
Spectacular Three Capes Track walk

Nothing is more pristine than Tasmanian wilderness in the winter time.

AE2A Adventure Recreation Class have spent this term learning how to navigate, read the weather, cook on camp stoves as well as how to survive in a wilderness setting. This all culminated in a wilderness experience of exploring Tasmania’s Tasman Peninsula, more specifically Shipsterns Bluff, Cape Raoul, Cape Pillar, Mt Fortescue and Cape Huay.

The students ran the camp from start to finish and walked over 25 kilometres in two days. Students rose to the challenge and constantly strived to help each other out. The ‘Gator Boys’ certainly proved themselves as true leaders as did everyone on the trip. All students should be extremely proud of their efforts.

You can see more photos on our website photogallery: .

Mr Josh Mackie - HPE teacher