
Parent info this week

This week we hosted three parent info evenings related to a variety of aspects of the school.

Firstly on Tuesday evening, in the Savio wing was the Year 7 Laptop Information and Collection evening for Year 7 students and parents. Here's the letter sent home: and there was information in last week's newsletter.

Then on Wednesday evening we host a K-6 parents Meet and Greet – your chance to meet all the K-6 teachers and get up-close and personal - which was also in the newsletter. The evening begins at 5.45pm in the Little Theatre. Thank you very much to the parents and staff who enjoyed the opportunity together.

And then on Thursday evening Mr Davey presents the Year 9 Empower program information for Year 9 students and parents. Here's the reminder: .

We hope students and parents find these information sessions valuable, and parents who have children in K-6 plus Year 7 plus Year 9 will get through with a smile!