
Year 5 at Port Arthur

On Wednesday 22 May, Year 5 visited Port Arthur as part of their history unit entitled Convicts: Victims or Villains?

We enjoyed wonderfully sunny conditions as we participated in an educational tour of Point Puer, a cruise on the harbour and an afternoon spent searching for historical clues as part of an Amazing Race competition. Here are some of the students’ favourite recollections:

When we were on the cruise on our way to Point Puer we learnt about different convicts. At Point Puer, we got to see where the different buildings were and where the boys lived and worked. It was interesting to see where they boys used to hide underneath the cliffs. Samantha Clay 5A

I liked The Amazing Race because it was really interesting and we were always involved, running all over Port Arthur. Can you believe the hospital used to have 80 beds? When we went into the dark rooms in the Separate Prison, they were eerie and really quiet.Cooper Laycock 5A

I liked going on the boat around the harbour at Port Arthur because it was fun. We saw a seal, the Isle of the Dead and lots of trees. It was exciting going into the solitary cell in the Separate Prison. It was dark and quiet. I wouldn’t have liked to have spent time in there by myself. Courtenay Triffitt 5A

It was a new experience for me, I was amazed at how they managed to build what was there, getting the stone and all that was needed. I thought about how the guards would keep all the convicts in order. The Amazing Race was cool because we got to see around the place as well as learn things too. Laura O’Reilly 5B

I was surprised at how hard a convict’s life would have been. The Amazing Race we did was really good and a great learning experience. I loved going on the boat to Point Puer and I hope next year’s Year 5 will enjoy it as much as we did. Poppy Lincoln 5B

It was interesting to learn about how many convicts got into fights and became injured and looking at the hospital building, trying to imagine it back then. The beds looked very small! Overall, I really enjoyed the day. It was fun to do the Amazing Race with my friends. Mingus Breslin 5B

You can see more photos on our gallery:Year 5 Port Arthur

Ms Michelle O’Grady & Ms Barbara Moulton - Year 5 teachers