
More work experience stories

Last week’s newsletter portrayed some of the work experience for Year 10 students which covered such a variety of occupations. Here are some more!

We are very grateful to the businesses and individuals who helped our students. You can see these and more photos on our gallery: Work Experience.

VET AgriFoods students undertook a work placement which required them to demonstrate work related skills in the work place for the week. They were also required to complete a Work Placement Diary and Log Book which includes an assessment by their supervisor for the work placement.

Charles Holmes & Connor Riza
Charles and Connor were at MONA for their VET Work Placement. They were given a range of jobs such as landscaping, brushing cutting, laying turf, laying out a path and cleaning and organising the equipment shed. It was challenging working outside in the cold all day everyday but they enjoyed the work.

Jack Gordon
Jack was at New Norfolk Golf Course for his VET Work Placement. He did a range of jobs such as landscaping, cleaning and moving the tees, putting in new holes in the greens and general repair and mowing of the golf course. He found the vehicles the groundsman use a great way to get around the course.

Dmitri Bean & Joshua Phillips
Dmitri and Joshua were at a berry orchard in the Huon called ‘Something from the ground’. They had a wide variety of jobs such as landscaping, preparing berry plates for planting, propagating plants, preparing the ground for a concrete path for the berry pickers, pruning berry bushes and general maintenance of the orchard. They hope to return to do some holiday work in the future.

Seth Day
Seth was at Weston Farm in Brighton for his VET Work Placement. He worked very hard doing tasks such as planting spanish cabbages and lettuces, pruning olive trees, feeding the farm animals and general maintenance of the farm. It was back breaking work at times but he was sheltered from the cold in the specially covered plots.

This is a vital competency required to complete along with the units they have undertaken in the course to achieve a Certificate I in AgriFoods Operations. Students generally take this subject in Year 9 & 10 and are able to gain their full certificate at school as part of the VET in Schools program. They can then go on to further VET study in Horticulture and take on apprenticeships in the Horticulture industry.

Mrs Selina Kinne - Director of Teaching & Learning K-10