
Bullying No Way!

Friday 15 March is the National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence and the theme for 2019 is Bullying. No Way!

Take Action Everyday

At our Year 7-10 Assembly on Wednesday, I was very proud of our Guzman Sports Captain Alyssa Mustchin who stood up and reminded students about what bullying is and the impacts of this on the victims of bullying.

I was also very impressed with the courage of our Savio Creative Arts Captain, Libby Baker who shared some personal testimonies about the impacts of bullying. Both girls spoke with confidence and clearly sent out the message to all present that bullying is definitely not ever okay!

In my address to students and staff, I focused on the importance of being an active bystander and telling someone about any bullying or mean on purpose behaviour that is taking place immediately.

It is a normal human reaction to want to help someone who we see being hurt.

I reminded everyone that it is not okay to stand and watch, to support the bully or do nothing and walk away.

Whilst sometimes there is a fear that if we get involved, the bully might turn on us, it is important that any matters where a student is being mean on purpose to another student is reported to a teacher, House or Pastoral Coordinator or to Ms Gilligan or myself. This can be done in person or via email.

Any reports will always be treated confidentially and will be acted upon by our staff.

As we know, social media is one of the worst platforms for online harassment and mean on purpose behaviour.

It is important for young people to tell their parents and teachers if this is happening so the matter can be addressed instantly to avoid any further hurt to the person on the receiving end. I reminded students that they should never worry if they are being labelled a dobber or someone who is disloyal.

By reporting bullying, violence, harassment and mean on purpose behaviour, they are being a true friend to their peers and in the words of St John Bosco, an active and honest citizen.

I reminded everyone that today is one day dedicated to think about the impacts of bullying and violence. At Dominic this is everyday, where everyone needs to support the victim and be an active bystander and tell someone if they see mean on purpose behaviour.

By being an active bystander, we are being a true friend, supporting the victim, and could potentially save someone’s life.

For further information about how parents can respond to reports of bullying or mean on purpose behaviour, please take a look at some of the resources provided on this website and continue to have conversations with your child about strategies to use if they ever are experiencing bullying or witness to such behaviour:

Mr Stephen Casni - Deputy Principal