
K-6 assembly 29 May 2019

Last Wednesday, 29 May, our Kinder–Year 6 students enjoyed an assembly with some amazing class performances.

Our Year 1 students sang their Japanese song about being in Year 1 – ‘Ichinensei’, Year 1A performed the hilarious story ‘Piranha’s Don’t Eat Bananas’ as they focused on expressive reading and Year 2A have been investigating water and shared their findings and some poetry with us.

A huge highlight of the assembly was the Library’s sharing of the National Simultaneous Story Time book ‘Alpacas with Maracas’. It began with Mrs Webb sharing some footage of our school alpacas reading in the Library which everyone found hilarious.

The story was acted out in an amazing manner by Cameron Moase (Year 4) and Sally Quinn (Year 5). Five of our Year 3 students were also recognized for their participation in the University of Tasmania Brainways Holiday program which was conducted during the Term 1 break.

This term a certificate to celebrate our expectation of ‘Being Responsible’ was introduced and presented alongside the certificates for ‘Being a Learner’ and ‘Being a Bucket Filler.’ Our Kinder students continue to focus on ‘Being Bucket Fillers’ throughout the year. Congratulations to the following students who received certificates:

Kinder Bucket Filler Awards

Kinder A: Remi Sheridan, Jasper Howlett, Blake Terry

Kinder B: Molly Rayner, James Cooley, Violet Driver

Kinder C: Amber Jones, Robbie Jones, Sofia Campbell

Year 3-6 Awards - Bucket Fillers, We are Learners, We are Responsible

Prep A Jameson King Elliot McGee Charlotte Shivas

Prep B Crystal Colgrave Amelia Garth April McKellar

Year 1A Alka Sivananthakumar Xavier Smith Ollie Pfitzner

Year 1B Tyler Woodbridge Lily O’Brien Sienna Schofield

Year 2A Samuel Lukman Hayley Bukowiecki Molly Doran

Year 2B Ella Sibley Matthew Atkin Samuel Smith

Year 3A Georgia Kelly Hoin Kim Sophie Hall

Year 3B Aylah Harrax Halle Heggie Eva Ling

Year 4A Janelle Vizcarra Ekam Sandhu Ronin Adams

Year 4B Ruby Direen Callum Kelly Charli McKinlay-Geeves

Year 5A Sophie Ransley Jemma Reid Courtney Triffitt

Year 5B Chloee Gadd Sally Quinn Ella Hamilton

Year 6A Ethan Lane Jayden Reid Lucas Pyke

Year 6B Charlie Carr Anisha Thapa Caitlin Stevanovich

Year 6C Madelyn Langridge Maddison Scott Elina Korenstra

You can see more photos onour gallery: /galleries/k-6-assembly-29-may.

Mrs Allison Lowe - Co-coordinator of Pastoral Care K-6