
Thanks Year 5 for a very nice time!

Thanks Year 5 students and all the staff for a great Year 5 camp. And special thanks to Fr Peter, who went all that way for our lovely liturgy, and managed to get lost on the way! Year 5 superstar teachers wrote in this week's newsletter about the camp.

On their recent camp to the Far South, Year 5 discovered that spending time in a new environment, away from the familiar surrounds of home, can be both challenging and immensely rewarding.

During their three days together, Year 5 enjoyed time with familiar friends, developed new friendships, conquered homesickness, took part in exciting activities and learned a lot about their inner strengths and resources.

The theme of the camp was ‘Let your Light Shine’ and there were countless moments where students let their kindness and generosity - their light- shine upon those around them.

Fr Peter Rankin SDB and Br Michael Morrow SDB joined the students on Day 2 to celebrate Mass and reflect on how we can choose to let our light shine in our day-to-day lives.

Each student lit a candle and placed it before the altar in a quiet and reverent reflection.

The thermal springs pool at Hastings proved a huge hit and some determined team-work in the water resulted in a wonderful whirlpool!

Our guided tour of Newdegate Cave afterwards was awe-inspiring and prompted many probing questions of the guide and lively discussions among the students.

A highlight of the stay at Far South Wilderness Lodge was receiving fishing lessons from Fishcare Tasmania. Alongside a session about ethical fishing was a hands-on fishing experience on the pier.

There were many smiles and a lot of excitement as fish were caught… and promptly returned safely to the water.

Year 5 have been empowered by their experiences on camp to recognise that everyone has inner resources they can draw upon and also share with others. Year 5 can let their light shine!
Mrs Allie Lowe, Mrs Dora Swan & Ms Beth Graham - Year 5 Teachers

You can see more photos on our website:gallery: . (We are sorry if the loading is slow, with the current Basslink issues for downloads).