
The Good Doctor

The Senior Drama production of The Good Doctor was an outstanding set of ensemble performances.

On Tuesday and Wednesday evening, last week, our hard working cast performed to full houses. The Oratory was in intimate thrust mode, with the audience and actors in close proximity on an atmospheric set, with Victorian costuming that evoked the early 1900s.

On Wednesday afternoon Mrs Devitt’s Year 4 class were treated to a potted version of the more slapstick scenes. The students were very responsive and appreciative of the opportunity to experience live theatre performed by fellow Dominic students.

On Thursday afternoon, the final performance was given before an audience of honoured guests from two of our local retirement villages, Glenview and Glenhaven. It is always a wonderful experience to see our students interacting with a range of members of our school and local community.

Audience reaction to the play was very strong. Performed with only a short interval, the play comprised 10 vignettes that highlight Chekhov’s finely detailed characters. Neil Simon’s comic touch was evident in his highly successful adaptation of Chekhov’s early short stories.

The performances were of a high standard with Year 9 and 10 students impressive in their ability to take on this complex but rewarding theatrical challenge. It would be unfair to single our individuals in what was an excellent example of ensemble work.

Congratulations to all the cast and a special vote of thanks to teachers, office staff, family and friends who rallied round to make the event a success.

You can see more photos from Tuesday evening on our website gallery: The Good Doctor

Mr Mike O’Brien, Director of Creative Arts K-10