
OzBosco 2016

Six years in a row and OzBosco continues to amaze me.

Every year over 200 young people gather together to celebrate the life of Saint John Bosco and the legacy he left for us. In an atmosphere alive with music, dancing, games, passion, love and joy it is easy to see Don Bosco living in each and every one of us at OzBosco.

Our weekend consisted of the four Fs of Friends, Faith, Food, Fun with the focus on adventure. Friendships were made throughout the entire weekend within the Tassie group and with Salesians from around Australia and New Zealand.

Faith was experienced through music by Sr Rochelle, stories by guest speaker Fr Charles, a powerful prayer and faith testimony by guest speaker Matt Humphries and through Mass on Sunday. The food over the weekend was amazing, too!

I can say on behalf of everyone we experienced fun throughout the entire weekend. The workshop, the music, the dancing, the activities, the warm ups and of course the Sydney Harbour cruise where all participants were dressed as pirates and enjoyed a night of dancing, live music, a majestic view and being in each other’s company.

Tasmania had the largest contingent at OzBosco this year with 35 participants which is a considerable growth from my first OzBosco in 2011 with only 6 students attending. I am proud to be a part of the Salesian Youth Movement here in Tasmania which is gathering momentum through the joy and enthusiasm of the students.

OzBosco is my home, Salesians are my family.
Miss Lisa McConnon - Salesian Youth Mentor

You can see more photos on our gallery: .