
Gone in five seconds

As part of the lead in activities to competing in MyState each year, the Media class worked on a number of short film projects.
Our first this year was our very successful 5-second film pieces. Yes, that's right, a whole film in 5 seconds, complete with character, action and setting!
Sounds challenging? Yes, but it's also a great way of learning the essentials of filmmaking, rapidly.
First we looked at a number of short, short films and utilised the 5-second film website. This is a group of people who create a 5-second film every day and post it online. It helps the students understand the importance of narrative regarding film. You can have the best effects in the world, but if your storyline doesn't work, you lose your audience.
Want to watch them? Go to our compilation here: but hurry. before they're gone...

Our next Media project was the 30 second filmed commercial. We are nearing the end as I write this article and the Media classroom has been busy with storyboarding, planning out production, filming and editing.
Stay tuned for our next big work, MyState Student Film Festival.

Mrs Jo Jeffery
Media Studies Teacher