
Ursula Harris, WEG Ambassador

As part of my role as Ambassador to the World Education Games 2015, I went to Sydney for a 2-day briefing with my teacher, Mrs Barbara Moulton, and my Mum.

This briefing included Media Training with Media Gurus, a presentation from the Microsoft Education Team, an overview of the UNICEF partnership, and a tour of 3P Learning’s Australian development hubs. I also had the opportunity to meet the other Ambassadors for Australia.

As a WEG Ambassador I will be actively promoting the World Education Games and raising funds for UNICEF’s School in a Box Program. Look out for the upcoming fundraising events when we return early in Term 4.

Over the course of our school holidays, from 1st October 2015, every student with a Mathletics login will also be able to access Spellodrome and IntoScience programs, using their existing Mathletics login details. These new programs will be free to access during the entire month of October - so get online and check them out at school and at home too!

Remember, the World Education Games are on 13 to 15 October 2015. If you want to earn points, win prizes, and be part of the global challenge, log-in during the three days of the Games and answer as many questions correctly as you can. Every correctly answered question earns ‘points’ which 3P Learning convert to dollars for UNICEF – and all you have to do is participate.

Here is a poster for you or your classroom: or

If you want to know more about the WEG, please ask me, or check out the website: Ursula Harris, Year 6 student and WEG Ambassador