
Uniform Review information

The Uniform Review process has been completed in Term 3 and families will be updated at the end of this term.

There were 442 parents who responded to the survey providing us with a wealth of data and excellent perspectives. Our Year 3-10 students completed the survey and there were 683 respondents. From our staff, 60 people lodged a survey. This was a very good, broad response and highlights a desire and commitment by all in our College community to have a quality uniform that meets contemporary needs.

Volunteers from the parent, old scholar and staff community met on five occasions to sift through data and aspirations, to talk through issues and look at the most economical and flexible ways the uniform could be improved with uniform designers.

Parents have been represented throughout the process with seven parents (including the P&F) on the Uniform Review Committee. An Open Parent Forum was held for all parents and included members of the P&F. The College Council, including parents, old scholars and ex-staff have also approved the process.

Previous news pieces and updates can be viewed here:

Uniform Review and Redesign Underway

Uniform Review and Redesign Project

Uniform Review Survey Update

Uniform Update

Uniform Update

There will be interim transitional arrangements for a lengthy period and the cost of the uniform will be very comparable. The specific transitional arrangements and time periods envisaged will be announced in the parent letter before the end of term.