
Prep-Year 6 Assembly 20 February 2019

Prep–Year 6 held a wonderful assembly on Wednesday.

Ms Gilligan shared with the assembly a fantastic story about one of our Year 5 students, Lucy Schiebel, who demonstrated great citizenship and honesty in our community and is a great role model of the College. She was presented with a Principal’s Award certificate .

During the assembly, we focused on how we can help meet the needs of other people in our lives, and continuing to make our College a great place to be.

Our first round of certificates were presented to students as a way of acknowledging the great effort they are making. ‘Bucket Filler’ awards were presented to students who are filling the buckets of other students and those in our community. ‘We are Learner’ awards were also presented to students demonstrating

the expectation of learning effectively at the College. Congratulations to all students who received awards this week.

You can see more photos on our gallery: Prep-Year 6 assembly.

Our next Prep –Year 6 assembly will be held on Wednesday 6 March 2019. Families are warmly invited to attend. Our Kinder students will be joining in with our assemblies a little later in the term.

Mrs Allison Lowe - Co-coordinator of Pastoral Care K-6