
Launch into Learning at TMAG

Launch into Learning visited the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery this month.

It was a delight to accompany the LIL children and parents to the Museum for an excursion. The children loved all the hands on exhibits.

We enjoyed time in the Antarctic display feeling the ice, exploring the technology, viewing and feeling the penguins, and even watching a 3D movie.

The children are commended on how respectful they were with the exhibits. The curiosity they showed and the intelligent questions posed was also impressive.

The Museum regularly holds holiday programs for families, so check their website for updates:

Coming up at LIL

On Friday 6 July, LIL will partake in the K-6 Pyjama day at the College. Come along in your PJs and dressing gowns, and bring your teddy, for some fun. Mums and Dads are encouraged to wear their PJs as well!

All LIL families are invited to this session regardless of which session you usually come to. We are also very happy for you to bring along a friend (and their Mummy or Daddy if they can come) so they can see what fun we all have at LIL. The PJ session will run from 9.00am until 10.40am.

Mrs Linda Douglas - Launch Into Learning Coordinator