
School banking - final day 15 December

Thank you for a great year of School Banking. We would like to thank all of our students who have participated in the CommBank School Banking program this year.

Our final School Banking day for 2017 will be 15 December 2017. If your child is eligible to order a reward item please ensure that the reward coupon is completed on/or before 8 December 2017. Any redemptions received after this date will beheld over until 2018. Please note, any tokens that have not been received this year can be carried over and used in 2018. Volunteers wanted…

If anybody has a spare hour or two on a Friday morning and would be interested in helping with the school banking in 2018, please contact the K-6 Office. Any assistance would be very much appreciated. Without volunteers the school banking scheme cannot go ahead. This is a great way of teaching our children the benefits of saving money and earning rewards along the way, whilst also earning commission for our school. This year É«ÇéÖ±²¥ received $1,134.03 in commission.

School Banking Team, Tash Barron, Michelle Nicolle, Karen Kelly and Michelle Gilligan