
Talking Heads - book your tickets here.

This annual feature of contemporary and classic monologues is presented in the Oratory Space Tuesday 18 August, Wednesday 19 August and 20 Thursday at 7pm.

Tickets are free, but you must book here: , as seating is strictly limited.

Our new performance space is the perfect venue for this production which relies upon minimal props and allows our performers to explore the basic dramatic equation: an actor, an empty space and the audience. Students thinking about Drama as an elective option for Year 8–10 are encouraged to come along and imagine what they could be doing in Talking Heads 2016.

Parents may also find it illuminating to come along and find out first-hand about the physical, intellectual and organisational demands that are required in order to make performing seem easy. There will be a range of pieces for you to enjoy, empathise with, be confronted and stimulated by.

Performers this year include: Madalyn Bolton, Jessica Duggan, Oscar Elliott, Hannah Fitzpatrick, Emily Foster, Haylee Fry, Jacob Golding, Shanae Immervoll, Eloise Kerstan, Breanne Knott, Allissa Manion, Meg Parkinson, Samson Ryan, Sarah Stansbie, Holly Swan and Nadia Twining.
Mr Mike O’Brien - K-10 Director of Creative Arts