
2006 Reunion

The Class of 2006 had their first, ten years, reunion on Saturday 8 October - with a meet and tour of the College in the afternoon, and a reunion in the evening at Hotel Soho.

The afternoon tour was very interesting for the 13 ex-students. Meeting upstairs in Grantleigh, they enjoyed some photo albums and Yearbooks (and a few champagnes), and a catch-up. Then the circuit of new and old - plenty of new buildings and facilities in just the last 10 years, including the super-impressive Savio Centre with LOTE, gym and kitchens, and the Oratory Space (dance studio) and Br Peter Dezani Training Centre, which together took over their old Savio Centre gym building where they had their graduation ceremony and concerts.

In the Boys' Town Building, they visited the art room, and the Bosco classrooms, saw the new Founders Link and the vastly revamped Savio Hub and Guzman science labs. Looking at all the changes they appreciated how old they were getting - especially when the answer to "Is so-and-so still teaching here?" was often "No, he/she retired..."

The old scholars agreed students today have it pretty good, with their own laptops, microwaves, plenty of shelter and modern classrooms with contemporary technology.

Thank you to Anthony Coster and Vanessa Hoddy for organising the visit, and hope they and the rest of the group have a ball in the evening.

Here are some photos from the afternoon, on our website gallery: .