
School and community partnerships

One of the domains of the National School Improvement Tool is School and Community Partnerships. These partnerships are vital for enriching learning and providing authentic learning experiences for our students.

The Year 10 VET Certificate I AgriFood Operations students went out week to do a one week work placement at various horticulture businesses around Hobart and outer Hobart regions.

It is a necessary component of the Certificate I course that students undertake a work placement to be assessed on their employability skills in the field or industry they are studying. This could not be achieved without the generous support of our community and business partners who willingly take on the training of these students for a week in their work places.

This year our students have placements at a wide variety of organisations. Some have been partnering with us to provide work placement opportunities for many years and some are new partners this year.

Mr Mark Nolan, VET Certificate I AgriFood Operations teacher has worked hard to build relationships with our partner organisations over the years that we have been offering this VET qualification. Our students could not achieve their Certificate without the opportunities to do work placement.

We would like to thank the following businesses for partnering with us this year:

Tibballs Nursery, Granton Plants, Westlands Nursery, Greenhill Nursery, Cherries Tasmania / Total Turf Care, Plenty Equestrian & Riding Centre, Annandale Dairy and Hermitage Farm

Thank you

Mrs Selina Kinne - 7-10 Coordinator of Applied Studies