
Dominican Saints Feast Day Mass

Wednesday 31 July was our Dominican Feast Day where we celebrated the lives and great contributions of our Dominican patron saints Dominic Guzman and Catherine of Siena.

We entered this celebration knowing that we are part of a community that is based on love, friendship and unity in Jesus Christ.

We were blessed to have our College Rector Fr Peter SDB lead us in the Eucharistic Celebration, as well as Fr Bernie Graham SDB, Vice Provincial for the Salesians, Fr Damien SDB and Fr Guy Riolo SDB, Parish Priest from St John’s.

We gave thanks for members of the Dominican Family, especially two special Dominican Sisters, Sr Pamela and Sr Mary, for their commitment and example of service to God and young people.

Ms Gilligan presented both sisters with a gift in recognition of their work.

A highlight of the mass was the live musical performances provided by some of the Year 9/10 music students, supported by Mrs Denholm. Thank you to our musicians and singers Ella and Sarah Fitzpatrick, Sarah Wright, Thomas Atkinson, Levi Kent, James Lane MacDonald and Campbell Whelan.

You can see photos from the Mass on our gallery: Dominican Feast Day Mass.

The feast of St Mary MacKillop is next Thursday 8 August. She is Australia’s first saint and a woman of true faith and an inspiration to all teachers.

Saint Mary of the Cross MacKillop Prayer

Ever generous God,
You inspired Saint Mary MacKillop
To live her life faithful to the Gospel of Jesus Christ
and constant in bringing hope and encouragement
to those who were disheartened, lonely or needy.
With confidence in your generous providence
and through the intercession of Saint Mary MacKillop
We ask that our faith and hope be fired afresh by the Holy Spirit
so that we too, like Mary MacKillop, may live with courage, trust and openness.
Ever generous God hear our prayer.
We ask this through Jesus Christ.

Mrs Alicia McMahon - Director of Faith & Mission K-10