
Feast of Mary Help of Christians

Last week on Wednesday 24 May, our Church celebrated the feast of Mary Help of Christians. All students and teachers K-6 joined Father Nick in the Chapel to honour Mary.

Australia was the first country in the world to name Mary Help of Christians as their patron saint. This was largely because for the early Catholics in Australia, settlers and convicts alike, there were very few priests to administer to them. Fearful of Irish uprisings in the fledgling colonies, the early government did not encourage the Catholic faith. Therefore the early Catholics in Australia turned to the Rosary to express their faith in prayer.

Even though the Rosary is about the events in the life of Jesus, it calls on Mary for intercession, and so a strong devotion to Mary grew amongst Australia’s first Catholics. This was in the minds of the Bishops of Australia in 1844 when they named Mary Help of Christians their patron saint.

In another part of the world, almost in the same time frame, St. John Bosco established the Salesian Order, and named Mary help of Christians as their patroness as well. The Salesians continue to this day to take this devotion to Mary, so fondly held by John Bosco, to all parts of the world. And so, as the community of a Salesian College, in Australia, Mary help of Christians has a particular hold on our hearts too.


Mary, Queen of Heaven and Earth,
You are the mighty and glorious protector of the Church.
You are the marvellous Help of Christians.
You are awe inspiring as an army in battle array.
In the midst of our anguish, struggle and distress,
Defend us from the power of the enemy
And at the hour of our death, receive our soul in heaven. Amen.

Margaret Rootes - 7-10 REC Coordinator