
​2021 Relay For Life

We are very excited to bring to you the 2021 College and Vice Captains first initiative for 2021: Relay For Life!

In 2019, Dominic entered a team into Hobart’s Relay For Life, and have now made it a tradition that every two years Dominic will put forth a team, raising funds for cancer research. This is something we are very excited to get started in preparation for next year, especially with it being Dominic’s first big event since Coronavirus hit our nation and state, putting not only nationwide, but worldwide restrictions in place in order to keep individuals safe and the virus at bay. This event is a two-day, one-night relay held at the Domain on Saturday 20 to Sunday 21 March 2021.

For those of you who are not familiar about Relay For Life and its aim, it is a fundraiser for all those who have been touched by cancer in some way. Seeing that this issue is so close to so many people within our community, we want to fundraise as much money as we possibly can to put towards this worthy charity. Our team has only just recently been created, and we would love for as many people within our community to get involved! Students who would like to be a part of the event should go to the team website (linked below) and sign up as a team member which requires a $25 fee that goes towards our goal.

Parents, friends and other members of our community, we ask that you donate to and share our team! For 2021 we have a goal to raise $30,000 and we cannot achieve this without your generosity and help! Every dollar counts! This will be Dominic’s third time of entering a team in this event. Not only is this for a great cause, but it’s a great opportunity for our community to grow closer. We deeply thank anyone that donates, shares or becomes a part of our team! Let’s all help tackle this disease! Our team:

Justin Goodrick and Rachael Glidden - College Captains 2021