
Dominic Students at Campbell Town Show

Recently, five Dominic Animal Husbandry students travelled to the showgrounds at Campbell Town to showcase Dominic's Border Leicester Sheep and compete against other breeders and schools across the state. The students entered a variety of classes and were up against sheep studs and breeders who have been breeding stock in Tasmania for generations. Congratulations to Nick Davis, Sarah Watson, Monique Brown, Amelia Geard, and Paige Thomas on their preparation of our sheep - two ram lambs and three ewe lambs which we bred last year. Students were outstanding in their presentation and very confidently held their own against very experienced competitors. Commendations to Nick Davis for his first place in ‘Ram Under 1 ½ Years’ and Monique Brown who achieved first place for her ‘Ewe Under 1 ½ Years’. Nick and Monique, joined by Amelia Geard gained first place in the ‘Group of 3’ section. We were also particularly pleased by Amelia Geard’s third place in Junior Judging – Under 25 Years. Junior judging incorporates the skills of visual assessment of unknown livestock and then public speaking to the group about why they chose the particular sheep as the winner. Competitor Judges need to compare one animal’s merits against the merits of other animals in a class.

We are very proud of all of our student competitors and their Dominic support team at the Show – Ms Jane Myers, Miss Kirilee Beveridge, and Mr Andrew Kline

Ms Beth Gilligan
