
Talking Heads 2017

Senior Drama students have begun working on what is now is an established tradition in the College, TALKING HEADS. This performance project allows our students to attack one of the most demanding, but rewarding forms of theatre, the monologue.

Students are challenged to explore that basic theatrical equation: an actor and an audience. The Oratory Space is the canvas upon which they will present characters and share their dilemmas with minimal theatrical decoration.

The end result is always stimulating and entertaining. The only criteria in choosing material is that the pieces are drawn from published plays.

Performances will be in the Oratory Space on Monday 30 and Tuesday 31 October at 7pm. There is no entry fee, but tickets must be reserved on-line, or through the College Business Office.

Tickets are now available to book on .

Mr Mike O'Brien - Director of Creative Arts K-10