
Feast Day, a great day for all!

Feast Day was a wonderful day of celebrating our Salesian heritage.

On Wednesday 3 May, our College community celebrated our Feast Day honoring two Salesian saints, Don Bosco & Dominic Savio. This day always creates an air of reflection, excitement and joyous participation.

Thank you to our volunteer staff and parents, under the skilled management of Mr Golding, who together prepared 1100 personalised salad rolls for everyone’s lunch.

The day commenced with buddy activities for the K-6 students and a very competitive quiz competition amongst the 7-10 students.

In the morning the K-6 students enjoyed buddy activities which were a great chance for students in different age groups to work together on a task set by their teachers which highlighted an aspect of our Salesian Saints, especially playing together.

Our 7-10 students participated in a Quiz prepared by the Academic Captains. The questions were divided into categories and after each set of questions, a runner from each group would run down the answers to the Quiz Headquarters at the 7-10 Office where the Academic Captains marked their answers. We look forward to the announcement of the winning House at our 7-10 Assembly next Wednesday.

Thanks to our Academic Captains, Lauren Banks, Stacey Mtandwa, Megan Brennan and Annalise Ball, under the leadership of Mrs Fraser who created a fun and engaging quiz using the PA system to play music so groups had to guess the song and many more.

We celebrated the lives and contributions of our patron saints Don Bosco and Dominic Savio at Mass. We recognised the great work of our patrons in bringing people together and being united as a community. Fr Nick Castelyn SBD spoke about the importance of always having the song of love and compassion in your heart, just as Don Bosco and Dominic Savio did.

Bosco and Savio captains from K-6 and 7-10 led the whole community in prayer and readings from scripture.

The College Choir led the gathering in songs of praise and worship. Then near the very conclusion of the Mass, the SYDC Ensemble sang the song they performed at OzBosco, and this received spontaneous, enthusiastic and universal applause.

After the Mass, College Vice Captain Julia Narracott, a member of this ensemble, said ‘that was the greatest experience of my whole time at school’. I believe that many people also felt the presence of Don Bosco and Dominic Savio in our celebration of being a part of the Salesian Family.

On a beaustiful Wednesday afternoon we held our annual Dominic Cup on our Feast Day, which saw Savio House take out the trophy. Students and staff participated in a variety of fun novelty events and activities. Points were awarded at each station, with the final results in the 7-10 Cup as follows:

1st Savio – 320 points
2nd Siena – 280 points
3rd Guzman – 268 points
4th Bosco – 260 points

Savio achieved a great double with the 3-6 Cup as well!

Thank you to students and staff for their efforts and participation – a great afternoon was had by all!

You can find more photos on our website from the Dominic Feast Day in the various photo galleries.

Mrs Janine O'Hea, Mrs Selina Kinne, Mr Tim Swan and Ms Kiera Farr