
Year 6 Say It Loud 25 June

How far can one idea take you?

On 25 June, parents and loved ones were treated to performances from our Year 6 classes. This was a celebration of the students’ hard work and creativity in the Drama unit – ‘Say it Loud’.

This unit is a playbuilding project. Playbuilding is the process of building an ensemble piece, created by students from the needs or interests of the group. It is a method of collaboratively creating a performance.

Students explored the concept of ‘The Suitcase’. Who did it belong to? Where had it been? What is it for? These inferences became the stimulus to create a story.

After sharing stories, some were chosen or combined together to create an overarching story. Then, in lessons, dialogue and movements were workshopped and refined to create the performances celebrated on the night.

The Suitcase became something different for each class.

In 6A, it was a dangerous object capable of losing you in time.

In 6B, it not only released an evil creature, but was a portal to another realm.

6C had a time transmogrifier, allowing you to go forward or back in time to stop problems from occurring.

Well done, Year 6! You can see more photos on our web gallery Year 6 Say It Loud.

Mrs Samantha Healy - Creative Arts Teacher