
Delicious muffins from Year 8

One of the major assessment tasks undertaken by Year 8 Home Economics students is a design practical activity whereby students have to design, prepare and present an original savoury muffin recipe which incorporates a vegetable of some kind.

Students are given a set amount of ‘base’ ingredients – SR flour, butter and milk and then set about researching what vegetable they might like to use and some accompanying flavour ingredients (herbs, cheeses, spices, meats, for example) that might suit that vegetable. Finally they have to work out what quantities of the extra ingredients will work and how the ingredients need to be prepared, to achieve the results they are looking to achieve. The final stage is for students to name their muffin and type up the recipe using the format we follow in Home Economics. The completion of an ingredient order form, time plan and final evaluation complete the paper work required.

On the day of presentation, students prepare a batch of their muffins, select one to submit for tasting and then teachers are invited to come along and sample muffins with a view to evaluating the success of the muffin and providing instructive comments for students to use in the written evaluation.

The assessment is always a popular one with both students and staff. Students enjoy the challenge of selecting interesting flavouring ingredients to make the vegetable work in the muffin. This year some interesting results included Tom Atkinson’s ‘Vegemite muffin’ with carrot, pepperoni and vegemite, Renee Eiszele’s ‘Mashed up’ with pumpkin and sweet potato, Libby Baker’s ‘Zucheezot Muffin’ featuring zucchini, carrot and cheese and Mitchell Zielinski’s ‘Put me on Masterchef’ with chillies, ham and cheese.

Here are four recipes from our students I can personally recommend as delicious, for you to try at home: .

Mrs Roslyn Hawkins - Applied Studies Teacher