
Our first 7-10 assembly for 2016

7-10 students participated in their first 7-10 assembly of 2016 on Wednesday 17 February in the Savio Centre. Our assemblies are timetabled for Wednesdays, and will alternate between ones involving 7-10 students, Prep-6 students and the whole K-10 student body.

Ms Millikan congratulated the new Year 7s who had qualified for the SSATIS swimming carnival coming up and all the students who were now attending before school training.

Mr Swan and Guzman Mission Captain, Alicia Paice, spoke about Project Compassion, the good work it supports in developing countries and communities, and distributed Project Compassion donation boxes for each Home Room to use during Lent.

The College captains spoke of their pride and intentions for the students this year.

Year 10 student, Catherine Hunniford, received a special award, celebrating her photography used on the front cover of the 2015 College Yearbook, with Photography teacher, Mrs Jeffery, praising Catherine's ethic and art.

College Principal, Ms Gilligan, welcomed Year 7 students, wished Year 10 students the best in their final year, and had the entire Savio Centre, students and staff, closing their eyes and imagining breakfast, as a ead-in to her emphasis on five simple things students (and everyone) should do each day. Can you guess (or remember) what they are? Ms Gilligan promised to ask random students in the playground when she sees them, so you'd better write it down!

Mr Davey closed the assembly with an inspirational speech exhorting students to be limitless and persistent: to have a mindset open to success.

Well done, everyone!

You can see afew mor ephotos on our website photo gallery here: