
Year 7-9 Subject choices

The Subject Handbook is available on the web site for viewing and downloading now. Please read the introductory pages to assist with understanding the process for choosing electives.

You can go to the link here: .

Web Preferences Manager will be open at 7.30pm Thursday and will be closed at 11pm on Thursday 1 September. Students receive an email 25 August with instructions including a personal code and password for accessing the web preferences manager. Students must not share this code with anyone as this is their personal code to their choices.

You need access to the internet and a printer to complete your web preferences. If you do not have access at home then students can come to the library with their laptops at lunch time. When their preferences are complete please print 2 copies of the preferences receipt, one for your records and one to be signed by the student and parent(s).

Return the signed form to the Pastoral Teacher no later than Thursday 1 September.

You can see photos from the evening here: .

Mrs Ganga Fraser - 7-10 Teaching and Learning Coordinator