
Fr Peter Rankin SDB, our new Rector.

Dear Friends

Beginnings. Beginnings. A new school year is underway. Hopefully we all feel refreshed for the year ahead. I am delighted to be here at É«ÇéÖ±²¥ and part of the College team.

Over the holidays I moved here from Sydney where I was a priest working in a large Salesian parish. What beautiful facilities we have here at É«ÇéÖ±²¥! What natural beauty, too! For a newcomer to Hobart I relish looking at Mt Wellington with all its different facets and varying visibility.

In my role as Rector of the College I see myself very much part of a team. My position immediately puts me in the College Leadership structure (CLT). I intend being a strong pastoral presence within the place. I want to support staff, students and their families in happy moments and sad moments.

I will preside at Mass and other liturgical celebrations. I will be visibly present around the place before and after school as well as during school hours. I have been given a lovely office but I don’t want to spend too much time there. I would prefer to be mixing with staff and students and witnessing the core value of presence. I hope to be invited to classrooms to help with RE classes as a resource person.

Schools are places of learning and growth. No matter what age or stage we are in life there is ample opportunity for learning. I very much see myself as on learning curve in this new environment and will be constantly tapping on people’s shoulders for assistance especially in these first few months.

A new year gives us opportunities for new experiences and renewed energy. I am very much looking forward to being a part of the action here. Blessings for a fruitful year everyone.
Fr Peter Rankin SDB, College Rector