
Year 10 exams begin soon

As students continue with their exam preparations, they are reminded to keep up an established routine, maintain a positive mind frame and to remember not to panic! Creating lists and making sure notes are organised with key topics will be important preparation. Students should focus on the subjects of the first week now (English and History).

Here is the exam timetable:

Exam Day - student tips.

  • Know when and where your exam is held, how long it will last and what you need to take with you.
  • Remember to use the reading time wisely.
  • Read the question carefully and don’t forget to highlight key words.
  • Take notice of the action words, such as compare, describe or define.
  • Take the time to plan answers, jotting down key points first.
  • Attempt every question.
  • Note how many marks are allocated to each question and work out your time plan.
  • Read the instructions carefully.
  • Focus on one question at a time.
  • Take a moment to do some deep breathing and remain calm.
  • Work to your time plan.
  • Remind yourself that you have done everything you can to be prepared.

Attendance / Illness during exam week
It is important that students do not leave the College for appointments after the exam as they are required to continue attending normal classes. Parents and guardians should contact Mrs Ganga Fraser, gfraser@dominic.tas.edu.au, if they have any questions. We wish all our Year 10 students the best for their Year 10 examinations.

Mrs Ganga Fraser - Coordinator of Teaching & Learning 7-10