
Year 9 retreat

On Tuesday 11 June we held our Year 9 Retreat at the Lindisfarne Rowing Club. Students were invited to enter into a special time of reflection where they could begin to understand more about the power of forgiveness and reconciliation, and the need for healing in our own hearts.

There was a strong focus on the need to see when and where to forgive others, the need to be forgiven and to allow the Holy Spirit to work through us towards reconciliation and reconnecting with God.

Students interacted in small groups and individual reflections activities during the Retreat. All of the activities were designed to build on their studies of understanding Reconciliation as part of the Year 9 Religious Education curriculum.

Thank you once again to Ms Kim Tedford for her organisation and facilitation of the retreat, to Mrs Margaret Rootes for being a wonderful and powerful guest speaker on the day and to Fr Peter for leading the liturgy at the end of the day.

You can see more photos on our website gallery: Year 9 Retreat.

Mrs Alicia McMahon - Director of Faith & Mission K-10