
Year 7 Camp March 2019

On Monday 18 March, Bosco and Guzman Houses headed down to Fortescue Bay for our Year 7 camp. We were looking forward to some amazing experiences such as a four-hour hike, surfing, rafting, studying the tessellated pavement evironment, aboriginal activities and orienteering.

On Tuesday we went to Eaglehawk Neck and it was a bit chilly but otherwise a nice day. I couldn’t wait to get into the water as the beach is my second home! The waves were pretty good and I have to say Guzman was really good at surfing. After surfing we visited the tessellated pavements which was absolutely amazing as in every little crack there was so much life. We just couldn’t believe it and I really recommend going there as it is just so beautiful.

When we got back we had an amazing lunch and we then headed to the beach again to do some rafting which I was pretty excited about. On the beach we played some games which was good as I learnt more about different people who I didn’t know very well. Then half of us headed off to build a raft which was really hard but my group ended up getting five people on a raft which we were pretty happy about.

After that we went down to the other side of the beach where we split into three different groups and did different challenges on real rafts. My group wasn’t the best at rafting but we still had heaps of fun. Overall my favourite part was definitely the surfing as I stood up most of the time and I got to be in the water for a while. Thank you to all the amazing staff who organised this outstanding trip.

Brianna Gadd - Year 7 Guzman student

Year 7 camp was a really enjoyable experience. We went for three days and overlapped on Wednesday with the other group.

The first activity we did was orienteering. This was a blast and I really enjoyed it. We picked a partner and then we were given a map and directions to follow on the compass. When you had followed the directions you would end up in a spot where there would be a red clip that had little spikes on it, which you imprinted into the piece of paper you had. There was a certain order they had to be in and my group only got four correct, but it was great fun.

On Wednesday at eight in the morning Bosco House set off on the 4-hour hike. This group was the only group to fully complete the walk. The walk was very tiring but the view was definitely worth it.

We were all very tired when we got back but were all very excited because we got to get lunch first, which was sausages and bread. We were also very excited for the fact we got to see all our friends from Siena and Savio.

A very big thank you to Miss Shaw, Mr Hyatt, Mrs Davey and all the other teachers who helped out on our Year 7 camp.

Jessica Appleby - Year 7 Bosco student

You can see more photos on our two galleries: Camp 1 and Camp 2