

TALKING HEADS is an ongoing performance project for our Year 9/10 Drama students. In spite of COVID-19 restrictions preventing us from performing for parents, friends, and the wider school community, we are able to present the project for student audiences.

On 10 and 11 September, selected classes from electives in Years 9 and 10 will comprise the audience for TALKING HEADS, 2020. This will be the ninth year the project has been presented.

This year, the pieces range from classics, with IIar Flynn and Jackie Van Lierop tackling A Midsummer Night’s Dream, to contemporary writing. Camden Clark’s piece is by South African playwright, Athol Fugard whilst Bianca Russell is presenting a piece by Lily Tomlin. Tyler Duggan will perform a piece by Irish writer, Mary O’Malley. Other material is drawn from Dickens and Australian writers such as Craig Silvey. Nathan Causby will be doing David Sedaris’ comic gem, The Santa Land Diaries. In an added theatrical dimension and a first in the Oratory Space, the production will be staged in-the-round.

Although the inability to present our Creative Arts Festival at the Salamanca Arts Centre this year has been disappointing for our students, work continues in the Performing Arts. Lunchtime concerts have been given by the Stage Band and the Rock Band, Dance pieces have been filmed and Year 9/10 Drama students will be presenting a production of THE ELEPHANT MAN in the final week of term. Not to be outdone our remaining 9/10 Drama class will be presenting HATING ALISON ASHLEY for students in Year 5 -7 early next term.