and is a program taught all around Australia. The Abyss is for both boys and girls and is... ...
Read MoreThe improvement and expansion of 色情直播鈥檚 K-6 has been identified as a strategic priority. The K-6 buildings are now 14 years old and in need of expansion and refurbishment. The classrooms were originally built to accommodate a 1.5 stream primary which resulted in the need to build four classrooms... ...
Read MoreCongratulations to old scholar, Connor Haas (2012), who not only was awarded his Bachelor of Business but then at his Defence Force graduation was awarded the RSL Sword of Service.The 2018 Graduation Parade was held at the Australian Defence Force Academy (ADFA) in Canberra on Thursday 13 December 2018.The Graduation... ...
Read MoreIn the second last week of Term 4 Year 8 students travel to Freycinet for a thrre-day camp as part of their EMPOWER Program. The boys travel on the Monday and return Wednesday - the girls begin on the Wednesday and return Friday. You can see some photos on our... ...
Read MoreThree 色情直播 students have won prestigious ICAS medals this year for being Tasmania鈥檚 top achievers. Each year over one million students from more than 6300 schools in Australia and New Zealand participate in the International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) conducted by the University of New South Wales.... ...
Read More色情直播 is offering an exciting new elective course for Year 10 students who are interested in entering the Hospitality industry. SIT10216 Certificate I in Hospitality will offer 色情直播 students real life exposure to the Hospitality industry by providing foundational technical kitchen skills, including learning to prepare dishes and... ...
Read MoreChristmas Eve carols and Mass were joyfully celebrated in the 色情直播 Chapel by a large group of old scholars and friends of 色情直播.The evening was hosted by the inimitable Mr Tony Webb and the Carols and hymns were harmonically projected by the St John's Parish choir and musicians,... ...
Read MoreThe final day of Term 4 for students, Friday 14 December, was an excellent day of celebration and fun.Students were involved with administration in the morning, cleaning up classrooms, cleaning out lockers, readying to take home their Christmas craft and gifts, talking to teachers about their plans for the summer... ...
Read MoreCollege Colours are a level of recognition for exceptional achievement that can be worn on the College blazer in our students鈥 final year at 色情直播 鈥 Year 10. The College Colours process is designed to recognise exceptional achievement in a designated area of the college. Students meeting certain criteria... ...
Read MoreThe cycle of life is a mystery and brings us both joy and sorrow. We have been so blessed to have a family of magnificent animals who respond so well to our students and families and often to crowds of members of the public. The 色情直播 community will be... ...
Read MoreThe 2019 Parent Handbook is now available for viewing or downloading from this page: 2019 Parent Handbook. ...
Read MoreOur three Kinder Classrooms have been named after three native animals for 2019. Kinder A, taught by Mrs Douglas Monday-Wednesday, will be known as timita (possum). This class will be based in the Magone Building (near the oval). Kinder B, taught by Mrs Doyle Wednesday-Friday, will be tuminana (little fairy... ...
Read MoreOur annual International Women's Day breakfast is held on Tuesday 5 March 2019 and our special guest speaker is old scholar, Jessica Sargent (nee Howard, 2004).Years 5-10 girls, their mothers, carers, grandmothers and aunties are invited to celebrate the achievements of women, past, present and future. Old scholars are also... ...
Read More色情直播鈥檚 Pre-Kindergarten program Launch into Learning is becoming part of the curriculum in 2019.There will be four Launch into Learning classes, two on Thursdays and two on Fridays in term time this year. One of 色情直播鈥檚 most experienced Kindergarten teachers, Mrs Linda Douglas, will be taking the Launch... ...
Read MoreThe 2019 College Calendar has been printed and has been mailed to all families. The calendar is a handy reminder and guide to the majority of important events at Dominic in 2019. Keep it on your fridge or your utility area! As the year progresses, however, circumstances change and there... ...
Read MoreCongratulations to our friends and Project Rockit co-founders, Lucy and Rosie, who were awarded an Order of Australia Medal, for their service to youth, and contribution to tackling bullying.Rosie launched their Tasmanian digital program at 色情直播 in 2017, and Lucy will be part of this year's Mental Health Week... ...
Read MoreThe first day of Term 1 2019, Monday morning, 4 February, the College is starting a new tradition with the 鈥楻inging In鈥 of our new Year 7 students as a symbol of their commencement of secondary education at 色情直播.Pastoral Teachers will be available from 8.15am 鈥 8.35am at Pastoral... ...
Read MoreWorld Read Aloud Day was celebrated on Friday 8 February at 色情直播 to promote the importance of 鈥榬eading out aloud鈥. Across the school students could read aloud in their classes in many different subject areas. Our Year 7-10 English classes visited Kinder to Year 6 classes to read books... ...
Read MoreWelcome to our Salesian Priests and Brothers for 2019. We are very fortunate to have such a wonderful representation of the Salesian community in our College. This year we have Fr Peter Rankin returning as the College Rector SDB, Fr Damien working with our K-6 staff and students and Br... ...
Read MoreOn the first day back from school holidays, students in 7-10 participated in a new tradition called the 鈥楻inging In鈥. When Maddi Cockerill, Mr Davey and I went to the Salesian Captains Conference held at Xavier College in Adelaide last year, we came across the idea of having a guard... ...
Read MoreIt has been communicated a number of times that 色情直播 cannot support nor approve the taking of holidays during term time. This is a legal mandate in the 2016 Education Act and has been put in place to ensure that sound academic progress can take place with students being... ...
Read MoreWe had a fabulous professional learning session for our K-6 teachers last week with a first class educator and expert in friendship development, Ms Dana Kerford. This session was followed in the evening by a wonderful parent and student workshop on friendship also facilitated by Dana. Dana is the founder... ...
Read MoreEvery year at 色情直播, we plan that the very first time we gather as a whole school community, that it will be in prayer.On Wednesday, 13 February, all students and staff (except Kindergarten) gathered in the Savio Centre to pray. Our focus was to give thanks to God for... ...
Read MoreTwo after-school programs to commence 27 FebruaryYears 3-6 After-School Drama WorkshopIs your child interested in Drama? Here鈥檚 a chance for them to explore the possibilities through a non-threatening, inclusive activity based introduction to performance. Drama is great way to build group dynamic skills, communication, problem-solving and build self-confidence. An after... ...
Read MoreThis year we have commenced a major review and re-design of the College Uniform K-10. This week we had the first of five scheduled meetings of the College Uniform Review and Re-Design Committee together with Perm-A-Pleat, our current supplier and one of the country鈥檚 most prominent and experienced uniform designers.... ...
Read MoreSeveral times in the first two weeks of Kinder tuminana, I have been reminded of how much young children love to write 鈥 they鈥檙e always in search of a marker, paintbrush or crayon to 鈥榣eave their mark鈥. As can be seen in the photos accompanying this article, these early illustrations... ...
Read MoreOn Friday 15 February, Year 7 students were presented with their bibles from 色情直播 in a special Bible Liturgy. Year 7 students entered the 色情直播 Chapel for the first time as a year level , with respect and anticipation. Their reverence in the Chapel and their attentive behavior... ...
Read MorePrep鈥揧ear 6 held a wonderful assembly on Wednesday. Ms Gilligan shared with the assembly a fantastic story about one of our Year 5 students, Lucy Schiebel, who demonstrated great citizenship and honesty in our community and is a great role model of the College. She was presented with a Principal鈥檚... ...
Read MoreIf you have a child to commence Kindergarten in 2020 or Year 7 in 2021 it is now time to enrol. It is important that you complete an Enrolment Application form and submit to the College as soon as possible. Please note current students attending Year 5 or 6 at... ...
Read MoreOn 17 February, the squads for the 2019 Stingas program were announced. We would like to congratulate the following students for being selected for the program: Jessica Weeding, Iszaebella Zielinski, and Caitlin Turner were all selected in the Stingas under 13s side. Congratulations to Katelyn Butler for successfully making the... ...
Read MoreInternational Women's Day is celebrated all around the world in March and is an opportunity to commemorate the achievements of girls and women, locally and globally.At 色情直播, we are marking this day on Tuesday 5 March with a wonderful gathering of girls and women from our community. Girls in... ...
Read MoreOn Wednesday, 6 March 9.15am-10.20am, our Principal and Parents & Friends鈥 鈥楳eet and Greet鈥 will be held in the College Library.This is an opportunity for parents, relatively new to the school or who are well established, to catch up with the Principal and to meet members of the P&F. Parents... ...
Read MoreWe mark the commencement of the Church season of Lent with Ash Wednesday, 6 March, and which will conclude on Holy Saturday, 20 April, the day before Easter. There will be Mass in the 色情直播 Chapel at 7.30am on Ash Wednesday. All parents and students are welcome. One of... ...
Read MoreOur Vision at 色情直播 is to establish and maintain a positive community of engaged learners striving for the achievement of excellence. This Vision is communicated across various publications - via our website, school diary and many handbooks. A school鈥檚 vision helps to set the direction for the students, staff,... ...
Read MoreAs most parents would be aware there has been an increase in the number of cars coming into the school particularly around drop off and pick up times. Whilst there is always going to be a level of congestion during these peak periods, there are some things that all drivers... ...
Read MoreOn Wednesday 27 February, we had our first 7-10 Assembly. It was an excellent opportunity for our 2019 College Captains Maddi and Lachie, and Vice Captains Ella and Tom to lead our assembly.We had a number of presentations, specifically ensuring students were aware of the Sport and Creative Arts opportunities... ...
Read MoreThe Frank MacDonald Memorial Prize is now open for 2019 to all Year 9 students. Successful students will travel to France and Belgium in April/ May 2020. This year, the Information Pack and Entry Forms are all in a digital format. It is hoped that all students in Year 9... ...
Read MoreOur first meeting of 2019 was held on Wednesday 27 February and we had an amazing turnout of P&F members and staff. Dylan Chivers, 色情直播 Chief Financial and Operations Manager, came along and did an in depth presentation on the capital development of the K-2 area that will begin... ...
Read MoreLast weekend, 2-3 March, the Derwent Valley Concert Band held a Marching Band Workshop weekend at 色情直播, outside on our sports fields and inside the Savio Centre. The group had a special guest Drum Major, Geoff Carter CSM, retired Warrant Officer First Class, from Rockhampton. Geoff has an extensive... ...
Read MoreThis week I was thrilled when one of our Year 1 students, Daisy Bradley, came to visit me with some beautiful Japanese Hina dolls (hina ningyou). Her father had received them many years ago when he was an exchange student in Japan. Daisy (accompanied by her classmate and friend Vincent... ...
Read MoreIn teaching we are always looking at ways and means to improve student learning. The days of 鈥榗halk and talk鈥 are long gone. New teaching strategies focus on engagement of the student in their own learning and students taking ownership of the process. In the teaching profession itself Professional Development... ...
Read MoreMathematics may not be able to teach us how to solve all our problems but it definitely teaches us that every problem has a solution. I鈥檓 just no good at maths. We hear it a lot, but it is very seldom true. While it is true that some people are... ...
Read MoreThank you to the members of the 色情直播 community who joined together for our International Women鈥檚 Day Breakfast on Tuesday morning. It was a brilliant gathering with 250 people in attendance and a great atmosphere of celebration and solidarity with women and girls across the globe.Our special guest and... ...
Read MoreWe hosted 35 families at our successful recent Open Day, on Tuesday 12 March. They enjoyed special tours conducted by teachers and student leaders, learning more about the excellent variety of learning opportunities at 色情直播. Thank you to the students and staff who welcomed our prospective families.Our Open Day... ...
Read MoreBeing the week of International Women鈥檚 Day, last Thursday, I was very pleased to attend the UTAS #BalanceForBetter Lecture: 鈥淲hy is gender equality so hard to achieve?鈥 where former State Premier, Lara Giddings, was the guest speaker. Lara spoke passionately and honestly about her career and the hurdles she had... ...
Read MoreYear 9 students, Alexander Bourne and Jackie Van Lierop, share with us some of their experience of The Calling.On 28-29 February, the Year 9 boys had their Calling. This was an amazing experience as it was the first step of our transition to becoming adults. We had plenty of activities... ...
Read MoreFriday 15 March is the National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence and the theme for 2019 is Bullying. No Way! Take Action EverydayAt our Year 7-10 Assembly on Wednesday, I was very proud of our Guzman Sports Captain Alyssa Mustchin who stood up and reminded students about what... ...
Read MoreThis Sunday, 19 March, marks the commencement of Catholic Education Week in Tasmania. Next week is designated as a time to celebrate the achievements of Catholic schools. In particular for us, it is a time to honour the great educational legacy provided to us by the Salesians of Don Bosco... ...
Read MoreAs we move through the consultation phase of our Uniform Review and Re-Design Project, I would like extend my appreciation to all members of our College community who completed our on-line surveys regarding our formal uniform and our PE uniform.There were 442 parents who responded to the survey providing us... ...
Read MoreCongratulations to the following Old Scholars who were recognised for their wonderful academic and community achievements at Guilford Young College in GYC鈥檚 Ceremony of Commendation last week:Lily Bennett (Newell): 2018 Principal鈥檚 Award for Outstanding Achievement across all areas of College Life; 2018 Guilford Young College Award for Exceptional Commitment &... ...
Read MoreLast Sunday saw the beginning of Catholic Education Week. This is a special time when we acknowledge how unique and special our Catholic schools are. 色情直播 was warmly invited by Fr Guy and the Parish of St John鈥檚 Glenorchy, to join them to commemorate the start of Catholic Education... ...
Read MoreThis week, 15 Year 10 Animal Husbandry students along with Mrs Jessica Palermo and I, spent four days at the Woodbridge Marine Discovery Centre on our 色情直播 Marine Camp. Students learned about marine biology and obtained their boat licenses. The Centre is located right on the water on the... ...
Read MoreAustralia is one of the most successful multicultural countries in the world, and Harmony Week is a time to celebrate Australian multiculturalism and the successful integration of migrants into our community. Harmony Week celebrates Australian multiculturalism, by promoting inclusiveness, respect and belonging for all Australians, regardless of cultural or linguistic... ...
Read MoreTwenty-four students of Japanese accepted the invitation to participate in a workshop with two professional taiko drummers visiting Tasmania from Japan Makoto Sekine and MorimitsuNot only did the students have the opportunity to experience playing an authentic Japanese instrument, but they also learned about taiko playing technique, discipline and manners.... ...
Read MoreThis week in our newsletter we published the survey data summary for students, parents and staff that has been developed by the Uniform Review and Re-Design Committee.It has been most encouraging that there has been much discussion about the type, style and option improvements with our uniform. Year 3 student,... ...
Read MoreWe have all felt huge pride in our students in Years 5-10 and our staff who formed the 2019 Dominic Relay for Life Team. They gathered for 20 hours overnight last Saturday to honour our donors鈥 $30,000 plus commitment to the outstanding work of the Cancer Council and walk hundreds... ...
Read MoreDid you realise that the 2016 Census showed that 5,701 people who live in Glenorchy were born overseas and 9.4% of the residents speak a language other than English at home? With figures like these we can confidently say that we live and work in a multicultural place. Last week,... ...
Read MoreThis year, at lunchtime on Mondays, the Salesian Youth of 色情直播 gather together. This group of Year 9 and 10 students formed four years ago as a community to celebrate the teachings and guidance of our founding Saint, John Bosco. Our lunchtime meetings are divided into three parts, FAITH,... ...
Read MoreYear 8 Drama students have been exploring the techniques involved in Process Drama. For this style of performance, it鈥檚 all in its name: this creative instructional method offers students the experience of an event, a place, or a time period using improvisation as a tool of discovery. Teacher and students... ...
Read MoreOn Monday 18 March, Bosco and Guzman Houses headed down to Fortescue Bay for our Year 7 camp. We were looking forward to some amazing experiences such as a four-hour hike, surfing, rafting, studying the tessellated pavement evironment, aboriginal activities and orienteering. On Tuesday we went to Eaglehawk Neck and... ...
Read MoreWOW! What an amazing learning experience we had at the Year 5 Hot Air Balloon incursion on Monday 1 April. It was no joke in any shape or form even though the April Fool tradition was mentioned by a few as they couldn鈥檛 believe that such an event as this... ...
Read MoreThe Class of 2009 enjoyed a 10-years reunion on Saturday 30 March 2019. Over 30 old scholars met upstairs at Grantleigh in the Basil Fox Room, for nibbles and refreshments. Amidst the catching up and hugs, there was some chat about what the College was like 10 years ago with... ...
Read MoreTerm 1 Expectations Reports will be emailed to all parents/guardians and students next Thursday 11 April. After a review of these reports in 2018, we have moved to a model where we will be reporting on eight (8) core learning expectations rather than 16. Based on the feedback, some of... ...
Read MoreOn Friday 29 March, Cassie Mcloughlin, Shakira Cate, Oriel Estorninho and I all attended RYPEN (Rotary Youth Program of Enrichment) at the Lea Scout camp off the Southern Outlet. We had the opportunity to go to this program due to the generosity of the Rotary Club of Glenorchy and the... ...
Read MoreThis year ANZAC Day falls during the upcoming Term 1 school holidays on Thursday 25 April. It has become a tradition at 色情直播 that all students are asked to represent the College at ceremonies at Glenorchy, Hobart, Lenah Valley, Pontville or New Norfolk. This is a day of national... ...
Read MoreThere is always something exciting happening at 色情直播 and this week we were so very excited to see a hot air balloon on the College oval. We watched from our room as the balloon was inflated and took the Year 5 students and some staff members up in the... ...
Read MoreWhat a wonderful camp we had at Far South last week! Hastings Caves and the Thermal Pool were awesome. Star gazing around the campfire was amazing, and of course toasted marshmallows are always a favourite! We shared stories together and Fr Damien delighted us all with his campfire activities making... ...
Read MoreThe Da Vinci Decathlon is an academic competition designed to challenge and stimulate the minds of school students. The Decathlon competition places a particular emphasis on higher order thinking skills, problem solving and creativity.Our Dominic team joined other school teams from Hobart in the Nettlefold Library, in Sandy Bay on... ...
Read MoreThis week, as a community, we have been focused on preparations for one of the most important seasons in the Christian calendar.Our Chapel has seen many visits by classes in spiritual readiness for Easter. Yesterday our K-6 students entered our annual Stations of the Cross. These were led by our... ...
Read MoreWe commenced our journey last Saturday landing in Osaka and heading straight to Kyoto. We had the opportunity to explore a number of temples and castles throughout Kyoto, Osaka and Nara before making our way to Hiroshima. Over the course of the four days we got to taste many local... ...
Read MoreDuring the final week of Term 1, Expectations Reports for Term 1 were emailed to parents. Following an extensive review, the staff and leadership of the College have worked to develop a report that provides quality feedback about how students are applying themselves in their learning across all subject areas.... ...
Read MoreThere is always a great deal of music being made at the College and in the past few days it has been spilling out from Fra Angelico. In the Oratory Space last Friday, our wonderful Music Tutors and their associates, aided and abetted by Music teachers and Creative Arts staff,... ...
Read MoreThe members of the Rock Band range from Years 7 to 10 and we even have a staff member who comes to play as well: Mr Fulton. We started rehearsing together at the start of term. Mr Schmalfuss helps us all with choosing the music, getting our stuff together and... ...
Read MoreOn Friday 29 March, the four Year 9 SRC representatives, Laura Ackerley, Jacob Tarvydas, Alicia Smith and I went to the Menzies Institute for Medical Research building and participated in the Learn2Lead leadership program. On this day we learned some of the skills it takes to become a better leader... ...
Read MoreAs part of Year 10 EMPOWER guest speakers program, John Zeckendorf, the first Tasmanian to summit Mt Everest, shared his story with Year 10 this week. Even more importantly, John demonstrated how he broke down the challenge of climbing Everest into smaller achievable goals.John compared this process to the many... ...
Read MoreWelcome back to our students and staff from their Japan Study Tour 2019. Students recount some of their time below:Departure date was 6 April. 12 people left and 12 people came back! At 4:30am we said our goodbyes and left. Heading towards a future of uncertainty. A trip full of... ...
Read MoreMs Gilligan has often reminded me this year that it is a long time since we have had three Salesians working full time at the College, Fr Damien, Bro Barry and myself, all with different temperaments and talents. We too, want to make a difference and contribute our bit to... ...
Read MoreOn Wednesday 1 May, we celebrated the lives and great contributions of our patron saints Don Bosco and Dominic Savio. We entered this celebration knowing that we are part of a community that is based on love, friendship and unity in Jesus Christ. For Don Bosco, he believed that Jesus... ...
Read MoreDuring Term 2, the Humanities Department will launch the Tankyuu Project: A cultural exchange program between our Year 8 students and students at our new sister school, Shizuoka Salesio near Tokyo in Japan. This exciting project will allow the students of 色情直播 to engage and interact with their peers... ...
Read MoreYear 2A decided to enter an Easter Canvas competition at Bunnings, Glenorchy last term. Bunnings Warehouse hosted an Easter Community Art Show for local schools and invited our class to take part. This entailed a donation of a canvas, which was to be painted or decorated by our students, each... ...
Read MoreOne of our school expectations is 鈥榳e are respectful.鈥 Over the holidays we commemorated ANZAC day as an opportunity for us to show our respect for those who fought under our flag. As a Dominic community we were a presence at a number of ANZAC day services throughout the Hobart... ...
Read MoreWe have had a very busy couple of months since our February meeting with some of our most popular events being very well supported.Thank you to all parents who took the time to come along to the Parent Uniform Forum that was held instead of the March P&F Meeting. Parents... ...
Read MoreOn Sunday 5 May, students from Years 2-10 participated in the inaugural Japan鈥檚 Children鈥檚 Day Celebration at the Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens.Our wonderful students showcased their love for Japanese language and culture in a number of ways.You can see more photos on our gallery: Japan's Children's Day.Year 2-4 students sang... ...
Read MoreOn Saturday 6 April, 10 very excited Year 9 and 10 students, Aran sensei and Mr Casni met at Hobart Airport at 4.30am to venture off to Japan for the 2019 Japanese Study Tour. There was a great deal of excitement in anticipation of the jam-packed itinerary to visit one... ...
Read MoreLast week, the College Uniform Review and Re-Design Committee met for the third time with the focus on reviewing perspectives provided from the parent and staff focus groups based on the stakeholder survey feedback. These were held at the end of Term 1. Our student leaders held focus groups with... ...
Read MoreAt the 7-10 Assembly this week, Harry Breslin (Year 9), Mrs Susie Allan and I had the pleasure of sharing some of our experiences from our recent Japan Study Tour. You can read a more detailed summary of the trip later in this newsletter. Whilst on the study tour, we... ...
Read MoreOn 3 May, seven students from the Salesian Youth at 色情直播 (SYDC) travelled to Safety Beach to attend OzBosco. OzBosco is an annual camp in which Salesian schools nationwide gather together and celebrate being a part of the Salesian community. Ozbosco never fails to amaze and was a fantastic... ...
Read MoreThe Federal Elections will take place this Saturday 18 May. Here are links to some frequently asked questions relating to funding in Education and information about how Catholic schools are funded in Tasmania. Catholic Schools in TasmaniaFAQs ...
Read More色情直播 and 鈥楬ullabaloo鈥 Designs have embarked on an exciting collaboration with a Mural Project for our Chapel. This project, initiated by our Principal, Ms Gilligan, and led by Ms Audrey Durbridge, is intended to bring a visually creative element into the interior walls of the Chapel and complement both... ...
Read MoreRain, Play, Shine and ShoesThis week has continued to be a learning experience for me at Shizuoka Salesio. Lunchtimes have been occupied assisting Miss Miho Arai in staging a short playlet, written by Mr Akira Taniguchi which will be performed as part of St Mary鈥檚 Festival, being presented this coming... ...
Read MoreOn Thursday evening, Year 9 students and their families participated in the annual Rite of Passage Ceremony, 鈥淭he Departure鈥. This is a process that involves expressing gratitude towards the people who have cared for you and looked after you in times of need. Students were invited to write a letter... ...
Read MoreLaughter is the best medicineThis term in Drama, Year 7 students are getting more than a double dose of humour as they begin exploring the many facets of Comedy in performance. Each week students are developing skills and applying different concepts to create short, performed examples of specific comedy styles.... ...
Read MoreYear 6 takes the Readers鈥 Cup ChallengeEach year southern Tasmanian schools join together to battle for the coveted Readers鈥 Cup. This year 色情直播 Year 6 students have decided to take the challenge to a new level. EVERY student in Year 6 is working as a member of a small... ...
Read MoreMountain BikingCongratulations to Year 9 student, Jacob Tarvydas, on his performance in last week鈥檚 Tasmanian All Schools XC MTB Championships where he placed 15th out of 175 competitors in the Under 17 race. This event is held annually and is one of the largest mountain bike races in Tasmania. There... ...
Read MoreThis week our new VET Hospitality Class took the opportunity to extend student gratitude to the most significant volunteer group in the College - our wonderful P&F Committee. The VET Hospitality Class prepared and served a three course meal for the P&F in the College Library which was transformed into... ...
Read MoreFr Will Matthews SDB, Provincial of the Salesians of Don Bosco, has announced that the Salesian Society [Vic] Inc, also known as Salesians of Don Bosco, was declared as a participating non-government institution in the National Redress Scheme by the Minister for Families and Social Services on 16 May 2019.The... ...
Read MoreThis week I have been privileged to be invited to attend the Chapter of the Salesians of the Australia-Pacific Province in Melbourne. Together with Paul Mastronadi, Director of the Dunlea Centre, we represented the APSPA Principals at the Chapter. 色情直播 and the Dunlea Centre are two of the independent... ...
Read MoreOutreach for Salesian Works in CambodiaFormer student of 色情直播, Ben Dowling, who is now Guilford Young College Vice-Captain is involved in the Salesian Youth movement. This year, Ben is representing 色情直播 on the Cagliero Program to Cambodia. Ben and his leadership friends will be holding a fundraiser 鈥楥oncert... ...
Read MoreWorld Challenge 2020: CambodiaStudents interested in a World Challenge trip to Cambodia in December 2020 are invited to bring their parent/carer along to an information session on Wednesday 29 May. This will be held in the College Library starting at 6.00pm. Our World Challenge Representative, will be on hand to... ...
Read MoreThis year Walk Safely to School Day was held on Friday 17 May. Now in its 20th year, National Walk Safely to School Day is an annual event when all school children are encouraged to walk and commute safely to school. It is a community event seeking to promote road... ...
Read MoreYear 1 celebrated 2019鈥檚 National Simultaneous Storytime with a trip to the Glenorchy LINC.National Simultaneous Storytime is an annual event in which a picture book, written and illustrated by an Australian author and illustrator, is read simultaneously in libraries, educational facilities, childcare centres, family homes, book stores and many other... ...
Read MoreOn Wednesday 22 May, Year 9 students were treated to a lively exploration and celebration of William Shakespeare鈥檚 language and words through Bell Shakespeare鈥檚 presentation of 鈥淲ords, Words, Words鈥. The actors masterfully took the students on a dramatic journey of epic proportions as they discovered some of the literary techniques... ...
Read MoreLast weekend Ursula Harris, Angelica Matusewicz, Jarrod Good, William Meere, Eli Morrison and Thomas Readman joined 46 other Year 10 students from across the state to compete in the annual Model United Nations Assembly (MUNA). MUNA is organised and sponsored by Rotary clubs throughout Tasmania and pits teams of like-minded... ...
Read MoreEach year in Media, students are required to take the Five Second Film challenge. Given a double period time constraint, they have to write, plan, film and edit in groups. Each group begins with a title pulled out of a hat or bucket or whichever container is at hand! Then... ...
Read MoreOnce a year every priest, religious brother and religious sister (nun) take a week out of their busy schedules to undertake a retreat. It is a time to take stock, to refresh, reset and return to their places of work and living recharged. Fr Damien is on retreat next week... ...
Read MoreThis week marks the halfway point of Term 2. We are three-quarters of the way through Semester 1 and reports are just around the corner. For the last few years 色情直播 has not only included a statement about your child鈥檚 achievements but we have also highlighted particular areas where... ...
Read MoreCongratulations to each and every one of our students who participated in last Friday鈥檚 3-10 Cross Country Carnival. It was certainly a busy day for both students and staff alike, with not only running races underway, but also many novelty activities for students to try. Thank you to all staff... ...
Read MoreOn Wednesday 22 May, Year 5 visited Port Arthur as part of their history unit entitled Convicts: Victims or Villains? We enjoyed wonderfully sunny conditions as we participated in an educational tour of Point Puer, a cruise on the harbour and an afternoon spent searching for historical clues as part... ...
Read MoreOn Wednesday 29 May, World Challenge representatives Hannah and Rachel were on hand to help launch the World Challenge trip to Cambodia for 2020. They hosted a parent evening in the College library were many families braved the cold weather to learn about this amazing opportunity. Students currently in Years... ...
Read MoreGYC have completed their course handbook for 2020 and copies will be available during their liaison and planning sessions this month. You can view an electronic version here: GYC 2020 Handbook. ...
Read MoreThe Uniform Review and Redesign Committee recently met to consider initial designs that have been developed for 色情直播鈥檚 new uniform by Elizabeth Delahoyde, Head of Design at Perm-A-Pleat. These designs have been based heavily on the consultation data as well as Ms Delahoyde鈥檚 experience of what will best meet... ...
Read MoreThe Year 8 Retreat was held on Tueday this week. Students were invited to enter into a special time of reflection where they could begin to understand more about recognising the importance of others around us and to see God in each and every person. Students were encouraged to see... ...
Read MoreUNDOUKAI - Japanese Sports Day at Salesio Shizuoka JapanOn, Saturday 1 June, the Year I to 6 annual sports day was held at Salesio. Students have been preparing for weeks. Although similar to our Sports Carnivals, there were distinctly Japanese touches. Being Saturday, there were extended families present, complete with... ...
Read MoreOn Wednesday 26 June 2019, K-2 students will have the opportunity to experience Bravehearts鈥 Personal Safety Education Program; 鈥淭he Ditto Show.鈥 Bravehearts are proud of this program and believe that by providing children with the basic principles of personal safety, they are providing them with the tools to stay safe.... ...
Read MoreLast Wednesday, 29 May, our Kinder鈥揧ear 6 students enjoyed an assembly with some amazing class performances. Our Year 1 students sang their Japanese song about being in Year 1 鈥 鈥業chinensei鈥, Year 1A performed the hilarious story 鈥楶iranha鈥檚 Don鈥檛 Eat Bananas鈥 as they focused on expressive reading and Year 2A... ...
Read MoreNew prize offer for Entertainment Book supporters There are great prizes to be won soon for Entertainment Book holders. Everyone who has already purchased a 色情直播 Entertainment Book is already in the draw. If you now purchase an Entertainment Book or Digital Membership App by Friday 5 July you鈥檒l... ...
Read MoreThe development of our K-2 precinct continues and we have recently achieved support for our Development Application from the Glenorchy City Council, contingent on some additional conditions being met.It is exciting to be at the stage of signing off on the interior designs of our purpose-built classrooms. The first stage... ...
Read MoreOn Tuesday 11 June we held our Year 9 Retreat at the Lindisfarne Rowing Club. Students were invited to enter into a special time of reflection where they could begin to understand more about the power of forgiveness and reconciliation, and the need for healing in our own hearts. There... ...
Read MoreOn Wednesday Kinder 鈥 Year 6 joined together for another wonderful assembly focusing on friendship. Our new friendship program 鈥楿 R Strong鈥 is being implemented in classrooms, and during the assembly, we focused on some common language and the introduction of the first two friendship rules 鈥 No friendship is... ...
Read MoreIn Term 2, students in Year 8 have been working on their Design and Composition unit, which is more commonly known as the skateboard unit!It鈥檚 a slow and steady process which involves researching a number of modern and contemporary artists in the area of painting, street art and design. Then... ...
Read MoreNetball star, Madi Browne, visits 色情直播As part of developing the relationship of elite athletes and juniors, 色情直播 hosted netball star, Australian Diamonds player, Collingwood Magpies co-captain, Madi Browne to run drills with and answer questions from our students on Thursday 6 June in the Savio Centre.This was one... ...
Read MoreOn Thursday 6 June, 色情直播 old scholar, Benjamin Dowling, (Class of 2017) organised and ran a music concert to raise funds for students at Don Bosco Technical School in Cambodia. Ben is joining the Cagliero Project to Cambodia later this month, as part of a team of young people... ...
Read MoreA Day at Shizuoka Salesio with 8 C7.55-8.05am Arrival. Students arrive in formal uniform and change into sports uniform for the school day. This is done every day.8.05-8.15am Reading: Silent reading. The Bell: Chimes indicate end of sessions across the day. (It鈥檚 the first few bars of Ave Maria)8.15-8.25am Study:... ...
Read MoreSay it Loud is an ongoing playbuilding project which all students in Year 6 have been developing in their Drama classes. The project culminates in a performance of their original work. This performance will be presented next Tuesday June 25. Each class has a difference performance time scheduled. All performances... ...
Read MoreYou may have heard your son or daughter coming home with phrases such as 鈥渨e had a friendship fire,鈥 or 鈥渋t was mean on purpose.鈥 These phrases are important terms/phrases from the URStrong friendship program which we have begun implementing in Years 1鈥6, with a focus on the language in... ...
Read MoreYear 3-10 Goal Setting Day,By now you will have received our letter detailing the Year 3-10 Goal Setting Day we are having on the Monday 22 July 2019. If you have not received this letter, please let us know immediately. Our K-2 teachers will also work with Year 3-10 students,... ...
Read MoreJunior Taiko Begins! - a lunch break well-spent色情直播 Year 4 students have been offered yet another fun way to spend their lunch break: playing taiko drums! Earlier in the year, all interested Year 4 students came to the LOTE Room to try their hand at taiko drumming. They were... ...
Read MoreOn Tuesday, Year 5 students from St Paul鈥檚 Catholic School, St Therese鈥檚 Catholic School, Holy Rosary Catholic School and St Brigid鈥檚 Catholic School joined our own Year 5 students in participating in our annual Year 5 Taster Day. Students were treated with performances from our 9/10 Dance Class and our... ...
Read MoreResearch has found that when children read extensively they become better writers. It also helps them become more aware of some of the issues, ideas and facts about the world around them. Reading a variety of genres helps students learn text structures, vocabulary and language techniques that they can then... ...
Read MoreIt is eight degrees and children at 色情直播 Kindergartens are stomping in puddles, making mud soup and running through the afternoon sun. They are rugged up in old clothes, rain jackets, gumboots and matching waterproof puddle suits. This year we are developing a Bush Kinder site behind the Property... ...
Read MoreHow far can one idea take you? On 25 June, parents and loved ones were treated to performances from our Year 6 classes. This was a celebration of the students鈥 hard work and creativity in the Drama unit 鈥 鈥楽ay it Loud鈥. This unit is a playbuilding project. Playbuilding is... ...
Read MoreDuring their specialist Art classes on Friday 14 June, Year 3 students were treated to a sculpture design workshop with Matt Calvert. Matt is a sculptor of considerable renown with major works in public spaces throughout the country and four pieces in situ at our own MONA. He has been... ...
Read MoreCall for friendly Tassie guides!A teacher from our Japanese sister school, Mr Akihiro Shimomura (teacher of Music and English, and conductor of the school choir) will be participating in the 色情直播-Shizuoka Salesio School teacher exchange during Term 3. He will be working at Dominic mostly with teachers of Japanese,... ...
Read MoreHome Made Taco Bowls Ingredients: - Recipe makes 6 taco bowls 1 Flat Bread per person1 carrot2 sticks of celery录 of a red capsicum录 of a green capsicum1 tomato200g of cheese500g mince1 onion 2 cloves of garlic150ml of pasta sauce (passata or equivalent)Taco seasoning (1 packet)Taco sauce- to tasteSour Cream-... ...
Read MoreThe College鈥檚 2018 Annual Report has been completed and is now on our website. The Annual Report provides a comprehensive summary of the College 鈥 its initiatives, events, progress and achievements. The document highlights our financial income and expenditure and capital development. Key information on student attendance, NAPLAN results and... ...
Read MoreOn Wednesday, we marked the commencement of NAIDOC Week. This weekend, around Australia, communities will be celebrating the history, culture and achievements of our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. We have over 50 Aboriginal students in our school community of whom we are very proud. Annually, we celebrate NAIDOC... ...
Read MoreMany of us can get confused about the nature of anxiety and especially, when to really worry about it. Anxiety refers to feelings of worry, nervousness, or a sense of apprehension, typically about an upcoming event where the outcome is uncertain, or where a young person feels he or she... ...
Read MoreONCE Year 6A started reading a series of books written by the outstanding author Morris Gleitzman. Through reading these stories we have got to know characters and have been transported to different places through their settings. We have been able to empathise with the main characters in his books in... ...
Read MoreThe 色情直播 5/6 Choir spent Monday and Tuesday preparing to sing as part of a massed combined choir at Tasmania Sings, in the City Hall on Tuesday evening. The Dominic students combined with 500 other children from schools all around Tasmania, working with the conductor Christie Anderson from Adelaide,... ...
Read MoreOn Saturday, 29 June 2019, old scholar, Brendan 鈥淪nowy鈥 Loveless (1990) played his 400th game with the DOSA Football Club, the first player ever to do so.Snowy is DOSA through and through! He started in 1995, but only played three games. Since then. despite ACL surgery and broken legs, he... ...
Read MoreOn the afternoon of Saturday 29 June, I flew to Melbourne to meet the team travelling to Cambodia for The Cagliero Project鈥檚 yearly immersion program. From there we travelled to Phnom Penh, stopping in between in Bangkok, totalling my flight time to about 11 hrs. Since arriving in Phnom Penh,... ...
Read More色情直播 Entertainment BooksThe special Entertainment Book prize draw was conducted on Friday. The winners have been contacted. Congrats to:Major Prize Winner 鈥 RYDGES Voucher 鈥 Rosanna GerardSecond Prize 鈥 Entertainment Book - Aaron DaveyThird Prize 鈥 Frank鈥檚 Cider Voucher - Kathy LyneMany people find the Entertainment Books a useful... ...
Read MoreAt the end of these coming holidays there will be celebrations of a significant event: the first manned landing on the moon, that of Apollo 11, took place on 20 July 1969 (US time) and in Australia it was 21 July.In those days the coverage of a live international event... ...
Read More色情直播 Captains, Maddison Cockerill and Lachlan Rowlands, are proud to launch Mental Health Week 2.0. Following the great success of the 2018 Mental Health Week, we have expanded further, with more workshops and guest speakers from all over Australia. From the moment we were elected captains, we knew we... ...
Read MoreK-6 Parent/Teacher interviews will be held on Monday 29 July, Tuesday 30 July and Thursday 1 August from 3.30pm-5.30pm each day, with times also available on the Tuesday from 6.00-7.30pm. These interviews will be held in the College Library.7-10 Parent/Teacher interviews will be held on Tuesday 6 August from 4.00... ...
Read MoreThe Children鈥檚 Book Council of Australia theme for Book Week 2019 is: 鈥楻eading is my Secret Power.鈥橞ook Week runs from 19-23 August and there will be activities throughout the week in K-6 classrooms and the library. We will be having a Book Week Dress Up Day on Wednesday 21 August... ...
Read MoreThis week we welcomed back Mr Mike O鈥橞rien, our Director of Creative Arts K-10 from his exchange time at Shizuoka Salesio School, Japan. At the same time, we have warmly welcomed Mr Akihiro Shimomura from Shizuoka Salesio onto our teaching staff for this term. Our students are very excited about... ...
Read More色情直播's three entries in the Robocup Junior Hobart Regionals all progressed to the State Finals on the weekend.Zoelle Lin gained 1st Place Secondary Rescue DC Dominators (Kyan Cubit, Leo Newman, Sam Annie, Seb Bush) 3rd place Primary Rescue DC United (Matthew Rime, Abel Sony Vallera, Ethan Lane) 1st place... ...
Read MoreAre you looking at where to enrol your children in 2020 or 2021? Parents are invited to join us for a morning on Friday 16 August for a College tour, to see our facilities and the difference 色情直播 can make. You will feel the vibrancy and the nurtured environment... ...
Read MoreCongratulations to Year 9 Visual Arts student, Shakirra Cate who was named as the winner of the Arch鈥檚 Archies, an Art competition initiated by Catholic Education Tasmania. Shakirra entered a drawing of our Patron Saint, St John Bosco whose iconic face is known internationally and represents the face of kindness... ...
Read MoreStudents in Years 7, 8 and 9, together with their parents/carers are invited to attend the Academic Pathway evening session from 6.30-8.00pm on Tuesday 20 August in the Savio Centre. Teachers will be available to provide assistance and advice with elective subject choices for 2020.The evening will begin with a... ...
Read MoreWednesday 31 July was our Dominican Feast Day where we celebrated the lives and great contributions of our Dominican patron saints Dominic Guzman and Catherine of Siena. We entered this celebration knowing that we are part of a community that is based on love, friendship and unity in Jesus Christ.... ...
Read MoreThe 2019 Year 10 student leaders are running a number of fundraisers in preparation for their Year 10 gift to the conclusion of 2019. A new initiative that will be led by the Academic Captains is a 色情直播 Quiz Night.This exciting event will be held at the conclusion of... ...
Read MoreFamed astrophysicist Stephen Hawking once said, 鈥淟ook up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see, and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious.鈥 As Science Week approaches we have asked our students at 色情直播 to be curious... ...
Read MoreMr O'Brien, recently returned from his own teacher exchange to Shizuoka Salesio, interviews Mr Akihiro Shimomura for our newsletter: ...
Read MoreWe had a fantastic finish to Term 2 with our PJ Day and have been working hard over the last few weeks to prepare for a very productive Term 3.Thank you to all families, teachers and students who supported our PJ Day on the last day of Term 2 -... ...
Read MoreIn a huge milestone, old scholar Luke 鈥楪obble鈥 Golding (1997) played game number 300 for the DOSA Football Club at the TCA on Saturday, in an important win over Hutchins for the reserves side.Luke has been the face of DOSA for many years and continues to make it all happen... ...
Read MoreIn Kinder tuminana this week, I have been reminded of the wonderful process by which emergent writers become more adept at transferring their thoughts to paper. The realization that what they are putting on paper conveys meaning to someone else is a powerful moment to be a part of. I... ...
Read More60th Anniversary of arrival of Dominican Sisters in TasmaniaIn 1959, 60 years ago, the Dominican Sisters arrived in Hobart, to bring Catholic Education to the Northern Suburbs. They founded St John鈥檚 Primary and Holy Name schools in Glenorchy, and Holy Rosary school in Claremont. Years later they co-founded 色情直播... ...
Read MoreSong Writing and Music Making Workshop: 30 September 鈥 2 OctoberDo you like song writing? Is this something that you are interested in, but have never tried before? Come along to the Song Writing and Music Making Workshop for three days during the next school holidays. Hosted here at Dominic,... ...
Read MoreWednesday 14 August is coming quickly upon us and that means it is time for the 色情直播 Science Fair. The Science Fair will include a variety of exciting and engaging activities from our students. All parents and carers are welcome as are grandparents and other family members. As this... ...
Read MoreThis year there will be a College-wide focus on mental health during our Mental Health Week 26-30 August and students in K-6 will also be working on developing positive Mental Health.Hot Chocolates before SchoolPart of good mental health is ensuring that we eat a good breakfast, this helps our brains... ...
Read MoreOn Monday our Senior Concert Band participated in a rehearsal and masterclass with world-class conductor and soloist Mark Eager from the UK. Maestro Eager took the band through a number of techniques, with a focus on wind instrument technique, musicality and dynamics, sharing his wealth of experience and knowledge... ...
Read MoreSenior Concert Band on Tour Our Dominic Senior Concert Band embarked on Thursday for their first interstate tour where they will perform in the Queensland Catholic Schools and Colleges Music Festival to be held at Villanova College. 色情直播 will be the first school from Tasmania to perform at this... ...
Read MoreOn Tuesday 6 August, 61 Year 3 students, 5 Staff Members and 10 parents ventured to Molesworth Education and Environment Centre for a day full of challenges, teamwork and learning in the great outdoors. The excursion aimed to support learning in the classroom within our HASS units including the importance... ...
Read MorePublished histories of 色情直播There have been a handful of general histories of the 色情直播 and its predecessors, Boys' Town, Savio College and Holy Name School.As with any history, the "facts" presented are by necessity the viewpoint of the author/editor of the articles who has always decided what information... ...
Read MoreOn Tuesday 13 August, 22 students from across Year 4 鈥 Year 9, represented the College at the Kids Unlimted Southern Interschool Chess Tournament. Students participated in seven rounds of competitive chess, against students from The Friends School, The Hutchins School, St Virgil鈥檚 College, St Aloysius Catholic College, Mt Nelson... ...
Read MoreCongratulations to our Japanese teacher, Mrs Belinda Kumashiro who has been awarded an Australian Council for Educational Leaders (ACEL) TAS Teacher Leadership Award for her outstanding initiatives and excellent leadership as a teacher. Mrs Kumashiro has taken a fledging Japanese language program at 色情直播 and developed it into a... ...
Read MoreTicket to Play is a Tasmanian Government initiative designed to reduce the cost of participating in club sporting activities for Tasmanian children. Tasmanian children aged 5 to 17 who are listed on a Centrelink Health Care or Pensioner Concession Card, or who are in Out of Home Care, are eligible... ...
Read MoreOn Tuesday 20 August over 400 parents and students from Year 7, 8 and 9 descended upon the Savio Centre for our annual Academic Pathway Evening. The terrible weather did not deter families from attending this important event in the life of the College. This shows how much our school... ...
Read MoreOn Thursday 15 August, 35 excited band members from Years 6 -10 left the College by bus, bound for the Hobart Airport. After several weeks of rehearsals everyone was well-prepared for a jam-packed stay in Brisbane. Needless to say, the weather was a contrast to what they left in Hobart.Friday... ...
Read MoreAt the end of June, I began my Cambodian immersion. In total I spent 10 days in Don Bosco Technical School (DBTS) in Phnom Penh and the other four days in Siem Reap. Our trip focused on the charism of the Salesians and St John Bosco, service of the young.... ...
Read MoreWhat鈥檚 been happening in the Library?For the second half of Term 2 our library focus was on Australian stories which frequently involve Indigenous narratives, native animals and capture the unique culture, identity and customs of Australia. These stories often paint a picture of a resilient and independent people, who rise... ...
Read MoreLast Wednesday we celebrated Science Week by holding our second Science Fair. It was rewarding to see so many students engaged in their experiments and having a great time. One group of students who shone academically were the Year 9 and 10 students. Each one of these students undertook an... ...
Read MoreOur numbers at Launch into Learning (LIL) are growing every week with many new families taking up the offer of our free program for birth to four year olds. Each week the children are able to immerse themselves in craft, fine motor activities, role play, and construction and music activities.... ...
Read MoreVolunteer Opportunities for English Teachers, Youth Workers and Youth Ministers The Cagliero Project is an initiative of the Australia-Pacific Province of the Salesians of Don Bosco, providing overseas volunteer experiences for Australians who wish to work with disadvantaged young people. We are seeking enthusiastic volunteers for January 2020 departure. Our... ...
Read MoreTrivia Night postponed Year 10 students are disappointed to advise that Friday night鈥檚 Trivia Quiz event has been postponed due to insufficient prior bookings. Although support was growing, bookings did not meet the minimum advanced ticket sales necessary to meet the required deposits for catering and support. We know many... ...
Read MoreWe have had a fabulous week this week with much energy focused at the College on our Mental Health Week. According to the World Health Organisation, mental health is 鈥渁 state of well-being in which every individual realises his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of... ...
Read MoreThe old scholars magazine, Veritas, for 2019, was mailed out to families and old scholars early this term. If you did not receive a copy please email oldscholars@dominic.tas.edu.au with your postal address and we will check where your magazine was sent. If other family members would like to receive our... ...
Read MoreOver Term 2 and 3 students in Robotics Club have been preparing to compete in Robocup Junior competitions. On Saturday 27 July three 色情直播 teams competed in the Hobart Regional. DC Dominators came 3rd in Primary Rescue. 鈥榋鈥 which the is the team name for Zoelle Lin achieved 1st... ...
Read MoreThursday 19 September is the date for our Music & Dance Showcase for 2019. The Showcase gives an opportunity for our larger scale Dance and Music works at the College to be presented in a suitable venue with full stage and an auditorium that can accommodate family and friends of... ...
Read MoreBy now you will have noticed that each morning your child鈥檚 class has a number of 鈥榓ctivities鈥 set up to be explored after they have put away their bags and signed in. These 鈥榓ctivities鈥 are referred to as provocations. So what is a provocation? In childhood education, the term provocation... ...
Read MoreLast week, Mental Health Week 2.0 took place with more workshops and activities and guest speakers from all over Australia. Last year鈥檚 inaugural Mental Health Week was a huge success but we wanted to build and make it even bigger and better. We鈥檙e proud to announce that it was yet... ...
Read MoreDominic Choirs have traditionally been very competitive at the Clarence Eisteddfod. The current results have seen our Concert Bands move up several notches with equally strong results reflecting the development of Music at the college. At this year鈥檚 51st Clarence Eisteddfod, 色情直播 entered three concert bands and one instrumental... ...
Read More色情直播 is a member of the consortium of Catholic Colleges that offer a VET in schools program as part of our elective offerings.Students can undertake 3-4 units in the following courses: Introduction to Construction Introduction to Engineering Pathways Introduction to HospitalityFurther information about units covered in these course can... ...
Read MoreIn our Term 3 Science unit, Weather in our World, Prep is exploring how daily and seasonal changes in our environment affect everyday life. Through guided investigations, the students are engaging in observing events, asking questions and describing changes about the weather and how it affects us. To complement these... ...
Read MoreThe 8th installment of this ongoing performance project will be presented in the Oratory Space in the first week back in Term 4. Talking Heads is an ongoing challenge our Senior Drama students undertake to deepen their experience through one of the most demanding of theatrical forms, the monologue. After... ...
Read MoreTournament of Minds is an inter-school problem-solving competition, which fosters creative thinking, cooperative learning and teamwork.The Dominic team known as the Dominic Brainy Bunch was made up of the following students from Years 4 and 5: Kyan Cubit, Abbie Doran, Zac Forey, Callum Kelly, Cameron Moase, Georgia McPherson and Laura... ...
Read MoreThe Uniform Review process has been completed in Term 3 and families will be updated at the end of this term.There were 442 parents who responded to the survey providing us with a wealth of data and excellent perspectives. Our Year 3-10 students completed the survey and there were 683... ...
Read MoreIn September each year Year 6 and Year 9 make their exciting immersion trips, Year 6 students travel to Canberra and Year 9 students to the Northern Territory. When they eventually graduate from 色情直播 old scholars often recall these trips as some of the best times of their education.Parents,... ...
Read MoreWith a special request from Ms Gilligan for the Year 9/10 Japanese elective students to collaborate with Shimomura sensei on a piece of artwork using the school motto in Japanese, we faced a challenge. Where to source a very large brush for very large calligraphy? At that point Shimomura sensei... ...
Read MoreLast Sunday a larger than usual congregation gathered at St John鈥檚 Church in Glenorchy at the 10.00am Mass to celebrate the 60th anniversary since the arrival of the Dominican Sisters in Tasmania.Several mainlander based Dominican Sisters and former workers in the Lord鈥檚 vineyard in Glenorchy were able to be present... ...
Read MoreOn Thursday night 19 September, the College held our third annual Showcase of Music and Dance at the Don Bosco Creative Arts Centre at Guilford Young College. Indeed it was a wonderful showcase of performing arts talent from Years 3-10.One of the outstanding features of the evening was the high... ...
Read MoreOn Monday, students in Prep to Year 6 gathered in the Savio Centre to farewell Shizuoka Salesio teacher exchange participant, Akihiro Shimomura.The gathering began with a heartfelt speech from Shimomura sensei about his time spent at 色情直播. He presented the College with the calligraphy artwork he produced using pony... ...
Read MoreOn Tuesday the Year 5 re-enactment was just sensational, what a rich learning experience everyone had, not only for those living the life on the goldfields, but also for the other classes that took a step back in time.We were blessed with favourable weather too, scrumptious damper, hot potatoes, lemonade... ...
Read MoreThe Dominic Old Scholars Association (DOSA) Football Club defeated Richmond in both the Old Scholars Football grand finals on Saturday 21 September. Back to back premierships in Seniors and Reserves! What a day! The final scores were:Reserves - DOSA 11 13 79 Richmond 8 13 61Seniors - DOSA 14 14... ...
Read MoreIt has been a very busy month for the P&F with members involved in many school and community activities.In conjunction with the Clark and Franklin Footy & Netball day, the P&F held an after school BBQ for all students and families on Wednesday 18 September. It was a very successful... ...
Read MoreHelpful resources to prepare for the school year: General Information: Term Dates 2025 Stationery and Booklists 2025 Bus Timetables 2025 Attendance Information General Terms and Conditions Fee Information: Fee Schedule 2025 Payment Arrangement 2025 Centrelink Request 2025 CECT Sibling Discount 2025 Uniform Information: Uniform Price List 2025 Uniform Shop Trading... ...
Read MoreYear 10 student, Matilda McGovern will be performing for the 4th time in TALKING HEADS this week in the Oratory Space. A feat unmatched in this performance project, now in its 8th continuous year. Matilda was in JUNIOR TALKING HEADS when she was in Year 7, was a guest performer... ...
Read MoreThere are three more reunions planned for 2019, two at 色情直播 on 2 November and one in Salamanca on 9 November.1979 40-years reunionYear 10 1979 are doing the double-trouble afternoon and evening on 2 November 2019.First the old scholars group is meeting upstairs in the "White House" at Dominic... ...
Read MoreAs part of the national Rotary Club鈥檚 鈥100downunder鈥 project, students at 色情直播 recently held a peace vigil and ceremony to commemorate the installation of a Peace Pole on the school grounds. A gift from the Rotary Club of Glenorchy, the Pole is an active reminder to think and act... ...
Read MoreOn Tuesday 22 October, 29 wonderful students of Japanese participated in the annual Tasmanian Japanese Speech Contest with over 300 students from over 30 schools around the state. As anyone who has ever entered this type of event will know, making a speech that will be judged is a daunting... ...
Read MoreRoll up, roll up, the 色情直播 Community Fair is nearly here! I cannot believe that next week our Community Fair will be up and running! Our Fair committee has been working overtime this year to bring all students and parents the biggest and best Fair they can. This year鈥檚... ...
Read MoreWhat a week we have had in Kindergarten to Year 6, immersing ourselves in learning about various countries and people of Asia. Gallery All classes and students contributed to the creation of our Gallery space. Classes took time this week to visit the Gallery and find out what their peers... ...
Read More2019 Year 10 Leavers have designed and gifted a beautiful mural to the College as a parting gesture in their last year. The mural project facilitated by Visual Arts Teacher Ms Audrey Durbridge, and the result of the students鈥 creative collaboration and planning throughout the year, is now installed in... ...
Read MoreThe 2019 International Men's Day Breakfast was a huge success this year, attracting around 150 attendees, to acknowledge the men in our lives and to hear our special guest speaker, Liam Jones.Liam, an Old Scholar from the Class of 2007, is best known for his successful AFL career playing for... ...
Read MoreCollege Community Fair - Outstanding P&F VolunteersThe 色情直播 Community Fair was held last Friday and I would like to thank all parents, staff, students and old scholars for their contributions to this very successful event.Despite the intermittent rain, it was a highly successful event, with the community rallying and... ...
Read MoreEveryone is invited to join our old scholars and families in the traditional Christmas Eve Carols and Mass in the 色情直播 Chapel.DOSA legends Tony Webb and Diane Cerritelli carry on the tradition once more in 2019 with the wonderful support of many helpers and the special support of Anne... ...
Read MoreTwo more distinguished old scholars have been inducted into 色情直播's Hall of Achievement, during the College's end of year awards ceremony, the Years 6-10 Awards.Prof Brett Williams (1987) and Dr Melanie Wuttke (1995) joined students, family, staff and guests for the awards ceremony and spoke to students about their... ...
Read MoreCongratulations to our Year 10 Class of 2019 who last week finished their compulsory secondary education at 色情直播. At their Graduation Mass our wonderful Year 10 students officially became Old Scholars and had the opportunity to reflect on and celebrate their time together as a year group of friends... ...
Read MoreWe have so many great students at 色情直播, but it is always fun to have a look at which names are most popular.The most popular boy's name at Dominic in 2019 was Jack, with Samuel coming second. The most popular girl's name was tied between Ella and Lucy.Again this... ...
Read More色情直播 Year 9 Students Oscar Breslin and Cassandra McLoughlin were recently awarded the prestigious International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) medals for Mathematics and English. This is an outstanding achievement for the students who were two of 980,000 contestants for ICAS awards across Australia and South East Asia.... ...
Read MoreAs another active and successful academic year came to an end, the 色情直播 community gathered in the Tolosa Park Reserve to celebrate Christmas with the inaugural College Carols at Twilight event. The occasion was attended by hundreds of Dominic students, their families, and friends, and was a time to... ...
Read MoreThe milestone of the ten-year partnership between 色情直播 and Discovery Early Learning was a timely opportunity to bring families and staff together for a big birthday party and Christmas celebration. The occasion was an opportunity to reflect on the success of the collaboration, and its benefit to the local... ...
Read MoreOn Christmas Eve each year, old scholars and friends of 色情直播 celebrate with carols and Mass in the 色情直播 Chapel, in memory of Br Peter Dezani SDB.This year's ceremony was managed with his usual capability by Mr Tony Webb, celebrated by College rector, Fr Peter Rankin SDB, assisted... ...
Read MoreThe 2019 Yearbook, which was distributed at the end of Term 4 2019, is now available for you to view or download from the College website: 2019 Yearbook.On our Yearbook page, you will find a selection of older yearbooks, which we hope we can add to in the future.Each year,... ...
Read MoreEach year 色情直播 invites an old scholar to be the special guest at our Women's Day breakfast. Our guest this year is Dr Joanna Vince (nee Krasnicki, 1992) who is a Senior Lecturer in the Politics and International Relations Program, at the School of Social Sciences in the College... ...
Read MoreDear Parents and Families Many schools across Australia are acting in response to the recent outbreak of a new coronavirus in Australia. The virus, which is believed to have originated from the Chinese city of Wuhan, was confirmed to have reached Australia over the weekend with four cases reported in... ...
Read MoreEveryone loves a trivia quiz night and now 色情直播 is hosting the first ever Dominic Old Scholars Association (DOSA) Trivia Quiz Night fundraiser in support of the Br Peter Dezani Scholarship Fund. The Br Peter Dezani Scholarship Fund is used to provide assistance for new students who begin Year... ...
Read MoreThe phenomenal growth of technology and its role in education for 21st century teaching and learning, has been very extraordinary. 色情直播 has a philosophy that technology has enabled learning 鈥榓nywhere and anytime鈥. Our Year 5-10 Lap top program has embraced this context. However, the exponential explosion of technology is... ...
Read MoreDOSA Football Club players have returned to pre-season training at 色情直播 for the 2020 Old Scholars Football roster which commences in April.The DOSA Football Club Annual General Meeting in February, confirmed the following positions: Co-Presidents: Cameron Golding and Brendan Loveless; Vice President/Secretary: Aaron Davey;Treasurer: Sarah Curtain General Committee: Luke... ...
Read MoreOn Valentine's Day this year, 色情直播 celebrated it鈥檚 first Library Lovers Day! Library Lovers Day is a fun way for students and teachers to engage with their library and explore the reasons why libraries play an important role within their communities as well as encouraging everyone to celebrate their... ...
Read MoreThe Oratory Ensemble, is the name of a production company that aims to give 色情直播 students experience as performers, stage managers, theatre designers, lighting and sound operators as well learn to ushering and run front of house. In an ensemble, there are no, 鈥榮tars鈥. Everyone is of equal, no... ...
Read MoreThis term Year 9/10 Drama students present Neil Simon's 'Odd Couple' in the first production by 色情直播's The Oratory Ensemble.The Oratory Ensemble, is the name of a production company that gives 色情直播 students experience as performers, stage managers, theatre designers, lighting and sound operators as well learn to... ...
Read MoreDOSA Football Club have signed Dale Thomas to play a one off game for the Club in Round 1 of the Old Scholars Football Association roster. Collingwood Football Club premiership player and life member, recent Carlton player, 'I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here' runner-up and Triple M commentator,... ...
Read More色情直播 Year 7, 2022 Information Evening is being held on Tuesday, 10 March, 2020 at 6.30pm in the Oratory Space. This evening is an opportunity for our current Year 5 students and prospective students and their families to see the facilities and subjects we have on offer. Families will... ...
Read MoreOver the weekend, the first case of the Coronavirus was established in Hobart and the public notified via the media. I wanted to write to you to ask that all of us in the 色情直播 community be vigilant with and use the same common sense measures that we would... ...
Read MoreOur annual International Women鈥檚 Day Breakfast was held this week in the College Savio Centre. This is a wonderful community event, celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. We were delighted to welcome our special guest speaker, Dr Joanna Vince, a 色情直播 Old Scholar and UTAS... ...
Read MoreThe Dominic DOSA Trivia Night Quiz scheduled for 27 March has been cancelled.With so many community and school events being cancelled or suspended the DOSA Committee felt there would be mixed feelings about supporting such an event, whatever people thought about risks.We thank the community for their enthusiasm and all... ...
Read MoreDear 色情直播 Community, Firstly thank you to all families for your positive support of our College decisions undertaken in the light of the national and state directives for the management of the Coronavirus and its impact on communities. The health and safety of our students and staff are upmost... ...
Read MoreSunday 22 March, 2020Dear 色情直播 Families,My gratitude to all families for your positive support of our College during this unprecedented phenomenon of the spread of the Coronavirus and its impact on communities. I have written to families in the College Newsletter this week regarding this. The landscape of this... ...
Read More27 March, 2020 Dear Families, Today the Tasmanian Premier Peter Gutwein announced that families who are not essential workers can keep their children at home commencing this Monday 30 March. The ABC News has reported 鈥淪chools will remain open, but where possible from Monday parents should keep their children home... ...
Read MoreAll physical activities of the Dominic Old Scholars Association have been cancelled or suspended by the DOSA Committee, as the community would expect.This has included the regular Committee meetings, social occasions, the inaugural Dominic/DOSA Trivia Quiz night, arrangements for the DOSA Football season launch and Round 1, and the Daisy... ...
Read MoreOne of our favourite parts of Kinder to Year 6 assemblies is when students who have been exceptional learners and true friends get acknowledged by their teachers. It is usually very difficult to decide who is awarded these as our students are so amazing. Even though we are currently not... ...
Read MoreDear Families, Greetings to all of you as we enter the Easter weekend. It is my hope that you are well and that your children have enjoyed the first four days of their extended Term 1 break. As you know, this past week, all Teachers and Teacher Assistants worked... ...
Read MoreThe Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse concluded its investigations in 2017 after five years, 57 public hearings extending for 444 days and nearly 8,000 private sessions. The Commission found that many children were sexually abused in religious institutions in Australia and that the greatest number of... ...
Read More色情直播, the Dominic Old Scholars Association and the DOSA Football Club have a great partnership and support each other in their endeavours. With the Old Scholar Football Association roster unable to commence so far this year, DOSA Football have not only been unable to get started with their football... ...
Read MoreRemote Learning has been a well embraced challenge by students throughout the Food Technology courses. The Food Technology teachers have been creating cooking videos and pantry challenges. Year 7s are currently working on their 'design a salad' task where they research flavor combinations and dressings to see what works well... ...
Read MoreHarnessing the Power of TechnologyJapanese learning has been powering ahead for students from K-10 so far this term. In our attempt to try to overcome some of the hurdles of remote teaching and learning, Aran sensei and Kumashiro sensei have been trying to make the most of the new opportunities... ...
Read MoreDiamond Awards are presented to students who receive full marks in all of 色情直播鈥檚 expectations 鈥 Attitude, Engagement in Learning, Organisation and Independent Learning. Students can see which award they received on SEQTA Engage.Here is the full presentation https://youtu.be/FJjAKTHtBOM ...
Read More23 May, 2020Dear Families, Greetings to all of you as we prepare for our K-10 students to return to the College on Monday 25 May.Firstly I want to extend my gratitude to all families for your outstanding support during this difficult time when we had the majority of our students... ...
Read MoreDear Students, Parents and Carers, Students and families in Years 7-9 will begin the process of choosing electives for 2021 this term. Due to Covid-19 restrictions and guidelines regarding large gatherings, our elective selection process will be moved entirely online this year. From 16-26 June, our SEQTA Engage and SEQTA... ...
Read MoreOver the past few weeks our Year 6 instrumental/band students have been spending time in the Fra Angelico DAW (digital audio workspace), recording small ensemble pieces. Here they learn the language of a recording studio with the help of Band tutor Mark Schmalfuss. Mark has significant experience in audio production,... ...
Read MoreThe Old Scholars Football competition will commence 11 July and will conclude with the grand final on 3 October. DOSA Football Club co-president, Mr Cameron Golding, said the team was looking forward to the start. 鈥榃e have been training over summer and at the TCA when permitted. The boys are... ...
Read MoreThe 2020 issue of Veritas, the magazine of the Dominic Old Scholars Association, has been distributed recently, to staff, families and old scholars.The free annual magazine includes articles on contemporary and historical education at 色情直播 and its predecessors and the lives of our old scholars, from a range of... ...
Read MoreAre you from the Year 10 classes of 1980, 1990, 2000 or 2010? Or the Savio and Holy Name Year 10 classes of 1970?At 色情直播 we try to hold reunions for classes each ten years. During 2020 we would normally host reunions for the Year 10 classes from 1970,... ...
Read More色情直播's Launch into Learning program is back, following the COVID-19 regulation closures. We are so excited to welcome back all our families and resume this wonderful program. LIL is a free early learning program for 0-4 year olds and their parents or carers, which provides opportunities for parents and... ...
Read MoreSadly Dominican sister and former staff member of 色情直播, Sr Maura McAvoy OP passed away in Auburn NSW on Monday 6 July after some weeks of ill health.Sr Maura had extensive leadership experience and generously served the 色情直播 community from 1991-1993 as Principal of the then 色情直播... ...
Read MoreFollowing our very successful Parent Teacher Interviews in Term 2 using Microsoft Teams we have decided to utilise this platform again for our Parent Teacher Interviews in Term 3. We will again contact students and parents via the student device. Parents can log into SOBS (School Online Booking System) to... ...
Read MoreThis year, OzBosco Connect, will be an online event taking place from August 14th to August 16th - the birthday of Don Bosco! Join together online via Zoom, during a series of morning and evening sessions across three days.We'll be hearing from:Stephen Eguino a.k.a. The Bosco Beats, New York, USAAkec... ...
Read MoreDOSA's second round of the Old Scholars Football Association roster on Saturday was at the TCA against Hutchins but both reserves and seniors lost.In the shortened season the teams are desperate for improvement and showed glimpses of potential in a hard-working but fruitless and bitterly cold afternoon.Crueled by serious injuries... ...
Read MoreCongratulations to all our Prep-Year 6 students who successfully completed the 2020 Premiers Reading Challenge of 10 books in 10 weeks! Sophie Ransley (Year 6) was a lucky winner in one of the weekly prize draws. Sophie鈥檚 prize was a Hawthorn Football Club reading cushion which was presented to Sophie... ...
Read MoreAt 色情直播 we love our gatherings and we were delighted to hold a Prep - Year 10 Assembly on Wednesday 5 August, the first since February. Our theme for this Assembly was 鈥楤elonging to and Creating 色情直播 Community鈥 where we shared our students鈥 accomplishments with their peers. We... ...
Read MoreTALKING HEADS is an ongoing performance project for our Year 9/10 Drama students. In spite of COVID-19 restrictions preventing us from performing for parents, friends, and the wider school community, we are able to present the project for student audiences. On 10 and 11 September, selected classes from electives in... ...
Read MoreDOSA Football had two important wins against St Virgil's on Saturday at the TCA, making sure of their qualification for the semi-finals in reserves and seniors and making the day even more memorable for those celebrating Snowy's day.Old scholar, Brendan "Snowy" Loveless, Class of 1990, played game number 417 for... ...
Read More色情直播 is always looking for ways to enhance student learning, partnering with local businesses and community organisations. Partnerships provide access to experiences, support and resources not available within the school. We seek partners who are committed to common purposes and goals. Our K-2 Development project has created a wonderful... ...
Read MoreNational Science Week was a big event this year in Prep. The theme for 2020 was 鈥楧eep Blue: Innovation for the Future of our Oceans鈥. Science Week gives us the opportunity to increase our engagement and understanding of ocean science. We live on an island and our oceans are ever... ...
Read MoreMr Matthew Stolp, 色情直播 old scholar, Class of 1989, has been announced by 色情直播 Principal, Ms Beth Gilligan, as the special guest speaker at the 2020 色情直播 International Men's Day breakfast on Tuesday 10 November commencing at 7am for breakfast and proceedings from 7.15am. Matthew is an... ...
Read MoreDOSA Football players and supporters couldn't be happier with both reserves and seniors winning their elimination finals on Sunday!Reserves: DOSA 15 8 98 to St V 10 2 62 inc 7 goals from Tim Golding (2001) for DOSA.Seniors: DOSA 11 14 80 to Uni 12 5 77Both preliminary finals are... ...
Read MoreFor the first time in many years there are no DOSA teams in Old Scholar Grand Finals in 2020, as both seniors and reserves DOSA Football teams were beaten by their opponents in last Saturday's preliminary finals.In the seniors, OHA won by 6 points 11 14 80 to 11 8... ...
Read MoreThe 色情直播 Old Scholars Association (DOSA) is conducting a raffle to raise money for the Br Peter Dezani Scholarship Fund, which will support students to enrol at 色情直播 who otherwise would not be able to do so. The prizes for this raffle are vouchers ($300, $150 and $50)... ...
Read More'Being a part of these pantry drives with Matthew was one of the most rewarding things I have done,' said teacher and old scholar, Emily Wilkins, about working with our guest speaker at the International Men's Day breakfast in November. Emily graduated from 色情直播 in Year 10 1995, the... ...
Read MoreThe College successfully hosted its first reunion of the year on Saturday 31 October 2020. We hope this signals a return to more normal and on-going connections of old scholars after what has been a difficult year for the community!The reunion had been postponed several times since Term 2 and... ...
Read MoreThe Old Scholars football season concluded with the annual Best & Fairest Awards Dinner on Friday 30 October and the players and club were able to celebrate some of the highlights of 2020 and come together to anticipate an enjoyable and successful 2021 season.DOSA Football Club co-President, Mr Cameron Golding,... ...
Read MoreNow that we are globally connected the opportunities to learn about our world have increased in every classroom. In Kindergarten the students are part of a global initiative that celebrates who we are. This ties in with their current curriculum focus of I am unique鈥 there is no one else... ...
Read MoreThe 2020 Men's Day breakfast was a great success raising over $2800 for scholarships for Salesian schools in Samoa. The breakfast featured an important address from our special guest, Mr Matthew Stolp, old scholar Class of 1989, as well as participation by our leaders and parents. The International Men's Day... ...
Read MoreIt has been a year of opportunities in Dance. Not only have students developed work in different styles, they have also been able to do this in different venues. For the majority of the year, Dance classes have been held at Jenina鈥檚 Dance Workshop Studios. Our students have enjoyed being... ...
Read MoreEveryone is invited to join our old scholars and families in the traditional Christmas Eve Carols and Mass in the 色情直播 Chapel.DOSA legends Tony Webb and Diane Cerritelli carry on the tradition once more in 2020 with the wonderful support of many helpers and the special support of Anne... ...
Read MoreThank you to all families who supported the DOSA Uniform Raffle, which was drawn under the sails on 25 November by Ms Leesa Baker.The winners were: 1st Kylie Henderson, 2nd Max Korenstra, 3rd Trudy Peterson and these winners have been contacted to collect their vouchers for the Uniform Shop.The raffle... ...
Read More色情直播 held the annual Years 6-10 Awards Ceremony on Thursday 26 November 2020 in the Savio Centre. Students receive awards and trophies for a range of subjects and nominations. Each subject studied has a student awarded, and all the winners are published in the College Yearbook. There are also... ...
Read MoreThe 40-years anniversary of the Year 10 Class of 1980 was held at 色情直播 on Saturday 28 November.This was just second reunion we have held at the College as we were unable to host reunions during much of the year with COVID precautions. Old scholars appreciated the opportunity to... ...
Read MoreThe 30-years reunion of the Year 10 Class of 1990 was held at 色情直播 on 5 December 2020.A very enthusiastic group of old scholars gathered in the Basil Fox Room upstairs at Grantleigh and as they greeted and caught up the noise was huge! Just like the old days!... ...
Read MoreWe are very excited to bring to you the 2021 College and Vice Captains first initiative for 2021: Relay For Life! In 2019, Dominic entered a team into Hobart鈥檚 Relay For Life, and have now made it a tradition that every two years Dominic will put forth a team, raising... ...
Read MoreOn Christmas Eve each year, old scholars and friends of 色情直播 celebrate with carols and Mass in the 色情直播 Chapel, in memory of Br Peter Dezani SDB.The ceremony this year saw a good congregation of old scholar families, current families, some new and some old faces. The event... ...
Read MoreThe Women's Day breakfast is on Wednesday 10 March 2021 commencing at 7.15am and concludes by 8.30am. It is always a memorable community occasion and all girls from Year 5 to Year 10 are invited along with their mothers or special family. Old scholars, staff and our friends in the... ...
Read MoreThe Relay for Life initiative is a national fundraiser for all those who have been touched by cancer in one way or another. This initiative is an especially important fundraiser for the 色情直播 community as they continue to support their fellow student Ella James who was diagnosed with Acute... ...
Read MoreThe 20-years reunion of the Year 10 Class of 2000 was held on Saturday 23 January at 色情直播. The reunion had been postponed for a few months because of the COVID pandemic and even at the end of 2021 the outbreaks in Sydney and Brisbane forced many of our... ...
Read MoreOn the first week of school for 2021, 色情直播 celebrated World Read Aloud Day. This popular event celebrates the joy of reading and sharing stories in three easy steps: 1. Select a book 2. Find a buddy 3. Read aloud! It was lovely to see our K-10 students taking... ...
Read MoreWe have a very enthusiastic group of students who have enrolled for the Introduction to Hospitality VET course this year under the guidance of Applied Studies Teacher, Mr Cameron Golding. Recently they had the wonderful opportunity of a masterclass with a Queensland based Chef, Lauren Kinne from Elska Restaurant in... ...
Read MoreURStrong 鈥 Our Friendship Focus The URStrong program is a cornerstone of the Kinder 鈥 Year 6 EMPOWER program and focuses on children teaching others how to treat them. Friendships mean the world to our students and we use the URStrong program as it supports children to establish and maintain... ...
Read MoreThe annual 色情直播 International Women's Day breakfast was held on Wednesday 10 March 2021 in the Savio Centre. Over 240 students and adults enjoyed breakfast, prayers, music and reflections from our guests. Over 10 years, the breakfast has become an important community event where we celebrate and discuss ways... ...
Read MoreA group of twenty-seven Year 10 students went to the Woodbridge Marine Centre recently to spend a week learning about the Marine life living in the D鈥檈ntrecasteaux Channel. This is a part of the Animal Husbandry and Marine Studies elective. Students stayed at the West Winds Community Centre and participated... ...
Read MoreCongratulations to our 2021 Relay for Life Team Last weekend, 色情直播 fielded a large team of Year 5-10 students and staff for the Cancer Council鈥檚 Relay for Life. Students were committed and enthusiastic in their contribution to the 2021 relay. Many dedicated students actively fundraised over several few months.... ...
Read MoreProject Compassion is the major annual fundraising appeal of the Catholic Church. It is organised by Caritas Australia and runs each year throughout Lent. Every student, the staff members, and the families of 色情直播 participated in activities throughout Lent at the College and gave generous amounts of time, money... ...
Read MoreActive Engagement is an important part of teaching and learning at our College. In K-6 Music, our specialist teachers 鈥 Mrs Katherine Denholm, Mr Martin Smith, and Ms Kylie DeCalmer 鈥 are constantly working to ensure high levels of teacher and student engagement across all Music classes. To ensure... ...
Read MoreAGFEST was a wonderful and rich learning experience for all involved. Twelve students attended the event, the bus and truck were loaded and left on Tuesday 4 May and arrived at AGFEST at 1.00pm to unload our sheep in preparation for the show to begin. It was an amazing atmosphere... ...
Read MoreFifty 色情直播 students in Years 3 鈥 6 recently competed in both the Local and then State rounds of the Prime Ministers鈥 Spelling Bee. All our students recorded terrific scores with high levels of accuracy. We are proud of all these students. Last week we received notification that three... ...
Read MoreThe Music and Dance Showcase provides Dominic students with the opportunity to present some of the larger scale Performing Arts offerings to the school community. As with the Creative Arts Festival, the aim of the Showcase is to show the work that students are undertaking as part of their course... ...
Read MoreRecently, five Dominic Animal Husbandry students travelled to the showgrounds at Campbell Town to showcase Dominic's Border Leicester Sheep and compete against other breeders and schools across the state. The students entered a variety of classes and were up against sheep studs and breeders who have been breeding stock in... ...
Read MoreYear 1B (1 nimina) recently spent quality time with their Buddy class, Year 4A. The Buddy experience provides a valuable time for both older and younger students to connect and share their understandings. Together these Buddy classes have enjoyed hearty conversation, good humor, and have shared an opportunity to... ...
Read MoreOn Wednesday 16 June, 色情直播 Year 4 hosted students from New Norfolk and Molesworth Primary Schools, and Holy Rosary and St. Paul鈥檚 Catholic Schools and took part in an immersive day of Japanese cultural experiences. The day began with a welcome Assembly and a video of our friends at... ...
Read MoreTerm 2 has been an exceptionally busy term in Kindergarten. We have experienced our first Cross Country, a K-6 Assembly, Reconciliation Week - we are very proud of the Rainbow Serpent Kinders tuminana and timita made for Reconciliation Week. If you are in our foyer area, please have a look... ...
Read MoreThe free annual old scholars magazine, Veritas 2021, was mailed to families and old scholars in June. We try to send one copy for each household, but if you received extra copies which you do not wish to keep, please return them to any student services office for reuse. If... ...
Read MoreSince 2018, the 色情直播 teaching staff have been explicitly working on their competencies in understanding and delivering 鈥榟igh impact鈥 teaching. We have worked with Qld Education Consultant, Yvana Jones on this professional learning. In 2019, the College鈥檚 Teaching and Learning Team K-10 worked with Yvana on translating and shaping... ...
Read MoreThe Class of 2011 enjoyed their 10-years reunion on Saturday 24 July 2021 at 色情直播. It was their first reunion and despite the absence of interstate old scholars due to the lockdowns and quarantines, the group was large and enthusiastic.Principal Beth Gilligan said they were an impressive group of... ...
Read MoreThe tradition of curating an exhibition of student work in tandem with Performing Arts events has been evolving over a number of years at 色情直播. On the one hand, it allows some work to be created specifically for this event, but most importantly, it provides us with an opportunity... ...
Read MoreTo celebrate the 75th anniversary of the arrival of the Salesians in Glenorchy, the Dominic Old Scholars Association has teamed with the Tamar Valley鈥檚 Holm Oak Vineyards to produce three DOSA 2021 celebration wines.DOSA Pinot Gris: This wine has lifted floral aromatics, underpinned by typical pear characters. The palate is... ...
Read MoreAt the end of Term 2, students from Year 6 at 色情直播 joined with students from thirteen other Choirs to rehearse and perform in Tasmania Sings! as part of the Festival of Voices. A big thank you to our dedicated students for their preparation for and participation in this... ...
Read MoreDOSA Football Club announced that Mr Brian Smith, past parent, DOSA Football Club Life Member and loved and respected friend of the College, the Club and the Church, died this week. the Club's honorary historian and chronicler, Mr Jack Szymanski, wrote of Brian's contributions to the Club:Vale Brian Alfred SmithIt... ...
Read MoreThe Dominic Old Scholars Association invites you to enjoy a treat for the senses and the mind!The 2021 Creative Arts Festival features an inspiring exhibition of student art at the Long Gallery in the Salamanca Arts Centre, as well as nightly performances of drama and music students in a production... ...
Read MoreOn Wednesday 11 August the VET Hospitality students were lucky enough to have a masterclass on all things chocolate in the 7-10 kitchen. Qualified Chef and hobby chocolatier Simon Hull (Husband of Kitchen Learning Support Assistant, Gill Hull) was generous enough to give up his own time, being a Chef... ...
Read MoreK-2 students at 色情直播 were lucky enough to meet some local superstars firsthand last week when cricket stars Caleb Jewell and Tim Ward made a special visit to the College. Caleb plays for the Tassie Tigers and the Hobart Hurricanes and Tim plays for the Tassie Tigers and both... ...
Read MoreOn Thursday 6 August, over 150 Dominic students performed at the Don Bosco Creative Arts Centre to an energetic and responsive audience. Our Music and Dance students rehearsed throughout the day and came to the evening energised and ready to perform. This Showcase gives our students the opportunity to present... ...
Read MoreAboriginal Program 色情直播 takes great pride in our Aboriginal students and their families who are connected to and continue one of the oldest living cultures known in the world. We have over fifty Aboriginal students who attend the College in Kindergarten 鈥 Year 10. One of our aims as... ...
Read More鈥榢unanyi鈥 is an original collaborative artwork that was created in 2019 by Tasmanian Aboriginal artist, Mr Reuben Oates, along with 色情直播 Kindergarten to Year 10 Aboriginal students, in workshops during the College鈥檚 annual celebration of NAIDOC Week. The artwork depicts kunanyi, the palawa kani naming of Mt Wellington. The... ...
Read MoreTwo Year 6 Aboriginal students have been selected to be members of the College鈥檚 K-6 Student Representative Council (SRC). Another Year 9 Aboriginal student has been selected to be a member of the Year 7-10 SRC. These roles, especially for Aboriginal students, were developed in 2021. The Aboriginal SRC... ...
Read More色情直播 uses the following Acknowledgement of Country: For thousands of years Aboriginal Tasmanians have walked this Land, on their own country as custodians to their Earth Mother. Their unbroken relationship with the Land, stars, waters and sea was and remains to be at the Centre of their lives. These... ...
Read More色情直播 flies the Aboriginal Flag in two places on its property. It is flown with the Australian flag and the Tasmanian state flag at the entrance to our Year 3- 5 precinct. It also flies singularly with our commemorative symbol to remember the muwinina people in our K-2 precinct.... ...
Read MoreIn 2021, a simple commemoration was developed to acknowledge the original custodians of the lands on which 色情直播 has been built 鈥 the muwinina people. Wooden poles, sawn from forest trees have been used to remind the College community of the destruction of the muwinina people. The commemorative plaques... ...
Read MoreWith the permission and support of the Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre, in 2019 色情直播 began naming its Early Years classrooms using palawa kani, the language of Tasmanian Aboriginals. The College embarked on this process in order to: Heighten the significance of the amazing retrieval and revival of palawa kani, the... ...
Read MoreWith permission, palawa kani, the language of Tasmanian Aborigines is also used on the College鈥檚 Peace Pole, acting as a reminder to think and act in the spirit of peace to all. The College鈥檚 Peace Pole was a gift from the Rotary Club of Glenorchy in 2019 and is part... ...
Read MoreAt 色情直播, we recognize the importance of reconciliation and are committed to ensuring our school community values Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, histories, cultures, and futures. Our formal Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) is a public commitment to reconciliation. It is lodged with Reconciliation Australia鈥檚 and placed on the... ...
Read MoreNAIDOC Week is celebrated not only in Indigenous communities, but by Australians from all walks of life. At 色情直播, we stop what we normally do, gather together and pray for the lives and future of our First Nation peoples during NAIDOC Week. The acronym NAIDOC stands for National Aborigines... ...
Read MoreThe College first commenced marking Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children鈥檚 Day on 4 August 2021. Children鈥檚 Day is a national day dedicated to celebrating Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children across Australia. It is a time when Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families and communities celebrate the strengths and... ...
Read MoreHighly Significant and Culturally Important Dates* that Celebrate or Recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and Culture26 January Invasion Day Australia's national day, the 26th of January, is celebrated as Australia Day in recognition of the anniversary of the arrival of the First Fleet in 1788. But for Indigenous... ...
Read More色情直播 integrates the Australian Curriculum鈥檚 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures priority into its teaching and learning programs. The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures priority provides opportunities for all students to deepen their knowledge of Australia by engaging with the world鈥檚 oldest continuous living... ...
Read MoreOur Library holds many resources for use in our development and awareness of Aboriginal histories, culture and perspectives (fiction, non-fiction and reference) in print and digital formats. Five key online resources can be accessed readily by students, staff and families: Library Catalogue (which provides access to a range of other... ...
Read MoreA word wall is a literacy tool comprising an organised collection of words which are displayed to provide a visual reference for students for their language and communication development and interaction. The College鈥檚 palawa kani Word Wall is part of our tangible commitment to being an inclusive community. Each word... ...
Read MoreMr Paul Curtain, 色情直播 old scholar, Class of 1970, is our special guest speaker at the 2021 色情直播 International Men's Day breakfast on Tuesday 9 November commencing at 7.15am for breakfast, entertainment and reflection.Paul Curtain has been a fierce advocate for community sports and participation all his life.... ...
Read MoreTheatresports is worldwide phenomena in which drama and improv games are played as team sports. The object of the event is to let your imagination run riot exercise your improv skills and most importantly, participate and have fun. The top ten rules for Theatresports are: 1) Say 鈥榶es and ...鈥... ...
Read MoreRecently, our Year 4 students set off on an amazing adventure; their first overnight school camp at 色情直播! The camp location was Blue Lagoon, Dodges Ferry, and the purpose of the camp was to develop stronger connections and relationships with each other, connect with the outdoors, focus on Aboriginal... ...
Read More色情直播 does much to reach out to those in need. Our Outreach and Fundraising Policy directs us in the fundraising that we focus on as a community. Our students, families, and staff do much to make a difference with our support of St Vincent de Paul, Caritas Australia, and... ...
Read MoreA Drama Immersion was created for the Year 7 Alternative Program in Term 1 this year. As 2021 commemorates the 75th anniversary of the arrival of the Salesians in Glenorchy, Tasmania, it is an opportune time to give our Year 9 students the experience of delving into founding stories of... ...
Read MoreThe Class of 1981 enjoyed their 40-years reunion on Saturday 2 October 2021, upstairs in The White House, 色情直播. It had been ten years since their last reunion, so the school had physically changed in its many new buildings and facilities improvements in just that short time.The old scholars... ...
Read MoreThe Dominic Old Scholars Association Football Club held its annual Best & Fairest Dinner and presentations evening at the Carlyle Hotel on Friday 8 October 2021. A huge crowd of members, supporters and guests enjoyed a loud and glamourous evening to finish the 2021 season.Mr Cameron Golding and Mr Pat... ...
Read MoreThe girls from the Holy Name Class of 1970 celebrated their reunion in the White House at 色情直播 on Saturday 9 October 2021, with DOSA wine and champagne and a lot of laughs.Beth Harvey from Holy Name and some friends had planned a reunion at 色情直播 back 18... ...
Read MoreA Message from the Principal - 色情直播 15 October, 2021 Dear Families, RE: Three Day Lockdown in Southern Tasmania and 色情直播 Arrangements This afternoon, we have been informed by the Tasmanian Premier, Mr Peter Gutwein that Southern Tasmania is going into a three-day lock-down due to potential... ...
Read MoreThe 30-years Year 10 Class of 1991 Reunion was held at 色情直播 on 6 November 2021, upstairs in the White House and a good crowd enjoyed proceedings.Finger food, plenty of liquid refreshments and photos and documents were ready as the middle-aged old scholars arrived. Sarah Mulcahy brought along some... ...
Read MoreThe 50-years reunion of the Year 10 Class of 1971 was supposed to be held on Saturday 16 October 2021, but it was caught up in Tasmania's snap lockdown, causing havoc for our interstate visitors!Our reunion champion organisers recommended postponing their reunion until early next year and Diane and Greg... ...
Read MoreThe DOSA Wine promotion will be finishing soon. In fact, one of the three delicious varieties is now being withdrawn from sale. Our sparkling Pinot Noir Chardonnay has been removed from the Trybooking sales in all of its permutations (singles, sixes and mixed dozens) though there is still a small... ...
Read MoreEveryone is invited to join our old scholars and families in the traditional Christmas Eve Carols and Mass in the 色情直播 Chapel.DOSA legends Tony Webb and Diane Cerritelli carry on the tradition once more in 2021 with the wonderful support of many helpers and the special support of Anne... ...
Read MoreThe new Memorial Wall in the Chapel was blessed following Mass in the 色情直播 Chapel on Friday 19 November 2021. Family, friends, staff past and present, and student leaders joined together to recognise the 75th anniversary of the arrival of the Salesians at Boys' Town in 1946 as well... ...
Read MoreOn Friday 12 November, the College held its annual Student Leadership Induction Ceremony in the Savio Centre. Our new 2022 College leaders were formally presented to the school body, received their leadership badges and their ties of honour. Our 2021 student leaders passed the mantle of leadership to their successors... ...
Read More色情直播 held our annual Years 6-10 Awards Ceremony on Wednesday 24 November 2021 in the Savio Centre. Students receive awards and trophies for a range of subjects and nominations. Each subject studied has a student awarded, and all the winners are published in the College Yearbook. There are also... ...
Read MoreAn excellent group of thirty-somethings enjoyed an exuberant 20-years reunion of the Class of 2001 on Saturday 20 November 2021.Many thanks to organisers Nat Downton and Aaron Wojcik, who were responsible for planning the afternoon and who also set up the after-party in town. Thanks also to 色情直播 Principal,... ...
Read MoreOn Friday 14 January 2022, our much loved Principal who has been the leader of 色情直播 since 2009 will transition to retirement after thirteen years of faithful and dedicated service and leadership to our College. Over the past two weeks we have celebrated the many achievements Beth has had... ...
Read MoreOn Christmas Eve each year, old scholars and friends of 色情直播 celebrate with carols and Mass in the 色情直播 Chapel, in memory of Br Peter Dezani SDB.The ceremony this year saw a good congregation of old scholar families, current families, some new and some old faces. The event... ...
Read MoreThe Principal of 色情直播 has announced the passing of former College Rector, Fr Peter Rankin SDB, on Friday 14 January 2022:It is with a very heavy heart and deep sadness that I write to inform you of the passing of our much-loved former College Rector and friend Fr Peter... ...
Read MoreIn recent years the College has been developing ways that students can learn about the history of 色情直播 and the experiences of its students.A successful innovation has been the introduction of a Salesian Immersion program during the Tear 7 Camp Week.While two of the four House groups are attending... ...
Read MoreIn Year 5, we have been studying adaptations in animals and plants in Science. We have explored the different kinds of adaptations 鈥 structural, behavioural, and physiological. Students have investigated ways that animals and plants adapt to survive in their natural environments. We visited Animal Husbandry to look at ways... ...
Read MoreWhat are graphic novels? Are they 鈥榬eal鈥 books? Are they good for our children? These are common questions that parents and teachers ask all the time. Many parents may be concerned that their child is choosing to read graphic novels instead of 鈥榩roper鈥 books and that somehow this will slow... ...
Read MoreThe Savio College and Holy Name Year 10 classes from 1971 had a great reunion on Saturday 9 April 2022 at 色情直播. This reunion was initially planned for October last year, but was caught in the snap lock-down and so the 50th anniversary reunion became the 51st.Organisers, Diane Cerritelli,... ...
Read MoreSr Valerie Grimson op passed away in Concord, Sydney, NSW on 18 March 2022 aged 97 years.Sr Val was a much-loved Dominican Sister for 80 years, teaching in primary, secondary and tertiary education as well as with vision impaired children.She was Deputy Principal at 色情直播 1976-1978 in charge of... ...
Read MoreMrs Rosemary Street has retired after nearly 30 years working at 色情直播, but her association with the school goes back to when she enrolled at St John's Parish school when she was 4 years old.In 1966 Rosemary Fielding began Year 7 at Holy Name (which became 色情直播 in... ...
Read MoreOn Wednesday, our Year 5-10 students and staff gathered in the Savio Centre to commemorate ANZAC Day which took place last Monday during the term break. I would like to firstly extend my thanks to all students, families and staff who represented our College at the Glenorchy, Lenah Valley, New... ...
Read MoreOn Monday 9 May, Year 8 students travelled to Lindisfarne Rowing Club for their Retreat Day. The theme for Retreat was Love Thy Neighbour. Students unpacked who their 鈥榥eighbours鈥 are, both in a local and global context, with a focus on those in need and the less fortunate. They were... ...
Read MoreTerm 2 is turning into a busy term for tuminana. This term we are lucky enough to have visits from GYC students who are completing a VET Sport Coaching class as part of their studies. Each Kinder class will benefit from having five sessions where they will work in a... ...
Read MoreThe following communication from Principal, Mr Stephen Casni was sent to families on 4 July 2022, announcing the appointment of Deputy Principal Primary - Mrs Alicia McMahon and Deputy Principal Secondary - Mrs Janet Marcenko. Please read more here. ...
Read MoreOn Wednesday 3 August 色情直播 commemorated 70 years since the arrival of the Former British Child Migrants, when 39 young boys arrived at Boys鈥 Town in 1952 from orphanages in Great Britain. Six of these children were able to attend our assembly and receive our proud acknowledgement and sincere... ...
Read More色情直播 old scholar actor and playwright Ryan Ennis (2013) has won the Queensland Premier鈥檚 Drama Award 2022-23.His play, DRIZZLE BOY, is a story about a young autistic man trying to make his way in a world filled with miscommunications, misnomers, and misunderstandings. This is a prestigious and important award... ...
Read MoreDonna Adams has been appointed Tasmania's first female Commissioner of Police, after 35 years in the force. The highest-ranked woman in the 125-year history of Tasmania Police began her career as a constable when she was 19 years old, straight after graduating Year 12 at 色情直播 in 1986.鈥淭his is... ...
Read MoreBoth DOSA reserves and seniors are through to the grand final in the Old Scholars Football Association roster, with stirring wins over St Virgils Old Scholars on Saturday 27 August.The DOSA reserves were strong throughout the four quarters in one of their best performances of the year coming at the... ...
Read MoreBoth DOSA reserves and seniors teams lost their grand final games to Hutchins on Saturday 3 September. The players had a great year in 2022 but ultimately fell short at the last hurdle.Hutchins are congratulated for an outstanding and professional display of strong kicking and marking. You can see photos... ...
Read MoreGYC Theatre Performance class presented Dorothy Hewett's "Joan," directed by Matthew Stolp, at the Don Bosco Theatre 20-24 October 2022. The cast included many 色情直播 old scholars, plus old scholars were in the crew (Technical Theatre students) and there were even current 色情直播 students in the chorus.What an... ...
Read MoreYear 10 2012 celebrated their first ten years reunion on Saturday 22 October at 色情直播.The weather was terrible but nevertheless a good number of ex-students came along to share their news and have a look at how the school had changed and grown.Tynesha said they were the last class... ...
Read MoreAbout 40 boys and girls from Year 10 1972 at Savio and Holy Name celebrated 50 years in style on Saturday 1 October 2022 with a comprehensive suite of activities.Thanks to the organising committee we had a large numbers of old scholars attending including several interstate visitors and one from... ...
Read MoreEveryone is invited to join our old scholars and families in the traditional Christmas Eve Carols and Mass in the 色情直播 Chapel, celebrated by Fr Bernie Graham SDB.DOSA legends Tony Webb and Diane Cerritelli carry on the tradition once more in 2022 with the wonderful support of many helpers... ...
Read More色情直播's annual All Souls Day Mass was celebrated in the Chapel on Wednesday 2 November 2022. Fr Bernie Graham SDB reflected on the community's recent deaths and how their lives and those of many more over past decades, have affected us and made us appreciate both life here and... ...
Read MoreThe Year 10 Class of 1982 held their 40-years reunion on Saturday 5 November 2022 in the White House at 色情直播.The group had good numbers and an even better attitude - they were excited to catch up and there were a large number of interstate visitors, from Queensland, NSW,... ...
Read MoreThe 色情直播 Hall of Achievement aims to celebrate the history of the school and the lives of the people who have been shaped by their education at 色情直播, and its precursors, Boys鈥 Town, Savio College and Holy Name College. The College gives thanks for the blessing of the... ...
Read MoreThe Year 10 Class of 2022 officially became Old Scholars at their Graduation Mass held Thursday evening 24 November 2022. In a beautiful ceremony, held again in the College's Savio Centre, Year 10 students, staff, old scholars, family and friends gathered to commend the Class of 2022, to celebrate with... ...
Read MoreWe say thank you and good luck to our Year 10 students as they end their journey with us here at 色情直播. For some, this journey commenced back in Kindergarten in 2011 and it is with genuine affection that we now send each of these young people on to... ...
Read MoreThe Year 10 Class of 2002 held a reunion at 色情直播 on Saturday afternoon 3 December 2022.The group had ruminated on how and where to hold it for much of the year, then quickly organised their local members to visit the school before the year finished!Though small in numbers... ...
Read More色情直播 has continued to thrive as a faith-based learning centre during the 2022 Academic Year. At the start of the year, we were challenged by our 2022 Strenna to 鈥榙o all through love, and nothing through constraint鈥 and for us all to be people who make 色情直播 a... ...
Read MoreThe staff at 色情直播 are a dynamic, hard working and talented team. Dominic has been fortunate to attract a range of outstanding and experienced educators, leaders and administrators dedicated to our students and to the College. Generosity and service are key features of the College staff. Each of our... ...
Read MoreThe traditional 色情直播 carols and Mass was held Christmas Eve in the Chapel with a good attendance of old scholars, families and friends.The evening commenced at 9.30pm with the congregation joining the choir in a selection of carols. Thank you to Anne Loring for organising the choir and musicians.... ...
Read MoreThis year we mark the celebration of 50 years as 色情直播. The Dominican Sisters and the Salesians of Don Bosco merged their Glenorchy schools in 1973 and we are all fortunate to be here as current students, staff and community members in 2023 embracing the traditions of these two... ...
Read MoreThe staff at 色情直播 take eSafety very seriously and part of our role as a school is to teach and inform our children, staff, families, and the wider community about the risks of electronic media, whilst also acknowledging the many benefits that the internet can offer to help student... ...
Read MoreThe Animal Husbandry Show Team have attended their first show at the Bushy Park Show where they showed either sheep or miniature ponies. All students and animals did a fantastic job, making the school very proud and coming away with some prizes. Bella Davis won the Champion Handler Class and... ...
Read More色情直播 is committed to the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations. The Principles, of which there are ten, have been endorsed by all Commonwealth, State and Territory governments. They provide a nationally consistent approach to embedding child safe cultures within organisations that engage with children, and act as a... ...
Read More色情直播 Governance鈥楨ducation is largely a matter of the heart.鈥 St John Bosco色情直播 is an independent catholic, co-educational College owned and governed by the Salesians of Don Bosco since 1946. The Provincial of the Salesians, with his Provincial Council, exercises all legal and ecclesiastical authority in respect of Dominic... ...
Read MoreWhat do a minch-wiggin, a Queen, and a rather large magical pup have in common? They need to find the dragon that has turned their worlds upside-down . . . even if it means revealing all they want to keep hidden.'In Term 1, Year 4 students were treated to a... ...
Read MoreIn Term 1, sixteen Year 8 students participated in the 2023 Year 7/8 Da Vinci Decathlon.Throughout the day, students were engaged in ten challenges on ten different topics. It was great to see the students working as cohesive teams as they tackled the different challenges. And challenge is indeed the... ...
Read More色情直播 has an active COVID-19 safety plan and is following the recommendations of the Department of Health ...
Read MoreThe annual Old Scholars magazine for 2023 is available to download from the links on the web page Veritas. This is the 13th edition of the magazine and the first to be primarily digital, in line with the College's policy of care for the environment. You can update your contact... ...
Read MoreOn Saturday 5 August a great turn-out of students from Year 10 2013 celebrated their first 10-years reunion. They enjoyed refreshments and photos in the White House and loved their tour around the school, especially the old classrooms, courts and playground. They are just setting out on their careers, as... ...
Read MoreThis week we saw the start of a series of showcases to celebrate the wonderful work 色情直播 students are engaging with in the Creative and Performing Arts areas starting with our Senior Drama Production 鈥楤ottom鈥檚 Dream鈥 directed by one of our Drama teachers, Dr Marty Crerar. It was amazing... ...
Read MoreAs part of our celebration of 100 years of the arrival of Salesians in Australia this year at the College, we will next week host the visit of a 鈥楻elic of Don Bosco鈥 that has been touring Salesian schools and parishes over the past few weeks. As our Rector Fr... ...
Read MoreThis term, our Year 7-10 First Nations students embarked on an enriching journey during their recent visit to St Virgil鈥檚 College. Beyond exploration, this excursion became a platform for cultivating cultural knowledge and fostering connections. Guided by Jamie Graham Blair, a trawlwoolway and plengarmairenner palawa man, the excursion began by... ...
Read MoreIt feels like spring in Animal Husbandry at the moment with the arrival of baby season. Our sheep have all lambed now and we have 15 happy and healthy lambs who are bouncing around the paddocks. The goats have all kidded this week with our mums Evie, Haley, and Tarraleah... ...
Read MoreWe are excited to share the fantastic success of the recent Rubbish Relay event, an inspiring initiative brought to life by the dedicated members of our SRC Environmental Committee. This event not only promoted environmental awareness but also showcased the incredible teamwork and sportsmanship of our students. Under the bright... ...
Read MoreAt the DOSA Football Club Best & Fairest Awards, held at the Carlyle Hotel on 22 September 2023, President Todd Curtain didn鈥檛 want to dwell on the disappointments of the 2023 season. 鈥楾here were some great games at the start of the year, and some unfortunate results and a cruel... ...
Read MoreFootball legend, Anthony (Andy) Lovell (1986) and family visited 色情直播 during the recent school holidays to enjoy the memories and show his wife and daughter where he went to school. Andy enrolled in Year 7 in 1983 and left at the end of Year 11 in 1987 as he... ...
Read MoreIn 1972, before the formal amalgamation of Savio College, Holy Name, St John's Primary School and Savio Primary School, there had been some co-educational classes in the Senior matriculation classes. But for most students it was not till 1973 that they enjoyed co-ed classes. The Class of 1973 were together... ...
Read More色情直播 is pleased to announce a new community partnership with Liverpool Football Club International Academy Australia. This new partnership marks the first school in Tasmania to offer an exclusive Liverpool FC Academy high-performance soccer school program. In addition to the soccer program, the partnership with Liverpool FC International Academy... ...
Read More色情直播 is pleased to announce a new community partnership with Liverpool Football Club International Academy Australia. This new partnership marks the first school in Tasmania to offer an exclusive Liverpool FC Academy high-performance soccer school program. Liverpool FC International Academy鈥檚 presence at 色情直播 will also provide benefits to... ...
Read MoreThe annual Old Scholars magazine for 2024 is now available to download from the links on the web page: /community/dominic-old-scholars-association/veritasVeritas 2024 is the 14th edition of the annual magazine and again will not be printed and mailed but available to read or download, in line with the College's policy of... ...
Read MoreThe Grand Savio College reunion was held on the weekend of 18-20 October 2024 and over 50 old boys from Boys' Town and Savio College, in their late 60s, 70s and even their 80s enjoyed some time together. The organising committee, made up of Tony Webb, Geoffrey Abel, Denis Bergman,... ...
Read MoreUnfortunately this year鈥檚 traditional old scholars Christmas Eve Mass and supper is cancelled for 2024 due to a lack of an available priest. Please let your family know if they are not on Facebook. We hope to return in 2025. ...
Read MoreThe Class of 1994 had a very successful celebration on Saturday 9 November at Jack Greene's in Salamanca from 6pm for their 30-years reunion. Thank you Tammy Woods for the initiative and organisation! It was a fun group and an enjoyable night. The Class of 2004 The Class of 2004... ...
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