
Congratulations SRC leaders

Twenty students received their SRC Leader badges today in the K-10 whole school assembly.

Four students from Years 4, and 5 are elected to represent their peers on the Student Representative Council, joining the Year 6 captains and Vice-captains. In Years 7 – 9 four students from each year level are selected by their peers to be their representatives on the Student Representative Council, joining Year 10 leaders. This Council is chaired by both Year 10 College Captains and Vice-Captains. This student council provides students with a voice and body to have their ideas and concerns heard.

Fr Lawrie Moate SDB, stood in for Fr Peter, and blessed the student leadership badges, which were presented by College Principal Beth Gilligan to each of the recipients.

All students were warmly congratulated, and Ms Gilligan reiterated the importance of student voices and student representation at the College.

Congratulations to all these leaders. You can view photos on our website photo gallery: .