
Senior Drama performances coming soon

THE GOOD DOCTOR Senior Drama Production

Tuesday August 15 and Wednesday August 16 7pm The Oratory Space Bookings

Tickets are free but must be booked through Trybooking here:

A combination of Neil Simon and Chekhov, The Good Doctor, is a comedy that is by turns, charming, hilarious, sad, and touching. It centres around a writer, who speaks to the audience and shares his writing with them, throughout one day. He presents them with a variety of scenes: some from his childhood, others about his family and friends, and still others are his own life experiences. The audience meets a variety of characters, all of whom are immediately relatable and strikingly human. The stories are droll, the portraits affectionate, the humour infectious and the fun unending.

A cast of 37 Year 9-10 Drama students will be sharing the roles. It is a true ensemble production with each performances presenting different combinations of performers on show.