
Music students perform for Strathhaven

On Wednesday 20 September students from the Year 3/4 an 5/6 choirs, Dominic Ukulele Cool Kids (DUCK) club, and Sarah, Ella and Sarah from Year 7, visited Strathhaven Aged Care to perform some musical pieces to the residents.

The 3/4 Choir performed ‘Meow’ and ‘I see the Light.’ The 5/6 Choir performed ‘The Gecko’ and ‘Lets Sing All Together’ The DUCK club performed ‘Happy and You Know it,’ ‘I’m yours,’ ‘Over the Rainbow’ and ‘She’ll Be Coming Round the Mountain.’ Xin, Jasmine and Sarah performed ‘Wrecking Balls’ and some other beautiful songs on their flutes.

After the performances we all had a chance to talk to the residents. Here’s what some people had to say about the visit

Andrea - I asked about their carer and found out one of the ladies used to be nurse.

Xin - I had a nice talk with one of the ladies.

Katie - I discovered that the man I was talking to enjoyed history.

Taylah - I talked to a lady about the performance and whether she liked it. Thankfully she said she loved it.

After we all had talked to a resident we were all offered and orange juice and a biscuit. One of the resident thanked us all for coming to preforming to everyone. Residents and students had a great time!

Taylah Chick – Year 6 Choir Member; Katie Stefankowski – Year 6 DUCK Club and Choir Member