
Robotic Club end-of-year wrap

We held our last Robotics Club meeting for 2018 after school last Friday afternoon 7 December.

We always finish off with a party where everyone brings some party food to share and Mrs Kinne supplies the drinks.

We really enjoyed trying all the different types of food that people brought. One of our members brought fortune cookies so we had a great time reading them out to each other!

This year we developed Sumo robots and then some students made their own creations. Ben Cooper made a back massager with the robot wheels creating an effective massage. Taylah and Sophia designed a great little Sumo robot that was quite successful in our in-house Sumo Robot competitions.

Jordan Harrison created many iterations of a drifting robot to achieve the perfect design. Harry Johnston spent many weeks designing a robot to lift and carry with his latest development being to add lights. A few students spent the last few weeks trying some different coding using microbits.

Robotics Clubs gives students the opportunity to design programs that can make robots or other devices do what you want it to do. It is an empowering process to see your idea actually work!

Robotics Club will continue next year for Year 5 upwards and will continue to be held in S1. The Year 6 class will kindly make way for us each Friday afternoon to allow us to use this space.

Mrs Kinne will let students and their parents know when Robotics Club is starting next year.

We are looking forward to having Br Barry Parker SDB, a new member of the Glenorchy Salesian community coming next year. He has had some experience running a robotics club at his current school in Victoria.

We are always happy to have parent help as well. If you are free to help out on Friday afternoons please contact Mrs Kinne. No experience required, just a love of lego building is all that is needed.

Merry Christmas from the DC Robotics Club.

Mrs Selina Kinne - Robotics Club