
Water Polo shoot out

Mr Cameron Golding coached the 9/10 boys Waterpolo team last Friday evening, 20 May filling in for their normal super-coach, Mr Nathan Golding. The temporary coach was seriously excited by the performance of the team, as can be seen by his report:

On Friday night the Dominic boys Waterpolo team played an epic match against Taroona at the HAC. Taroona broke out to an early lead and were up 5-1 at half time. The boys were playing well but weren't working as a team in defence.

In the second half it was a totally different story and we blasted out of the blocks with three quick goals. Taroona kept the gap at 1-2 goals until the final 4 minutes where we drew closer and then stepped up.

Josh Guy scored with a goal for the ages from almost half way which sailed into the top corner sending the crowd wild. In the final seconds Dominic scored a goal which was disallowed and we almost pinched the win.

Congratulation must go to James Foster, Aaron Wilton and Jack Allen on scoring some wonderful goals. Harry Guy saved numerous shots, one with his face, and in a show of strength he did not flinch.

Jacob Golding, Riley Wilson, Alex Wilson, Emmett McShane-Goldsworthy all did a wonderful Zion in defence and linking up through the middle of the pool.

Overall I could not be prouder of the boys, great game, well done.