
Final day of Term 4

The final day of Term 4, Friday 16 December, was an excellent day of celebration and fun.

Students were involved with administration in the morning, cleaning up classrooms, cleaning out lockers, readying to take home their Christmas craft and gifts, talking to teachers about their plans for the summer break, preparing for our Advent Mass and, for many, filling up water balloons for the big game of Flags for Year 5-9 students.

The whole College celebrated the coming of Christmas and the last day of school, in a beautiful Mass in the Savio Centre, made even more special with some beautiful singing by our talented vocalists, and carols from some of our senior band.

Our new leaders, inaugurated just yesterday, participated throughout, with prayers and readings, supporting Mr Swan, and Frs Peter and Nick.

You can see photos on our gallery: Advent Mass.

Following lunch, our giant House vs House Flags game was run on the oval, lower soccer fields, upper oval and upper soccer fields.

House leaders gathered the troops to work out strategy before each round, but once the students were let loose, in wonderful sunshine, the water balloons flew, and strategy went out the window!

It was a battle of small groups and fast manouevres, with teachers joining in at times. With the threat of water balloons running out, and the game tight, organisers, Mr Davey and Mr Golding made the radical decision to elevate the excitement with turning on the sprinklers.

Wet, wet, wet! You can see photos on our gallery: Final Day Flags