
Prep Twilight Night

In our Term 3 Science unit, Weather in our World, Prep is exploring how daily and seasonal changes in our environment affect everyday life.

Through guided investigations, the students are engaging in observing events, asking questions and describing changes about the weather and how it affects us.

To complement these lessons, the students recently participated in Twilight Night and remained at school until 6pm to observe day turn into night.

After changing into their pyjamas, dressing gowns and slippers, the students moved to MMK with Mr Golding to create a scrumptious pizza dinner.

The students also recorded three observations outside throughout the evening: they were particularly intrigued by the gradual setting of the sun and the darkening of the sky.

Here are some of students’ favourite moments:

I loved walking around with our torches in the dark because we got to see a rabbit. Henry Burne

I liked watching the sun go down behind the mountain and the light started to turn to night and got darker. Lochie Shultz

I learnt that the stars come out at night and that the moon is miles away. Chelsea Schiebel

I learnt that day changes to night and we have to use torches for light instead. Elsie Joyce

I learnt that when the sun went down, I got goose bumps so I had to put pyjamas on. Noah Kingman

I learnt that when it got later, the light turned to dark. Gelila Mekonen

I liked making the placemats because we used them in our Twilight Restaurant when we ate pizza. Parker Berry

I really liked making the pizza at MMK because you could choose what you wanted to put on top. Brooke Thomas

Ms Beth Graham & Miss Jayde Bailey-McSherry - Prep Teachers