
Year 5 Port Arthur visit

This term, Year 5 are investigating the nature of convict presence in Australia in the past. We have been using a variety of sources to gather information about the convicts’ experiences, including video re-enactments, copies of original documents and a range of websites.

In history studies, primary sources (direct or firsthand evidence about an event, object or person) are highly valued. Hence our visit to Port Arthur, an amazing site providing a vast range of rich primary source information.

Year 5 were able to undertake a guided tour at the Port Arthur site. We explored the iconic Penitentiary building and Separate Prison, whilst hearing intriguing accounts of what life was like for the convicts. The students also sketched buildings of importance and took a boat cruise to the Isle of the Dead and Point Puer, a boy’s reformatory.

An absorbing activity then followed: each student received a playing card identifying a particular convict, and it was up to them to discover the convict’s identity and investigate how he would have lived.

The day concluded with The Amazing Race, where groups of students raced to different buildings around Port Arthur and competed to answer quiz questions about each site. Much fun, discussion, collaboration and learning ensued.

Many students have vowed they’ll return to Port Arthur with friends and family in order to explore the fascinating historical site in even more depth.

Here are some reflections from our students:

I enjoyed the guided tour led by James because I learnt interesting facts about the Penitentiary and the convicts’ lives. Kenita Aitken 5B

My favourite part was exploring the Separate Prison. I thought the Chapel was quite interesting. The prisoners had to be silent. Sarah O’Reilly 5A

I liked the boat cruise best because we could just sit out on the deck and look at the water. We sailed past Point Puer and Death Island. Lachlan Majchrzak 5B

I enjoyed finding out information about the convicts we got on the convict cards. My convict was transported for theft. Justin Nguyen 5A

Mrs Dora Swan, Mrs Ali Lowe & Ms Beth Graham - Year 5 Teachers