
Students represent Russia at MUNA

Last weekend Soma Kondo and Dylan Eady joined 46 other Year 10 Tasmanian students to participate in the annual Model United Nations Assembly (MUNA) at Deloraine. Soma and Dylan represented Russia and looked every bit of the role.MUNA is organised and sponsored by Rotary clubs and pits teams of students to debate issues of international significance. Soma and Dylan arrived Friday night to be met by friendly Rotary members who would billet them over the weekend.

On Saturday morning 24 teams met at the Deloraine Community Centre to begin verbal battle over 18 resolutions ranging from promoting women's rights and securing religious freedom to the fate of Palestine were raised, amended and debated over the following two days with much gusto, humour and vigour.

Alliances were formed then broken, interjections accepted and refused all with a sense of affability and fun. This continued until lunchtime on Sunday interrupted by a formal dinner and disco Saturday night.

Dylan and Soma are to be commended and congratulated on the effort they put into the presentation and preparation of their arguments. They worked tirelessly this term and last to prepare themselves for such a challenge. Their efforts culminated in the forming of a voting block able to influence the outcome of some of the resolutions debated, particularly the acknowledgement of Palestine.

And they received an honourable mention for their costume. The whole school should be proud of their effort. Next year's Year 10s have big boots to fill!

We would like to thank the College and the Rotary Club of Glenorchy for sponsoring the team and the Rotary Club of Deloraine for an engaging, enjoyable and rewarding weekend.

Dylan and Soma described the experience as, "an informative, enjoyable and enriching experience we'd recommend to anyone interested in world affairs and meeting like-minded students from around the state."
Mr Martin Kress - 7-10 English Teacher