
Christmas Eve service in the Chapel and the old scholars supper

Old scholars, St John’s parishioners and friends of the College began arriving early in time for carols at 9.30pm in our chapel, lead by Tony Gregs, Vin Howe and Ann Loring with the great choir, as we have come to expect. Again, a number of old scholars and their families made the annual trek to Dominic to attend, especially in memory of Br Peter Dezani, the erstwhile Salesian Brother to whom DOSA is indebted for his vision in consolidating the old scholars as a group.

Mass began at 10pm with Frs. Frank Bertagnolli and Nick Castelyns concelebrating while the esteemed Mr Jackie Alsopp assisted. The singing was fulsome with around 90 in the congregation. The collection was taken up for the Br Peter Dezani scholarship fund.

After Mass, there was a great turnout upstairs in ‘Grantleigh’ where the usual annual catchups occurred - especially with those who return home each year and also to farewell Fr Frank who leaves us early January to take up a position in Victoria.

Tony Webb and Di Byrne, on behalf of DOSA, presented Fr Frank with a marvelous Harris Tweed French style cap, an item he is often seen wearing, as a token of our affection for him and in recognition of his dedication and commitment to the whole College community and especially for his enthusiasm, loyalty and wonderful support of DOSA over the last six years.

You can see more photos on our website photo gallery:

Certainly everyone was in good spirits as the night ended and we prepared to celebrate Christmas Day.
Tony Webb, Dominic Old Scholars Association Committee Chairman