
Say It Loud 2018

On Tuesday 3 July Year 6 presented the end result of their Playbuilding Project for 2018, Say it Loud, to an appreciative audience of family and friends.

The starting point for this project was concept of a boat going on a journey.

Both classes developed their material from this stimulus. After sharing their ideas and scenarios, a process of selection and refining led to the creation of an over arching storyline.

In the next phase, dialogue and movement were work-shopped and refined to create a performance. Some of the themes explored included courage, strength, consequence, atonement and bravery.

After an intense final day of rehearsing, 3 July was our performance night.

6A’s piece was ‘In Fear of the Monster.’ In this play, island life is happy and peaceful. Everyone has a job to do. One day a stranger arrives to upset the balance. Can one person put things to right against a powerful negative force?

6B’s piece was ‘Not Here.’ This play premise starts with an action you made and then suddenly, you find yourself there. The place you don’t want to end up. Can you work out what went wrong in time to get home?

Every student who presented as part of their class ensemble should be proud of their hard work and commitment to the project. You can see more photos on our web gallery: Say It Loud.

Mrs Samantha Healy - Drama Teacher