
Taiko Workshop magic

Twenty-four students of Japanese accepted the invitation to participate in a workshop with two professional taiko drummers visiting Tasmania from Japan Makoto Sekine and Morimitsu

Not only did the students have the opportunity to experience playing an authentic Japanese instrument, but they also learned about taiko playing technique, discipline and manners.

Taiko grand master, Makoto Sekine, demanded a high level of precision, and expected students to persist with mastering their new skills. From the initial greeting, stance, positioning, to calling out the kakegoe with gusto as it punctuated the playing – students were drilled with high expectations and built their skills in a short amount of time. The other taiko master, Morimitsu, moved around the room and assisted those who needed a little extra practice.

By the end of the 1 hour workshop, students were playing with precision and in unison. They learnt a short piece and performed it extremely well. Some video footage is available on our Facebook page and on Dominic Youtube:

Be sure to have a look and admire their accomplishments!

Following the workshop, students were treated to a short performance by Sekine and Morimitsu. The students sat in awe as the professionals showed them their brilliant skills.

Before heading home, Dominic taiko senpai, Daniel (who has participated in Dominiku Daiko since its inception 2 years ago), asked the grand master for his autograph. Upon hearing about Daniel’s passion and commitment to taiko drumming, Sekine autographed and presented Daniel with the bachi (drumsticks) that he had used in the concert the previous Friday. Daniel’s excitement and delight (photo above eright) at his new treasure was special!


The bus was abuzz on the way back to school. On their return, students sat in groups and reflected on their time at the workshop. Here are some of their comments:

Today we had lots of fun. Different culture’s music and entertainment is amazing. Being able to try out the taiko drums and be a part of a group for a while made us feel very privileged. Thank you for giving us this opportunity and opening our eyes to the Japanese culture – Justin Goodrick and Noah Oliver

The taiko was amazing. Watching the drumming on Friday was awesome, but it was even better when we got to play it for ourselves – Joshua Willson, Joel Ring and Samuel Judges

It was one of my best experiences ever – 10 out of 10! – Daniel Nguyen and Dione Oloroso

The workshop had a good amount of discipline, it was good to have teachers walking around correcting our posture and showing us how to beat the drums – Harry Breslin, Justin Nguyen, Jethro Plunkett and Dylan Kay

As a group we are grateful for the opportunity to be part of this workshop. It was AMAZING! – Ellie Mason, Aden Youhannes, Jax Broderick and Lillie-Mae Woolley

The workshop was fun and entertaining. It was hard work, but it was worth it! – Chloe Bone, Sarah O’Reilly, Lucy Richardson and Zoelle Lin

It was awesome! We loved it! It was great to be a part of such a cultural environment and see things that we have never seen before. It made us realise how lucky we are and how amazing it is to study such an interesting and diverse culture and language. Although it was a strict and demanding session, when we finally learnt the song at the end, it was worth it and we felt proud of ourselves – Sarah Fitzpatrick and Ella Fitzpatrick

Mrs Belinda Kumashiro - Japanese teacher