
Canberra crusade

Year 6 enjoyed a great educational experience on their trip to Canberra, where their thirst for knowledge was quenched and their appetites for learning whetted, each day.

Highlights included a moving Last Post at the Australian War Memorial with wreath-laying by our K-6 Captains and a wonderful day of hands-on discovery at Questacon.

Students visited Parliament House, The Mint, The National Art Gallery, The High Court, The Australian Institute of Sport, the national embassies precinct, Mt Ainslie and Lake Burley Griffin.

The whole group cooperated well and were praised by our hosts and other visitors. We reflected together on the enjoyable aspects each morning and evening, enjoyed all the comments on our blog, and appreciate all the hard work the staff and families have put into making the trip a smooth one.

You can see photos from our blog on our gallery here: or visit the blog itself here: .