
Year 9/10 Creative Writing elective

Creative Writing gives students an opportunity to flex their writing muscles, explore different techniques and embrace the joy of creating art with words.

Students also explore and pull apart the workings of existing writers’ pieces, to further understand their process and style. To start the year, the Creative Writing class has been focusing on writing with a personal voice.

Personal writing explores memories and viewpoints. From writing a childhood anecdote to expressing an opinion, students have been building writing skills to engage their intended audience.

How can a writer present these ideas and moments in an interesting yet accessible way? A recent task was to make the important decision about ‘Tim Tams versus Oreos – which is better?’

Students were each given a blank piece of paper on which was placed an Oreo and a Tim Tam.

Their first challenge – other than not to eat it – was to write on the paper words and phrases to describe the physical appearance of each biscuit.

Next, the biscuits were broken and examined for structure and texture. Once this was completed, students engaged in the smell test. When this torturous step was completed, they were finally able to conduct a flavour sampling.

Once the biscuits had been thoroughly examined, the students began to plan and draft their informal essays that will focus on which one was better. Which would you choose? Don’t be afraid to sample a few to make sure your opinion is valid.

Mrs Samantha Healy - Creative Writing Teacher