
Year 6 Canberra trip blog

Canberra Countdown!

It is that time of year again, and the countdown is on as we head to the last few weeks of Term 3! Students are getting very excited about the prospects of jetting to Canberra for an educationally rich trip, full of wonderful experiences and great times shared with classmates. This year we have a couple of new venues on our itinerary to explore that link in with History, Geography as well as Science.

Watch out for our blog posts so that you can see what we are all up to, we would love to hear your feedback and comments so that we can pass them on to the students.Many behind the scenes preparations are taking place, as we get closer to our departure date.Departure date for us all starts on Tuesday 25th September at the unearthly hour of 4.15am!Excitement usually overrides this fact as students assemble at the airport ready to start the adventure.Not long now!

The Year 6 Canberra trip parent information evening is on Tuesday 4 September and we welcome all families. The blog for the trip is open now - you can go to it here: .

On this link we have placed some documents for you, including itineraries, what to bring and useful information. We will add other documents and information as the departure gets closer and while we are away will be posting photos and messages here, too. The students and staff are looking forward to this special experience!