
Supporting students writing skills

K-6 Parent Literacy Workshop

‘Teaching how to write effectively is one of the most important life-long skills educators impart to their students.’ (Time4Writing) and on Wednesday evening a large number of parents joined the K-6 teachers to find out more about how they, too, can support their child’s writing.

The evening began with a short introduction and then participants broke into the small workshop groups they had selected from the ten on offer. Armed with a plastic pocket, people headed off to their assigned room to learn more about :

  • 5WH
  • Handwriting Development and Tips
  • Compound Sentences
  • How to Write a Good Paragraph
  • Simple Sentences
  • The NAPLAN Marking Guide for ‘Writing Explained’
  • The Stages of Writing
  • The Main Text Types that are required in K - 6
  • What is the Writing Process?
  • Why people write

Each session lasted 20 minutes and aimed to give parents a better understanding of how writing is being taught.

The evening further strengthened the link between learning that happens at home and learning that happens at school.

Presentations involved hands on experiences giving parents a taste of typical activities and strategies used in classrooms.

To wrap the session up parents were asked to share with a partner one of the strategies they most clearly remembered. We thank those parents who were able to come and look forward to welcoming more parents to the upcoming Numeracy Workshops early in Term 3.

Mrs Sue Cunningham - 3-6 Coordinator of Teaching & Learning